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This study examines the Sámi people and the construction of the Sámi identity and the role of language in the cross-border Sámi movement within the context of the international indigenous movement and discourse between 1962 and 2008. The Sámi movement began as a reaction to state assimilation policies. This led to the birth of indigenous processes strengthening the Sámi cultures and languages. Activities across borders and the ethnopolitical processes in each of the Nordic countries in question also formed the basis of the internationalization of the Sámi people. The discourse on indigenous peoples has grown into a question of human rights, which is examined in different national and international contexts. The study is based on ethnographic data that has been collected via interviews, questionnaires and participant observation with the researched people in different meetings and events. Archive and newsprint material are also used. The approach of the study is auto-ethnographic. The post-colonial theories used in the study strive to destabilize power relations and the distinctions of otherness produced by colonialism, and to reclaim both one's own culture and language in the context of the indigenous movement. A standard model for this type of approach was created by Edward W. Said in his 1978 work Orientalism. The central concepts of the analysis are decolonization, otherness, ethnicity and identity. The dissertation consists of four published articles and an introduction. The subject matter is analyzed on three levels: global, European and Nordic. On the global level, the results demonstrate that the indigenous movement has constructed a new understanding of indigenousness with new rights. International treaties have facilitated the unification of new concepts and rights, such as the right to self-determination and language, also helping in transforming them into rights of the Sámi people on a national level. On the Nordic level, aligning the Sámi culture with indigenous discourse became significant for the process of developing the Sámi identity in the Sámi movement. In this process, the Sámi movement made use of Sámi languages in order to mobilize groups of people and to construct relatedness between different Sámi groups. The realization that one s own language is significant to one's culture has resulted in recreating the vitality, visibility and the legitimation of language in society more generally. The migration of the Sámi people from their traditional territories to increasingly multi-ethnic urban areas alters one's relationship to one's own community as the relationship to cultural traditions changes. Among the urban Sámi, who form a group of ‘new Sáminess’, linguistic discrimination and assimilation continue because of the lack of legislative and other effective language policy measures to promote the learning and use of the Sámi language.
UNTAES oli YK:n kriisinhallintaoperaatio Kroatiassa vuosina 1996 1998, jonka tarkoitus oli auttaa Kroatian sodan jälkeen Kroatian valtiota ja Itä-Slavonian serbiyhteisöä Erdutin rauhansopimuksen täytäntöönpanossa, ja järjestää väliaikaishallinto Itä-Slavonian, Baranjan ja Länsi-Sirmiumin alueella siihen saakka kunnes alue, osa sodanaikaista serbitasavaltaa, olisi hallinnollisesti liitetty osaksi Kroatian valtiota. Useissa lähteissä on väitetty UNTAES-operaatiota onnistuneeksi kriisinhallintaoperaatioksi. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoite on tarkastella onnistumisväitteelle esitettyjä perusteita vertailemalla toisiinsa YK:n pääsihteerin raporteissa ja Kroatian hallituksen YK:lle osoittamissa kirjeissä esitettyjä näkökulmia operaation etenemisestä. Tutkielman teoreettinen viitekehys sisältää kriisinhallinnan käsitteen määrittelyn, konfliktin jälkeisten kehitysvaiheiden ja väliaikaishallinnon järjestämisen teoreettisen tarkastelun sekä Kroatian sodan historiallisen taustoituksen. Myös etnisten ryhmien ja monikansallisten kriisinhallintatoimijoiden kulttuurista kohtaamista käsitellään lyhyesti. Aineisto koostuu yhteensä kymmenestä YK:n pääsihteerin raportista, joista kunkin pituus on 5-18 sivua, sekä yhdestätoista Kroatian pysyvän YK-suurlähettilään välittämästä tai kirjoittamasta kirjeestä, joista kunkin pituus on liitteineen 2-40 sivua. Aineiston analyysiprossessissa on neljä eri vaihetta: aineiston luokittelu ja taulukointi, narratiivien koostaminen aineistosta, eri toimijoiden poimiminen aineistosta ja sijoittaminen A.J. Greimasin aktanttimallin kaavioon ja aktanttimallin soveltaminen ja tulkitseminen tutkimuskysymyksen näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen pääasiallinen tulos on, että teknisesti Itä-Slavonian reintegraatiota voidaan perustellusti pitää onnistuneena, mutta UNTAES-operaation mandaattiin kirjatut operatiivisia tavoitteita laajemmat tavoitteet multietnisen yhteisön luomisesta eivät täysin toteutuneet operaation aikana. Aineiston mukaan eri toimijoiden välisessä yhteistyössä ja rauhansopimukseen täytäntöönpanossa on ollut puutteita. Pakolaisia on palannut sodan jälkeen alueelle odotuksia vähemmän, ja etnisten ryhmien väliset suhteet olivat jännitteiset operaation loputtua 1998. YK:n mandaattiin kirjatut tavoitteet multietnisen yhteiskunnan luomisesta olivat idealistisia siihen nähden että alueella asuvat serbit ja kroaatit olivat sotineet toisiaan vastaan vain joitakin kuukausia ennen UNTAES-operaation alkamista.
