54 resultados para complement C9


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Whether a statistician wants to complement a probability model for observed data with a prior distribution and carry out fully probabilistic inference, or base the inference only on the likelihood function, may be a fundamental question in theory, but in practice it may well be of less importance if the likelihood contains much more information than the prior. Maximum likelihood inference can be justified as a Gaussian approximation at the posterior mode, using flat priors. However, in situations where parametric assumptions in standard statistical models would be too rigid, more flexible model formulation, combined with fully probabilistic inference, can be achieved using hierarchical Bayesian parametrization. This work includes five articles, all of which apply probability modeling under various problems involving incomplete observation. Three of the papers apply maximum likelihood estimation and two of them hierarchical Bayesian modeling. Because maximum likelihood may be presented as a special case of Bayesian inference, but not the other way round, in the introductory part of this work we present a framework for probability-based inference using only Bayesian concepts. We also re-derive some results presented in the original articles using the toolbox equipped herein, to show that they are also justifiable under this more general framework. Here the assumption of exchangeability and de Finetti's representation theorem are applied repeatedly for justifying the use of standard parametric probability models with conditionally independent likelihood contributions. It is argued that this same reasoning can be applied also under sampling from a finite population. The main emphasis here is in probability-based inference under incomplete observation due to study design. This is illustrated using a generic two-phase cohort sampling design as an example. The alternative approaches presented for analysis of such a design are full likelihood, which utilizes all observed information, and conditional likelihood, which is restricted to a completely observed set, conditioning on the rule that generated that set. Conditional likelihood inference is also applied for a joint analysis of prevalence and incidence data, a situation subject to both left censoring and left truncation. Other topics covered are model uncertainty and causal inference using posterior predictive distributions. We formulate a non-parametric monotonic regression model for one or more covariates and a Bayesian estimation procedure, and apply the model in the context of optimal sequential treatment regimes, demonstrating that inference based on posterior predictive distributions is feasible also in this case.


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Children and young people as environmental citizens the environmental education perspective to participation This doctoral thesis examines the participation of children and young people in developing their own environment at school, as a part of environmental education. The aim of the research is to assess and consider children and young people s environmentally responsible participation and its effectiveness in relation to the participants own learning and the end results of the participation. The research combines the perspectives of environmental education and citizenship education through the concept of environmental citizenship. Environmental education, which enhances environmental citizenship, offers children and young people the possibility to be active citizens and learn about citizenship in their own lives by taking action themselves. The research is made up of two parts which complement each other. The first part consists of an action research carried out in the Joensuu Lyseo Upper Secondary School, where an environmental education course with a traffic-related theme was planned, developed and evaluated. The second part is made up of an interview survey carried out in Helsinki. In the survey actors from schools and various city offices, who were involved in development projects of school environments, were interviewed. According to the research results, all-round cooperation and more open relations with those outside of the school environment are important ways to support environmental citizenship in schools. Thus, environmentally responsible participation offers a chance to learn competence that an environmental citizen needs the knowledge, skills and willingness to act that have not been successfully taught through traditional school education. The research introduces a model of environmentally responsible participation as a learning process, in which learning is studied through the development of competence, self-empowerment and social empowerment. The model makes the context of environmental education visible and puts emphasis on reflection in the learning process. A central factor in children and young people s self-empowerment is the sense of being heard and taken into consideration. At the moment children and young people s rights to participate are strong, due to legislation, school curricula, and several national and international agreements. Despite this, involving them in developing their own immediate surroundings has not become a part of schools and planning organisations daily life and established methods. Reasons for this situation can be found in the lack of regard and resources for these matters, in the complex nature of planning and a long time frame, and the problems of ownership and of reaching each other. Central to overcoming these obstacles are a gradual change in conduct and mentalities and the strengthening of teachers and officials competence. Children and young people need different ways and methods of varying levels of involvement, structures and arenas which enable participation and in which environmental citizenship can be realized. Key words: environmental citizenship, environmental education, citizenship education, children and young people s participation, social learning, self-empowerment, social empowerment, school, community planning


