44 resultados para 6-59
We search for b→sμ+μ- transitions in B meson (B+, B0, or Bs0) decays with 924 pb-1 of pp̅ collisions at √s=1.96 TeV collected with the CDF II detector at the Fermilab Tevatron. We find excesses with significances of 4.5, 2.9, and 2.4 standard deviations in the B+→μ+μ-K+, B0→μ+μ-K*(892)0, and Bs0→μ+μ-ϕ decay modes, respectively. Using B→J/ψh (h=K+, K*(892)0, ϕ) decays as normalization channels, we report branching fractions for the previously observed B+ and B0 decays, B(B+→μ+μ-K+)=(0.59±0.15±0.04)×10-6, and B(B0→μ+μ-K*(892)0)=(0.81±0.30±0.10)×10-6, where the first uncertainty is statistical, and the second is systematic. We set an upper limit on the relative branching fraction B(Bs0→μ+μ-ϕ)/B(Bs0→J/ψϕ)<2.6(2.3)×10-3 at the 95(90)% confidence level, which is the most stringent to date.
Tutkielmassa arvioidaan taajuushuutokauppojen taloudellista tehokkuutta. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan erityisesti huutokaupan allokatiivista tehokkuutta ja sen toteutumista kahdessa huutokauppatapauksessa. Työn metodeina on historiallinen tarkastelu taajuushuutokauppojen kehityshistoriasta, toimialatarkastelu teletoimialasta, peliteoreettinen analyysi monen kohteen huutokaupan taloudellisesta tehokkuudesta sekä huutokaupassa asetettujen huutojen suuruuksien sekä määrien analysointi Suomen ja Ruotsin 2,6 GHz:n huutokauppojen osalta. Historiallisen tarkastelun tuloksena esitetään, että huutokaupat ovat taloudellisesti tehokkaampi menetelmä kuin muut taajuusjakomenetelmät: arpajaiset, hallinnollinen arviointi tai ns. ”first come first serve” –menetelmä. Matemaattisen analyysin avulla määritellään tarkasti huutokaupan tehokkuus monen kohteen huutokaupassa ja miten huutokauppamekanismilla voidaan ohjata huutokauppa tehokkaaseen lopputulemaan. 2,6 GHz:n Suomen ja Ruotsin huutokauppojen osalta johtopäätöksinä esitetään, että Ruotsin huutokaupassa todennäköisesti saavutettiin tehokas lopputulema. Suomen huutokaupan osalta esitetään, että huutokaupan taloudelliset mekanismit eivät välttämättä ohjanneet huutokauppaa tehokkaaseen lopputulemaan. Suurimpana syynä Suomen huutokaupan mahdollisesti tehottomaan lopputulemaan voitaneen pitää huutokaupassa ilmennyttä, osittain mekanismista johtunutta, vähäistä kysyntää.
The present collection of articles is based on international conference that was held in Seinäjoki, Finland in February 2009. The topic of the conference was Effective Rural and Urban Policies and it was organised in co-operation between University Consortium of Seinäjoki, Seinäjoki Technology Centre and City of Seinäjoki. The presented papers approached the drivers of regional development from several aspects and in different kind of regional contexts across various countries. As a whole the different contributions formed a comprehensive story of those factors that are shaping the development of both rural and urban regions in global economy. The role of local innovation environment and dynamic of social processes that are ‘oiling’ the interaction between individuals within networks inspired several scholars. Also development of physical infrastructure as well as the recent development of economical models that can predict the regional impacts of large scale investments was discussed in many presentations. Clear focus with cultural and disciplinary diversity formed a fruitful basis for the conference and it was easy to learn something new. On the behalf of all organisers I would like to thank all participants of the conference and especially our foreign colleges who had travelled from distances to spend some winter days in Seinäjoki. As we all know this kind of publication does not appear automatically. All authors have done great job by finding time for writing from their busy schedules. Terttu Poranen and Jaana Huhtala have taken care of the technical editing of this publication. Sari Soini was the main organiser of conference and she has also as a editor kept the required pressure to finalize this book. In addition to University of Helsinki, conference was financially supported by the University of Vaasa, City of Seinäjoki, Lähivakuutus and Regional Centre Programme. These contributions are highly appreciated.
This contribution focuses on the accelerated loss of traditional sound patterning in music, parallel to the exponential loss of linguistic and cultural variety in a world increasingly 'globalized' by market policies and economic liberalization, in which scientific or technical justification plays a crucial role. As a suggestion to an alternative trend, composers and music theorists are invited to explore the world of design and patterning by grammar rules from non-dominant cultures, and to make an effort to understand their contextual usage and its transformation, in order to appreciate their symbolism and aesthetic depth. Practical examples are provided.
