37 resultados para Dexter, Gregory, 1610-1700.


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This three-phase design research describes the modelling processes for DC-circuit phenomena. The first phase presents an analysis of the development of the DC-circuit historical models in the context of constructing Volta s pile at the turn of the 18th century. The second phase involves the designing of a teaching experiment for comprehensive school third graders. Among other considerations, the design work utilises the results of the first phase and research literature of pupils mental models for DC-circuit phenomena. The third phase of the research was concerned with the realisation of the planned teaching experiment. The aim of this phase was to study the development of the external representations of DC-circuit phenomena in a small group of third graders. The aim of the study has been to search for new ways to guide pupils to learn DC-circuit phenomena while emphasing understanding at the qualitative level. Thus, electricity, which has been perceived as a difficult and abstract subject, could be learnt more comprehensively. Especially, the research of younger pupils learning of electricity concepts has not been of great interest at the international level, although DC-circuit phenomena are also taught in the lower classes of comprehensive schools. The results of this study are important, because there has tended to be more teaching of natural sciences in the lower classes of comprehensive schools, and attempts are being made to develop this trend in Finland. In the theoretical part of the research an Experimental-centred representation approach, which emphasises the role of experimentalism in the development of pupil s representations, is created. According to this approach learning at the qualitative level consists of empirical operations like experimenting, observations, perception, and prequantification of nature phenomena, and modelling operations like explaining and reasoning. Besides planning teaching, the new approach can be used as an analysis tool in describing both historical modelling and the development of pupils representations. In the first phase of the study, the research question was: How did the historical models of DC-circuit phenomena develop in Volta s time? The analysis uncovered three qualitative historical models associated with the historical concept formation process. The models include conceptions of the electric circuit as a scene in the DC-circuit phenomena, the comparative electric-current phenomenon as a cause of different observable effect phenomena, and the strength of the battery as a cause of the electric-current phenomenon. These models describe the concept formation process and its phases in Volta s time. The models are portrayed in the analysis using fragments of the models, where observation-based fragments and theoretical fragements are distinguished from each other. The results emphasise the significance of the qualitative concept formation and the meaning of language in the historical modelling of DC-circuit phenomena. For this reason these viewpoints are stressed in planning the teaching experiment in the second phase of the research. In addition, the design process utilised the experimentation behind the historical models of DC-circuit phenomena In the third phase of the study the research question is as follows: How will the small group s external representations of DC-circuit phenomena develop during the teaching experiment? The main question is divided into the following two sub questions: What kind of talk exists in the small group s learning? What kinds of external representations for DC-circuit phenomena exist in the small group discourse during the teaching experiment? The analysis revealed that the teaching experiment of the small group succeeded in its aim to activate talk in the small group. The designed connection cards proved especially successful in activating talk. The connection cards are cards that represent the components of the electric circuit. In the teaching experiment the pupils constructed different connections with the connection cards and discussed, what kinds of DC-circuit phenomena would take place in the corresponding real connections. The talk of the small group was analysed by comparing two situations, firstly, when the small group discussed using connections made with the connection cards and secondly with the same connections using real components. According to the results the talk of the small group included more higher-order thinking when using the connection cards than with similar real components. In order to answer the second sub question concerning the small group s external representations that appeared in the talk during the teaching experiment; student talk was visualised by the fragment maps which incorporate the electric circuit, the electric current and the source voltage. The fragment maps represent the gradual development of the external representations of DC-circuit phenomena in the small group during the teaching experiment. The results of the study challenge the results of previous research into the abstractness and difficulty of electricity concepts. According to this research, the external representations of DC-circuit phenomena clearly developed in the small group of third graders. Furthermore, the fragment maps uncover that although the theoretical explanations of DC-circuit phenomena, which have been obtained as results of typical mental model studies, remain undeveloped, learning at the qualitative level of understanding does take place.


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The triangular space between memory, narrative and pictorial representation is the terrain on which this article is developed. Taking the art of memory developed by Giordano Bruno (1548 – 1600) and the art of painting subtly revolutionised by Adam Elsheimer (1578 – 1610) as test-cases, it is shown how both subvert the norms of mimesis and narration prevalent throughout the Renaissance, how disrupted memory creates “incoherent” narratives, and how perspective and the notion of “place” are questioned in a corollary way. Two paintings by Elsheimer are analysed and shown to include, in spite of their supposed “realism”, numerous incoherencies, aporias and strange elements – often overlooked. Thus, they do not conform to two of the basic rules governing both the classical art of memory and the humanist art of painting: well-defined places and the exhaustive translatability of words into images (and vice-versa). In the work of Bruno, both his philosophical claims and the literary devices he uses are analysed as hints for a similar (and contemporaneous) undermining of conventions about the transparency and immediacy of representation.