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Lignin is a hydrophobic polymer that is synthesised in the secondary cell walls of all vascular plants. It enables water conduction through the stem, supports the upright growth habit and protects against invading pathogens. In addition, lignin hinders the utilisation of the cellulosic cell walls of plants in pulp and paper industry and as forage. Lignin precursors are synthesised in the cytoplasm through the phenylpropanoid pathway, transported into the cell wall and oxidised by peroxidases or laccases to phenoxy radicals that couple to form the lignin polymer. This study was conducted to characterise the lignin biosynthetic pathway in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). We focused on the less well-known polymerisation stage, to identify the enzymes and the regulatory mechanisms that are involved. Available data for lignin biosynthesis in gymnosperms is scarce and, for example, the latest improvements in precursor biosynthesis have only been verified in herbaceous plants. Therefore, we also wanted to study in detail the roles of individual gene family members during developmental and stress-induced lignification, using EST sequencing and real-time RT-PCR. We used, as a model, a Norway spruce tissue culture line that produces extracellular lignin into the culture medium, and showed that lignin polymerisation in the tissue culture depends on peroxidase activity. We identified in the culture medium a significant NADH oxidase activity that could generate H2O2 for peroxidases. Two basic culture medium peroxidases were shown to have high affinity to coniferyl alcohol. Conservation of the putative substrate-binding amino acids was observed when the spruce peroxidase sequences were compared with other peroxidases with high affinity to coniferyl alcohol. We also used different peroxidase fractions to produce synthetic in vitro lignins from coniferyl alcohol; however, the linkage pattern of the suspension culture lignin could not be reproduced in vitro with the purified peroxidases, nor with the full complement of culture medium proteins. This emphasised the importance of the precursor radical concentration in the reaction zone, which is controlled by the cells through the secretion of both the lignin precursors and the oxidative enzymes to the apoplast. In addition, we identified basic peroxidases that were reversibly bound to the lignin precipitate. They could be involved, for example, in the oxidation of polymeric lignin, which is required for polymer growth. The dibenzodioxocin substructure was used as a marker for polymer oxidation in the in vitro polymerisation studies, as it is a typical substructure in wood lignin and in the suspension culture lignin. Using immunolocalisation, we found the structure mainly in the S2+S3 layers of the secondary cell walls of Norway spruce tracheids. The structure was primarily formed during the late phases of lignification. Contrary to the earlier assumptions, it appears to be a terminal structure in the lignin macromolecule. Most lignin biosynthetic enzymes are encoded for by several genes, all of which may not participate in lignin biosynthesis. In order to identify the gene family members that are responsible for developmental lignification, ESTs were sequenced from the lignin-forming tissue culture and developing xylem of spruce. Expression of the identified lignin biosynthetic genes was studied using real-time RT-PCR. Candidate genes for developmental lignification were identified by a coordinated, high expression of certain genes within the gene families in all lignin-forming tissues. However, such coordinated expression was not found for peroxidase genes. We also studied stress-induced lignification either during compression wood formation by bending the stems or after Heterobasidion annosum infection. Based on gene expression profiles, stress-induced monolignol biosynthesis appeared similar to the developmental process, and only single PAL and C3H genes were specifically up-regulated by stress. On the contrary, the up-regulated peroxidase genes differed between developmental and stress-induced lignification, indicating specific responses.


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Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium is a common cause of gastroenteritis in humans and, occasionally, also causes systemic infection. During systemic infection an important characteristic of Salmonella is its ability to survive and replicate within macrophages. The outer membrane protease PgtE of S. enterica is a member of the omptin family of outer membrane aspartate proteases, which are beta-barrel proteins with five surface-exposed loops. The main goals of this study were to characterize biological substrates and pathogenesis-associated functions of PgtE and to determine the conditions where PgtE is fully active. In this study we found that PgtE requires rough lipopolysaccharide (LPS) to be functional but is sterically inhibited by the long O-antigen side chain in smooth LPS. Salmonella isolates normally are smooth with a long oligosaccharide O-antigen, and PgtE remains functionally cryptic in wild-type Salmonella cultivated in vitro. Interestingly, our results showed that due to increased expression of PgtE and to reduced length of the LPS O-antigen chains, the wild-type Salmonella expresses highly functional PgtE when isolated from mouse macrophage-like J774A.1 cells. Salmonella is thought to be continuously released from macrophages to infect new ones, and our results suggest that PgtE is functional during these transient extracellular growth phases. Six novel host protein substrates were identified for PgtE in this work. PgtE was previously known to activate human plasminogen (Plg) to plasmin, a broad-spectrum serine protease, and in this study PgtE was shown to interfere with the Plg system by inactivating the main inhibitor of plasmin, alpha2-antiplasmin. PgtE also interferes with another important proteolytic system of mammals by activating pro-matrix metalloproteinase-9 to an active gelatinase. PgtE also directly degrades gelatin, a component of extracellular matrices. PgtE also increases bacterial resistance against complement-mediated killing in human serum and enhances survival of Salmonella within murine macrophages as well as in the liver and spleen of intraperitoneally infected mice. Taken together, the results in this study suggest that PgtE is a virulence factor of Salmonella that has adapted to interfere with host proteolytic systems and to modify extracellular matrix; these features likely assist the migration of Salmonella during systemic salmonellosis.


