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Milk microfiltration (0.05-0.2 um) is a membrane separation technique which divides milk components into casein-enriched and native whey fractions. Hitherto the effect of intensive microfiltration including a diafiltration step for both cheese and whey processing has not been studied. The microfiltration performance of skimmed milk was studied with polymeric and ceramic MF membranes. The changes caused by decreased concentration of milk lactose, whey protein and ash content for cheese milk quality and ripening were studied. The effects of cheese milk modification on the milk coagulation properties, cheese recovery yield, cheese composition, ripening and sensory quality as well as on the whey recovery yield and composition by microfiltration were studied. The functional properties of whey protein concentrate from native whey were studied and the detailed composition of whey protein concentrate powders made from cheese wheys after cheese milk pretreatments such as high temperature heat treatment (HH), microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) were compared. The studied polymeric spiral wound microfiltration membranes had 38.5% lower energy consumption, 30.1% higher retention of whey proteins to milk retentate and 81.9% lower permeate flux values compared to ceramic membranes. All studied microfiltration membranes were able to separate main whey proteins from skimmed milk. The optimal lactose content of Emmental cheese milk exceeded 3.2% and reduction of whey proteins and ash content of cheese milk with high concentration factor (CF) values increased the rate of cheese ripening. Reduction of whey protein content in cheese milk increased the concentration of caseinomacropeptide (CMP) of total proteins in cheese whey. Reduction of milk whey protein, lactose and ash content reduces milk rennet clotting time and increased the firmness of the coagulum. Cheese yield calculated from raw milk to cheese was lower with microfiltrated milks due to native whey production. Amounts of a-lactalbumin (a-LA) and b-lactoglobulin (b-LG) were significantly higher in the reference whey, indicating that HH, MF and UF milk pretreatments decrease the amounts of these valuable whey proteins in whey. Even low CF values in milk microfiltration (CF 1.4) reduced nutritional value of cheese whey. From the point of view of utilization of milk components it would be beneficial if the amount of native whey and the CMP content of cheese whey could be maximized. Whey protein concentrate powders made of native whey had excellent functional properties and their detailed amino acid composition differed from those of cheese whey protein concentrate powders.


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All positive-strand RNA viruses utilize cellular membranes for the assembly of their replication complexes, which results in extensive membrane modification in infected host cells. These alterations act as structural and functional scaffolds for RNA replication, providing protection for the viral double-stranded RNA against host defences. It is known that different positive-strand RNA viruses alter different cellular membranes. However, the origin of the targeted membranes, the mechanisms that direct replication proteins to specific membranes and the steps in the formation of the membrane bound replication complex are not completely understood. Alphaviruses (including Semliki Forest virus, SFV), members of family Togaviridae, replicate their RNA in association with membranes derived from the endosomal and lysosomal compartment, inducing membrane invaginations called spherules. Spherule structures have been shown to be the specific sites for RNA synthesis. Four replication proteins, nsP1-nsP4, are translated as a polyprotein (P1234) which is processed autocatalytically and gives rise to a membrane-bound replication complex. Membrane binding is mediated via nsP1 which possesses an amphipathic α-helix (binding peptide) in the central region of the protein. The aim of this thesis was to characterize the association of the SFV replication complex with cellular membranes and the modification of the membranes during virus infection. Therefore, it was necessary to set up the system for determining which viral components are needed for inducing the spherules. In addition, the targeting of the replication complex, the formation site of the spherules and their intracellular trafficking were studied in detail. The results of current work demonstrate that mutations in the binding peptide region of nsP1 are lethal for virus replication and change the localization of the polyprotein precursor P123. The replication complex is first targeted to the plasma membrane where membrane invaginations, spherules, are induced. Using a specific regulated endocytosis event the spherules are internalized from the plasma membrane in neutral carrier vesicles and transported via an actin-and microtubule-dependent manner to the pericentriolar area. Homotypic fusions and fusions with pre-existing acidic organelles lead to the maturation of previously described cytopathic vacuoles with hundreds of spherules on their limiting membranes. This work provides new insights into the membrane binding mechanism of SFV replication complex and its role in the virus life cycle. Development of plasmid-driven system for studying the formation of the replication complex described in this thesis allows various applications to address different steps in SFV life cycle and virus-host interactions in the future. This trans-replication system could be applied for many different viruses. In addition, the current work brings up new aspects of membranes and cellular components involved in SFV replication leading to further understanding in the formation and dynamics of the membrane-associated replication complex.


