77 resultados para plant age


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Large herbivores can influence plant and soil properties in grassland ecosystems, but especially for belowground biota and processes, the mechanisms that explain these effects are not fully understood. Here, we examine the capability of three grazing mechanisms-plant defoliation, dung and urine return, and physical presence of animals (causing trampling and excreta return in patches)-to explain grazing effects in Phleum pratense-Festuca pratensis dairy cow pasture in Finland. Comparison of control plots and plots grazed by cows showed that grazing maintained original plant-community structure, decreased shoot mass and root N and P concentrations, increased shoot N and P concentrations, and had an inconsistent effect on root mass. Among soil fauna, grazing increased the abundance of fungivorous nematodes and Aporrectodea earthworms and decreased the abundance of detritivorous enchytraeids and Lumbricus earthworms. Grazing also increased soil density and pH but did not affect average soil inorganic-N concentration. To reveal the mechanisms behind these effects, we analyzed results from mowed plots and plots that were both mowed and treated with a dung and urine mixture. This comparison revealed that grazing effects on plant attributes were almost entirely explained by defoliation, with only one partly explained by excreta return. Among belowground attributes, however, the mechanisms were more mixed, with effects explained by defoliation, patchy excreta return, and cow trampling. Average soil inorganic-N concentration was not affected by grazing because it was simultaneously decreased by defoliation and increased by cow presence. Presence of cows created great spatial heterogeneity in soil N availability and abundance of fungivorous nematodes. A greenhouse trial revealed a grazing-induced soil feedback on plant growth, which was explained by patchiness in N availability rather than changes in soil biota. Our results show that grazing effects on plant attributes can be satisfactorily predicted using the effects of defoliation, whereas those on soil fauna and soil N availability need understanding of other mechanisms as well. The results indicate that defoliation-induced changes in plant ecophysiology and the great spatial variation in N availability created by grazers are the two key mechanisms through which large herbivores can control grassland ecosystems.


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Havupuiden erikoismuotoja on käytetty koristekasveina jo vuosisatoja ympäri maailmaa. Niitä on lisätty pääsääntöisesti pistokkaista ja varttamalla. Suomessa kotimaisten metsäpuidemme erikois-muotoja on kartoitettu ja kerätty kokoelmiin järjestelmällisemmin 1960-luvulta alkaen. Taimisto-viljelijät, puutarhasuunnittelijat ja kotipuutarhurit ovat olleet enenevässä määrin kiinnostuneita näistä kotimaisista kestävistä havukasveista. Yli 90 prosenttia markkinoillamme olevista havukas-veista tuodaan ulkomailta, joten on selvää, että niiden talvenkestävyydessä on ongelmia. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää kotimaisille erikoismuodoille sopivia lisäysmene-telmiä ja siten edistää kotimaisen havukasvituotannon mahdollisuuksia. Aineistona kokeissa oli kotimaisia erikoismuotoja metsäkuusesta (Picea abies (L.) Karsten) ja kotikatajasta (Juniperus communis L.), tavallisia metsäkuusia sekä kahdeksan ulkomaista havupuutaksonia. Lisäysmene-telmistä tutkittiin varttamista ja pistokaslisäystä ja kokeet suoritettiin Metsäntutkimuslaitoksen toimipaikoissa Lopen Haapastensyrjässä sekä Punkaharjulla. Varttamiskokeessa vertailtiin koti-maisen kuusen erikoismuotokloonien varttamisen onnistumista. Pistokaskokeissa tutkittiin geno-tyypin, emopuun iän, pistokasoksan sijainnin sekä hormonikäsittelyn vaikutusta havukasvien pis-tokkaiden juurtumiseen. Tavalliset metsäkuuset toimivat kontrolleina. Tutkimus osoitti, että varttaminen onnistui erinomaisesti kaikilla erikoismuotoklooneilla. Ovat-ko vartteet esteettisesti katsottuna koristekäyttöön sopivia, jää vielä seurattavaksi. Pistokaskokeis-sa havaittiin, että juveniilisuus vaikutti pistokkaiden juurtumiseen, mutta iäkkäistäkin puista lisää-minen onnistuu, kunhan genotyyppi on sopiva. Keskimäärin alaoksat juurtuivat paremmin kuin latvuksen yläosista otetut pistokasoksat, mutta vain yhdellä kloonilla ero oli tilastollisesti merkit-sevä. Hormonikäsittely heikensi selvästi kotimaisen kuusen ja katajan pistokkaiden juurtumista, mutta ulkomaisiin havupuulajeihin käsittelyllä ei ollut vaikutusta. Kotimaisen havukasvituotannon pohjaksi pitäisi tehdä kloonivalintaa, jossa koristearvon lisäksi otettaisiin huomioon myös kloonin lisättävyys. Taimien tuottaminen pistokkaista on selvästi edul-lisempaa kuin vartteiden tuottaminen, joskin varte kasvaa myyntikuntoon nopeammin kuin pisto-kastaimi. Pistokastaimi on kuitenkin omajuurinen ja stabiilimpi kasvutavaltaan kuin varte. Tämä korostuu etenkin kääpiömuotoja tuotettaessa.


