30 resultados para Obstructive Sleep Apnea and Hypopnea Syndrome (OSAHS)


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Snoring is a primary and major clinical symptom of upper airway obstruction during sleep. Sleep-disordered breathing ranges from primary snoring to significant partial upper airway obstruction, and obstructive sleep apnea. Adult snoring and obstructive sleep apnea have been extensively studied, whereas less is known about these disorders in children. Snoring and more severe obstructive sleep apnea have been shown to have a harmful effect on the neurobehavioral development of children, but the mechanisms of this effect remains unknown. Furthermore, the correlation of this effect to objective sleep study parameters remains poor. This study evaluated the prevalence of snoring in preschool-aged children in Finland. Host and environmental risk factors, and neurobehavioral and neurocognitive symptoms of children suffering from snoring or obstructive sleep apnea were also investigated. The feasibility of acoustic rhinometry in young children was assessed. The prevalence and risk factors of snoring (I) were evaluated by a questionnaire. The random sample included 2100 children aged 1-6 years living in Helsinki. All 3- to 6-year-old children whose parents reported their child to snore always, often, or sometimes were categorized as snorers, and invited to participate to the clinical study (II-IV). Non-snoring children whose parents were willing to participate in the clinical study were invited to serve as controls. Children underwent a clinical ear-nose-throat examination. Emotional, behavioral, and cognitive performances were evaluated by Child Behavioral Checklist (CBCL), Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence (WPPSI-R) and NEPSY-A Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment (NEPSY). Nasal volume was measured by acoustic rhinometry, and nasal resistance by rhinomanometry. Lateral and posteroanterior cephalometry were performed. A standard overnight ambulatory polysomnography was performed in the home environment. Twenty-six healthy children were tested in order to assess the feasibility of acoustic rhinometry in young children (V). Snoring was common in children; 6.3% of children snored always or often, whereas 81.3% snored never or occasionally. No differences were apparent between snorers and non-snorers regarding age, or gender. Pediatric snoring was associated with recurrent upper respiratory infections, otitis media, and allergic rhinitis. Exposure to parental tobacco smoke, especially maternal smoking, was more common among snorers. Rhinitis was more common among children who exposured to tobacco smoke. Overnight polysomnography (PSG) was performed on 87 children; 74% showed no signs of significant upper airway obstruction during sleep. Three children had obstructive apnea/hypopnea index (OAHI) greater than 5/h. Age, gender, or a previous adenoidectomy or tonsillectomy did not correlate with OAHI, whereas tonsillar size did correlate with OAHI. Relative body weight and obesity correlated with none of the PSG parameters. In cephalometry, no clear differences or correlations were found in PSG parameters or between snorers and non-snorers. No correlations were observed between acoustic rhinometry, rhinomanometry, and PSG parameters. Psychiatric symptoms were more frequent in the snoring group than in the nonsnoring group. In particular, anxious and depressed symptoms were more prevalent in the snoring group. Snoring children frequently scored lower in language functions. However, PSG parameters correlated poorly with neurocognitive test results in these children. This study and previous studies indicate that snoring without episodes of obstructive apnea or SpO2 desaturations may cause impairment in behavioral and neurocognitive functions. The mechanism of action remains unknown. Exposure to parental tobacco smoke is more common among snorers than non-snorers, emphasizing the importance of a smoke-free environment. Children tolerated acoustic rhinometry measurements well.