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Several studies link the consumption of whole-grain products to a lowered risk of chronic diseases, such as certain types of cancer, type II diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. However, the final conclusions of the exact protective mechanisms remain unclear, partly due to a lack of a suitable biomarker for the whole-grain cereals intake. Alkylresorcinols (AR) are phenolic lipids abundant in the outer parts of wheat and rye grains usually with homologues of C15:0- C25:0 alkyl chains, and are suggested to function as whole-grain biomarkers. Mammalian lignan enterolactone has also previously been studied as a potential whole-grain biomarker. In the present work a quantified gas chromatography-mass spectrometry method for the analysis of AR in plasma, erythrocytes, and lipoproteins was developed. The method was used to determine human and pig plasma AR concentrations after the intake of whole-grain wheat and rye products compared to low-fibre wheat bread diets to assess the usability of AR as biomarkers of whole-grain intake. AR plasma concentrations were compared to serum ENL concentrations. AR absorption and elimination kinetics were investigated in a pig model. AR occurrence in human erythrocyte membranes and plasma lipoproteins were determined, and the distribution of AR in blood was evaluated. Plasma AR seem to be absorbed via the lymphatic system from the small intestine, like many other lipophilic compounds. Their apparent elimination half-life is relatively short and is similar to that of tocopherols, which have a similar chemical structure. Plasma AR concentrations increased significantly after a one- to eight-week intake of whole-grain wheat and further on with whole-grain rye bread. The concentrations were also higher after habitual Finnish diet compared to diet with low-fibre bread. Inter-individual variation after a one-week intake of the same amount of bread was high, but the mean plasma AR concentrations increased with increasing AR intake. AR are incorporated into erythrocyte membranes and plasma lipoproteins, and VLDL and HDL were the main AR carriers in human plasma. Based on these studies, plasma AR could function as specific biomarkers of dietary whole-grain products. AR are exclusively found in whole-grains and are more suitable as specific biomarkers of whole-grain intake than previously investigated mammalian lignan enterolactone, that is formed from several plants other than cereals in the diet. Plasma AR C17:0/C21:0 -ratio could distinguish whether whole-grain products in the diet are mainly wheat or rye. AR could be used in epidemiological studies to determine whole-grain intake and to better assess the role of whole-grains in disease prevention.


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Biological membranes are tightly linked to the evolution of life, because they provide a way to concentrate molecules into partially closed compartments. The dynamic shaping of cellular membranes is essential for many physiological processes, including cell morphogenesis, motility, cytokinesis, endocytosis, and secretion. It is therefore essential to understand the structure of the membrane and recognize the players that directly sculpt the membrane and enable it to adopt different shapes. The actin cytoskeleton provides the force to push eukaryotic plasma membrane in order to form different protrusions or/and invaginations. It has now became evident that actin directly co-operates with many membrane sculptors, including BAR domain proteins, in these important events. However, the molecular mechanisms behind BAR domain function and the differences between the members of this large protein family remain largely unresolved. In this thesis, the structure and functions of the I-BAR domain family members IRSp53 and MIM were thoroughly analyzed. By using several methods such as electron microscopy and systematic mutagenesis, we showed that these I-BAR domain proteins bind to PI(4,5)P2-rich membranes, generate negative membrane curvature and are involved in the formation of plasma membrane protrusions in cells e.g. filopodia. Importantly, we characterized a novel member of the BAR-domain superfamily which we named Pinkbar. We revealed that Pinkbar is specifically expressed in kidney and epithelial cells, and it localizes to Rab13-positive vesicles in intestinal epithelial cells. Remarkably, we learned that the I-BAR domain of Pinkbar does not generate membrane curvature but instead stabilizes planar membranes. Based on structural, mutagenesis and biochemical work we present a model for the mechanism of the novel membrane deforming activity of Pinkbar. Collectively, this work describes the mechanism by which I-BAR domain proteins deform membranes and provides new information about the biological roles of these proteins. Intriguingly, this work also gives evidence that significant functional plasticity exists within the I-BAR domain family. I-BAR proteins can either generate negative membrane curvature or stabilize planar membrane sheets, depending on the specific structural properties of their I-BAR domains. The results presented in this thesis expand our knowledge on membrane sculpting mechanisms and shows for the first time how flat membranes can be generated in cells.