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keywords: Enlightenment, Northern countries, Finland, Russia, Scotland In the 36 th edition of the almanac "Philosophical Age" published materials of international symposium «The Northern Lights - Facets of Enlightenment Culture», (held September 25-26, 2009) in The Aleksanteri Institute the University of Helsinki. Contents: Vesa Oittinen Between Radicalism and Utilitarianism — On the Profile of the Finnish Enlightenment Tatiana Artemyeva The Status of Intellectual Values in the Russian Enlightenment Oili Pulkkinen The Cosmopolitan Experience, Theoretical Histories and the Universal Science of the Scottish Enlightenment Аlla Zlatopolskaya L’autocritique des Lumières chez Rousseau et le rousseauisme russe Johannes Remy Alexander Radishchev, Ethical Consuming, and North American Quakers Kimmo Sarje Anders Chydenius and Radical Swedish Enlightenment Johan Sten Anders Johan Lexell: A Finnish Astronomer at St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences and His European Contacts Mikhail Mikeshin A Russian Adam Smith in French Style: An Example of the Transfer of Ideas Larisa Agamalian The Library of an Enlightened Russian Landowner


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Under åren 2002-2005 förverkligades Druvan-projektet i Dragsfjärds kommun, vilket innebar en dramatisk ökning av företagshälsovårdsinsatserna. Företagshälsovårdsutgifterna ökade från 20 € per anställd till över 400 €. Den totala satsningen på personalens hälsa ökade ännu mer. Innehållet i Druvan baserade sig på den s.k. Metal Age-metoden. Metoden går ut på att arbetsgemenskapen tillsammans identifierar utvecklingsbehov och –åtgärder. Projektet ledde till en stor mängd utvecklingsåtgärder och därpå följande effekter på personalens hälsa, trivsel och samarbete. Som en del av åtgärderna utarbetade kommunen en personalrapport för de aktuella åren. Under projekttiden utvecklades personalens arbetsförmåga betydligt gynnsammare än förväntat. Den ekonomiska analysen visade att det investerade kapitalet gav en avkastning på 46%. Nyttan uppkom som resultat av minskad sjukfrånvaro och färre förtidspensioneringar. Druvan-projektet stöder de tidigare bedömningarna, enligt vilka det finns ett klart utrymme för att öka satsningarna på företagshälsovård i vårt land. Detta gäller speciellt arbetsplatser vars satsningar på företagshälsovård är betydligt under genomsnittet. Dragsfjärds kommun har beslutat göra Druvan till en bestående struktur inom kommunen. Guy Ahonen är professor i Knowledge Management, speciellt personalekonomi vid institutionen för företagsledning och organisation vid Hanken. Ove Näsman är ledande företagsläkare vid Dalmed OyAb i Dalsbruk i sydvästra Finland. Båda har forskat i årtionden kring effekterna av ökat välbefinnande i arbetet.


