291 resultados para lösningsfokuserat arbetssätt och motivation.


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Lullabies in Kvevlax. Linguistic structures and constructions. The study is a linguistic analysis of constructions that shape the texts used in lullabies in Kvevlax in Ostrobothnia in Finland. The empirical goal is to identify linguistic constructions in traditional lullabies that make use of the dialect of the region. The theoretical goal was to test the usability of Construction Grammar (CxG) in analyses of this type of material, and to further develop the formal description of Construction Grammar in such a way as to make it possible to analyze all kinds of linguistically complex texts. The material that I collected in the 1960s comprises approximately 600 lullabies and concomitant interviews with the singers on the use of lullabies. In 1991 I collected additional material in Kvevlax. The number of informants is close to 250. Supplementary material covering the Swedish-language regions in Finland was compiled from the archives of the Society of Swedish Literature in Finland. The first part of the study is mainly based on traditional grammar and gives general information about the language and the structures used in the lullabies. In the detailed study of the Kvevlax lullabies in the latter part of the study I use a version of Construction Grammar intended for the linguistic analysis of usage-based texts. The analysis focuses on the most salient constructions in the lullabies. The study shows that Construction Grammar as a method has more general applicability than traditional linguistic methods. The study identifies important constructions, including elements typical of this genre, that structure the text in different variants of the same lullabies. In addition, CxG made it possible to study pragmatic aspects of the interactional, cultural and contextual language that is used in communication with small children. The constructions found in lullabies are also used in language in general. In addition to being able to give detailed linguistic descriptions of the texts, Construction Grammar can also explain the multidimensionality of language and the variations in the texts. The use of CxG made it possible to show that variations are not random but follow prototypical linguistic patterns, constructions. Constructions are thus found to be linguistic resources with built-in variation potentials.


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English summary: Comparative studies on raw water quality and treatment costs in Sweden and Finland


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In this study the junction of Christian mission, Christian education and voluntary work are examined in the Christian student voluntary association Opiskelijain Lähetysliitto (OL), which is the Finnish successor to the Student Volunteer Movement. The main subjects are the structure and content of the mission education as one aspect of Lutheran education and the reasons for expressing the mission interest through voluntary work. The research questions are as follows: What kind of organization has the OL been? What has mission education been like in the OL? Why have the former chairpersons participated in the OL? How have purposiveness and intentionality arisen among the former chairpersons? The study is empirical despite having a historical and retrospective view, since the OL is explored during the period 1972 2000. The data consists of the OL s annual reports, membership applications (N=629) and interviews of all 25 former chairmen. Data is analysed by qualitative and quantitative content analysis in a partly inductive and partly deductive manner. The pedagogical framework arises from situational learning theory (Lave - Wenger 1991), which was complemented with the criteria for meaningful learning (Jonassen 1995), the octagon model of volunteer motivation (Yeung 2004) and the definitions of intentionality and purposiveness in the theory of teachers pedagogical thinking (Kansanen et al. 2000). The analysis of the archive data showed that the activities of the OL are reminiscent of those of the missions of the Finnish Evangelical Lutheran Church congregations. The biggest difference was that all OL participants were young adults, the age group that is the greatest challenge to the Church. The OL is therefore an interesting context in which to explore mission education and mission interest. The key result of the study was the forming of a model of mission educa-tion. The model has three educational components: values, goals and methods. The gist of the model is formed by the goals. The main goal is the arousing and strengthening of mission interest which has emotional, cognitive and practical aspects. The subgoals create the horizontal vertical and inward outward dimensions of the model, which are the metalevels of mission education. The subgoals reveal that societal and religious education may embody a missionary dimension when they are understood as missionary training. Further, a distinction between mission education and missionary training was observed. The former emphasizes the main goal of the model and the latter underlines the subgoals. Based on the vertical dimension of the model the study suggests that the definition of religious competence needs to be complemented with missional competence. Reasons for participating in the OL were found to be diverse as noted in other studies on volunteering and motivating factors, and were typical to young people such as the importance of social relations. The study created new motivational themes that occurred in the middle of the continuity newness and the distance proximity dimensions, which were not found in Yeung s research. Mission interest as voluntary work appeared as oriented towards one s own spirituality or towards the social community. On the other hand, mission interest was manifested as intentional education in order to either improve the community or to promote the Christian mission. In the latter case the mission was seen as a purpose in life and as a future profession. Keywords: mission, Christian education, voluntary work, mission education, mission interest, stu-dent movement