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Natural products constitute an important source of new drugs. The bioavailability of the drugs depends on their absorption, distribution, metabolism and elimination. To achieve good bioavailability, the drug must be soluble in water, stable in the gastrointestinal tract and palatable. Binding proteins may improve the solubility of drug compounds, masking unwanted properties, such as bad taste, bitterness or toxicity, transporting or protecting these compounds during processing and storage. The focus of this thesis was to study the interactions, including ligand binding and the effect of pH and temperature, of bovine and reindeer β-lactoglobulin (βLG) with such compounds as retinoids, phenolic compounds as well as with compounds from plant extracts, and to investigate the transport properties of the βLG-ligand complex. To examine the binding interactions of different ligands to βLG, new methods were developed. The fluorescence binding method for the evaluation of ligand binding to βLG was miniaturized from a quartz cell to a 96-well plate. A method of ultrafiltration sampling combined with high-performance liquid chromatography was developed to assess the binding of compounds from extracts. The interactions of phenolic compounds or retinoids and βLG were investigated using the 96-well plate method. The majority of flavones, flavonols, flavanones and isoflavones and all of the retinoids included were shown to bind to bovine and reindeer βLG. Phenolic compounds, contrary to retinol, were not released at acidic pH. Those results suggest that βLG may have more binding sites, probably also on the surface of βLG. An extract from Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kunze (black tea), Urtica dioica L. (nettle) and Piper nigrum (black pepper) were used to evaluate whether βLG could bind compounds from plant extracts. Piperine from P. nigrum was found to bind tightly and rutin from U. dioica weakly to βLG. No components from C. sinensis bound to βLG in our experiment. The uptake and membrane permeation of bovine and reindeer βLG, free and bound with retinol, palmitic acid and cholesterol, were investigated using Caco-2 cell monolayers. Both bovine and reindeer βLG were able to cross the Caco-2 cell membrane. Free and βLG-bound retinol and palmitic acid were transported equally, whereas cholesterol could not cross the Caco-2 cell monolayer free or bound to βLG. Our results showed that βLG can bind different natural product compounds, but cannot enhance transport of retinol, palmitic acid or cholesterol through Caco-2 cells. Despite this, βLG, as a water-soluble binding protein, may improve the solubility of natural compounds, possibly protecting them from early degradation and transporting some of them through the stomach. Furthermore, it may decrease their bad or bitter taste during oral administration of drugs or in food preparations. βLG can also enhance or decrease the health benefits of herbal teas and food preparations by binding compounds from extracts.


