35 resultados para rejection: antibody-mediated (ABMR)
Lidocaine is a widely used local anaesthetic agent that also has anti-arrhythmic effects. It is classified as a type Ib anti-arrhythmic agent and is used to treat ventricular tachycardia or ventricular fibrillation. Lidocaine is eliminated mainly by metabolism, and less than 5% is excreted unchanged in urine. Lidocaine is a drug with a medium to high extraction ratio, and its bioavailability is about 30%. Based on in vitro studies, the earlier understanding was that CYP3A4 is the major cytochrome P450 (CYP) enzyme involved in the metabolism of lidocaine. When this work was initiated, there was little human data on the effect of inhibitors of CYP enzymes on the pharmacokinetics of lidocaine. Because lidocaine has a low therapeutic index, medications that significantly inhibit lidocaine clearance (CL) could increase the risk of toxicity. These studies investigated the effects of some clinically important CYP1A2 and CYP3A4 inhibitors on the pharmacokinetics of lidocaine administered by different routes. All of the studies were randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled cross-over studies in two or three phases in healthy volunteers. Pretreatment with clinically relevant doses of CYP3A4 inhibitors erythromycin and itraconazole or CYP1A2 inhibitors fluvoxamine and ciprofloxacin was followed by a single dose of lidocaine. Blood samples were collected to determine the pharmacokinetic parameters of lidocaine and its main metabolites monoethylglycinexylidide (MEGX) and 3-hydroxylidocaine (3-OH-lidocaine). Itraconazole and erythromycin had virtually no effect on the pharmacokinetics of intravenous lidocaine, but erythromycin slightly prolonged the elimination half-life (t½) of lidocaine (Study I). When lidocaine was taken orally, both erythromycin and itraconazole increased the peak concentration (Cmax) and the area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) of lidocaine by 40-70% (Study II). Compared with placebo and itraconazole, erythromycin increased the Cmax and the AUC of MEGX by 40-70% when lidocaine was given intravenously or orally (Studies I and II). The pharmacokinetics of inhaled lidocaine was unaffected by concomitant administration of itraconazole (Study III). Fluvoxamine reduced the CL of intravenous lidocaine by 41% and prolonged the t½ of lidocaine by 35%. The mean AUC of lidocaine increased 1.7-fold (Study IV). After oral administration of lidocaine, the mean AUC of lidocaine in-creased 3-fold and the Cmax 2.2-fold by fluvoxamine (Study V). During the pretreatment with fluvoxamine combined with erythromycin, the CL of intravenous lidocaine was 53% smaller than during placebo and 21% smaller than during fluvoxamine alone. The t½ of lidocaine was significantly longer during the combination phase than during the placebo or fluvoxamine phase. The mean AUC of intravenous lidocaine increased 2.3-fold and the Cmax 1.4-fold (Study IV). After oral administration of lidocaine, the mean AUC of lidocaine increased 3.6-fold and the Cmax 2.5-fold by concomitant fluvoxamine and erythromycin. The t½ of oral lidocaine was significantly longer during the combination phase than during the placebo (Study V). When lidocaine was given intravenously, the combination of fluvoxamine and erythromycin prolonged the t½ of MEGX by 59% (Study IV). Compared with placebo, ciprofloxacin increased the mean Cmax and AUC of intravenous lidocaine by 12% and 26%, respectively. The mean plasma CL of lidocaine was reduced by 22% and its t½ prolonged by 7% (Study VI). These studies clarify the principal role of CYP1A2 and suggest only a modest role of CYP3A4 in the elimination of lidocaine in vivo. The inhibition of CYP1A2 by fluvoxamine considerably reduces the elimination of lidocaine. Concomitant use of fluvoxamine and the CYP3A4 inhibitor erythromycin further increases lidocaine concentrations. The clinical implication of this work is that clinicians should be aware of the potentially increased toxicity of lidocaine when used together with inhibitors of CYP1A2 and particularly with the combination of drugs inhibiting both CYP1A2 and CYP3A4 enzymes.