Metsäsuunnittelussa tarvittavan metsävaratiedon keräämisessä ollaan Suomessa siirtymässä kuvioittaisesta arvioinnista laserkeilaus- ja ilmakuvapohjaiseen kaukokartoitukseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli selvittää kuvion kokonaistilavuuden ja läpimittajakauman ennustamisen tarkkuus koealan metsikkö- ja puustotunnuksista MSN-, PRM-, ML- ja FMM-menetelmiä sekä Weibull-jakaumaa hyödyntäen seuraavilla tavoilla: 1. PRM-menetelmällä hilatasolla, 2. PRMmenetelmällä kuviotasolla, 3. ML-menetelmällä hilatasolla ja 4. ML-menetelmällä kuviotasolla. Lisäksi kuvion kokonaistilavuuden ennustamisen tarkkuus selvitettiin hyödyntäen kuviolle tuotettua runkolukusarjaa. Tulokset laskettiin puulajikohtaisesti männylle, kuuselle, koivulle ja muille puulajeille. Puulajien tulokset laskettiin kuviotasolla yhteen. Lisäksi selvitettiin menetelmien laskenta-ajan ja tallennustilan tarve. Tutkimuksen aineistona käytettiin Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulun Evon toimipisteen metsistä mitattuja kiinteäsäteisiä ympyräkoealoja, joita oli 249 kappaletta. Hakkuukoneella mitattiin 12kuvion, joiden pinta-alat vaihtelivat välillä 0,2 – 1,94 hehtaaria, puustotiedot. Aluepohjaisen laserkeilausaineiston pulssin tiheys oli 1,8/m2 ja ilmakuvien pikselikoko 0,5 metriä. Kuvion kokonaistilavuus ennustettiin tai estimoitiin laserkeilaus- ja ilmakuva-aineiston piirteiden avulla koealojen puustotunnuksista. Tulokset laskettiin erikseen kaikille kuvioille ja kuvioille, joiden pinta-ala oli yli 0,5 hehtaaria. Yli 0,5 hehtaarin kuvioita oli 8 kappaletta. Kuvion hilojen naapureina käytettiin 1 - 10 koealaa. Menetelmästä ja naapurien määrästä riippuen kokonaistilavuuden suhteellinen RMSE ja harha vaihtelivat välillä 20,76 – 52,86 prosenttia ja -12,04 – 46,54 prosenttia. Vastaavat luvut yli 0,5 hehtaarin kuvioilla olivat 6,74 – 59,41 prosenttia ja -8,04 – 49,59 prosenttia. Laskenta-aika vaihteli menetelmien ja käytettyjen naapurien määrän mukaan voimakkaasti. Kehittyneemmällä ohjelmoinnilla ja ohjelmistolla laskenta-ajat voivat laskea merkittävästi. Tallennustila ei testatuilla menetelmillä ole rajoittava tekijä laajassakaan mittakaavassa. Läpimittajakauman perusteella PRM-menetelmä ennustaa puulajille erittäin kapean läpimittajakauman, jos koeala koostuu vain muutamasta lähes samankokoisesta puusta. Tämä vaikutti tuloksiin erityisesti menetelmällä PRM2.
