387 resultados para Ekonomi


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The dissertation examines the foreign policies of the United States through the prism of science and technology. In the focal point of scrutiny is the policy establishing the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) and the development of the multilateral part of bridge building in American foreign policy during the 1960s and early 1970s. After a long and arduous negotiation process, the institute was finally established by twelve national member organizations from the following countries: Bulgaria, Canada, Czechoslovakia, Federal Republic of Germany (FRG), France, German Democratic Republic (GDR), Great Britain, Italy, Japan, Poland, Soviet Union and United States; a few years later Sweden, Finland and the Netherlands also joined. It is said that the goal of the institute was to bring together researchers from East and West to solve pertinent problems caused by the modernization process experienced in industrialized world. It originates from President Lyndon B. Johnson s bridge building policies that were launched in 1964, and was set in a well-contested and crowded domain of other international organizations of environmental and social planning. Since the distinct need for yet another organization was not evident, the process of negotiations in this multinational environment enlightens the foreign policy ambitions of the United States on the road to the Cold War détente. The study places this project within its political era, and juxtaposes it with other international organizations, especially that of the OECD, ECE and NATO. Conventionally, Lyndon Johnson s bridge building policies have been seen as a means to normalize its international relations bilaterally with different East European countries, and the multilateral dimension of the policy has been ignored. This is why IIASA s establishment process in this multilateral environment brings forth new information on US foreign policy goals, the means to achieve these goals, as well as its relations to other advanced industrialized societies before the time of détente, during the 1960s and early 1970s. Furthermore, the substance of the institute applied systems analysis illuminates the differences between European and American methodological thinking in social planning. Systems analysis is closely associated with (American) science and technology policies of the 1960s, especially in its military administrative applications, thus analysis within the foreign policy environment of the United States proved particularly fruitful. In the 1960s the institutional structures of European continent with faltering, and the growing tendencies of integration were in flux. One example of this was the long, drawn-out process of British membership in the EEC, another is de Gaulle s withdrawal from NATO s military-political cooperation. On the other hand, however, economic cooperation in Europe between East and West, and especially with the Soviet Union was expanding rapidly. This American initiative to form a new institutional actor has to be seen in that structural context, showing that bridge building was needed not only to the East, but also to the West. The narrative amounts to an analysis of how the United States managed both cooperation and conflict in its hegemonic aspirations in the emerging modern world, and how it used its special relationship with the United Kingdom to achieve its goals. The research is based on the archives of the United States, Great Britain, Sweden, Finland, and IIASA. The primary sources have been complemented with both contemporary and present day research literature, periodicals, and interviews.


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Tämän pro gradu- tutkielman tavoitteena oli löytää kuluttajien palvelukokemukseen vaikuttavat tekijät lastenvaatteiden- ja tarvikkeiden -verkkokaupassa. Empiirinen tutkimus lähestyi aihetta netnografian avulla. Aineistoksi tähän tutkielmaan valittiin sosiaalisen median keskustelut. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen osa muodostui kolmesta aiheesta: verkko-ostamisesta ja palvelun laadusta, sosiaalisesta mediasta sekä word-of-mouth-viestinnästä. Verkko-ostamisessa käsiteltiin ostamisen eri vaiheet, kuluttajien motivaatiot verkosta ostamiseen, sekä siihen liittyvät riskit ja tarkasteltiin sähköisen palvelun laatua. Sosiaalinen media-luku kertoi sosiaalisen median käytöstä sekä eri medioista. Word-of-mouth-viestintä esitteli perinteisen word-of-mouth-viestinnän lisäksi sähköisen WOM-viestinnän ulottuvuudet. Empiirinen tutkimus oli laadullinen ja se toteutettiin netnografisesti. Netnografia on etnografiaan perustuva menetelmä, jota käytetään internet-aineistoissa. Aineiston analysoinnissa käytettiin teemoittelua. Aihetta lähestyttiin faktanäkökulmasta, eli tutkimuksessa oltiin kiinnostuneita niistä tosiasioista joita keskustelijat kertoivat. Aineisto kerättiin perhe-aiheisten lehtien keskustelupalstoilta sekä blogeista Google-haun avulla. Sosiaalisen median keskustelut valittiin aineistoksi, koska niistä uskottiin saatavan kaikkein totuudenmukaisinta tietoa, johon tutkijan kysymyksen asettelu ei vaikuta. Spontaanit keskustelut antavat erilaista tietoa kuin suoran kysymyksen vastaukset. Tutkimuksen tuloksena löytyi seitsemän teemaa, joita keskusteluissa käsiteltiin. Nämä ovat toimitus, palvelu, palautus ja normalisointi, ulkoasu ja toimivuus, hinta, maksaminen sekä tuotteet ja valikoima. Sen sijaan teorian pohjalta odotettavissa olleet turvallisuus ja yksityisyys eivät tulleet aineistosta lainkaan esiin. Erityisen huonona palveluna asiakkaat pitivät varastosaldojen paikkansapitämättömyyttä, hitaita toimituksia sekä epäystävällistä palvelua. Hyvää palvelua olivat nopeat toimitukset sekä yksilöllinen palvelu ja reklamaatioiden hyvä hoito.