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Autism and Asperger syndrome (AS) are neurodevelopmental disorders characterised by deficient social and communication skills, as well as restricted, repetitive patterns of behaviour. The language development in individuals with autism is significantly delayed and deficient, whereas in individuals with AS, the structural aspects of language develop quite normally. Both groups, however, have semantic-pragmatic language deficits. The present thesis investigated auditory processing in individuals with autism and AS. In particular, the discrimination of and orienting to speech and non-speech sounds was studied, as well as the abstraction of invariant sound features from speech-sound input. Altogether five studies were conducted with auditory event-related brain potentials (ERP); two studies also included a behavioural sound-identification task. In three studies, the subjects were children with autism, in one study children with AS, and in one study adults with AS. In children with autism, even the early stages of sound encoding were deficient. In addition, these children had altered sound-discrimination processes characterised by enhanced spectral but deficient temporal discrimination. The enhanced pitch discrimination may partly explain the auditory hypersensitivity common in autism, and it may compromise the filtering of relevant auditory information from irrelevant information. Indeed, it was found that when sound discrimination required abstracting invariant features from varying input, children with autism maintained their superiority in pitch processing, but lost it in vowel processing. Finally, involuntary orienting to sound changes was deficient in children with autism in particular with respect to speech sounds. This finding is in agreement with previous studies on autism suggesting deficits in orienting to socially relevant stimuli. In contrast to children with autism, the early stages of sound encoding were fairly unimpaired in children with AS. However, sound discrimination and orienting were rather similarly altered in these children as in those with autism, suggesting correspondences in the auditory phenotype in these two disorders which belong to the same continuum. Unlike children with AS, adults with AS showed enhanced processing of duration changes, suggesting developmental changes in auditory processing in this disorder.


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Sleep deprivation leads to increased subsequent sleep length and depth and to deficits in cognitive performance in humans. In animals extreme sleep deprivation is eventually fatal. The cellular and molecular mechanisms causing the symptoms of sleep deprivation are unclear. This thesis was inspired by the hypothesis that during wakefulness brain energy stores would be depleted, and they would be replenished during sleep. The aim of this thesis was to elucidate the energy metabolic processes taking place in the brain during sleep deprivation. Endogenous brain energy metabolite levels were assessed in vivo in rats and in humans in four separate studies (Studies I-IV). In the first part (Study I) the effects of local energy depletion on brain energy metabolism and sleep were studied in rats with the use of in vivo microdialysis combined with high performance liquid chromatography. Energy depletion induced by 2,4-dinitrophenol infusion into the basal forebrain was comparable to the effects of sleep deprivation: both increased extracellular concentrations of adenosine, lactate, and pyruvate, and elevated subsequent sleep. This result supports the hypothesis of a connection between brain energy metabolism and sleep. The second part involved healthy human subjects (Studies II-IV). Study II aimed to assess the feasibility of applying proton magnetic resonance spectroscopy (1H MRS) to study brain lactate levels during cognitive stimulation. Cognitive stimulation induced an increase in lactate levels in the left inferior frontal gyrus, showing that metabolic imaging of neuronal activity related to cognition is possible with 1H MRS. Study III examined the effects of sleep deprivation and aging on the brain lactate response to cognitive stimulation. No physiologic, cognitive stimulation-induced lactate response appeared in the sleep-deprived and in the aging subjects, which can be interpreted as a sign of malfunctioning of brain energy metabolism. This malfunctioning may contribute to the functional impairment of the frontal cortex both during aging and sleep deprivation. Finally (Study IV), 1H MRS major metabolite levels in the occipital cortex were assessed during sleep deprivation and during photic stimulation. N-acetyl-aspartate (NAA/H2O) decreased during sleep deprivation, supporting the hypothesis of sleep deprivation-induced disturbance in brain energy metabolism. Choline containing compounds (Cho/H2O) decreased during sleep deprivation and recovered to alert levels during photic stimulation, pointing towards changes in membrane metabolism, and giving support to earlier observations of altered brain response to stimulation during sleep deprivation. Based on these findings, it can be concluded that sleep deprivation alters brain energy metabolism. However, the effects of sleep deprivation on brain energy metabolism may vary from one brain area to another. Although an effect of sleep deprivation might not in all cases be detectable in the non-stimulated baseline state, a challenge imposed by cognitive or photic stimulation can reveal significant changes. It can be hypothesized that brain energy metabolism during sleep deprivation is more vulnerable than in the alert state. Changes in brain energy metabolism may participate in the homeostatic regulation of sleep and contribute to the deficits in cognitive performance during sleep deprivation.