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Tutkimus luotaa 1800-luvun alkuvuosikymmenten Suomen suuriruhtinaskunnan virkamiehistön poliittisia asenteita sensuuri-ja painovapauskysymysten valossa. Sadan virkamiehistöön kuuluneen henkilön yksityiskirjastot ja niiden sisältämät mahdolliset sensuurin kieltämät nimikkeet on seulottu Kansalliskirjaston kokoelmissa olevista 1800- luvun kirjahuutokauppaluetteloista vertailemalla niitä Kansallisarkistossa säilytettäviin sensuuriviranomaisten kiellettyjen teosten listoihin. Tutkimuksen keskeisimmiksi teemoiksi nousevat näin poliittis- sekä kirjahistorialliset, kirjallista kulttuuria koskettelevat ulottuvuudet. Virkamiehistön yksityiskirjastot mahdollisine kiellettyine nimikkeineen on esitelty tilastollisen taulukoinnin avulla kirjastojen koon, virkamiehistön hallintoalan, rankiluokan sekä alueellisen identiteetin mukaan jaoteltuina. Vaikka lähdeaineiston perusteella on tämänkaltaisen poliittisväritteisen kirjallisen kulttuurin tavoittaminen osaksi ongelmallista, ovat huutokauppaluettelot systemaattisesta ja säännöllisestä luonteestaan johtuen merkittävää ja satunnaisten inventaarioluetteloiden ohella lähestulkoon ainoaa käsillä olevaa yksityiskirjastoja koskevaa lähdeaineistoa. Suomen 1800-luvun valtiolliseen asemaan liittyviä historiantulkintoja on tutkimuksen edetessä pyritty kuljettamaan rinnakkain; niitä ovat toisaalta suomalaisten käsitykset maansa perustuslaillisesta asemasta ja toisaalta venäläisten viranomaisten tulkinnat Suomen asemasta yleisvaltakunnallisessa viitekehyksessä. Tämän ohella tutkimusaihetta on lähestytty sen ajalliseeen kontekstiin olennaisesti kytkeytyvien yhteiskunta-ja historianfilosofisten teorioiden avulla. Ne ovat olleet myös tutkimuksen kohteena olleille aikalaisille relevantti henkinen ulottuvuus. Tämä on perusteltua, koska filosofista ja valtiotieteellistä kirjallisuutta on ollut kirjastoissa paljon. Etiikasta ja moraalista lähtevä vapauden ongelma on ollut yksi tämänkaltainen yhteiskuntafilosofinen kysymys. Tutkimuksessa aika ajoin esiin nouseva aatteellinen vertailu muiden Euroopan maiden oloihin laajentaa tutkimuksen historiallisen viitekehyksen osaksi 1800-luvun eurooppalaisen henkisen aatemaailman maisemaa. Tutkimuksen varovaiset johtopäätökset juontuvat erilaisista näkökulmista. Kiellettyjä nimikkeitä löytyi hieman yli 30 % kaikista virkamiehistön yksityiskirjastoista, mutta kiellettyjen nimikkeiden määrät osoittautuivat kirjastokohtaisesti laskettuna pienehköiksi. Ilmiön voi näin väittää olleen toisaalta marginaalista, mutta toisaalta konkreettinen osoitus poliittiseen vakaumukseen viittaavasta asennoitumisesta; sensuuria esimerkiksi saatettiin tulkita perustuslaillisuutta ja Aleksanteri I:n antaman hallitsijanvakuutuksen taustaa vasten. Kielletyn kirjallisuuden hankkiminen sensuurilaeista piittaamatta saattoi myös olla kamppailua hyvänä pidetyn yhteiskuntajärjestyksen puolesta järjestelmän epäkohtia vastaan. Keisaria kohtaan tunnettiin lojaalisuutta, mutta hänen hallitsemaansa järjestelmää edustavia sensuuriviranomaisia kohtaan välttämättä ei. Tässä kohdin Suomen tilanteella oli vastaavuutta Saksan oloihin, j o s s a nuorhegeliläiset halusivat muuttaa yhteiskuntaa ideaalimpaan suuntaan. Venäjän keisarikuntaan kuuluminen toi mukanaan maallista hyvää, mutta henkisen kulttuurin puolella orientoiduttiin pääasiassa länteen, ja pitäydyttiin Ruotsin ajan luomassa perinnössä. Yksi keskeinen tästä kummunnut valistusaatteen traditionaalinen arvo oli itsensä vapaa kehittäminen, joten sensuurikysymyksissä ajauduttiin väistämättä törmäyskurssille valtiopoliittisen ja kulttuurisen identiteetin ristipaineessa. Vaikka valtiopoliittinen identiteetti vaihtui vuoden 1809 jälkeen, ei kulttuurisen identiteetin kohdalla näin käynyt. Tätä kautta vahvistuu kokonaiskuva 1700-luvun historian ja Ruotsin ajan perinnön tärkeydestä 1800-luvun henkiselle kehitykselle etenkin kirjallisen kulttuurin saralla.