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The present study aims to elucidate the modifications in the structure and functionality of the phospholipid matrix of biological membranes brought about by free radical-mediated oxidative damage of its molecular constituents. To this end, the surface properties of two oxidatively modified phospholipids bearing an aldehyde or carboxyl function at the end of truncated sn-2 acyl chain were studied using a Langmuir balance. The results obtained reveal both oxidized species to have a significant impact on the structural dynamics of phospholipid monolayers, as illustrated by the progressive changes in force-area isotherms with increasing mole fraction of the oxidized lipid component. Moreover, surface potential measurements revealed considerable modifications in the electric properties of oxidized phospholipid containing monolayers during film compression, suggesting a packing state-controlled reorientation of the intramolecular electric dipoles of the lipid headgroups and acyl chains. Based on the above findings, a model describing the conformational state of oxidized phospholipid molecules in biological membranes is proposed, involving the protrusion of the acyl chains bearing the polar functional groups out from the hydrocarbon phase to the surrounding aqueous medium. Oxidative modifications alter profoundly the physicochemical properties of unsaturated phospholipids and are therefore readily anticipated to have important implications for their interactions with membrane-associating molecules. Along these lines, the carboxyl group bearing lipid was observed to bind avidly the peripheral membrane protein cytochrome c. The binding was reversed following increase in ionic strength or addition of polyanionic ATP, thus suggesting it to be driven by electrostatic interactions between cationic residues of the protein and the deprotonated lipid carboxyl exposed to the aqueous phase. The presence of aldehyde function bearing oxidized phospholipid was observed to enhance the intercalation of four antimicrobial peptides into phospholipid monolayers and liposomal bilayers. Partitioning of the peptides to monolayers was markedly attenuated by the aldehyde scavenger methoxyamine, revealing it to be mediated by the carbonyl moiety possibly through efficient hydrogen bonding or, alternatively, formation of covalent adduct in form of a Schiff base between the lipid aldehydes and primary amine groups of the peptide molecules. Lastly, both oxidized phospholipid species were observed to bind with high affinity three small membrane-partitioning therapeutic agents, viz. chlorpromazine, haloperidol, and doxorubicin. In conclusion, the results of studies conducted using biomimetic model systems support the notion that oxidative damage influences the molecular architecture as well as the bulk physicochemical properties of phospholipid membranes. Further, common polar functional groups carried by phospholipids subjected to oxidation were observed to act as molecular binding sites at the lipid-water interface. It is thus plausible that oxidized phospholipid species may elicit cellular level effects by modulating integration of various membrane-embedded and surface-associated proteins and peptides, whose conformational state, oligomerization, and functionality is known to be controlled by highly specific lipid-protein interactions and proper physical state of the membrane environment.


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In epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), epithelial cells acquire traits typical for mesenchymal cells, dissociate their cell-cell junctions and gain the ability to migrate. EMT is essential during embryogenesis, but may also mediate cancer progression. Basement membranes are sheets of extracellular matrix that support epithelial cells. They have a major role in maintaining the epithelial phenotype and, in cancer, preventing cell migration, invasion and metastasis. Laminins are the main components of basement membranes and may actively contribute to malignancy. We first evaluated the differences between cell lines obtained from oral squamous cell carcinoma and its recurrence. As the results indicated a change from epithelial to fibroblastoid morphology, E-cadherin to N-cadherin switch, and change in expression of cytokeratins to vimentin intermediate filaments, we concluded that these cells had undergone EMT. We further induced EMT in primary tumour cells to gain knowledge of the effects of transcription factor Snail in this cell model. The E-cadherin repressors responsible for the EMT in these cells were ZEB-1, ZEB-2 and Snail, and ectopic expression of Snail was able to augment the levels of ZEB-1 and ZEB-2. We produced and characterized two monoclonal antibodies that specifically recognized Snail in cell lines and patient samples. By immunohistochemistry, Snail protein was found in mesenchymal tissues during mouse embryonal development, in fibroblastoid cells of healing skin wounds and in fibromatosis and sarcoma specimens. Furthermore, Snail localized to the stroma and borders of tumour cell islands in colon adenocarcinoma, and in laryngeal and cervical squamous cell carcinomas. Immunofluorescence labellings, immunoprecipitations and Northern and Western blots showed that EMT induced a progressive downregulation of laminin-332 and laminin-511 and, on the other hand, an induction of mesenchymal laminin-411. Chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed that Snail could directly bind upstream to the transcription start sites of both laminin α5 and α4 chain genes, thus regulating their expression. The levels