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ERP system implementations have evolved so rapidly that now they represent a must-have within industries. ERP systems are viewed as the cost of doing business. Yet, the research that adopted the resource-based view on the business value of ERP systems concludes that companies may gain competitive advantage when they successfully manage their ERP projects, when they carefully reengineer the organization and when they use the system in line with the organizational strategies. This thesis contributes to the literature on ERP business value by examining key drivers of ERP business value in organizations. The first research paper investigates how ERP systems with different degrees of system functionality are correlated with the development of the business performance after the completion of the ERP projects. The companies with a better perceived system functionality obtained efficiency benefits in the first two years of post-implementation. However, in the third year there is no significant difference in efficiency benefits between successfully and less successfully managed ERP projects. The second research paper examines what business process changes occur in companies implementing ERP for different motivations and how these changes impact the business performance. The findings show that companies reported process changes mainly in terms of workflow changes. In addition, the companies having a business-led motivation focused more on observing average costs of each increase in the input unit. Companies having a technological-led motivation focused more on the benefits coming from the fit of the system with the organizational processes. The third research paper considers the role of alignment between ERP and business strategies for the realization of business value from ERP use. These findings show that strategic alignment and business process changes are significantly correlated with the perceived benefits of ERP at three levels: internal efficiency, customers and financial. Overall, by combining quantitative and qualitative research methods, this thesis puts forward a model that illustrates how successfully managed ERP projects, aligned with the business strategy, have automate and informate effects on processes that ultimately improve the customer service and reduce the companies’ costs.


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Inom rättsvetenskap saknas grundforskning om kyrkoskatt. Det kan ha många orsaker. En renodlad skatterättslig forskning utan exkurser till andra vetenskaper är minst sagt otänkbar. Forskning inom ett gränsområde mellan teologi och rättsvetenskap måste inkludera drag av sociologi, politologi och ekonomi. Etik från teologi och moral genom lag kan vara självklart. Förankrad i liberal rättsfilosofi kan också beskattningen förstås på ett annat sätt om en förankring i ett historiskt perspektiv tas med. Den evangelisk-lutherska kyrkan och den ortodoxa kyrkan har skatterätt i Finland. Hur har det kommit sig och vilken rätt har andra trossamfund? Detta försöker vi här belysa genom skilda infallsvinklar. Laglig reglering av offentligrättsliga samfunds skatteintag, med kyrkans uppgifter med tydligt mindre lagbundenhet som utgiftsfält, ger de sociala aspekterna och barmhärtighet stort inflytande. En tidvis sekulär stat och de nationella bindningarna med historisk förankring ger ett konglomerat av skilda lösningsmodeller. Genom olika förankringar i skilda kulturer och språk kan en nationell kutym uppstå som skiljer sig mycket från andra. Dessutom kan speciella juridiska egenheter upptäckas. Vilken nationell modell man i en demokrati väljer, styrs av de politiskt stadfästa lagarna. Oberoende av kyrkans nationella ställning, ökar en större liberalism och fördragsamhet i en demokrati behovet av anpassning och nationell acceptans av andra religioner, vilket kan leda till ett behov av nya finansieringsmodeller för trossamfund.


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Samarbetslagen är en omstridd lag. Innan lagen trädde i kraft i början av år 1979 fanns på arbetstagarsidan förhoppningar om att skapa en lag om reell företagsdemokrati medan man från arbetsgivarhåll var rädd att personalen skulle få ett alltför stort inflytande på beslutsfattandet. En oro fanns också att medbestämmandet skulle byråkratisera beslutsfattandet inom företagen. I dag anser många arbetstagare att samarbetsförfarandet endast används vid massuppsägningar, nedskärningar och rationaliseringar men i övrigt glömts bort. Samarbetsförfarandet och regleringen av det är en viktig och aktuell fråga, eftersom samarbetsförfarandet utgör det forum i samarbetet mellan arbetsgivare och personal där nedskärningar och massuppsägningar diskuteras. Avhandlingens syfte är att analysera hur samarbetsförfarandet fungerar utifrån samarbetslagen. Målet är att granska samarbetsförfarandet ur ett perspektiv där samarbetsförfarandet ses som en potentiell möjlighet och ett verktyg till framgångsrik företagsverksamhet och personalledarskap. I analysen utgår författaren från samarbetslagens 1 §. Syftet med samarbetsförfarandet är att utveckla företagets verksamhet och arbetsförhållanden, att effektivera samarbetet mellan arbetsgivare och personal samt personalens interna samverkan. Samarbetsförfarandet skall utöka personalens möjligheter att påverka behandlingen av ärenden som gäller deras arbete och arbetsplats i enlighet med lagen. Enligt samarbetsförfarandet skall arbetsgivaren rådgöra med arbetstagarna och deras företrädare om de viktigaste ärendena som påverkar personalens ställning och arbetsförhållande innan besluten fattas. Avhandlingen granskar hur lagen tillämpas i dag och hur lagstiftningen kan utvecklas för att effektivera samarbetet i framtiden.