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The incidence of type 2 diabetes has increased rapidly worldwide. Obesity is one of the most important modifiable risk factors of type 2 diabetes: weight gain increases and weight loss decreases the risk. However, the effects of weight fluctuation are unclear. Reactive oxygen species are presumably part of the complicated mechanism for the development of insulin resistance and beta-cell destruction in the pancreas. The association of antioxidants with the risk of incident type 2 diabetes has been studied in longitudinal prospective human studies, but so far there is no clear conclusion about protective effect of dietary or of supplementary antioxidants on diabetes risk. The present study examined 1) weight change and fluctuation as risk factors for incident type 2 diabetes; 2) the association of baseline serum alpha-tocopherol or beta-carotene concentration and dietary intake of antioxidants with the risk of type 2 diabetes; 3) the effect of supplementation with alpha-tocopherol or beta-carotene on the risk of incident type 2 diabetes; and on macrovascular complications and mortality among type 2 diabetics. This investigation was part of the Alpha-Tocopherol, Beta-Carotene Cancer Prevention (ATBC) Study, a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled prevention trial, which has undertaken to examine the effect of alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene supplementation on the development of lung cancer, other cancers, and cardiovascular diseases in male smokers aged 50-69 years at baseline. Participants were assigned to receive either 50 mg alpha-tocopherol, 20mg beta-carotene, both, or placebo daily in a 2 x 2 factorial design experiment during 1985-1993. Cases of incident diabetes were identified through a nationwide register of drug reimbursements of the Social Insurance Institution. At baseline 1700 men had a history of diabetes. Among those (n = 27 379) with no diabetes at baseline 305 new cases of type 2 diabetes were recognized during the intervention period and 705 during the whole follow-up to 12.5 years. Weight gain and weight fluctuation measured over a three year period were independent risk factors for subsequent incident type 2 diabetes. Relative risk (RR) was 1.77 (95% confidence interval [CI] 1.44-2.17) for weight gain of at least 4 kg compared to those with a weight change of less than 4 kg. The RR in the highest weight fluctuation quintile compared to the lowest was 1.64 (95% CI 1.24-2.17). Dietary tocopherols and tocotrienols as well as dietary carotenoids, flavonols, flavones and vitamin C were not associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes. Baseline serum alpha-tocopherol and beta-carotene concentrations were not associated with the risk of incident diabetes. Neither alpha-tocopherol nor beta-carotene supplementation affected the risk of diabetes. The relative risks for participants who received alpha-tocopherol compared with nonrecipients and for participants who received beta-carotene compared with nonrecipients were 0.92 (95% CI 0.79-1.07) and 0.99 (95% CI 0.85-1.15), respectively. Furthermore, alpha-tocopherol or beta-carotene supplementation did not affect the risk of macrovascular complications or mortality of diabetic subjects during the 19 years follow-up time. In conclusion, in this study of older middle-aged male smokers, weight gain and weight fluctuation were independent risk factors for type 2 diabetes. Intake of antioxidants or serum alpha-tocopherol or beta-carotene concentrations were not associated with the risk of type 2 diabetes. Supplementation with of alpha-tocopherol or beta-carotene did not prevent type 2 diabetes. Neither did they prevent macrovascular complications, or mortality among diabetic subjects.