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Acute pancreatitis (AP), a common cause of acute abdominal pain, is usually a mild, self-limited disease. However, some 20-30% of patients develop a severe disease manifested by pancreatic necrosis, abscesses or pseudocysts, and/or extrapancreatic complications, such as vital organ failure (OF). Patients with AP develop systemic inflammation, which is considered to play a role in the pathogenesis of multiple organ failure (MOF). OF mimics the condition seen in patients with sepsis, which is characterized by an overwhelming production of inflammatory mediators, activation of the complement system and systemic activation of coagulation, as well as the development of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) syndrome. Vital OF is the major cause of mortality in AP, along with infectious complications. About half of the deaths occur within the first week of hospitalization and thus, early identification of patients likely to develop OF is important. The aim of the present study was to investigate inflammatory and coagulation disturbances in AP and to find inflammatory and coagulation markers for predicting severe AP, and development of OF and fatal outcome. This clinical study consists of four parts. All of patients studied had AP when admitted to Helsinki University Central Hospital. In the first study, 31 patients with severe AP were investigated. Their plasma levels of protein C (PC) and activated protein C (APC), and monocyte HLA-DR expression were studied during the treatment period in the intensive care unit; 13 of these patients developed OF. In the second study, the serum levels of complement regulator protein CD59 were studied in 39 patients during the first week of hospitalization; 12 of them developed OF. In the third study, 165 patients were investigated; their plasma levels of soluble form of the receptor for advanced glycation end products (sRAGE) and high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) protein were studied during the first 12 days of hos-pitalization; 38 developed OF. In the fourth study, 33 patients were studied on admission to hospital for plasma levels of prothrombin fragment F1+2 and tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI), and thrombin formation capacity by calibrated automated thrombogram (CAT); 9 of them developed OF. Our results showed significant PC deficiency and decreased APC generation in patients with severe AP. The PC pathway defects seemed to be associated with the development of OF. In patients who developed OF, the levels of serum CD59 and plasma sRAGE, but not of HMGB1, were significantly higher than in patients who recovered without OF. The high CD59 levels on admission to the hospital seemed to be predictive for severe AP and OF. The median of the highest sRAGE levels was significantly higher in non-survivors than in survivors. No significant difference between the patient groups was found in the F1+2 levels. The thrombograms of all patients were disturbed in their shape, and in 11 patients the exogenous tissue factor did not trigger thrombin generation at all ( flat curve ). All of the patients that died displayed a flat curve. Free TFPI levels and free/total TFPI ratios were significantly higher in patients with a flat curve than in the others, and these levels were also significantly higher in non-survivors than in survivors. The flat curve in combination with free TFPI seemed to be predictive for a fatal outcome in AP.


