108 resultados para visuell kultur
The voluntary associations dealt with in this dissertation were ethnic clubs and societies promoting the interests of German immigrants in Finland and Sweden. The associations were founded at the end of the 19th century as well as at the beginning of the 20th century during a time in which migration was high, the civil society grew rapidly and nationalism flourished. The work includes over 70 different associations in Finland and Sweden with a number of members ranging from ten to at most 2, 500. The largest and most important associations were situated in Helsinki and Stockholm where also most of the German immigrants lived. The main aim of this work is to explore to what extent and how the changes in government in Germany during 1910 to 1950 were reflected in the structures and participants, financial resources and meeting places, networks and activities of the German associations in Finland and Sweden. The study also deals with how a collective German national identity was created within the German associations. The period between 1910 and 1950 has been described by Hobsbawm as the apogee of nationalism. Nationalism and transnationalism are therefore key elements in the work. Additionally the research deals with theories about associations, networking and identity. The analysis is mostly based on minutes of meetings, descriptions of festivities, annual reports and historical outlines about the associations. Archival sources from the German legations, the German Foreign Office, and Finnish and Swedish officials such as the police and the Foreign Offices are also used. The study shows that the collective national identity in the associations during the Weimar Republic mostly went back to the time of the Wilhelmine Empire. It is argued that this fact, the cultural propaganda and the aims of the Weimar Republic to strengthen the contacts between Germany and the German associations abroad, and the role of the German legations and envoys finally helped the small groups of NSDAP to infiltrate, systematically coordinate and finally centralize the German associational life in Finland and Sweden. The Gleichschaltung did not go as smoothly as the party wanted, though. There was a small but consistent opposition that continued to exist in Finland until 1941 and in Sweden until 1945. The collective national identity was displayed much more in Sweden than in Finland, where the associations kept a lower profile. The reasons for the profile differences can be found in the smaller number of German immigrants in Finland and the greater German propaganda in Sweden, but also in the Finnish association act from 1919 and the changes in it during the 1920s and 1930s. Finally, the research shows how the loss of two world wars influenced the associations. It argues that 1918 made the German associations more vulnerable to influence from Germany, whereas 1945 brought the associational life back to where it once started as welfare, recreational and school associations.
Maurice Merleau-Ponty (1908-1961) has been known as the philosopher of painting. His interest in the theory of perception intertwined with the questions concerning the artist s perception, the experience of an artwork and the possible interpretations of the artwork. For him, aesthetics was not a sub-field of philosophy, and art was not simply a subject matter for the aesthetic experience, but a form of thinking. This study proposes an opening for a dialogue between Merleau-Pontian phenomenology and contemporary art. The thesis examines his phenomenology through certain works of contemporary art and presents readings of these artworks through his phenomenology. The thesis both shows the potentiality of a method, but also engages in the critical task of finding the possible limitations of his approach. The first part lays out the methodological and conceptual points of departure of Merleau-Ponty s phenomenological approach to perception as well as the features that determined his discussion on encountering art. Merleau-Ponty referred to the experience of perceiving art using the notion of seeing with (voir selon). He stressed a correlative reciprocity described in Eye and Mind (1961) as the switching of the roles of the visible and the painter. The choice of artworks is motivated by certain restrictions in the phenomenological readings of visual arts. The examined works include paintings by Tiina Mielonen, a photographic work by Christian Mayer, a film by Douglas Gordon and Philippe Parreno, and an installation by Monika Sosnowska. These works resonate with, and challenge, his phenomenological approach. The chapters with case studies take up different themes that are central to Merleau-Ponty s phenomenology: space, movement, time, and touch. All of the themes are interlinked with the examined artworks. There are also topics that reappear in the thesis, such as the notion of écart and the question of encountering the other. As Merleau-Ponty argued, the sphere of art has a particular capability to address our being in the world. The thesis presents an interpretation that emphasises the notion of écart, which refers to an experience of divergence or dispossession. The sudden dissociation, surprise or rupture that is needed in order for a meeting between the spectator and the artwork, or between two persons, to be possible. Further, the thesis suggests that through artworks it is possible to take into consideration the écart, the divergence, that defines our subjectivity.
Tutkimus käsittelee keskiajan suurinta harhaoppia katarismia Toulousin hiippakunnassa 1200-luvun ensimmäisellä puoliskolla. Tarkempi tutkimusalue on Lauragaisin maaseutu Toulousin ja Carcassonnen välissä. Alue oli Etelä-Ranskan katarismin sydänaluetta. Tutkimus käy läpi katarismin historian vuosina 1200 1245. Tuolloin se muuttui julkisesti siedetystä uskosta salassa harjoitettavaksi harhaopiksi. Erityisessä tarkkailussa ovat Lauragaisin kylät ja niiden asukkaiden suhde katarismiin. Tutkimus selvittää miten kiellettyihin kataarien tapaamisiin osallistuttiin Lauragaisissa ja kuinka suuri osa alueen väestöstä uskoi katarismiin. Tutkimus pohjautuu pitkälti Bernard de Caux n vuosien 1245 1246 inkvisition kuulustelujen rekisteriin, joka sisältää 5 471 lauragaisilaisen inkvisitiotunnustusen. Tarkempaan tarkasteluun on valittu seitsemän kylää ja niiden 1 069 inkvisitiotunnustusta. Niiden sisältämät tiedot on syötetty tutkimuksen apuna toimivaan relaatiotietokantaan. Kylien asukkaiden kuulusteluja on verrattu keskenään tietokannan avulla. Kuulustelujen perusteella on rekonstruoitu kataarien tapaamisia vuosina 1195 1245. Lisäksi tutkitaan tarkemmin katarismin toiminnan kannalta tärkeitä mekanismeja Saint-Martin-Lalanden kylässä. Tutkimuksen mukaan katarismi vetosi kaikkiin yhteiskuntaluokkiin kuuluneisiin ihmisiin. Sukusiteillä ja Lauragaisin kylien asukkaiden keskinäisellä solidaarisuudella oli suuri merkitys katarismin säilymisessä, kun harhaoppi yritettiin tukahduttaa. Inkvisitiot onnistuivat murtamaan kylien sisäisen solidaarisuuden 1240-luvulla. Tutkimuksen keskeisin tulos on arvion esittäminen katarismiin uskoneiden maallikoiden lukumäärästä. Noin kymmenesosa Lauragaisin aikuisväestöstä oli aktiivisia kataariuskovia. Jopa kaksi viidesosaa alueen asukkaista oli jossain elämänsä vaiheessa osallistunut kataarien kiellettyihin uskonnollisiin tilaisuuksiin. Katarismiin uskoneiden ja siihen kosketuksissa olleiden ihmisten määrä on keskeinen tieto, kun arvioidaan katolisen kirkon harhaopin vastaisia toimia. Katarismin tuhoamiseksi julistettiin 20 vuotta kestänyt ristiretki. Inkvisitiolta kului sen jälkeen vielä 90 vuotta katarismin tuhoamiseen. Katarismi oli merkittävä harhaoppi, koska se vetosi kiellettynäkin huomattavaan osaan Lauragaisin väestöstä.