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Hypertension, obesity, dyslipidemia and dysglycemia constitute metabolic syndrome, a major public health concern, which is associated with cardiovascular mortality. High dietary salt (NaCl) is the most important dietary risk factor for elevated blood pressure. The kidney has a major role in salt-sensitive hypertension and is vulnerable to harmful effects of increased blood pressure. Elevated serum urate is a common finding in these disorders. While dysregulation of urate excretion is associated with cardiovascular diseases, present studies aimed to clarify the role of xanthine oxidoreductase (XOR), i.e. xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) and its post-translational isoform xanthine oxidase (XO), in cardiovascular diseases. XOR yields urate from hypoxanthine and xanthine. Low oxygen levels upregulate XOR in addition to other factors. In present studies higher renal XOR activity was found in hypertension-prone rats than in the controls. Furthermore, NaCl intake increased renal XOR dose-dependently. To clarify whether XOR has any causal role in hypertension, rats were kept on NaCl diets for different periods of time, with or without a XOR inhibitor, allopurinol. While allopurinol did not alleviate hypertension, it prevented left ventricular and renal hypertrophy. Nitric oxide synthases (NOS) produce nitric oxide (NO), which mediates vasodilatation. A paucity of NO, produced by NOS inhibition, aggravated hypertension and induced renal XOR, whereas NO generating drug, alleviated salt-induced hypertension without changes in renal XOR. Zucker fa/fa rat is an animal model of metabolic syndrome. These rats developed substantial obesity and modest hypertension and showed increased hepatic and renal XOR activities. XOR was modified by diet and antihypertensive treatment. Cyclosporine (CsA) is a fungal peptide and one of the first-line immunosuppressive drugs used in the management of organ transplantation. Nephrotoxicity ensue high doses resulting in hypertension and limit CsA use. CsA increased renal XO substantially in salt-sensitive rats on a high NaCl diet, indicating a possible role for this reactive oxygen species generating isoform in CsA nephrotoxicity. Renal hypoxia, common to these rodent models of hypertension and obesity, is one of the plausible XOR inducing factors. Although XOR inhibition did not prevent hypertension, present experimental data indicate that XOR plays a role in the pathology of salt-induced cardiac and renal hypertrophy.


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Glaucoma is the second leading cause of blindness worldwide. It is a group of optic neuropathies, characterized by progressive optic nerve degeneration, excavation of the optic disc due to apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells and corresponding visual field defects. Open angle glaucoma (OAG) is a subtype of glaucoma, classified according to the age of onset into juvenile and adult- forms with a cut-off point of 40 years of age. The prevalence of OAG is 1-2% of the population over 40 years and increases with age. During the last decade several candidate loci and three candidate genes, myocilin (MYOC), optineurin (OPTN) and WD40-repeat 36 (WDR36), for OAG have been identified. Exfoliation syndrome (XFS), age, elevated intraocular pressure and genetic predisposition are known risk factors for OAG. XFS is characterized by accumulation of grayish scales of fibrillogranular extracellular material in the anterior segment of the eye. XFS is overall the most common identifiable cause of glaucoma (exfoliation glaucoma, XFG). In the past year, three single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on the lysyl oxidase like 1 (LOXL1) gene have been associated with XFS and XFG in several populations. This thesis describes the first molecular genetic studies of OAG and XFS/XFG in the Finnish population. The role of the MYOC and OPTN genes and fourteen candidate loci was investigated in eight Finnish glaucoma families. Both candidate genes and loci were excluded in families, further confirming the heterogeneous nature of OAG. To investigate the genetic basis of glaucoma in a large Finnish family with juvenile and adult onset OAG, we analysed the MYOC gene in family members. Glaucoma associated mutation (Thr377Met) was identified in the MYOC gene segregating with the disease in the family. This finding has great significance for the family and encourages investigating the MYOC gene also in other Finnish OAG families. In order to identify the genetic susceptibility loci for XFS, we carried out a genome-wide scan in the extended Finnish XFS family. This scan produced promising candidate locus on chromosomal region 18q12.1-21.33 and several additional putative susceptibility loci for XFS. This locus on chromosome 18 provides a solid starting point for the fine-scale mapping studies, which are needed to identify variants conferring susceptibility to XFS in the region. A case-control and family-based association study and family-based linkage study was performed to evaluate whether SNPs in the LOXL1 gene contain a risk for XFS, XFG or POAG in the Finnish patients. A significant association between the LOXL1 gene SNPs and XFS and XFG was confirmed in the Finnish population. However, no association was detected with POAG. Probably also other genetic and environmental factors are involved in the pathogenesis of XFS and XFG.