With transplant rejection rendered a minor concern and survival rates after liver transplantation (LT) steadily improving, long-term complications are attracting more attention. Current immunosuppressive therapies, together with other factors, are accompanied by considerable long-term toxicity, which clinically manifests as renal dysfunction, high risk for cardiovascular disease, and cancer. This thesis investigates the incidence, causes, and risk factors for such renal dysfunction, cardiovascular risk, and cancer after LT. Long-term effects of LT are further addressed by surveying the quality of life and employment status of LT recipients. The consecutive patients included had undergone LT at Helsinki University Hospital from 1982 onwards. Data regarding renal function – creatinine and estimated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) – were recorded before and repeatedly after LT in 396 patients. The presence of hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes, impaired fasting glucose, and overweight/obesity before and 5 years after LT was determined among 77 patients transplanted for acute liver failure. The entire cohort of LT patients (540 patients), including both children and adults, was linked with the Finnish Cancer Registry, and numbers of cancers observed were compared to site-specific expected numbers based on national cancer incidence rates stratified by age, gender, and calendar time. Health-related quality of life (HRQoL), measured by the 15D instrument, and employment status were surveyed among all adult patients alive in 2007 (401 patients). The response rate was 89%. Posttransplant cardiovascular risk factor prevalence and HRQoL were compared with that in the age- and gender-matched Finnish general population. The cumulative risk for chronic kidney disease increased from 10% at 5 years to 16% at 10 years following LT. GFR up to 10 years after LT could be predicted by the GFR at 1 year. In patients transplanted for chronic liver disease, a moderate correlation of pretransplant GFR with later GFR was also evident, whereas in acute liver failure patients after LT, even severe pretransplant renal dysfunction often recovered. By 5 years after LT, 71% of acute liver failure patients were receiving antihypertensive medications, 61% were exhibiting dyslipidemia, 10% were diabetic, 32% were overweight, and 13% obese. Compared with the general population, only hypertension displayed a significantly elevated prevalence among patients – 2.7-fold – whereas patients exhibited 30% less dyslipidemia and 71% less impaired fasting glucose. The cumulative incidence of cancer was 5% at 5 years and 13% at 10. Compared with the general population, patients were subject to a 2.6-fold cancer risk, with non-melanoma skin cancer (standardized incidence ratio, SIR, 38.5) and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (SIR 13.9) being the predominant malignancies. Non-Hodgkin lymphoma was associated with male gender, young age, and the immediate posttransplant period, whereas old age and antibody induction therapy raised skin-cancer risk. HRQoL deviated clinically unimportantly from the values in the general population, but significant deficits among patients were evident in some physical domains. HRQoL did not seem to decrease with longer follow-up. Although 87% of patients reported improved working capacity, data on return to working life showed marked age-dependency: Among patients aged less than 40 at LT, 70 to 80% returned to work, among those aged 40 to 50, 55%, and among those above 50, 15% to 28%. The most common cause for unemployment was early retirement before LT. Those patients employed exhibited better HRQoL than those unemployed. In conclusion, although renal impairment, hypertension, and cancer are evidently common after LT and increase with time, patients’ quality of life remains comparable with that of the general population.
Useiden lääkkeiden yhtäaikainen käyttö on nykyään hyvin yleistä, mikä lisää lääkeaineiden haitallisten yhteisvaikutusten riskiä. Lääkeaineiden poistumisessa elimistöstä ovat tärkeässä osassa niitä hajottavat (metaboloivat) maksan sytokromi P450 (CYP) entsyymit. Vasta aivan viime vuosina on havaittu, että CYP2C8-entsyymillä voi olla tärkeä merkitys mm. lääkeaineyhteisvaikutuksissa. Eräät lääkeaineet voivat estää (inhiboida) CYP2C8-entsyymin kautta tapahtuvaa metaboliaa. Tässä työssä selvitettiin CYP2C8-entsyymiä estävien lääkkeiden vaikutusta sellaisten lääkeaineiden pitoisuuksiin, joiden aikaisemman tiedon perusteella arveltiin metaboloituvan CYP2C8-välitteisesti. Näiden lääkeaineiden metaboliaa tutkittiin myös koeputkiolosuhteissa (in vitro -menetelmillä). Lisäksi CYP2C8-entsyymiä estävän lipidilääke gemfibrotsiilin yhteisvaikutusmekanismia tutkittiin selvittämällä interaktion