of integrin α6β4, a receptor for laminin-332, as well as the hemidesmosomal complex proteins HD1/plectin and BP180 were downregulated in EMT-experienced cells. The expression of Lutheran glycoprotein, a specific receptor for laminin-511, was diminished, whereas the levels of integrins α6β1 and α1β1 and integrin-linked kinase were increased. In quantitative cell adhesion assays, the cells adhered potently to laminin-511 and fibronectin, but only marginally to laminin-411. Western blots and immunoprecipitations indicated that laminin-411 bound to fibronectin and could compromise cell adhesion to fibronectin in a dose-dependent manner. EMT induced a highly migratory and invasive tendency in oral squamous carcinoma cells. Actin-based adhesion and invasion structures, podosomes and invadopodia, were detected in the basal cell membranes of primary tumour and spontaneously transformed cancer cells, respectively. Immunofluorescence labellings showed marked differences in their morphology, as podosomes organized a ring structure with HD1/plectin, αII-spectrin, talin, focal adhesion kinase and pacsin 2 around the core filled with actin, cortactin, vinculin and filamin A. Invadopodia had no division between ring and core and failed to organize the ring proteins, but instead assembled tail-like, narrow actin cables that showed a talin-tensin switch. Time-lapse live-cell imaging indicated that both podosomes and invadopodia were long-lived entities, but the tails of invadopodia vigorously propelled in the cytoplasm and were occasionally released from the cell membrane. Invadopodia could also be externalized outside the cytoplasm, where they still retained the ability to degrade matrix. In 3D confocal imaging combined with in situ gelatin zymography, the podosomes of primary tumour cells were large, cylindrical structures that increased in time, whereas the invadopodia in EMT-driven cells were smaller, but more numerous and degraded the underlying matrix in significantly larger amounts. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching revealed that the substructures of podosomes were replenished more rapidly with new molecules than those of invadopodia. Overall, our results indicate that EMT has a major effect on the transcription and synthesis of both intra- and extracellular proteins, including laminins and their receptors, and on the structure and dynamics of oral squamous carcinoma cells.


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Total hip replacement is the golden standard treatment for severe osteoarthritis refractory for conservative treatment. Aseptic loosening and osteolysis are the major long-term complications after total hip replacement. Foreign body giant cells and osteoclasts are locally formed around aseptically loosening implants from precursor cells by cell fusion. When the foreign body response is fully developed, it mediates inflammatory and destructive host responses, such as collagen degradation. In the present study, it was hypothesized that the wear debris and foreign body inflammation are the forces driving local osteoclast formation, peri-implant bone resorption and enhanced tissue remodeling. Therefore the object was to characterize the eventual expression and the role of fusion molecules, ADAMs (an abbreviation for A Disintegrin And Metalloproteinase, ADAM9 and ADAM12) in the fusion of progenitor cells into multinuclear giant cells. For generation of such cells, activated macrophages trying to respond to foreign debris play an important role. Matured osteoclasts together with activated macrophages mediate bone destruction by secreting protons and proteinases, including matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and cathepsin K. Thus this study also assessed collagen degradation and its relationship to some of the key collagenolytic proteinases in the aggressive synovial membrane-like interface tissue around aseptically loosened hip replacement implants. ADAMs were found in the interface tissues of revision total hip replacement patients. Increased expression of ADAMs at both transcriptional and translational levels was found in synovial membrane-like interface tissue of revision total hip replacement (THR) samples compared with that in primary THR samples. These studies also demonstrate that multinucleate cell formation from monocytes by stimulation with macrophage-colony stimiulating factor (M-CSF) and receptor activator of nuclear factor kappa B ligand (RANKL) is characterized by time dependent changes of the proportion of ADAMs positive cells. This was observed both in the interface membrane in patients and in two different in vitro models. In addition to an already established MCS-F and RANKL driven model, a new virally (parainfluenza 2) driven model (of human salivary adenocarcinoma (HSY) cells or green monkey kidney (GMK) cells) was developed to study various fusion molecules and their role in cell fusion in general. In interface membranes, collagen was highly degraded and collagen degradation significantly correlated with the number of local cells containing collagenolytic enzymes, particularly cathepsin K. As a conclusion, fusion molecules ADAM9 and ADAM12 seem to be dynamically involved in cell-cell fusion processes and multinucleate cell formation. The highly significant correlation between collagen degradation and collagenolytic enzymes, particularly cathepsin K, indicates that the local acidity of the interface membrane in the pathologic bone and soft tissue destruction. This study provides profound knowledge about cell fusion and mechanism responsible for aseptic loosening as well as increases knowledge helpful for prevention and treatment.