"In rats, sucking milk reduces anxiety and promotes non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, and in calves it induces resting but the effect on sleep is unknown. Here, we investigated how calves' sleep was affected by colostrum feeding methods. Forty-one calves were blocked by birth date and randomly allotted within blocks to the experimental treatments. Calves were housed for four days either with their dam (DAM) or individually with warm colostrum feeding (2 L four times a day) from either a teat bucket (TEAT) or an open bucket (BUCKET). DAM calves suckled their dam freely. Calves' sleeping and sucking behaviour was filmed continuously for 48 h at the ages of two and three days. Behavioural sleep (BS) was defined as calves resting at least 30 s with their head still and raised (non-rapid eye movement) or with their head against their body or the ground (rapid eye movement, REM). Latency from the end of colostrum feeding to the start of BS was recorded. We compared behaviour of TEAT calves with that of DAM and BUCKET calves using mixed models. Milk meal duration was significantly longer for TEAT calves than for BUCKET calves (mean +/- S.E.M.; 8.3 +/- 0.6 min vs. 5.2 +/- 0.6 min), but equal to that of DAM calves. We found no effect of feeding method on the duration of daily BS (12 h 59 min I h 38 min) but we found a tendency for the daily amount of NREM sleep; BUCKET calves had less NREM sleep per day than TEAT calves (6 h 18 min vs. 7 h 48 min, S.E.M. = 45 min) and also longer latencies from milk ingestion to BS (21.9 +/- 2.0 min vs. 16.2 +/- 2.0 min). DAM calves slept longer bouts than TEAT calves (10.8 +/- 1.0 min vs. 8.3 +/- 1.0 min) and less often (78 +/- 4 vs. 92 +/- 4). Sucking colostrum from a teat bucket compared with drinking from an open"
Tilakohtaiset tekijät voivat vaikuttaa niin, että säilörehu korjataan nykyisiä korjuuaikasuosituksia myöhemmin. Tämän maisterintutkielman tavoitteena oli tutkia, paljonko väkirehua tarvitaan kompensoimaan säilörehun erittäin heikkoa sulavuutta. Lisäksi selvitettiin voiko säilörehun huonoa sulavuutta kompensoida väkirehun raakavalkuaispitoisuutta lisäämällä, eli onko väkirehun valkuaispitoisuudella ja säilörehun D-arvolla (sulavan orgaanisen aineen pitoisuus kuiva-aineessa) yhdysvaikutusta. Yhtenä näkökulmana oli myös pohtia säilörehun sadonmuodostusta. Kokeessa oli 36 lehmää ja 6 ensikkoa. Väkirehuna oli teollista täysrehua 9 kg ja 12 kg päivässä. Väkirehujen raakavalkuaispitoisuudet olivat 142 (RV14), 183 (RV18) ja 210 (RV21) g/kg ka. Säilörehuina olivat ensimmäisen sadon nurmisäilörehut, joiden D-arvot olivat 692 (D69) ja 654 (D65) g/kg ka. D-arvo heikkeni korjuuaikojen välillä nyt tehdyssä kokeessa 2,6 g/kg ka päivässä. Säilörehun kuiva-ainesato ei juuri lisääntynyt korjuuaikaa myöhästytettäessä. Säilörehun D-arvon pienentyessä 10 g/kg ka säilörehun syönti väheni 0,42 kg ka. Väkirehun määrän lisääminen vähensi säilörehun syöntiä säilörehun sulavuudesta riippumatta 0,49 kg/kg väkirehun kuiva-ainetta. Väkirehun raakavalkuaispitoisuuden lisääntyminen lisäsi säilörehun syöntiä 0,12 kg ka per10 g/kg ka väkirehun raakavalkuaispitoisuudessa. Energiakorjattu maitotuotos (ekm) pieneni 0,59 kg säilörehun D-arvon pienentyessä 10 g/kg ka. Säilörehun sulavuuden heikentyessä maidon rasva- ja valkuaispitoisuudet eivät muuttuneet, mutta valkuais-, rasva- ja laktoosituotokset pienenivät. Energiakorjattu maitotuotos lisääntyi 0,76 kg per lisätty väkirehun kuiva-ainekilo. D65-säilörehun huonompi sulavuus D69-säilörehuun verrattuna kompensoitiin lisäämällä 3,7 kg ka väkirehua. D-arvo ei vaikuttanut väkirehun maitotuotosvasteeseen. Väkirehun valkuaispitoisuuden lisääntyessä 10 g/kg ka ekm-tuotos lisääntyi 0,26 kg, mutta säilörehun sulavuus ei vaikuttanut vasteeseen. Typen hyväksikäyttö parani väkirehun valkuaispitoisuutta ja väkirehun määrää vähennettäessä ja säilörehun sulavuuden heikentyessä. Muuntokelpoisen energian hyväksikäyttö sitä vastoin tehostui, kun väkirehun määrä väheni ja säilörehun sulavuus heikkeni. Tutkimuksen mukaan väkirehun määrän lisääminen kompensoi D-arvon pienenemistä, kun säilörehun sulavuus pieneni D69:sta D65:een karjan ekm:n vuosituotoksen ollessa noin 9000 kg. Säilörehun D-arvon pienenemistä ei tässä tapauksessa voitu korvata väkirehun valkuaispitoisuutta lisäämällä. Tämän kokeen erittäin myöhään korjatun ensimmäisen niiton sulavuus jäi huomattavan korkeaksi verrattuna nurmen kasvua ennustavaan malliin eikä sato kehittynyt lineaarisesti.