säilymistä koehenkilöillä gemfibrotsiilin annostelun lopettamisen jälkeen. Yhteisvaikutuksia tutkittiin terveillä vapaaehtoisilla koehenkilöillä käyttäen vaihtovuoroista koeasetelmaa. Koehenkilöille annettiin CYP2C8-entsyymiä estävää lääkitystä muutaman päivän ajan ja tämän jälkeen kerta-annos tutkimuslääkettä. Koehenkilöiltä otettiin useita verinäytteitä, joista määritettiin lääkepitoisuudet nestekromatografisilla tai massaspektrometrisillä menetelmillä. Gemfibrotsiili nosti ripulilääke loperamidin pitoisuudet keskimäärin kaksinkertaiseksi. Gemfibrotsiili lisäsi, mutta vain hieman, kipulääke ibuprofeenin pitoisuuksia, eikä sillä ollut mitään vaikutusta unilääke tsopiklonin pitoisuuksiin toisin kuin aiemman kirjallisuuden perusteella oli odotettavissa. Toinen CYP2C8-estäjä, mikrobilääke trimetopriimi, nosti diabeteslääke pioglitatsonin pitoisuuksia keskimäärin noin 40 %. Gemfibrotsiili nosti diabeteslääke repaglinidin pitoisuudet 7-kertaiseksi ja tämä yhteisvaikutus säilyi lähes yhtä voimakkaana vielä 12 tunnin päähän viimeisestä gemfibrotsiiliannoksesta. Tehdyt havainnot ovat käytännön lääkehoidon kannalta merkittäviä ja ne selvittävät CYP2C8-entsyymin merkitystä useiden lääkkeiden metaboliassa. Gemfibrotsiilin tai muiden CYP2C8-entsyymiä estävien lääkkeiden yhteiskäyttö loperamidin kanssa voi lisätä loperamidin tehoa tai haittavaikutuksia. Toisaalta CYP2C8-entsyymin osuus tsopiklonin ja ibuprofeenin metaboliassa näyttää olevan pieni. Trimetopriimi nosti kohtalaisesti pioglitatsonin pitoisuuksia, ja kyseisten lääkkeiden yhteiskäyttö voi lisätä pioglitatsonin annosriippuvaisia haittavaikutuksia. Gemfibrotsiili-repaglinidi-yhteisvaikutuksen päämekanismi in vivo näyttää olevan CYP2C8-entsyymin palautumaton esto. Tämän vuoksi gemfibrotsiilin estovaikutus ja yhteisvaikutusriski säilyvät pitkään gemfibrotsiilin annostelun lopettamisen jälkeen, mikä tulee ottaa huomioon käytettäessä sitä CYP2C8-välitteisesti metaboloituvien lääkkeiden kanssa.
The cytochrome P450 1A2 (CYP1A2) is one of the major metabolizing enzymes. The muscle relaxant tizanidine is a selective substrate of CYP1A2, and the non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) rofecoxib was thought to modestly in-hibit it. Cases suggesting an interaction between tizanidine and rofecoxib had been reported, but the mechanism was unknown. Also other NSAIDs are often used in combination with muscle relaxants. The aims of this study were to investigate the effect of rofecoxib, several other NSAIDs and female sex steroids on CYP1A2 ac-tivity in vitro and in vivo, and to evaluate the predictability of in vivo inhibition based on in vitro data. In vitro, the effect of several NSAIDs, female sex steroids and model inhibitors on CYP1A2 activity was studied in human liver microsomes, without and with preincubation. In placebo controlled, cross-over studies healthy volunteers ingested a single dose of tizanidine after a pretreament with the inhibitor (rofecoxib, tolfenamic acid or celecoxib) or placebo. Plasma (and urine) concentrations of tizanidine and its metabolites were measured, and the pharmacodynamic effects were recorded. A caffeine test was also performed. In vitro, fluvoxamine, tolfenamic acid, mefenamic acid and rofecoxib potently in-hibited CYP1A2. Ethinylestradiol, celecoxib, desogestrel and zolmitriptan were moderate, and etodolac, ciprofloxacin, etoricoxib and gestodene were weak inhibi-tors of CYP1A2. At 100 µM, other tested NSAIDs and steroids inhibited CYP1A2 less than 35%. Rofecoxib was found to be a mechanism-based inhibitor of CYP1A2. In vivo, rofecoxib greatly increased the plasma concentrations (over ten-fold) and the pharmacodynamic effects of tizanidine. Also the metabolism of caf-feine was impaired by rofecoxib. Despite the relatively strong in vitro CYP1A2 inhibitory effects, tolfenamic acid and celecoxib did not have a significant effect on tizanidine and caffeine concentrations in humans. Competitive inhibition model and the free plasma concentration of the inhibitor predicted well the effect of fluvoxam-ine and the lack of effect of tolfenamic acid and celecoxib on tizanidine concentra-tions in humans, and mechanism-based inhibition model explained the effects of rofecoxib. However, the effects of ciprofloxacin and oral contraceptives were un-derestimated from the in vitro data. Rofecoxib is a potent mechanism-based inhibitor of CYP1A2 in vitro and in vivo. This mechanism may be involved in the adverse cardiovascular effects of rofecoxib. Tolfenamic acid and celecoxib seem to be safe in combination with tizanidine, but mefenamic acid might have some effect on tizanidine concentrations in vivo. Con-sidering the mechanism of inhibition, and using the free plasma concentration of the inhibitor, many but not all CYP1A2 interactions can be predicted from in vitro data.