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Aortic valve stenosis (AS) is an active disease process akin to atherosclerosis, with chronic inflammation, lipid accumulation, extracellular matrix remodeling, fibrosis, and extensive calcification of the valves being characteristic features of the disease. The detailed mechanisms and pathogenesis of AS are still incompletely understood, however, and pharmacological treatments targeted toward components of the disease are not currently available. In this thesis project, my coworkers and I studied stenotic aortic valves obtained from 86 patients undergoing valve replacement for clinically significant AS. Non-stenotic control valves (n=17) were obtained from patients undergoing cardiac transplantation or from organ donors without cardiac disease. We identified a novel inflammatory factor, namely mast cell, in stenotic aortic valves and present evidence showing that this multipotent inflammatory cell may participate in the pathogenesis of AS. Using immunohistochemistry and double immunofluorescence stainings, we found that a considerable number of mast cells accumulate in stenotic valves and, in contrast to normal valves, the mast cells in diseased valves were in an activated state. Moreover, valvular mast cells contained two effective proteases, chymase and cathepsin G, which may participate in adverse remodeling of the valves either by inducing fibrosis (chymase and cathepsin G) or by degrading elastin fibers in the valves (cathepsin G). As chymase and cathepsin G are both capable of generating the profibrotic peptide angiotensin II, we also studied the expression and activity of angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) in the valves. Using RT-PCR, imunohistochemistry, and autoradiography, we observed a significant increase in the expression and activity of ACE in stenotic valves. Besides mast cell-derived cathepsin G, aortic valves contained other elastolytic cathepsins (S, K, and V). Using immunohistochemistry, RT-PCR, and fluorometric microassay, we showed that the expression and activity of these cathepsins were augmented in stenotic valves. Furthermore, in stenotic but not in normal valves, we observed a distinctive pattern of elastin fiber degradation and disorganization. Importantly, this characteristic elastin degradation observed in diseased valves could be mimicked by adding exogenous cathepsins to control valves, which initially contained intact elastin fibers. In stenotic leaflets, the collagen/elastin ratio was increased and correlated positively with smoking, a potent AS-accelerating factor. Indeed, cigarette smoke could also directly activate cultured mast cells and fibroblasts. Next, we analyzed the expression and activity of neutral endopeptidase (NEP), which parallels the actions of ACE in degrading bradykinin (BK) and thus inactivates antifibrotic mechanisms in tissues. Real-time RT-PCR and autoradiography revealed NEP expression and activity to be enhanced in stenotic valves compared to controls. Furthermore, both BK receptors (1 and 2) were present in aortic valves and upregulated in stenotic leaflets. Isolated valve myofibroblasts expressed NEP and BK receptors, and their upregulation occurred in response to inflammation. Finally, we observed that the complement system, a source of several proinflammatory mediators and also a potential activator of valvular mast cells, was activated in stenotic valves. Moreover, receptors for the complement-derived effectors C3a and C5a were expressed in aortic valves and in cultured aortic valve myofibroblasts, in which their expression was induced by inflammation as well as by cigarette smoke. In conclusion, our findings revealed several novel mechanisms of inflammation (mast cells and mast cell-derived mediators, complement activation), fibrosis (ACE, chymase, cathepsin G, NEP), and elastin fiber degradation (cathepsins) in stenotic aortic valves and highlighted these effectors as possible pathogenic contributors to AS. These results support the notion of AS as an active process with inflammation and extracellular matrix remodeling as its key features and identify possible new targets for medical therapy in AS.


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Most of the genes in the MHC region are involveed in adaptive and innate immunity, with essential function in inflammatory reactions and in protection against infections. These genes might serve as a candidate region for infection and inflammation associated diseases. CAD is an inflammatory disease. The present set of studies was performed to assess whether the MHC region harbors genetic markers for CAD, and whether these genetic markers explain the CAD risk factors: e.g., C. pneumoniae, periodontitis, and periodontal pathogens. Study I was performed using two separate patient materials and age- and sex-matched healthy controls, categorizing them into two independent studies: the HTx and ACS studies. Both studies consistently showed the HLA-A3– B35– DR1 (35 ancestral haplotype) haplotype as a susceptible MHC genetic marker for CAD. HLA-DR1 alone was associated not only with CAD, but also with CAD risk factor diseases, e.g., diabetes mellitus, and hyperlipidemia. The ACS study further showed the HLA-B*07 and -DRB1*15 -related haplotype as a protective MHC haplotype for CAD. Study II showed that patients with CAD showed signs of chronic C. pneumoniae infection when compared to age- and sex-matched healthy controls. HLA-B*35 or -related haplotypes associated with the C. pneumoniae infection markers. Among these haplotype carriers, males and smokers associated with elevated C. pneumoniae infection markers. Study III showed that CAD patients with periodontitis had elevated serum markers of P. gingivalis and occurrence of the pathogen in saliva. LTA+496C strongly associated with periodontitis, while HLA-DRB1*01 with periodontitis and with the elevated serum antibodies of P. gingivalis. Study IV showed that the increased level of C3/C4 ratio was a new risk factor and was associated with recurrent cardiovascular end-points. The increased C3 and decreased C4 concentrations in serum explained the increased level of the C3/C4 ratio. Both the higher than cut-off value (4.53) and the highest quartile of the C3/C4 ratio were also associated with worst survival, increased end-points, and C4 null alleles. The presence of C4 null alleles associated with decreased serum C4 concentration, and increased C3/C4 ratio. In conclusion, the present studies show that the CAD susceptibility haplotype (HLA-A3− B35− DR1 -related haplotypes, Study I) partially explains the development of CAD in patients possessing several recognized and novel risk factors: diabetes mellitus, increased LDL, smoking, C4B*Q0, C. pneumnoiae, periodontitis, P. gingivalis, and complement C3/C4 ratio (Study II, III, and IV).