Aims: To examine the characteristics, incidence, treatment and outcome of presumed opioid, γ-hydroxybutyrate (GHB) and γ-butyrolactone (GBL) overdoses involving users of illicit drugs in Helsinki. GHB/GBL were included in this study, despite not being opioids, due to the relative ease with which they can cause potentially fatal respiratory depression. The incidence and time interval of recurrent opioid toxicity after prehospital administration of naloxone, an opioid antagonist, was studied in presumed heroin overdose patients. Naloxone has been reported to have many adverse effects and the effects of naloxone administered during an opioid overdose on the cardiovascular system and catecholamine levels in piglets were studied. Materials and methods: Patients included in these published retrospective studies were from the following time periods: Study I: 1995-2002, II: 1997-2000, III: 1995-2000, V: 2006-2007. Presumed opioid overdose patients were examined in studies I, II and III. GHB/GBL overdoses among injecting drug users was examined in study V. Recurrent opioid toxicity after prehospital naloxone administration in heroin overdose patients was examined in study III. The effects of naloxone (80 μg/kg i.v.) on the cardiovascular system and catecholamine levels administered during morphine overdose (8mg/kg i.v.) and under propofol anesthesia with spontaneous breathing were studied in eight piglets (IV). In this thesis, previously unpublished data on the incidence of opioid overdose between 2001-2007 and comparison of the characteristics of buprenorphine and heroin overdose patients encountered in 1995-2005 are also included. Results: Helsinki Emergency Medical Service (EMS) ambulances were dispatched annually to 34,153- 45,118 calls from 1995 to 2007. Of them, 7-8% were coded as intoxications or overdoses. During this time, 436 patients were treated by the EMS for presumed opioid overdose. The peak incidence of opioid overdoses was in the year 2000 (113 cases), after which they declined to 6-26 cases annually. The annual incidence of buprenorphine related overdoses increased from 4 (4% of opioid overdoses) in the year 2000 to 8 (30% of opioid overdoses) in 2007. The annual number of GHB related overdose patients treated by Helsinki EMS increased from 21 to 73 between 2004-2007. There appeared to be a peak in the incidence of both GHB/GBL and opioid related overdoses on Saturdays. Characteristics of opioid overdose patients The median age of opioid overdose patients was 28 years (22;33, 25- and 75-percentiles), and 84% were male. Buprenorphine overdose patients had more polydrug, such as alcohol and/or benzodiazepines, use in comparison with heroin overdose patients, 70% versus 33%, respectively. Severe respiratory depression was reported less often with buprenorphine overdoses compared to heroin overdoses, in 67.0% versus 85.4%, respectively. Outcome of heroin overdose patients with cardiac arrest Ninety four patients suffered cardiac arrest due to acute drug poisoning/overdose and were thus considered for resuscitation. Resuscitation was attempted in 72 cases. Cardiac arrest was caused by heroin overdose for 19 patients of which three (16%) were discharged alive. Other agents also induced cardiac arrest in 53 patients, of which six (11%) were discharged alive. The arrest was either EMS witnessed or occurring after the emergency call for all survivors of heroin induced cardiac arrest. Characteristics of GHB/GBL overdose patients The records of 100 GHB/GBL related overdose patients from 2006-2007 were retrieved. The median age of GHB/GBL overdose patients encountered on weekend nights was 24 years (22;27, 25- and 75-percentiles) and 49% were male. Polydrug use was reported in 62-80% of the cases. Thirty nine patients were encountered on Friday-Saturday or Saturday-Sunday night between 11 pm-6 am. The remaining sixty one patients were outside this time frame. There was a statistically significant difference between these two groups in history of chronic injecting drug use (33% vs. 59%, respectively, p=0.012). Recurrent heroin toxicity after prehospital naloxone administration Study III included 145 presumed heroin overdose patients. After prehospital care, 84 patients refused further care and were not transported to an Emergency Department (ED). Seventy one (85%) of them were administered naloxone by the EMS. During a 12-h follow up period, none of these patients developed severe recurrent opioid toxicity. The remaining 61 patients were transported to an ED. Prior to transportation, 52 (85%) patients were administered naloxone by the EMS. Fifteen of them were administered naloxone also in the ED and recurrent opioid toxicity was evident either on arrival at the ED or shortly thereafter. Prehospital naloxone was administered either intravenously, intramuscularly (i.m.) or subcutaneously (s.c.). There was a tendency for more frequent recurrent heroin toxicity among the patients with only intravenous administration of prehospital naloxone (13/36) compared with the patients with intramuscular or subcutaneous prehospital naloxone (2/16), p=0.106. The effects of naloxone on the cardiovascular system and catecholamine levels in piglets The administration of morphine to piglets resulted