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Microfinance institutions (MFIs) are constrained by double bottom-lines: meeting social obligations (the first bottom-line) and obtaining financial self-sufficiency (the second bottom-line). The proponents of the first bottom-line, however, are increasingly concerned that there is a trade-off between these two bottom-lines—i.e., getting hold of financial self-sufficiency may lead MFIs to drift away from their original social mission of serving the very poor, commonly known as mission drift in microfinance which is still a controversial issue. This study aims at addressing the concerns for mission drift in microfinance in a performance analysis framework. Chapter 1 deals with theoretical background, motivation and objectives of the topic. Then the study explores the validity of three major and related present-day concerns. Chapter 2 explores the impact of profitability on outreach-quality in MFIs, commonly known as mission drift, using a unique panel database that contains 4-9 years’ observations from 253 MFIs in 69 countries. Chapter 3 introduces factor analysis, a multivariate tool, in the process of analysing mission drift in microfinance and the exercise in this chapter demonstrates how the statistical tool of factor analysis can be utilised to examine this conjecture. In order to explore why some microfinance institutions (MFIs) perform better than others, Chapter 4 looks at factors which have an impact on several performance indicators of MFIs—profitability or sustainability, repayment status and cost indicators—based on quality-data on 353 institutions in 77 countries. The study also demonstrates whether such mission drift can be avoided while having self-sustainability. In Chapter 5 we examine the impact of capital and financing structure on the performance of microfinance institutions where estimations with instruments have been performed using a panel dataset of 782 MFIs in 92 countries for the period 2000-2007. Finally, Chapter 6 concludes the study by summarising the results from the previous chapters and suggesting some directions for future studies.


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Functioning capital markets are a crucial part of a competitive economy since they provide the mechanisms to allocate resources. In order to be well functioning a capital market has to be efficient. Market efficiency is defined as a market where prices at any time fully reflect all available information. Basically, this means that abnormal returns cannot be predicted since they are dependent on future, presently unknown, information. The debate of market efficiency has been going on for several decades. Most academics today would probably agree that financial markets are reasonably efficient since virtually nobody has been able to achieve continuous abnormal positive returns. However, it is clear that a set of return anomalies exists, although they are apparently to small to enable substantial economic profit. Moreover, these anomalies can often be attributed to market design. The motivation for this work is to expand the knowledge of short-term trading patterns and to offer some explanations for these patterns. In the first essay the return pattern during the day is examined. On average stock prices move during two time periods of the day, namely, immediately after the opening and around the formal close of the market. Since stock prices, on average, move upwards these abnormal returns are generally positive and cause the distinct U-shape of intraday returns. In the second essay the results in the first essay are examined further. The return pattern around the former close is shown to partly be the result of manipulative action by market participants. In the third essay the focus is shifted towards trading patterns of the underlying stocks on days when index options and index futures on the stocks expire. Generally no expiration day effect was found. However, some indication of an expiration day effect was found when a large amount of open in- or at-the-money contracts existed. Also, the effects were likelier to be found for shares with high index-weight but fairly low trading volume. Last, in the forth essay the attention is turned to the behaviour of different tax clienteles around the dividend ex-day. Two groups of investors showed abnormal trading behaviour. Domestic non-financial investors, especially domestic companies, showed a dividend capturing behaviour, i.e. buying cum-dividend and selling ex-dividend shares. The opposite behaviour was found for foreign investors and domestic financial institutions. The effect was more notable for high yield, high volume stocks.