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The tourism development nexus in southern Africa involves highly topical issues related to tourism planning, power relations, community participation, and natural resources. Namibia offers a particularly interesting context for the study of these issues due to its colonial legacy, vast tourism potential, recently adopted tourism policy and community-based approaches to tourism and natural resource management. This study is an interdisciplinary endeavour to analyse the role of tourism in Namibia s post-apartheid transformation process by focusing on Namibian tourism policy and local tourism enterprises' policy knowledge. Major attention is paid to how the tourism policy's national development objectives are understood and conceptualised by the representatives of different tourism enterprises and the ways in which they relate to the practical needs of the enterprises. Through such local policy knowledge the study explores various opportunities, challenges and constraints related to the promotion of tourism as a development strategy. The study utilises a political economy approach to tourism and development through three current and interrelated discourses which are relevant in the Namibian context. These are tourism, power and inequality, tourism and sustainable development, and tourism and poverty reduction. The qualitative research material was gathered in Namibia in 2006-2007 and 2008. This material consists of 34 semi-structured interviews in 16 tourism enterprises, including private trophy hunting farms and private lodges, small tour operators and community-based tourism enterprises. In addition, the research material consists of observations in the enterprises, and 37 informal and 23 expert interviews. The findings indicate that in the light of local tourism enterprises the tourism policy objectives appear more complex and ambiguous. Furthermore, they involve multiple meanings and interpretations which reflect the socio-economic stratification of the informants and Namibian society, together with the professional stratification of the tourism enterprises and restrictions on the capacity of tourism to address the development objectives. In the light of such findings it is obvious that aspects of power and inequality affect the tourism development nexus in Namibia. The study concludes that, as in the case of other southern African countries, in order to promote sustainable development and reduce poverty, Namibia should not only target tourism growth but pay attention to who benefits from that growth and how. From a political economy point of view, it is important that prevailing structural challenges are addressed equally in the planning of tourism, development and natural resource management. Such approach would help the Namibian majority to enjoy the benefits of increasing tourism in the country.


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This study explores labour relations between domestic workers and employers in India. It is based on interviews with both employers and workers, and ethnographically oriented field work in Jaipur, carried out in 2004-2007. Combining development studies with gender studies, labour studies, and childhood studies, it asks how labour relations between domestic workers and employers are formed in Jaipur, and how female domestic workers trajectories are created. Focusing on female part-time maids and live-in work arrangements, the study analyses children s work in the context of overall work force, not in isolation from it. Drawing on feminist Marxism, domestic labour relations are seen as an arena of struggle. The study takes an empirical approach, showing class through empiria and shows how paid domestic work is structured and stratified through intersecting hierarchies of class, caste, gender, age, ethnicity and religion. The importance of class in domestic labour relations is reiterated, but that of caste, so often downplayed by employers, is also emphasized. Domestic workers are crucial to the functioning of middle and upper middle class households, but their function is not just utilitarian. Through them working women and housewives are able to maintain purity and reproduce class disctinctions, both between poor and middle classes and lower and upper middle classes. Despite commodification of work relations, traditional elements of service relationships have been retained, particularly through maternalist practices such as gift giving, creating a peculiar blend of traditional and market practices. Whilst employers of part-time workers purchase services in a segmented market from a range of workers for specific, traditional live-in workers are also hired to serve employers round the clock. Employers and workers grudgingly acknowledged their dependence on one another, employers seeking various strategies to manage fear of servant crime, such as the hiring of children or not employing live-in workers in dual-earning households. Paid domestic work carries a heavy stigma and provide no entry to other jobs. It is transmitted from mothers to daughters and working girls were often the main income providers in their families. The diversity of working conditions is analysed through a continuum of vulnerability, generic live-in workers, particularly children and unmarried young women with no close family in Jaipur, being the most vulnerable and experienced part-time workers the least vulnerable. Whilst terms of employment are negotiated informally and individually, some informal standards regarding salary and days off existed for maids. However, employers maintain that workings conditions are a matter of individual, moral choice. Their reluctance to view their role as that of employers and the workers as their employees is one of the main stumbling blocks in the way of improved working conditions. Key words: paid domestic work, India, children s work, class, caste, gender, life course


