21 resultados para Pseudo-Kahler metric
Secondary growth of plants is of pivotal importance in terrestrial ecosystems, providing a significant carbon sink in the form of wood. As plant biomass accumulation results largely from the cambial growth, it is surprising that quite little is known about the hormonal or genetic control of this important process in any plant species. The central aim of my thesis studies was to explore the function of cytokinin in the regulation of cambial development. Since their discovery as regulators of plant cell divisions, cytokinins have been assumed to participate in the control of cambial development. Evidence for this action was deduced from hormone treatment experiments, where exogenously applied cytokinin was shown to enhance cambial cell divisions in diverse plant organs and species. In my thesis work, the conservation of cytokinin signalling and homeostasis genes between a herbaceous plant, Arabidopsis, and a hardwood tree species, Populus trichocarpa. Presumably reflecting the ancient origin of cytokinin signalling system, the Populus genome contains orthologs for all Arabidopsis cytokinin signalling and homeostasis genes. Thus, genes belonging to five main families of isopentenyl transferases (IPTs), cytokinin oxidases (CKXs), two-component receptors, histidine containing phosphotransmitters (HPts) and response regulators (RRs) were identified from the Populus genome. Three subfamilies associated with cytokinin signal transduction, the CKI1-like family of two-component receptors, the AHP4-like HPts, and the ARR22-like atypical RRs, were significantly larger in Populus genome than in Arabidopsis. Potential contribution to the extensive secondary development of Populus by the members of these considerably expanded gene families will be discussed. Representatives of all cytokinin signal transduction elements were expressed in the Populus cambial zone, and most of the expressed genes appeared to be slightly more abundant on the phloem side of the meristem. The abundance of cytokinin related genes in the cambium emphasizes the important role of this hormone in the regulation of the extensive secondary growth characteristic of tree species. The function of the pseudo HPts in primary vascular development was studied in Arabidopsis root vasculature. It was demonstrated that the pseudo HPt AHP6 has a role in locally inhibiting cytokinin signalling in the protoxylem position in the Arabidopsis root, thus enabling differentiation of the protoxylem cell file. The possible role of pseudo HPts in cambial development will be discussed. The expression peak of cytokinin signalling genes in the tree cambial zone strongly indicates that cytokinin has a role in the regulation of this meristem function. To address whether cytokinin signalling is required for cambial activity, transgenic Populus trees with modified cytokinin signalling were produced. These trees were expressing a cytokinin catabolic gene from Arabidopsis, CYTOKININ OXIDASE 2, (AtCKX2) under the promoter of a Betula CYTOKININ RECEPTOR 1 (BpCRE1). The pBpCRE1::CKX2 transgenic Populus trees showed a reduced concentration of a biologically active cytokinin, correlating with their impaired cytokinin response. Furthermore, the radial growth of these trees was compromised, as illustrated by a smaller stem diameter than in wild-type trees of the same height. Moreover, the level of cambial cytokinin signalling was down-regulated in these thin-stemmed trees. The reduced signalling correlated with a decreased number of meristematic cambial cells, implicating cytokinin activity as a direct regulator of cambial cell division activity. Together, the results of my study indicate that cytokinins are major hormonal regulators required for cambial development.