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Age-related macular degeneration (AMD; OMIM # 603075) is an eye disease of the elderly, signs of which appear after the age of 50. In the Western world it is a leading cause of permanent visual loss with a prevalence of 8.5% in persons under 54 years of age and of 37% in persons over 75 years of age. Early forms of AMD may be asymptomatic, but in the late forms usually a central scotoma in the visual field follows severely complicating daily tasks. Smoking, age, and genetic predisposition are known risk factors for AMD. Until recently no true susceptibility genes had been identified though the composition of drusen deposits, the hallmarks of AMD, has suggested that the complement system might play a role in the pathogenesis of AMD. When four groups reported in March 2005, that, on chromosome 1q32, a Y402H variant in the complement factor H (CFH) gene confers risk for AMD in independent Caucasian samples, a new period in the field of genetic research of AMD started. CFH is a key regulator of the complement system. Thus, it is logical to speculate, that it plays a role in the pathogenesis of AMD. We performed a case-control association study to analyse whether the CFH Y402H variant contain a risk for AMD in the Finnish population. Although the population of Finland represents a genetic isolate, the CFH Y402H polymorphism was associated with AMD also in our patient sample with similar risk allele frequencies as in the other Caucasian populations. We further evaluated the effects of this variant, but no association between lesion subtype (predominantly classic, minimally classic or occult lesion) or lesion size of neovascular AMD and the CFH Y402H variant was detected. Neither did the variant have an effect on the photodynamic therapy (PDT) outcome. The patients that respond to PDT carried the risk genotype as frequently as those who did not respond, and no difference was found in the number of PDT sessions needed in patients with or without the risk genotypes of CFH Y402H. Functional analyses, however, showed that the binding of C-reactive protein (CRP) to CFH was significantly reduced in patients with the risk genotype of Y402H. In the past two years, the LOC387715/ high-temperature requirement factor A1 (HTRA1) locus on 10q26 has also been repeatedly associated with AMD in several populations. The recent discovery of the LOC387715 protein on the mitochondrial outer membrane suggests that the LOC387715 gene, not HTRA1, is the true predisposing gene in this region, although its biological function is still unknown. In our Finnish patient material, patients with AMD carried the A69S risk genotype of LOC387715 more frequently than the controls. Also, for the first time, an interaction between the CFH Y402H and the LOC387715 A69S variants was found. The most recently detected susceptibilty gene of AMD, the complement component 3 (C3) gene, encodes the central component of the complement system, C3. In our Finnish sample, an additive gene effect for the C3 locus was detected, though weaker than the effects for the two main loci, CFH and LOC387715. Instead, the hemicentin-1 or the elongation of very long chain fatty acids-like 4 genes that have also been suggested as candidate genes for AMD did not carry a risk for AMD in the Finnish population. This was the first series of molecular genetic study of AMD in Finland. We showed that two common risk variants, CFH Y402H and LOC387715 A69S, represent a high risk of AMD also in the isolated Finnish population, and furthermore, that they had a statistical interaction. It was demonstrated that the CFH Y402H risk genotype affects the binding of CFH to CRP thus suggesting that complement indeed plays an important role in the pathogenesis of AMD.