The ever-increasing demand for faster computers in various areas, ranging from entertaining electronics to computational science, is pushing the semiconductor industry towards its limits on decreasing the sizes of electronic devices based on conventional materials. According to the famous law by Gordon E. Moore, a co-founder of the world s largest semiconductor company Intel, the transistor sizes should decrease to the atomic level during the next few decades to maintain the present rate of increase in the computational power. As leakage currents become a problem for traditional silicon-based devices already at sizes in the nanometer scale, an approach other than further miniaturization is needed to accomplish the needs of the future electronics. A relatively recently proposed possibility for further progress in electronics is to replace silicon with carbon, another element from the same group in the periodic table. Carbon is an especially interesting material for nanometer-sized devices because it forms naturally different nanostructures. Furthermore, some of these structures have unique properties. The most widely suggested allotrope of carbon to be used for electronics is a tubular molecule having an atomic structure resembling that of graphite. These carbon nanotubes are popular both among scientists and in industry because of a wide list of exciting properties. For example, carbon nanotubes are electronically unique and have uncommonly high strength versus mass ratio, which have resulted in a multitude of proposed applications in several fields. In fact, due to some remaining difficulties regarding large-scale production of nanotube-based electronic devices, fields other than electronics have been faster to develop profitable nanotube applications. In this thesis, the possibility of using low-energy ion irradiation to ease the route towards nanotube applications is studied through atomistic simulations on different levels of theory. Specifically, molecular dynamic simulations with analytical interaction models are used to follow the irradiation process of nanotubes to introduce different impurity atoms into these structures, in order to gain control on their electronic character. Ion irradiation is shown to be a very efficient method to replace carbon atoms with boron or nitrogen impurities in single-walled nanotubes. Furthermore, potassium irradiation of multi-walled and fullerene-filled nanotubes is demonstrated to result in small potassium clusters in the hollow parts of these structures. Molecular dynamic simulations are further used to give an example on using irradiation to improve contacts between a nanotube and a silicon substrate. Methods based on the density-functional theory are used to gain insight on the defect structures inevitably created during the irradiation. Finally, a new simulation code utilizing the kinetic Monte Carlo method is introduced to follow the time evolution of irradiation-induced defects on carbon nanotubes on macroscopic time scales. Overall, the molecular dynamic simulations presented in this thesis show that ion irradiation is a promisingmethod for tailoring the nanotube properties in a controlled manner. The calculations made with density-functional-theory based methods indicate that it is energetically favorable for even relatively large defects to transform to keep the atomic configuration as close to the pristine nanotube as possible. The kinetic Monte Carlo studies reveal that elevated temperatures during the processing enhance the self-healing of nanotubes significantly, ensuring low defect concentrations after the treatment with energetic ions. Thereby, nanotubes can retain their desired properties also after the irradiation. Throughout the thesis, atomistic simulations combining different levels of theory are demonstrated to be an important tool for determining the optimal conditions for irradiation experiments, because the atomic-scale processes at short time scales are extremely difficult to study by any other means.