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The purpose of this thesis is to examine the role of trade durations in price discovery. The motivation to use trade durations in the study of price discovery is that durations are robust to many microstructure effects that introduce a bias in the measurement of returns volatility. Another motivation to use trade durations in the study of price discovery is that it is difficult to think of economic variables, which really are useful in the determination of the source of volatility at arbitrarily high frequencies. The dissertation contains three essays. In the first essay, the role of trade durations in price discovery is examined with respect to the volatility pattern of stock returns. The theory on volatility is associated with the theory on the information content of trade, dear to the market microstructure theory. The first essay documents that the volatility per transaction is related to the intensity of trade, and a strong relationship between the stochastic process of trade durations and trading variables. In the second essay, the role of trade durations in price discovery is examined with respect to the quantification of risk due to a trading volume of a certain size. The theory on volume is intrinsically associated with the stock volatility pattern. The essay documents that volatility increases, in general, when traders choose to trade with large transactions. In the third essay, the role of trade durations in price discovery is examined with respect to the information content of a trade. The theory on the information content of a trade is associated with the theory on the rate of price revisions in the market. The essay documents that short durations are associated with information. Thus, traders are compensated for responding quickly to information


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Hybrid innovations, or new products that combine two existing product categories into one, are increasingly popular in today’s marketplace. Despite this proliferation, few studies address them. The purpose of this thesis is to examine consumer evaluation of hybrid innovations by focusing on consumer categorization of such innovations and on factors contributing positively and negatively to their evaluation. This issue is examined by means of three studies. The first study addresses the proportion of consumers categorizing hybrid products as single- versus dual-purpose, what contributes to such a categorization, what differences can be found between the two groups, and if categorization can and should be included in models of innovation adoption. The second study expands on the scope by including motivation as a predictor of consumer evaluation and examines two cognitive and affective factors and their differential impact on innovation evaluation. Finally, the third study examines the product comparisons single- versus dual-purpose categorization induce. These three essays together build up a broader understanding of hybrid innovation evaluation. The thesis uses theories from both psychology and marketing to examine the issues at hand. Conceptual combination and analogical learning theories from psychology are used to comprehend categorization and knowledge transfer. From marketing, consumer behavior and innovation adoption studies are addressed to better understand the link between categorization and product evaluation and the factors contributing to product evaluation. The main results of the current thesis are that (1) most consumers categorize hybrid products as single- and not as dual-purpose products, (2) consumers that categorize them as dual-purpose find them more attractive (3) motivation has a significant effect on consumer evaluation of innovations; cognitive factors promote an emphasis on product net benefits, whereas affective factors induce consumers to consider product meaning in the form of categorization and perceived product complexity, (4) categorization constrains subsequent product evaluation, and (5) categorization can and should be included to models of innovation adoption. Maria Sääksjärvi is associated with CERS, the Center for Relationship Marketing and Service Management at the Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration


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The study addressed a phenomenon that has become common marketing practice, customer loyalty programs. Although a common type of consumer relationship, there is limited knowledge of its nature. The purpose of the study was to create structured understanding of the nature of customer relationships from both the provider’s and the consumer’s viewpoints by studying relationship drivers and proposing the concept of relational motivation as a provider of a common framework for the analysis of these views. The theoretical exploration focused on reasons for engaging in customer relationships for both the consumer and the provider. The themes of buying behaviour, industrial and network marketing and relationship marketing, as well as the concepts of a customer relationship, customer loyalty, relationship conditions, relational benefits, bonds and commitment were explored and combined in a new way. Concepts from the study of business-to-business relationships were brought over and their power in explaining the nature of consumer relationships examined. The study provided a comprehensive picture of loyalty programs, which is an important contribution to the academic as well as the managerial discussions. The consumer study provided deep insights into the nature of customer relationships. The study provides a new frame of reference to support the existing concepts of loyalty and commitment with the introduction of the relationship driver and relational motivation concepts. The result is a novel view of the nature of customer relationships that creates new understanding of the forces leading to loyal behaviour and commitment. The study concludes with managerial implications.