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Since national differences exist in genes, environment, diet and life habits and also in the use of postmenopausal hormone therapy (HT), the associations between different hormone therapies and the risk for breast cancer were studied among Finnish postmenopausal women. All Finnish women over 50 years of age who used HT were identified from the national medical reimbursement register, established in 1994, and followed up for breast cancer incidence (n= 8,382 cases) until 2005 with the aid of the Finnish Cancer Registry. The risk for breast cancer in HT users was compared to that in the general female population of the same age. Among women using oral or transdermal estradiol alone (ET) (n = 110,984) during the study period 1994-2002 the standardized incidence ratio (SIR) for breast cancer in users for < 5 years was 0.93 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.80–1.04), and in users for ≥ 5 years 1.44 (1.29–1.59). This therapy was associated with similar rises in ductal and lobular types of breast cancer. Both localized stage (1.45; 1.26–1.66) and cancers spread to regional nodes (1.35; 1.09–1.65) were associated with the use of systemic ET. Oral estriol or vaginal estrogens were not accompanied with a risk for breast cancer. The use of estrogen-progestagen therapy (EPT) in the study period 1994-2005 (n= 221,551) was accompanied with an increased incidence of breast cancer (1.31;1.20-1.42) among women using oral or transdermal EPT for 3-5 years, and the incidence increased along with the increasing duration of exposure (≥10 years, 2.07;1.84-2.30). Continuous EPT entailed a significantly higher (2.44; 2.17-2.72) breast cancer incidence compared to sequential EPT (1.78; 1.64-1.90) after 5 years of use. The use of norethisterone acetate (NETA) as a supplement to estradiol was accompanied with a higher incidence of breast cancer after 5 years of use (2.03; 1.88-2.18) than that of medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) (1.64; 1.49-1.79). The SIR for the lobular type of breast cancer was increased within 3 years of EPT exposure (1.35; 1.18-1.53), and the incidence of the lobular type of breast cancer (2.93; 2.33-3.64) was significantly higher than that of the ductal type (1.92; 1.67-2.18) after 10 years of exposure. To control for some confounding factors, two case control studies were performed. All Finnish women between the ages of 50-62 in 1995-2007 and diagnosed with a first invasive breast cancer (n= 9,956) were identified from the Finnish Cancer Registry, and 3 controls of similar age (n=29,868) without breast cancer were retrieved from the Finnish national population registry. Subjects were linked to the medical reimbursement register for defining the HT use. The use of ET was not associated with an increased risk for breast cancer (1.00; 0.92-1.08). Neither was progestagen-only therapy used less than 3 years. However, the use of tibolone was associated with an elevated risk for breast cancer (1.39; 1.07-1.81). The case-control study confirmed the results of EPT regarding sequential vs. continuous use of progestagen, including progestagen released continuously by an intrauterine device; the increased risk was seen already within 3 years of use (1.65;1.32-2.07). The dose of NETA was not a determinant as regards the breast cancer risk. Both systemic ET, and EPT are associated with an elevation in the risk for breast cancer. These risks resemble to a large extent those seen in several other countries. The use of an intrauterine system alone or as a complement to systemic estradiol is also associated with a breast cancer risk. These data emphasize the need for detailed information to women who are considering starting the use of HT.


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Atmospheric aerosol particles have a significant impact on air quality, human health and global climate. The climatic effects of secondary aerosol are currently among the largest uncertainties limiting the scientific understanding of future and past climate changes. To better estimate the climatic importance of secondary aerosol particles, detailed information on atmospheric particle formation mechanisms and the vapours forming the aerosol is required. In this thesis we studied these issues by applying novel instrumentation in a boreal forest to obtain direct information on the very first steps of atmospheric nucleation and particle growth. Additionally, we used detailed laboratory experiments and process modelling to determine condensational growth properties, such as saturation vapour pressures, of dicarboxylic acids, which are organic acids often found in atmospheric samples. Based on our studies, we came to four main conclusions: 1) In the boreal forest region, both sulphurous compounds and organics are needed for secondary particle formation, the previous contributing mainly to particle formation and latter to growth; 2) A persistent pool of molecular clusters, both neutral and charged, is present and participates in atmospheric nucleation processes in boreal forests; 3) Neutral particle formation seems to dominate over ion-mediated mechanisms, at least in the boreal forest boundary layer; 4) The subcooled liquid phase saturation vapour pressures of C3-C9 dicarboxylic acids are of the order of 1e-5 1e-3 Pa at atmospheric temperatures, indicating that a mixed pre-existing particulate phase is required for their condensation in atmospheric conditions. The work presented in this thesis gives tools to better quantify the aerosol source provided by secondary aerosol formation. The results are particularly useful when estimating, for instance, anthropogenic versus biogenic influences and the fractions of secondary aerosol formation explained by neutral or ion-mediated nucleation mechanisms, at least in environments where the average particle formation rates are of the order of some tens of particles per cubic centimeter or lower. However, as the factors driving secondary particle formation are likely to vary depending on the environment, measurements on atmospheric nucleation and particle growth are needed from around the world to be able to better describe the secondary particle formation, and assess its climatic effects on a global scale.