in an obvious respiratory depression, which was reversed by naloxone. Two severely hypoxemic piglets developed cardiac arrest after naloxone administration. In the other six animals, the administration of naloxone did not provoke arrhythmias, cardiac ischemia or visible evidence of pulmonary edema. There was a statistically significant (p=0.012) increase in norepinephrine levels after morphine administration and before naloxone administration: from 1.9 (1.3-2.3) ng/ml at baseline, to 31.7 (8.3-83.0) ng/ml (median, 25 and 75 percentiles parentheses) after morphine administration. After the administration of naloxone, the catecholamine levels continued to increase in only one of the animals. Conclusions: The incidence of buprenorphine related overdoses increased during the study period, but was still lower in comparison to those involving heroin. Injecting drug users have also started to use GHB/GBL. While recreational drug users use GHB/GBL during weekend nights, a GHB/GBL overdose patient encounter during weekdays has a more probable history of injecting drug use. Patients with cardiac arrest after heroin overdose have a poor prognosis. It appears to be safe to leave heroin overdose patients on scene after prehospital treatment with naloxone. Although no statistically significant difference was observed, it seems prudent to administer part of the total naloxone dose s.c. or i.m. to reduce the risk of recurrent respiratory depression. If transported to an ED, an observation period of one to two hours after the last naloxone dose seems adequate. The treating physician must be vigilant, however, due to the high prevalence of polydrug use and high morbidity after non fatal heroin overdose. Furthermore, care should be taken regarding possible chronic disorders and drug rehabilitation should be addressed. In the experimental animal study, two animals developed cardiac arrest after receiving naloxone while in hypoxemia and bradycardia. Further studies are required to assess the effect of naloxone during opioid-induced hypercapnia and hypoxemia in animals addicted to opioids.
Mycotoxins are secondary metabolites of filamentous fungi. They pose a health risk to humans and animals due to their harmful biological properties and common occurrence in food and feed. Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) has gained popularity in the trace analysis of food contaminants. In this study, the applicability of the technique was evaluated in multi-residue methods of mycotoxins aiming at simultaneous detection of chemically diverse compounds. Methods were developed for rapid determination of toxins produced by fungal genera of Aspergillus, Fusarium, Penicillium and Claviceps from cheese, cereal based agar matrices and grains. Analytes were extracted from these matrices with organic solvents. Minimal sample clean-up was carried out before the analysis of the mycotoxins with reversed phase LC coupled to tandem MS (MS/MS). The methods were validated and applied for investigating mycotoxins in cheese and ergot alkaloid occurrence in Finnish grains. Additionally, the toxin production of two Fusarium species predominant in northern Europe was studied. Nine mycotoxins could be determined from cheese with the method developed. The limits of quantification (LOQ) allowed the quantification at concentrations varying from 0.6 to 5.0 µg/kg. The recoveries ranged between 96 and 143 %, and the within-day repeatability (as relative standard deviation, RSDr) between 2.3 and 12.1 %. Roquefortine C and mycophenolic acid could be detected at levels of 300 up to 12000 µg/kg in the mould cheese samples analysed. A total of 29 or 31 toxins could be analysed with the method developed for agar matrices and grains, with the LOQs ranging overall from 0.1 to 1250 µg/kg. The recoveries ranged generally between 44 and 139 %, and the RSDr between 2.0 and 38 %. Type-A trichothecenes and beauvericin were determined from the cereal based agar and grain cultures of F. sporotrichioides and F. langsethiae. T-2 toxin was the main metabolite, the average levels reaching 22000 µg/kg in the grain cultures after 28 days of incubation. The method developed for ten ergot alkaloids from grains allowed their quantification at levels varying from 0.01 to 10 µg/kg. The recoveries ranged from 51 to 139 %, and the RSDr from 0.6 to 13.9 %. Ergot alkaloids were measured in barley and rye at average levels of 59 and 720 µg/kg, respectively. The two most prevalent alkaloids were ergocornine and ergocristine. The LC/MS methods developed enabled rapid detection of mycotoxins in such applications where several toxins co-occurred. Generally, the performance of the methods was good, allowing reliable analysis of the mycotoxins of interest with sufficiently low quantification limits. However, the variation in validation results highlighted the challenges related to optimising this type of multi-residue methods. New data was obtained about the occurrence of mycotoxins in mould cheeses and of ergot alkaloids in Finnish grains. In addition, the study revealed the high mycotoxin-producing potential of two common fungi in Finnish crops. The information can be useful when risks related to fungal and mycotoxin contamination will be assessed.