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Customer loyalty has been a central topic of both marketing theory and practice for several decades. Customer disloyalty, or relationship ending, has received much less attention. Despite the close relation between customer loyalty and disloyalty, they have rarely been addressed in the same study. The thesis bridges this gap by focusing on both loyal and disloyal customers and the factors characterising them. Based on a qualitative study of loyal and disloyal bank customers in the Finnish retail banking market, both factors that are common to the groups and factors that differentiate between them are identified. A conceptual framework of factors that affect customer loyalty or disloyalty is developed and used to analyse the empirical data. According to the framework, customers’ loyalty status (behavioural and attitudinal loyalty) is influenced by positive, loyalty-supporting, and negative, loyalty-repressing factors. Loyalty-supporting factors either promote customer dedication, making the customer want to remain loyal, or act as constraints, hindering the customer from switching. Among the loyalty-repressing factors it is especially important to identify those that act as triggers of disloyal behaviour, making customers switch service providers. The framework further suggests that by identifying the sources of loyalty-supporting and -repressing factors (the environment, the provider, the customer, the provider-customer interaction, or the core service) one can determine which factors are within the control of the service provider. Attitudinal loyalty is approached through a customer’s “feeling of loyalty”, as described by customers both orally and graphically. By combining the graphs with behavioural loyalty, seven customer groups are identified: Stable Loyals, Rescued Loyals, Loyals at Risk, Positive Disloyals, Healing Disloyals, Fading Disloyals, and Abrupt Disloyals. The framework and models of the thesis can be used to analyse factors that affect customer loyalty and disloyalty in different service contexts. Since the empirical study was carried out in a retail bank setting, the thesis has managerial relevance especially for banks. Christina Nordman is associated with CERS, Center for Relationship Marketing and Service Management at the Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration. The doctoral thesis is part of the Göran Collert Research Project in Customer Relationships and Retail Banking and has been funded by The Göran Collert Foundation.


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Den klassiska situationen där konsumentinformationen på ett ensidigt sätt tidigare har levererats av företagen får ge vika för en ny situation där dagens konsument aktivt sprider information för att påverka andra konsumenters köpbeslut genom att prata med andra om köpupplevelser och specifika tjänsteleverantörer t ex genom diskussionsgrupper på Internet. För företagen är situationen kritisk då de håller på att mista sina maktmonopol på informationen. Innehållet i pratet är mycket viktigt för mottagarna av pratet eftersom de flesta kunder om de inte själva har upplevt företaget, skapar sina åsikter och förväntningar om företaget samt om dess varor och tjänster på basen av vad andra berättar om saken. Man kan då säga att pratet har fått en viktigare roll vid formandet av konsumtionsbeslutet. Syftet med denna studie är att skapa förståelse för vilka faktorer som initierar och påverkar prat hos kunder i långsiktiga relationer. På basis av de olika resultaten konstruerades en modell som förklarar sambandet mellan faktorerna. Modellens första del visar att prat initieras på basis av långvariga upplevelser i relationer mellan tjänsteleverantör och kund. Modellens andra del visar att pratet påverkas av kundens personliga karaktäristika och relationsrelaterade faktorer som upplevt engagemang i tjänstekategorin och i tjänsteleverantören samt i relationslängden. Modellens tredje del visar att kundernas prat varierar i aktivitet och omfång beroende på valensen av upplevelserna och beroende på om prataren har starka eller svaga band till pratmottagaren. Det är viktigt och mycket aktuellt att öka förståelsen för kunders kommunikationsbeteende ur ett relationsperspektiv. Ur företagsledningssynvinkel är det viktigt att förstå hur kunders prat påverkar utvecklingen av verksamhetsmiljön. Ur praktiskt tillämpningsperspektiv kan en ökad kunskap om pratet vidare hjälpa företaget att fokusera på vad kunderna anser vara viktigt i en relation. Genom att veta vad kunderna pratar om kan företaget förbättra svagheter i verksamheten, och därigenom minska på andelen negativt prat eller uppmuntra kunder att prata om fördelar som relationen med företaget ger åt kunden.


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This report presents a new theory of internal marketing. The thesis has developed as a case study in retrospective action research. This began with the personal involvement of the author in an action research project for customer service improvement at a large Australian retail bank. In other words, much of the theory generating ‘research’ took place after the original project ‘action’ had wound down. The key theoretical proposition is that internal marketing is a relationship development strategy for the purpose of knowledge renewal. In the banking case, exchanges of value between employee participants emerged as the basis for relationship development, with synergistic benefits for customers, employees and the bank. Relationship development turned out to be the mediating variable between the learning activity of employee participants at the project level and success in knowledge renewal at the organisational level. Relationship development was also a pivotal factor in the motivation and customer consciousness of employees. The conclusion reached is that the strength of relationship-mediated internal marketing is in combining a market focused commitment and employee freedom in project work to achieve knowledge renewal. The forgotten truth is that organisational knowledge can be renewed through dialogue and learning, through being trustworthy, and by gaining the trust of employees in return.