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This study examines gendered housework in India, particularly in Bihar. The perspective adopted in the study was in part derived from the data but also from sociological literature published both in Western countries and in India. The primary attention is therefore paid to modern and traditional aspects in housework. The aim is not to compare Indian practices to those of Western societies, but rather to use Western studies as a fruitful reference point. In that light, Indian housework practices appear to be traditional. Consequently, traditions are given a more significant role than is usually the case in studies on gendered housework, particularly in Western countries. The study approaches the topic mainly from the socio-cultural perspective; this provides the best means to understand the persistence of traditional habits in India. To get a wide enough picture of the division of labour, three methods were applied in the study: detailed time-use data, questionnaire and theme interviews. The data were collected in 1988 in two districts of Bihar, one rural and the other urban. The different data complement each other well but also bring to light contradictory findings: on a general level Biharian people express surprisingly modern views on gender equality but when talking in more detail (theme interviews) the interviewees told about how traditional housework practices still were in 1988. In the analysis of the data set four principal themes are discussed. Responsibility is the concept by which the study aims at understanding the logic of the argumentation on which the persistence of traditional housework practices is grounded. Contrary to the Western style, Biharian respondents appealed not to the principle of choice but to their responsibility to do what has to be done. The power of tradition, the early socialization of children to the traditional division of labour and the elusive nature of modernity are all discussed separately. In addition to the principle of responsibility, housework was also seen as an expression of affection. This was connected to housework in general but also to traditional practices. The purity principle was the third element that made Biharian interviewees favour housework in general, but as in the case of affection it too was interwoven with traditional practices. It seems to be so that if housework is in general preferred, this leads to preferring the traditional division of labour, too. The same came out when examining economic imperatives. However, the arguments concerning them proved to be rational. In analysing them it became clear that the significance of traditions is also much dependent on the economics: as far as the average income in India is very low, the prevalence of traditional practices in housework will continue. However, to make this work, cultural arguments are required: their role is to mediate more smoothly the iron rules of the economy. Key words: family, gendered housework, division of labour, responsibility, family togetherness, emotion, economy of housework, modernity, traditionality


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In this thesis I examine the U.S. foreign policy discussion that followed the war between Russia and Georgia in August 2008. In the politically charged setting that preceded the presidential elections, the subject of the debate was not only Washington's response to the crisis in the Caucasus but, more generally, the direction of U.S. foreign policy after the presidency of George W. Bush. As of November 2010, the reasons for and consequences of the Russia-Georgia war continue to be contested. My thesis demonstrates that there were already a number of different stories about the conflict immediately after the outbreak of hostilities. I want to argue that among these stories one can discern a “neoconservative narrative” that described the war as a confrontation between the East and the West and considered it as a test for Washington’s global leadership. I draw on the theory of securitization, particularly on a framework introduced by Holger Stritzel. Accordingly, I consider statements about the conflict as “threat texts” and analyze these based on the existing discursive context, the performative force of the threat texts and the positional power of the actors presenting them. My thesis suggests that a notion of narrativity can complement Stritzel’s securitization framework and take it further. Threat texts are established as narratives by attaching causal connections, meaning and actorship to the discourse. By focusing on this process I want to shed light on the relationship between the text and the context, capture the time dimension of a speech act articulation and help to explain how some interpretations of the conflict are privileged and others marginalized. I develop the theoretical discussion through an empirical analysis of the neoconservative narrative. Drawing on Stritzel’s framework, I argue that the internal logic of the narrative which was presented as self-evident can be analyzed in its historicity. Asking what was perceived to be at stake in the conflict, how the narrative was formed and what purposes it served also reveals the possibility for alternative explanations. My main source material consists of transcripts of think tank seminars organized in Washington, D.C. in August 2008. In addition, I resort to the foreign policy discussion in the mainstream media.