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Continuing urbanization is a crucial driver of land transformation, having widespread impacts on virtually all ecosystems. Terrestrial ecosystems, including disturbed ones, are dependent on soils, which provide a multitude of ecosystem services. As soils are always directly and/or indirectly impacted through land transformation, land cover change causes soil change. Knowledge of ecosystem properties and functions in soils is increasing in importance as humans continue to concentrate into already densely-populated areas. Urban soils often have hampered functioning due to various disturbances resulting from human activity. Innovative solutions are needed to bring the lacking ecosystem services and quality of life to these urban environments. For instance, the ecosystem services of the urban green infrastructure may be substantially improved through knowledge of their functional properties. In the research forming this thesis, the impacts of four plant species (Picea abies, Calluna vulgaris, Lotus corniculatus and Holcus lanatus) on belowground biota and regulatory ecosystem services were investigated in two different urban soil types. The retention of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus in the plant-soil system, decomposition of plant litter, primary production, and the degradation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were examined in the field and under laboratory conditions. The main objective of the research was to determine whether the different plant species (representing traits with varying litter decomposability) will give rise to dissimilar urban belowground communities with differing ecological functions. Microbial activity as well as the abundance of nematodes and enchytraeid worm biomass was highest below the legume L. corniculatus. L. corniculatus and the grass H. lanatus, producing labile or intermediate quality litter, enhanced the proportion of bacteria in the soil rhizosphere, while the recalcitrant litter-producing shrub C. vulgaris and the conifer P. abies stimulated the growth of fungi. The loss of nitrogen from the plant-soil system was small for H. lanatus and the combination of C. vulgaris + P. abies, irrespective of their energy channel composition. These presumably nitrogen-conservative plant species effectively diminished the leaching losses from the plant-soil systems with all the plant traits present. The laboratory experiment revealed a difference in N allocation between the plant traits: C. vulgaris and P. abies sequestered significantly more N in aboveground shoots in comparison to L. corniculatus and H. Lanatus. Plant rhizosphere effects were less clear for phosphorus retention, litter decomposition and the degradation of PAH compounds. This may be due to the relatively short experimental durations, as the maturation of the plant-soil system is likely to take a considerably longer time. The empirical studies of this thesis demonstrated that the soil communities rapidly reflect changes in plant coverage, and this has consequences for the functionality of soils. The energy channel composition of soils can be manipulated through plants, which was also supported by the results of the separate meta-analysis conducted in this thesis. However, further research is needed to understand the linkages between the biological community properties and ecosystem services in strongly human-modified systems.


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OBJECTIVES: Sexually transmitted infections' (STIs) rate vary in St. Petersburg, Estonia and Finland; the aim was to compare the determinants of self-reported sexually transmitted infections in these areas. METHODS: Data from four population-based questionnaire surveys were used (Finland in 1992 and 1999; St. Petersburg in 2003; Estonia in 2004). With the exception of the 1992 Finnish survey (interview) all were postal surveys, with 1,070 respondents in Finland (78 and 52% response rates), 1,147 (68%) in St. Petersburg, and 5,190 (54%) in Estonia. RESULTS: Risky sexual behaviours were equally common in the three areas and the determinants were the same. Women with an STIs history more often had had their first sexual intercourse when aged under 18, had not used condom during first intercourse, had a high number of lifetime or previous year sexual partners. However, marital status and education were not similar determinants. Cohabiting and well-educated women in Finland were more likely to have STIs while in other areas the associations found were not statistically significant. CONCLUSIONS: Risky behaviour predicts STIs, but does not explain the varying rates of STIs between areas.


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Housepits have a remarkably short research history as compared to Fennoscandian archaeological research on the Stone Age in general. The current understanding of the numbers and the distribution of Stone Age housepits in the Nordic countries has, for the most part, been shaped by archaeological studies carried out over the last twenty to thirty years. The main subjects of this research are Neolithic housepits, which are archaeological remains of semi-subterranean pithouses. This dissertation consists of five peer-reviewed articles and a synthesis paper. The articles deal with the development of housepits as seen in the data gathered from Finland (the Lake Saimaa area and south-eastern Finland) and Russia (the Karelian Isthmus). This synthesis expands the discussion of the changes observed in the Papers to include Fennoscandian housepit research as a whole. Certain changes in the size, shape, environmental location, and clustering of housepits extended into various cultures and ecological zones in northern Fennoscandia. Previously, the evolution of housepits has been interpreted to have been caused by the adaptation of Neolithic societies to prevailing environmental circumstances or to re-organization following contacts with the agrarian Corded Ware/Battle Axe Cultures spreading to North. This dissertation argues for two waves of change in the pithouse building tradition. Both waves brought with them certain changes in the pithouses themselves and in the practices of locating the dwellings in the environment/landscape. The changes in housepits do not go hand in hand with other changes in material culture, nor are the changes restricted to certain ecological environments. Based on current information, it appears that the changes relate primarily to the spread of new concepts of housing and possibly to new technology, as opposed to representing merely a local response to environmental factors. This development commenced already before the birth of the Corded Ware/Battle Axe Cultures. Therefore, the changes are argued to have resulted from the spreading of new ideas through the same networks that actively distributed commodities, exotic goods, and raw materials over vast areas between the southern Baltic Sea, the north-west Russian forest zone, and Fennoscandia.