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Tarkastelen tutkimuksessani muotibloggaajien kulutuspuhetta. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, millaista kuluttajuutta muotiblogeissa ilmaistaan ja millainen kehityskaari muotiblogeissa on tapahtunut vuodesta 2007 tämän tutkimuksen tekemiseen asti tutkimusaineiston sekä tekemieni havaintojen perusteella. Tutkimus on toteutettu laadullisia tutkimusmenetelmiä käyttämällä. Olen kerännyt aineistoni kymmenestä naisten kirjoittamasta muotiblogista kahtena eri ajanjaksona vuonna 2009. Lisäksi tutkimuksessa on sekä etnografisen että netnografisen havainnoinnin piirteitä. Aineiston analysoinnin apuna olen käyttänyt teemoittelua sekä tyypittelyä. Tutkimuksesta selvisi, että muotibloggaajien näkeminen identiteettiään etsivänä liittyy oman tyylin etsimiseen ja erottautumisen haluun. Perinteinen näkemys kuluttajasta valitsijana ja passiivisena markkinoilla toimijana on väistymässä, sillä muotibloggaajat näyttäytyvät tutkimuksessa aktiivisina toimijoina ja tuottajina. Muotibloggaajat hakevat myös jatkuvasti uusia kulutuselämyksiä ja kommunikoivat toistensa kanssa välittämällä merkityksiä kuluttamisensa kautta. Muotibloggaajien kulutuspuheet näyttäytyvät tutkimuksessa ekonomistisen kulutuseetoksen ja perinteisen suomalaisen kulutuspuheen mukaisesti järkevinä. Säästäväisyyttä pidetään hyveellisenä ja tuotteiden hinnat vaikuttavat ostopäätösten tekemiseen. Muotibloggaajat osaavat kuitenkin kontrolloidusti nauttia kuluttamisesta. Kulutuspuheet noudattavat myös ekologis-eettisen kulutuseetoksen perinnettä, mikä ilmenee fanaattisuuden välttämisenä sekä perinteisten että sosiaalisen median kirpputorien suosimisena. Lisäksi muotibloggaajien kulutuspuheet käyvät ilmi sosiaalisena pakkona, sillä muotiblogin pitäminen mielenkiintoisena vaatii jatkuvaa himoa uusia kulutustuotteita kohtaan. Tutkimuksen perusteella muotiblogeissa korostuu yhteisöllisyys ja kuluttaminen on hyvin naisellista. Tutkimusaineistosta sekä havainnoista tekemieni päätelmien mukaan muotiblogit ovat muuttumassa elämäntyyliblogeiksi, sillä niissä kerrotaan yhä enemmän myös muista kuin kuluttamiseen liittyvistä aiheista. Samalla muotibloggaajat ovat kehittymässä tavallisesta kuluttajasta kohti asiantuntijuutta eli professionalisoitumassa. Professionalisoitumisen myötä muotibloggaajat toimivat uuden ajan kuluttajavalistajina ja muotiblogeissa syntyy uusia sanoja ja merkityksiä. Lisäksi muotibloggaajille on kehittynyt sellaisia tietoja ja taitoja, joita voi myydä. Muotibloggaajista onkin tulossa muodin ammattilaisia, joille maksetaan tulevaisuudessa bloggaamisesta myös palkkaa.