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Microcatchment water harvesting (MCWH) improved the survival and growth of planted trees on heavy soils in eastern Kenya five to six years after planting. In the best method, the cross-tied furrow microcatchments, the mean annual increments (MAI; based on the average biomass of living trees multiplied by tree density and survival) of the total and usable biomass in Prosopis juliflora were 2787 and 1610 kg ha-1 a-1 respectively, when the initial tree density was 500 to 1667 trees per hectare. Based on survival, the indigenous Acacia horrida, A. mellifera and A. zanzibarica were the most suitable species for planting using MCWH. When both survival and yield were considered, a local seed source of the introduced P. juliflora was superior to all other species. The MAI in MCWH was at best distinctly higher than that in the natural vegetation (163­307 and 66­111 kg ha-1 a-1 for total and usable biomass respectively); this cannot satisfy the fuelwood demand of concentrated populations, such as towns or irrigation schemes. The density of seeds of woody species in the topsoil was 40.1 seeds m-2 in the Acacia-Commiphora bushland and 12.6 seeds m-2 in the zone between the bushland and the Tana riverine forest. Rehabilitation of woody vegetation using the soil seed bank alone proved difficult due to the lack of seeds of desirable species. The regeneration and dynamics of woody vegetation were also studied both in cleared and undisturbed bushland. A sub-type of Acacia-Commiphora bushland was identified as Acacia reficiens bushland, in which the dominant Commiphora species is C. campestris. Most of the woody species did not have even-aged populations but cohort structures that were skewed towards young individuals. The woody vegetation and the status of soil nutrients were estimated to recover in 15­20 years on Vertic Natrargid soils after total removal of above-ground vegetation.


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Under 1700-talets andra hälft hörde Sveriges nya fästningar i öst (Helsingfors, Sveaborg, Lovisa och Svartholm) till rikets största satsningar. Fästningsprojektet leddes med undantag av ett par avbrott av Augustin Ehrensvärd (1710 1772). När arbetet tog fart namngavs de enskilda fästningsverken i så gott som alla fall efter samtida personer. Under Ehrensvärds tid tillämpades denna namngivning på omkring femtio av Sveaborgs och Helsingfors fästningsverk samt på Lovisas och Svartholms totalt aderton verk. Genom personerna de knöts till berättar namnen en hel del om Augustin Ehrensvärds samtid och omvärld. Hur de gjorde det är denna avhandlings huvudfråga. Källmaterialet utgörs av relationsritningar och brev, medan de teoretiska ramarna står att finna i nätverksteori och onomastiska teorier om namnmönster. Ehrensvärd förklarade sin namngivningspraxis för sin överordnade, tronföljaren Adolf Fredrik, 1749 i samband med att Gustavssvärd med fästningsverk namngavs: tanken var att namnge bastioner efter de som bidragit till arbetets framgång och att namnge utanverk efter officerare vid fästningsbygget. Innebörden av Ehrensvärds ord framgår ur namnbeståndet. De största grupperna består av ämbetsmän och militärer. Med de som bidragit till arbetets framgång avsågs sålunda den lokala eliten: landshövdingar som involverats i fästningsbygget samt högre och lägre militärer som tjänstgjorde vid fästningarna. Redan från början syns en klar hierarki i namngivningen. Medan landshövdingarna och de högre militärerna tillägnades bastioner, fick de lägre officerarna se mindre fästningsverk namngivna efter sig, helt i enlighet med Ehrensvärds egen beskrivning. Utanför de ovan nämnda grupperna, hedrades en hel del personer som inte konkret hade engagerats i fästningsbygget. Denna namngivning kan förklaras å ena sidan inom ramen för Ehrensvärds sociala nätverk och å andra sidan mot bakgrund av riksdagspolitiken i frihetstidens Sverige. Av de två förklaringsmodeller bör Ehrensvärds personliga vänskaper ses som en bidragande orsak, medan de politiska motiven utgjorde en avgörande orsak. Som en del av Ehrensvärds nätverk kan de gynnare ses som hade stöttat Ehrensvärd under hans karriär samt hans närmaste medarbetare vid fästningsbygget, ofta officerer han själv handplockat. Namngivningens politiska aspekt syns i det stora antalet riksråd som tillägandes bastionnamn. Vid sidan om riksråden hedrades också talmän vid de samtida riksdagarna. En komparativ studie i namngivningen av fästningsverk vid samtida och äldre svenska fästningar framhäver Ehrensvärd som en innovativ namngivare. Fästningsverk namngivna efter kungligheter verkar ha varit en norm, som också Ehrensvärd anknöt till genom ett fåtal namn. Däremot var namn efter personer inte vanliga, vilket gav den Ehrensvärdska namngivningen en förhållandevis stark anknytning till samtiden. Denna aspekt bekräftas om namnen ses mot bakgrund av 1700-talets uppfattning om ära och äregirighetens samhälleliga nytta. I denna uppfattning syns bakgrunden till förekomsten av personer med både hög och låg status i Ehrensvärds namngivning. Sammanfattningsvis speglar namnen på de finska fästningsverken sin samtid genom den byråkratiska, militära och politiska elit de representerar samt genom motiveringen till dem.