There is an ongoing controversy as to which methods in total hip arthroplasty (THA) could provide young patients with best long-term results. THA is an especially demanding operation in patients with severely dysplastic hips. The optimal surgical treatment for these patients also remains controversial. The aim of this study was to evaluate the long-term survival of THA in young patients (<55 years at the time of the primary operation) on a nation-wide level, and to analyze the long-term clinical and radio-graphical outcome of uncemented THA in patients with severely dysplastic joints. Survival of 4661 primary THAs performed for primary osteoarthritis (OA), 2557 primary THAs per-formed for rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and modern uncemented THA designs performed for primary OA in young patients, were analysed from the Finnish Arthroplasty Register. A total of 68 THAs were per-formed in 56 consecutive patients with high congenital hip dislocation between 1989-1994, and 68 THAs were performed in 59 consecutive patients with severely dysplastic hips and a previous Schanz osteotomy of the femur between 1988-1995 at the Orton Orthopaedic Hospital, Helsinki, Finland. These patients underwent a detailed physical and radiographical evaluation at a mean of 12.3 years and 13.0 years postoperatively, respectively. The risk of stem revision due to aseptic loosening in young patients with primary OA was higher for cemented stems than for proximally porous-coated or HA-coated uncemented stems implanted over the 1991-2001 period. There was no difference in the risk of revision between all-poly cemented-cups and press-fit porous-coated uncemented cups implanted during the same period, when the end point was defined as any revision (including exchange of liner). All uncemented stem designs studied in young patients with primary OA had >90% survival rates at 10 years. The Biomet Bi-Metric stem had a 95% (95% CI 93-97) survival rate even at 15 years. When the end point was defined as any revision, 10 year survival rates of all uncemented cup designs except the Harris-Galante II decreased to <80%. In young patients with RA, the risk of stem revision due to aseptic loosening was higher with cemented stems than with proximally porous-coated uncemented stems. In contrast, the risk of cup revision was higher for all uncemented cup concepts than for all-poly cemented cups with any type of cup revision as the end point. The Harris hip score increased significantly (p<0.001) both in patients with high con-genital hip dislocation and in patients with severely dysplastic hips and a previous Schanz osteotomy, treated with uncemented THA. There was a negative Trendelenburg sign in 92% and in 88% of hips, respectively. There were 12 (18%) and 15 (22%) perioperative complications. The rate of survival for the CDH femoral components, with revision due to aseptic loosening as the end point, was 98% (95% CI 97-100) at 10 years in patients with high hip dislocation and 92% (95% CI, 86-99) at 14 years in patients with a previous Schanz osteotomy. The rate of survival for press-fit, porous-coated acetabular components, with revision due to aseptic loosening as the end point, was 95% (95% CI 89-100) at 10 years in patients with high hip dislocation, and 98% (95% CI 89-100) in patients with a previous Schanz osteotomy. When revision of the cup for any reason was defined as the end point, 10 year sur-vival rates declined to 88% (95% CI 81-95) and to 69% (95% CI, 56-82), respectively. For young patients with primary OA, uncemented proximally circumferentially porous- and HA-coated stems are the implants of choice. However, survival rates of modern uncemented cups are no better than that of all-poly cemented cups. Uncemented proximally circumferentially porous-coated stems and cemented all-poly cups are currently the implants of choice for young patients with RA. Uncemented THA, with placement of the cup at the level of the true acetabulum, distal advancement of the greater trochanter and femoral shortening osteotomy provided patients with high congenital hip dislocation good long-term outcomes. Most of the patients with severely dysplastic hips and a previous Schanz osteotomy can be successfully treated with the same method. However, the subtrochanteric segmental shortening with angular correction gives better leg length correction for the patients with a previous low-seated unilateral Schanz osteotomy.