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This thesis explores migration and the attractiveness of urban living in the Greater Helsinki region. The aim of the thesis is to explore the attractiveness of the city of Helsinki in terms of regional migration and to identify what characterizes migration to Helsinki. The study focuses in particular on housing, which is a key factor influencing migration decisions in the region. Other central themes in the study are housing policy and regional competition among municipalities. This study focuses solely on households moving within Finnish borders excluding international migration. Migration is examined by comparing in- and out-migration in Helsinki, as well as studying migration to the city s inner and outer areas. The primary research material in the study is a questionnaire data collected by the National Consumer Research Centre. In this thesis the data is used for studying migrants aged 25 45. The main research method is analyzing the data statistically using the SPSS software. Methods include frequency analysis, cross tabulation, factor analysis and descriptive analysis. Additionally, statistical data is used to complement the questionnaire data. The research results indicate that Helsinki s in- and out-migration differs both in terms of the type of households that migrate as well as in the reasons why they migrate. Furthermore, differences can also be detected between migration to the inner and outer parts of Helsinki. According to the research results, a household s current phase of life is crucial in determining where and why they move within the Greater Helsinki region. A household s set of values on the other hand, seems to have a lesser impact on migration within the region, even though households moving to Helsinki seem to value a somewhat more urban lifestyle than the ones moving out of the city. The research also shows a direct correlation between the values of migrants and their current phase of life. Decisions of migrating are heavily influenced by wider societal issues. In the Greater Helsinki region the labor and housing market appear to have a great influence on the direction of migration streams. According to the results, households move to and from Helsinki for different reasons. The primary reasons for moving to Helsinki are related to the city s diverse labor market and to the working careers of households. Issues related to urban living and an urban lifestyle seem to be relevant although not the main reason why people move to Helsinki. The research material indicates that Helsinki s urban environment is both a pull and a push factor affecting the decisions of migrants. The city attracts those seeking urban living, but on the contrary does not appeal to households seeking more space and wishing to live closer to nature. According to the research, Helsinki with its densely built urban environment mainly attracts singles and childless couples, whereas the city region s other municipalities are more attractive for families with children. Housing policy is one of the main reasons determining where people move within the Helsinki region. As for the city of Helsinki, improving the city s attractiveness seems to be closely linked to how well the city manages to execute its future housing policies and how well alternative living preferences can be taken into account in planning.


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The International Large Detector (ILD) is a concept for a detector at the International Linear Collider, ILC. The ILC will collide electrons and positrons at energies of initially 500 GeV, upgradeable to 1 TeV. The ILC has an ambitious physics program, which will extend and complement that of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). A hallmark of physics at the ILC is precision. The clean initial state and the comparatively benign environment of a lepton collider are ideally suited to high precision measurements. To take full advantage of the physics potential of ILC places great demands on the detector performance. The design of ILD is driven by these requirements. Excellent calorimetry and tracking are combined to obtain the best possible overall event reconstruction, including the capability to reconstruct individual particles within jets for particle ow calorimetry. This requires excellent spatial resolution for all detector systems. A highly granular calorimeter system is combined with a central tracker which stresses redundancy and efficiency. In addition, efficient reconstruction of secondary vertices and excellent momentum resolution for charged particles are essential for an ILC detector. The interaction region of the ILC is designed to host two detectors, which can be moved into the beam position with a push-pull scheme. The mechanical design of ILD and the overall integration of subdetectors takes these operational conditions into account.


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Aim: So far, most of the cognitive neuroscience studies investigating the development of brain activity in childhood have made comparisons between different age groups and ignored the individual stage of cognitive development. Given the wide variation in the rate of cognitive development, this study argues that chronological age alone cannot explain the developmental changes in brain activity. This study demonstrates how Piaget s theory and information on child s individual stage of development can complement the age-related evaluations of brain oscillatory activity. In addition, the relationship between cognitive development and working memory is investigated. Method: A total of 33 children (17 11-year-olds, 16 14-year-olds) participated in this study. The study consisted of behavioural tests and an EEG experiment. Behavioral tests included two Piagetian tasks (the Volume and Density task, the Pendulum task) and Raven s Standard Progressive Matrices task. During EEG experiment, subjects performed a modified version of the Sternberg s memory search paradigm which consisted of an auditorily presented memory set of 4 words and a probe word following these. The EEG data was analyzed using the event-related desynchronization / synchronization (ERD/ERS) method. The Pendulum task was used to assess the cognitive developmental stage of each subject and to form four groups based on age (11- or 14-year-olds) and cognitive developmental stage (concrete or formal operational stage). Group comparisons between these four groups were performed for the EEG data. Results and conclusions: Both age- and cognitive stage-related differences in brain oscillatory activity were found between the four groups. Importantly, age-related changes similar to those reported by previous studies were found also in this study, but these changes were modified by developmental stage. In addition, the results support a strong link between working memory and cognitive development by demonstrating differences in memory task related brain activity and cognitive developmental stages. Based on these findings it is suggested that in the future, comparisons of development of brain activity should not be based only on age but also on the individual cognitive developmental stage.