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El presente estudio supone un intento de describir y analizar el uso de la preposición "de" sobre la base de un corpus diacrónico, con énfasis en las diferentes relaciones semánticas que establece. Partiendo de un total de más de 16.000 casos de "de" hemos establecido 48 categorías de uso, que corresponden a cuatro tipos de construcción sintáctica, a saber, el uso de "de" como complemento de nombres (CN), verbos (CV), adjetivos (CA) y, finalmente, su uso como núcleo de expresiones adverbiales independientes (CI). El estudio consta de tres partes fundamentales. En la parte I, se introduce la Lingüística Cognitiva, que constituye la base teórica esencial del trabajo. Más exactamente, se introducen conceptos como la teoría del prototipo, la teoría de las metáforas conceptuales y la gramática cognitiva, especialmente las ideas de "punto de referencia" y "relación intrínseca" (Langacker 1995, 1999). La parte II incluye el análisis de las 48 categorías. En esta parte se presentan y comentan casi 2.000 ejemplos del uso contextual de "de" extraídos del corpus diacrónico. Los resultados más importantes del análisis pueden resumirse en los siguientes puntos: El uso de "de" sigue siendo esencialmente el mismo en la actualidad que hace 800 años, en el sentido de que todas las 48 categorías se identifican en todas las épocas del corpus. El uso de "de" como complemento nominal va aumentando, al contrario de lo que ocurre con su uso como complemento verbal. En el contexto nominal son especialmente las relaciones posesivas más abstractas las que se hacen más frecuentes, mientras que en el contexto verbal las relaciones que se hacen menos frecuentes son las de separación/alejamiento, causa, agente y partitivo indefinido. Destaca la importancia del siglo XVIII como época de transición entre un primer estado de las cosas y otro posterior, en especial en relación con el carácter cada vez más abstracto de las relaciones posesivas así como con la disminución de las categorías adverbales de causa, agente y partitivo. Pese a la variación en el contexto inmediato de uso, el núcleo semántico de "de" se mantiene inalterado. La parte III toma como punto de partida los resultados del análisis de la parte II, tratando de deslindar el aporte semántico de la preposición "de" a su contexto de uso del valor de la relación en conjunto. Así, recurriendo a la metodología para determinar el significado básico y la metodología para determinar lo que constituyen significados distintos de una preposición (Tyler , Evans 2003a, 2003b), se llega a la hipótesis de que "de" posee cuatro significados básicos, a saber, 'punto de partida', 'tema/asunto', 'parte/todo' y 'posesión'. Esta hipótesis, basada en las metodologías de Tyler y Evans y en los resultados del análisis de corpus, se intenta verificar empíricamente mediante el uso de dos cuestionarios destinados a averiguar hasta qué punto las distinciones semánticas a las que se llega por vía teórica son reconocidas por los hablantes nativos de la lengua (cf. Raukko 2003). El resultado conjunto de los dos acercamientos tanto refuerza como especifica la hipótesis. Los datos que arroja el análisis de los cuestionarios parecen reforzar la idea de que el núcleo semántico de "de" es complejo, constando de los cuatro valores mencionados. Sin embargo, cada uno de estos valores básicos constituye un prototipo local, en torno al cual se construye un complejo de matices semánticos derivados del prototipo. La idea final es que los hablantes son conscientes de los cuatro postulados valores básicos, pero que también distinguen matices más detallados, como son las ideas de 'causa', 'agente', 'instrumento', 'finalidad', 'cualidad', etc. Es decir, "de" constituye un elemento polisémico complejo cuya estructura semántica puede describirse como una semejanza de familia centrada en cuatro valores básicos en torno a los cuales se encuentra una serie de matices más específicos, que también constituyen valores propios de la preposición. Creemos, además, que esta caracterización semántica es válida para todas las épocas de la historia del español, con unas pequeñas modificaciones en el peso relativo de los distintos matices, lo cual está relacionado con la observada variación diacrónica en el uso de "de".