This thesis studies the tree species’ juvenile diversity in cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) based agroforestry and in primary forest in a natural conservation forest environment of Lore Lindu National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Species’ adult composition in Lore Lindu National Park is relatively well studied, less is known about tree species’ diversity in seedling communities particularly in frequently disturbed cacao agroforestry field environment. Cacao production forms a potentially serious thread for maintaining the conservation areas pristine and forested in Sulawesi. The impacts of cacao production on natural environment are directly linked to the diversity and abundance of shade tree usage. The study aims at comparing differences between cacao agroforestry and natural forest in the surrounding area in their species composition in seedling and sapling size categories. The study was carried out in two parts. Biodiversity inventory of seedlings and saplings was combined with social survey with farmer interviews. Aim of the survey was to gain knowledge of the cacao fields, and farmers’ observations and choices regarding tree species associated with cacao. Data was collected in summer 2008. The assessment of the impact of environmental factors of solar radiation, weeding frequency, cacao tree planting density, distance to forest and distance to main park road, and type of habitat on seedling and sapling compositions was done with Non-metric Multidimensional Scaling (NMS). Outlier analysis was used to assess distorting variables for NMS, and Multi-Response Permutation Procedures (MRPP) analysis to differentiate the impact of categorical variables. Sampling success was estimated with rarefaction curves and jackknife estimate of species richness. In the inventory 135 species of trees and shrubs were found. Only some agroforestry related species were dominating. The most species rich were sapling communities in forest habitat. NMS was showing generally low linear correlation between variation of species composition and environmental variables. Solar radiation was having most significance as explaining variable. The most clearly separated in ordination were cacao and forest habitats. The results of seedling and sapling inventory were only partly coinciding with farmers’ knowledge of the tree species occurring on their fields. More research with frequent assessment of seedling cohorts is needed due to natural variability of cohorts and high mortality rate of seedlings.
Tutkielmassa sovelletaan aineiston edustavuutta mittaavaa laatuindikaattoria Suomen uhritutkimuspilottiin tilanteessa, jossa ilmenee vastauskatoa. Vastauskato on kasvava ongelma tilastotutkimuksissa: jos tutkimukseen osallistuneet eivät edusta otosjoukkoa tutkittavan asian suhteen, voi vastauskadosta aiheutuva harha olla estimoiduissa tunnusluvuissa hyvinkin suuri. Tutkimuksissa näkee usein julkaistavan vastausasteen ikään kuin se kertoisi aukottomasti tutkimuksen laadusta. Pelkkä korkea vastausaste ei kuitenkaan välttämättä takaa estimaattien harhattomuutta, sillä se ei kerro mitään vastanneiden ja vastaamattomien eroista tutkittavan asian suhteen. Tarvitaan siis muita mittareita, joilla vastanneiden laatua voitaisiin paremmin arvioida, ja R-indikaattori tarjoaa yhden vaihtoehdon. R-indikaattori mittaa otosalkioiden vastausalttiuksien välistä vaihtelua. R-indikaattorin estimoiminen edellyttää siis vastausalttiuksien estimointia, mikä puolestaan edellyttää apumuuttujien olemassaoloa kaikille otosalkioille. Vastausalttiuksien estimoimiseen käytettiin linkkifunktiona sekä logistista mallia että ja Särndalin ja Lundströmin (2008) vastausvaikutusten mallia. Vastauskäyttäytymiseen vaikuttavan apumuuttujajoukon valinta tehtiin alan kirjallisuuteen perustuen (Groves & Couper 1998). Koska R-indikaattorin estimaattori on satunnaismuuttuja, täytyi sille estimoida varianssi ja mahdollinen harha (Shlomo ym. 2009). Estimoinnissa käytettiin Bootstrap-pseudotoistomenetelmää, jossa alkuperäisestä aineistosta poimitaan niin kutsuttuja pseudo-otoksia, joiden avulla R-indikaattorin estimaattorille voidaan laskea keskivirhe. Suomen uhritutkimuspilotti koostui kolmesta eri tiedonkeruumenetelmällä poimitusta otoksesta: CAPI-, CATI- CAVVIotoksesta. Vastausasteet vaihtelivat aineistoissa paljon, mutta R-indikaattorin estimaatit olivat kaikille aineistoille liki samat. Suurempi vastausaste ei siis merkinnyt parempaa edustavuutta. Lisäksi CAVVI-aineistossa muistutusviestein ja -kirjein suoritettu vastausasteen kasvattaminen huononsi edustavuutta R-indikaattorin näkökulmasta. Mielivaltainen vastausasteen kasvattaminen ei siis ole välttämättä perusteltua. R-indikaattorin estimaattorin ominaisuuksien osalta empiiriset tulokset vahvistivat RISQ-projektin aiempia tutkimustuloksia. Estimaattorin arvo oli sitä pienempi mitä enemmän vastausalttiuden mallissa oli selittäjiä, koska tällöin vastausalttiuksien varianssi kasvoi (Schouten ym. 2009). Otoskoko vaikutti merkittävästi varianssin suuruuteen: mitä pienempi otoskoko oli, sitä leveämmät olivat luottamusvälit ja sitä vaikeampi oli tehdä johtopäätöksiä edustavuudesta.