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Agri-environmental schemes have so far resulted in only minor positive implications for the biodiversity of agricultural environments, in contrast to what has been expected. Land-use intensification has decreased landscape heterogeneity and the amount of semi-natural habitats. Field margins are uncultivated areas of permanent vegetation located adjacent to fields. Since the number of these habitats is high, investing in their quality may result in more diverse agricultural landscapes. Field margins can be considered as multifunctional habitats providing agronomic, environmental and wildlife services. This thesis aimed at examining the plant communities of different types of field margin habitats and the factors affecting their species diversity and composition. The importance of edaphic, spatial and management factors was studied on regional, landscape and habitat scales. Vegetation surveys were conducted on regional and landscape scales and a field experiment on cutting management was conducted on a habitat scale. In field margin plant communities, species appeared to be indicators of high or intermediate soil fertility and moist soil conditions. The plant species diversity found was rather low, compared with most species-rich agricultural habitats in Finland, such as dry meadows. Among regions, land-use history, main production line, natural species and human induced distribution, climate and edaphic factors were elements inducing differences in species composition. The lowest regional species diversity of field margins was related to intensive and long-term cereal production. Management by cutting and removal or grazing had a positive effect on plant species diversity. The positive effect of cutting and removal on species richness was also dependent on the adjacent source of colonizing species. Therefore, in species-poor habitats and landscapes, establishment of margins with diverse seed mixtures can be recommended for enhancing the development of species richness. However, seed mixtures should include only native species preferably local origin. Management by cutting once a year for 5 years did not result in a decline in dominance of a harmful weed species, Elymus repens, showing that E. repens probably needs cutting more frequently than once per year. Agri-environmental schemes should include long-term contracts with farmers for the establishment, and management by cutting and removal or grazing, of field margins that are several metres wide. In such schemes, the timing and frequency of management should be planned so as not to harm other taxa, such as the insects and birds that are dependent on these habitats. All accidental herbicide drifts to field margins should be avoided when spraying the cultivated area to minimize the negative effects of sprayings on vegetation. The harmful effects of herbicides can be avoided by organic farming methods.


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Cognitive health is of central importance for independent and balanced old age, while memory disorders represent the leading cause of intensive and long-term care among the Finnish elderly. The aims of this study were to analyse the effect of height, body mass index, weight change, metabolic conditions and coffee drinking in midlife on cognitive performance in old age among a sample of 2606 Finnish twins aged 65 years or older who had participated in a telephone interview to assess their cognitive status. Since coffee drinking associates with several metabolic conditions and Finns are known to be the greatest consumers of coffee in the world, the heritability and stability of coffee drinking was analysed in the whole Older Finnish Twin Cohort (n=10716). In order to investigate the association between height and cognitive performance in a population with more supportive childhood living conditions, a total of 2161 Danish twins were included in this study. A greater height was found to clearly associate with better cognitive performance in Finnish subjects, but less so among the Danish sample, which may reflect the childhood environmental differences between these cohorts. In the Finnish subjects, there was greater variance in cognitive performance among shorter subjects, and environmental factors were found to play a greater role in their cognitive performance, whereas the cognitive performance of taller participants was mainly explained by genetic factors. Midlife metabolic variables that were found to be significantly associated with a poorer cognitive performance in old age included a higher body mass index and three metabolic conditions: cardiovascular disease, hypertension and, most significantly of all, diabetes. Moreover, both weight gain and loss, even to a lesser degree than suggested previously, were found to be associated with poorer cognition. Furthermore, evidence of a causal relationship between midlife cardiovascular disease and cognitive performance in old age was demonstrated among discordant twin pairs. Conversely, no effect of coffee drinking in midlife on cognitive performance in old age was observed, although coffee drinking was demonstrated to be stable in the study population. The heritability of coffee drinking was found to differ across sexes and age groups, being 51% in men and 52% in women in the whole study population. This study supports the contention that cognitive performance in old age reflects the effects of multiple genetic and environmental exposures, including their complex interactions during the life-span. The demonstrated associations and evidence of a causal pathway between potentially preventable exposures and poorer cognitive performance highlight the importance of preventive medicine.