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Basement membranes are specialized sheets of extracellular matrix found in contact with epithelia, endothelia, and certain isolated cells. They support tissue architecture and regulate cell behaviour. Laminins are among the main constituents of basement membranes. Due to differences between laminin isoforms, laminins confer structural and functional diversity to basement membranes. The first aim of this study was to gain insights into the potential functions of the then least characterized laminins, alpha4 chain laminins, by evaluating their distribution in human tissues. We thus created a monoclonal antibody specific for laminin alpha4 chain. By immunohistochemistry, alpha4 chain laminins were primarily localized to basement membranes of blood vessel endothelia, skeletal, heart, and smooth muscle cells, nerves, and adipocytes. In addition, alpha4 chain laminins were found in the region of certain epithelial basement membranes in the epidermis, salivary gland, pancreas, esophagus, stomach, intestine, and kidney. Because of the consistent presence of alpha4 chain laminins in endothelial basement membranes of blood vessels, we evaluated the potential roles of endothelial laminins in blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, and carcinomas. Human endothelial cells produced alpha4 and alpha5 chain laminins. In quantitative and morphological adhesion assays, human endothelial cells barely adhered to alpha4 chain-containing laminin-411. The weak interaction of endothelial cells with laminin-411 appeared to be mediated by alpha6beta1 integrin. The alpha5 chain-containing laminin-511 promoted endothelial cell adhesion better than laminin-411, but it did not promote the formation of cell-extracellular matrix adhesion complexes. The adhesion of endothelial cells to laminin-511 appeared to be mediated by Lutheran glycoprotein together with beta1 and alphavbeta3 integrins. The results suggest that these laminins may induce a migratory phenotype in endothelial cells. In lymphatic capillaries, endothelial basement membranes showed immunoreactivity for laminin alpha4, beta1, beta2, and gamma1 chains, type IV and XVIII collagens, and nidogen-1. Considering the assumed inability of alpha4 chain laminins to polymerize and to promote basement membrane assembly, the findings may in part explain the incomplete basement membrane formation in these vessels. Lymphatic capillaries of ovarian carcinomas showed immunoreactivity also for laminin alpha5 chain and its receptor Lutheran glycoprotein, emphasizing a difference between normal and ovarian carcinoma lymphatic capillaries. In renal cell carcinomas, immunoreactivity for laminin alpha4 chain was found in stroma and basement membranes of blood vessels. In most tumours, immunoreactivity for laminin alpha4 chain was also observed in the basement membrane region of tumour cell islets. Renal carcinoma cells produced alpha4 chain laminins. Laminin-411 did not promote adhesion of renal carcinoma cells, but inhibited their adhesion to fibronectin. Renal carcinoma cells migrated more on laminin-411 than on fibronectin. The results suggest that alpha4 chain laminins have a counteradhesive function, and may thus have a role in detachment and invasion of renal carcinoma cells.