Language Documentation and Description as Language Planning Working with Three Signed Minority Languages Sign languages are minority languages that typically have a low status in society. Language planning has traditionally been controlled from outside the sign-language community. Even though signed languages lack a written form, dictionaries have played an important role in language description and as tools in foreign language learning. The background to the present study on sign language documentation and description as language planning is empirical research in three dictionary projects in Finland-Swedish Sign Language, Albanian Sign Language, and Kosovar Sign Language. The study consists of an introductory article and five detailed studies which address language planning from different perspectives. The theoretical basis of the study is sociocultural linguistics. The research methods used were participant observation, interviews, focus group discussions, and document analysis. The primary research questions are the following: (1) What is the role of dictionary and lexicographic work in language planning, in research on undocumented signed language, and in relation to the language community as such? (2) What factors are particular challenges in the documentation of a sign language and should therefore be given special attention during lexicographic work? (3) Is a conventional dictionary a valid tool for describing an undocumented sign language? The results indicate that lexicographic work has a central part to play in language documentation, both as part of basic research on undocumented sign languages and for status planning. Existing dictionary work has contributed new knowledge about the languages and the language communities. The lexicographic work adds to the linguistic advocacy work done by the community itself with the aim of vitalizing the language, empowering the community, receiving governmental recognition for the language, and improving the linguistic (human) rights of the language users. The history of signed languages as low status languages has consequences for language planning and lexicography. One challenge that the study discusses is the relationship between the sign-language community and the hearing sign linguist. In order to make it possible for the community itself to take the lead in a language planning process, raising linguistic awareness within the community is crucial. The results give rise to questions of whether lexicographic work is of more importance for status planning than for corpus planning. A conventional dictionary as a tool for describing an undocumented sign language is criticised. The study discusses differences between signed and spoken/written languages that are challenging for lexicographic presentations. Alternative electronic lexicographic approaches including both lexicon and grammar are also discussed. Keywords: sign language, Finland-Swedish Sign Language, Albanian Sign Language, Kosovar Sign Language, language documentation and description, language planning, lexicography
Researchers and developers in academia and industry would benefit from a facility that enables them to easily locate, licence and use the kind of empirical data they need for testing and refining their hypotheses and to deposit and disseminate their data e.g. to support replication and validation of reported scientific experiments. To answer these needs initially in Finland, there is an ongoing project at University of Helsinki and its collaborators to create a user-friendly web service for researchers and developers in Finland and other countries. In our talk, we describe ongoing work to create a palette of extensive but easily available Finnish language resources and technologies for the research community, including lexical resources, wordnets, morphologically tagged corpora, dependency syntactic treebanks and parsebanks, open-source finite state toolkits and libraries and language models to support text analysis and processing at customer site. Also first publicly available results are presented.
HFST–Helsinki Finite-State Technology ( hfst.sf.net ) is a framework for compiling and applying linguistic descriptions with finite-state methods. HFST currently connects some of the most important finite-state tools for creating morphologies and spellers into one open-source platform and supports extending and improving the descriptions with weights to accommodate the modeling of statistical information. HFST offers a path from language descriptions to efficient language applications in key environments and operating systems. HFST also provides an opportunity to exchange transducers between different software providers in order to get the best out of each finite-state library.
FinnWordNet is a wordnet for Finnish that complies with the format of the Princeton WordNet (PWN) (Fellbaum, 1998). It was built by translating the PrincetonWordNet 3.0 synsets into Finnish by human translators. It is open source and contains 117000 synsets. The Finnish translations were inserted into the PWN structure resulting in a bilingual lexical database. In natural language processing (NLP), wordnets have been used for infusing computers with semantic knowledge assuming that humans already have a sufficient amount of this knowledge. In this paper we present a case study of using wordnets as an electronic dictionary. We tested whether native Finnish speakers benefit from using a wordnet while completing English sentence completion tasks. We found that using either an English wordnet or a bilingual English Finnish wordnet significantly improves performance in the task. This should be taken into account when setting standards and comparing human and computer performance on these tasks.
The EU Directive harmonising copyright, Directive 2001/29/EC, has been implemented in all META-NORD countries. The licensing schemas of open content/open source and META-SHARE as well as CLARIN are discussed shortly. The status of the licensing of tools and resources available at the consortium partners are outlined. The aim of the article is to compare a set of open content and open source license and provide some guidance on the optimal use of licenses provided by META-NET and CLARIN for licensing the tools and resources for the benefit of the language technology community.
In this paper we present simple methods for construction and evaluation of finite-state spell-checking tools using an existing finite-state lexical automaton, freely available finite-state tools and Internet corpora acquired from projects such as Wikipedia. As an example, we use a freely available open-source implementation of Finnish morphology, made with traditional finite-state morphology tools, and demonstrate rapid building of Northern Sámi and English spell checkers from tools and resources available from the Internet.
One of the most challenging tasks in building language resources is the copyright license management. There are several reasons for this. First of all, the current European copyright system is designed to a large extent to satisfy the commercial actors, e.g. publishers, record companies etc. This means that the scope and duration of the rights are very extensive and there are even certain forms of protection that do not exist elsewhere in the world, e.g. database right. On the other hand, the exceptions for research and teaching are typically very narrow.
There are numerous formats for writing spellcheckers for open-source systems and there are many descriptions for languages written in these formats. Similarly, for word hyphenation by computer there are TEX rules for many languages. In this paper we demonstrate a method for converting these spell-checking lexicons and hyphenation rule sets into finite-state automata, and present a new finite-state based system for writer’s tools used in current open-source software such as Firefox, OpenOffice.org and enchant via the spell-checking library voikko.
Language software applications encounter new words, e.g., acronyms, technical terminology, names or compounds of such words. In order to add new words to a lexicon, we need to indicate their inflectional paradigm. We present a new generally applicable method for creating an entry generator, i.e. a paradigm guesser, for finite-state transducer lexicons. As a guesser tends to produce numerous suggestions, it is important that the correct suggestions be among the first few candidates. We prove some formal properties of the method and evaluate it on Finnish, English and Swedish full-scale transducer lexicons. We use the open-source Helsinki Finite-State Technology to create finitestate transducer lexicons from existing lexical resources and automatically derive guessers for unknown words. The method has a recall of 82-87 % and a precision of 71-76 % for the three test languages. The model needs no external corpus and can therefore serve as a baseline.