We present the results of a search for supersymmetry with gauge-mediated breaking and $\NONE\to\gamma\Gravitino$ in the $\gamma\gamma$+missing transverse energy final state. In 2.6$\pm$0.2 \invfb of $p{\bar p}$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$$=$1.96 TeV recorded by the CDF II detector we observe no candidate events, consistent with a standard model background expectation of 1.4$\pm$0.4 events. We set limits on the cross section at the 95% C.L. and place the world's best limit of 149\gevc on the \none mass at $\tau_{\tilde{\chi}_1^0}$$
Part I: Parkinson’s disease is a slowly progressive neurodegenerative disorder in which particularly the dopaminergic neurons of the substantia nigra pars compacta degenerate and die. Current conventional treatment is based on restraining symptoms but it has no effect on the progression of the disease. Gene therapy research has focused on the possibility of restoring the lost brain function by at least two means: substitution of critical enzymes needed for the synthesis of dopamine and slowing down the progression of the disease by supporting the functions of the remaining nigral dopaminergic neurons by neurotrophic factors. The striatal levels of enzymes such as tyrosine hydroxylase, dopadecarboxylase and GTP-CH1 are decreased as the disease progresses. By replacing one or all of the enzymes, dopamine levels in the striatum may be restored to normal and behavioral impairments caused by the disease may be ameliorated especially in the later stages of the disease. The neurotrophic factors glial cell derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and neurturin have shown to protect and restore functions of dopaminergic cell somas and terminals as well as improve behavior in animal lesion models. This therapy may be best suited at the early stages of the disease when there are more dopaminergic neurons for neurotrophic factors to reach. Viral vector-mediated gene transfer provides a tool to deliver proteins with complex structures into specific brain locations and provides long-term protein over-expression. Part II: The aim of our study was to investigate the effects of two orally dosed COMT inhibitors entacapone (10 and 30 mg/kg) and tolcapone (10 and 30 mg/kg) with a subsequent administration of a peripheral dopadecarboxylase inhibitor carbidopa (30 mg/kg) and L- dopa (30 mg/kg) on dopamine and its metabolite levels in the dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens of freely moving rats using dual-probe in vivo microdialysis. Earlier similarly designed studies have only been conducted in the dorsal striatum. We also confirmed the result of earlier ex vivo studies regarding the effects of intraperitoneally dosed tolcapone (30 mg/kg) and entacapone (30 mg/kg) on striatal and hepatic COMT activity. The results obtained from the dorsal striatum were generally in line with earlier studies, where tolcapone tended to increase dopamine and DOPAC levels and decrease HVA levels. Entacapone tended to keep striatal dopamine and HVA levels elevated longer than in controls and also tended to elevate the levels of DOPAC. Surprisingly in the nucleus accumbens, dopamine levels after either dose of entacapone or tolcapone were not elevated. Accumbal DOPAC levels, especially in the tolcapone 30 mg/kg group, were elevated nearly to the same extent as measured in the dorsal striatum. Entacapone 10 mg/kg elevated accumbal HVA levels more than the dose of 30 mg/kg and the effect was more pronounced in the nucleus accumbens than in the dorsal striatum. This suggests that entacapone 30 mg/kg has minor central effects. Also our ex vivo study results obtained from the dorsal striatum suggest that entacapone 30 mg/kg has minor and transient central effects, even though central HVA levels were not suppressed below those of the control group in either brain area in the microdialysis study. Both entacapone and tolcapone suppressed hepatic COMT activity more than striatal COMT activity. Tolcapone was more effective than entacapone in the dorsal striatum. The differences between dopamine and its metabolite levels in the dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens may be due to different properties of the two brain areas.
We report on a search for the supersymmetric partner of the bottom quark produced from gluino decays in data from 2.5 fb-1 of integrated luminosity collected by the Collider Detector at Fermilab at sqrt(s)=1.96 TeV. Candidate events are selected requiring two or more jets and large missing transverse energy. At least two of the jets are required to be tagged as originating from a b quark to enhance the sensitivity. The results are in good agreement with the prediction of the standard model processes, giving no evidence for gluino decay to sbottom quarks. This result constrains the gluino-pair-production cross section to be less than 40fb at 95% credibility level for a gluino mass of 350 GeV.