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Biological invasions affect biodiversity worldwide, and, consequently, the invaded ecosystems may suffer from significant losses in economic and cultural values. Impatiens glandulifera Royle (Balsaminaceae) is an invasive annual herb, native to the western Himalayas and introduced into Europe in the 19th century as a garden ornamental plant. The massive invasion of I. glandulifera is due to its high reproductive output, rapid growth and its ability to outcompete native species. In Finland, the first observations regarding the presence of I. glandulifera date from the year 1947, and today it is considered a serious problem in riparian habitats. The aim of this master’s thesis research is to reveal the population genetic structure of I. glandulifera in Finland and to find out whether there have been one or multiple invasions in Finland. The study focuses on investigating the origin of I. glandulifera in Southern Finland, by comparing plant samples from the Helsinki region with those from its native region and other regions of invasion. Samples from four populations in Helsinki and from the United Kingdom, Canada, India and Pakistan were collected and genotyped using 11 microsatellite markers. The genetic analyses were evaluated using the programs Arlequin and Structure. The results of the genetic analyses suggested that I. glandulifera has been introduced to Finland more than once. Multiple introductions are supported by the higher level of genetic diversity detected within and among Finnish populations than would be expected for a single introduction. Results of the Bayesian Structure analysis divided the four Finnish populations into four clusters. This geographical structure was further supported by pairwise Fst values among populations. The causes and potential consequences of such multiple introductions of I. glandulifera in Finland and further perspectives are discussed.


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Changes in the structure of plant communities may have much more impact on ecosystem carbon (C) cycling than any phenotypic responses to environmental changes. We studied these impacts via the response of plant litter quality, at the level of species and community, to persistent water-level (WL) drawdown in peatlands. We studied three sites with different nutrient regimes, and water-level manipulations at two time scales. The parameters used to characterize litter quality included extractable substances, cellulose, holocellulose, composition of hemicellulose (neutral sugars, uronic acids), Klason lignin, CuO oxidation phenolic products, and concentrations of C and several nutrients. The litters formed four chemically distinct groups: non-graminoid foliar litters, graminoids, mosses and woody litters. Direct effects of WL drawdown on litter quality at the species level were overruled by indirect effects via changes in litter type composition. The pristine conditions were characterized by Sphagnum moss and graminoid litters. Short-term (years) responses of the litter inputs to WL drawdown were small. In longterm (decades), total litter inputs increased, due to increased tree litter inputs. Simultaneously, the litter type composition and its chemical quality at the community level greatly changed. The changes that we documented will strongly affect soil properties and C cycle of peatlands.


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The purpose of the research was to determine how well Finnish children and youngsters in different ages recognize poisonous and eatable wild plant species and to which characteristics they pay attention to when identifying plants. The purpose was also to find out, how well the pupils and students can estimate if the wild plants are either poisonous or eatable. The goal was to gather knowledge about what factors explain these recognition and estimation skills. Also information was wanted about attitudes of children and youngsters towards recognizing and learning the poisonous and eatable wild plants. The research was made on subjects of 48 children and youngsters from grade 6 in primary school, grade 8 in lower- secondary school and vocational school. Both quantitative and qualitative methods were used. A plant recognition test, where 38 pictures on plants was presented, was made for the all subjects. The subjects were requested to name the plants and classify them to be either poisonous or eatable. In addition six students were interviewed from each class, altogether 18 subjects. The themes of the interviews were the attitudes towards eatable and poisonous wild plants and to learn to recognize species. During the interview pictures of plants were looked at and the subjects told which characteristics they pay attention to when trying to recognize it. The results showed that on average wild plants were recognized insufficiently. Standard variation in responses was large in all classes researched. The subjects got better results in classifying of the plants to be either poisonous or eatable than in naming the plants. This research shows that even when a subject cannot name a plant it is still possible for the subject to classify the plant to be either poisonous or eatable. Gender and being an immigrant explained the recognition skills of poisonous and eatable plants so that girls were somewhat better to recognize plant species and native Finns recognized poisonous and eatable plants better that immigrants. Age did not explain the skills to recognize species directly, since students in lower- secondary school recognized the poisonous and eatable plants better than primary school and vocational school students. In skills to estimate plants poisonous or eatability there was no difference according to gender, age, or immigrant background. The subjects considered the skills to recognize poisonous and eatable plants important. Learning to recognize plants at school was not considered interesting however. Since the recognition of plants in neighborhood belongs to tasks of general education it is important to think about how the teaching could be made interesting. According to findings of this study, especially the recognition of poisonous plants was considered important by the subjects. This knowledge as well as teaching about possibilities to utilize plants could be used as a way to motivate and teach the students. Avainsanat Nyckelord - Keywords Plant species recognition, recognition of poisonous plants, recognition of eatable plants, plant species education