Taman tutkielman tarkoituksena oli selvittaa metsikon rakenteen seka hakkuiden vaikutuksia pintakasvillisuuden lajikoostumukseen ja biomassaan Etela-Suomen lehtomaisilla, tuoreilla ja kuivahkoilla kankailla. Aineistona tassa tyossa on 8. valtakunnan metsien inventoinnin yhteydessa vuosina 1985–86 metsaluonnon ja ympariston tilan seurantaa varten perustetuista noin 3 000 pysyvasta koealasta poimittu otos. Pintakasvillisuuden lajisto muuttuu metsikon kehitysvaiheen mukaan. Hakkuu on huomattava hairio, joka aiheuttaa nopeita ja suuria muutoksia pintakasvillisuudessa. Pintakasvillisuutta on tarkasteltu lahinna lajiryhmittain (heinat, ruohot, varvut, sammalet seka jakalat). Kunkin lajiryhman peittavyyden eroavaisuuksia testattiin varianssianalyysilla kun selittavana muuttujana ovat luokittain metsikon ika ja edellisesta hakkuusta kulunut aika. Lajikohtaisia tarkasteluja on sen sijaan tehty kasvillisuuden ordinaatioanalyyseilla. Tassa kaytetty ordinaatiomenetelma on epametrinen moniulotteinen skaalaus (Non-metric multidimensional scaling, NMDS), jonka avulla voidaan tehda paatelmia kasvillisuuden rakenteen ekologisesta vaihtelusta ymparistomuuttujien suhteen. Harvennus- ja avohakkuiden vaikutuksia pintakasvillisuuteen myos mallinnettiin lajiryhmittain kayttaen yleistettyja lineaarisia malleja (Generalized linear models). Lajiryhmien peittavyyksien kehitysta mallinnettiin puuston pohjapinta-alan funktiona. Metsikon ian kasvaessa heinien ja ruohojen osuus pienenee, kun taas varpujen ja sammalten osuus lisaantyy. Harvennushakkuiden vaikutukset ovat lievempia kuin avohakkuiden eivatka ne useimmiten aiheuttaneet tilastollisesti merkittavia muutoksia pintakasvillisuuden peittavyyksissa. Avohakkuu sen sijaan on voimakkaampi ja aiheuttaa merkittavia muutoksia. Heinia ja ruohoja esiintyy hakkuun jalkeen enemman ja vastaavasti sammalet ja varvut taantuvat. Kasvillisuuden kokonaispeittavyys ja biomassa ovat suurimmillaan hakkaamattomissa metsikoissa. Harvennushakkuun jalkeen peittavyys ja biomassa voi kuitenkin hetkellisesti olla suurimmillaan kun harvennuksesta on kulunut muutama vuosi. Yleistetyt lineaariset mallit kuvasivat pintakasvillisuuden kehitysta metsikon pohjapinta-alan funktiona luotettavasti. Malleja voidaan kayttaa myos ennustamaan miten pintakasvillisuus kehittyy avohakkuun jalkeen. Malleja voidaan soveltaa esimerkiksi laskettaessa pintakasvillisuuden sitoman hiilen maaraa eriikaisissa metsissa. Niiden avulla voidaan myos arvioida esimerkiksi avohakkuuta voimaperaisemman energiapuun korjuun vaikutuksia pintakasvillisuuden runsauteen.
We show that a metric Jordan curve $\Gamma$ is \emph{bounded turning} if and only if there exists a \emph{weak-quasisymmetric} homeomorphism $\phi\colon \mathsf{S}^1 \to \Gamma$.