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This thesis examines the associations between personality traits and sleep quantity and quality in young adults. Additionally the possible effects of birth status on these associations are examined. The data used in this thesis is part of a birth cohort study (Helsinki Study of Very Low Birth Weight Adults). The personality traits are based on the five-factor model of personality. The sleep quantity and quality are based on actigraphy assessments. Four hypothesis were made about the personality and sleep associations: (1) neuroticism is related to a lesser quality of sleep, (2) there will be more significant associations between personality traits and sleep quality than between personality traits and sleep quantity, (3) the Very Low Birth Weight (VLBW) as well as, (4) the Small for Gestational Age (SGA) status will affect the associations. Linear regressions were used to study the associations between personality traits and sleep quality and quantity. Whenever an association was significant, it was tested whether this association was moderated first, by the VLBW and second, by the SGA status of the participant. The results were mostly in line with previous research especially demonstrating the negative association between neuroticism and the quality of sleep and suggesting that vulnerability to stress decreases sleep quality. Also it was found that agreeableness and conscientiousness were associated with better sleep quality and extraversion was associated with lower sleep quantity. In addition SGA status moderated the personality and sleep associations. It is proposed that there are two factors behind the interaction. First, prenatally developing mechanisms have an effect on the development of sleep as well as personality. Second, differences in the postnatal environment, for instance the parenting practices, can account for this finding. Future research could focus especially on what kind of prenatal disturbances SGA infants have in the development of mechanisms related to sleep and personality. Also focusing on the differences in parental interaction might shed more light on the results.


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"In rats, sucking milk reduces anxiety and promotes non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, and in calves it induces resting but the effect on sleep is unknown. Here, we investigated how calves' sleep was affected by colostrum feeding methods. Forty-one calves were blocked by birth date and randomly allotted within blocks to the experimental treatments. Calves were housed for four days either with their dam (DAM) or individually with warm colostrum feeding (2 L four times a day) from either a teat bucket (TEAT) or an open bucket (BUCKET). DAM calves suckled their dam freely. Calves' sleeping and sucking behaviour was filmed continuously for 48 h at the ages of two and three days. Behavioural sleep (BS) was defined as calves resting at least 30 s with their head still and raised (non-rapid eye movement) or with their head against their body or the ground (rapid eye movement, REM). Latency from the end of colostrum feeding to the start of BS was recorded. We compared behaviour of TEAT calves with that of DAM and BUCKET calves using mixed models. Milk meal duration was significantly longer for TEAT calves than for BUCKET calves (mean +/- S.E.M.; 8.3 +/- 0.6 min vs. 5.2 +/- 0.6 min), but equal to that of DAM calves. We found no effect of feeding method on the duration of daily BS (12 h 59 min I h 38 min) but we found a tendency for the daily amount of NREM sleep; BUCKET calves had less NREM sleep per day than TEAT calves (6 h 18 min vs. 7 h 48 min, S.E.M. = 45 min) and also longer latencies from milk ingestion to BS (21.9 +/- 2.0 min vs. 16.2 +/- 2.0 min). DAM calves slept longer bouts than TEAT calves (10.8 +/- 1.0 min vs. 8.3 +/- 1.0 min) and less often (78 +/- 4 vs. 92 +/- 4). Sucking colostrum from a teat bucket compared with drinking from an open"


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AIMS An independent, powerful coronary heart disease (CHD) predictor is a low level of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C). Discoidal preβ-HDL particles and large HDL2 particles are the primary cholesterol acceptors in reverse cholesterol transport, a key anti-atherogenic HDL mechanism. The quality of HDL subspecies may provide better markers of HDL functionality than does HDL-C alone. We aimed I) to study whether alterations in the HDL subspecies profile exist in low-HDL-C subjects II) to explore the relationship of any changes in HDL subspecies profile in relation to atherosclerosis and metabolic syndrome; III) to elucidate the impact of genetics and acquired obesity on HDL subspecies distribution. SUBJECTS The study consisted of 3 cohorts: A) Finnish families with low HDL-C and premature CHD (Study I: 67 subjects with familial low HDL-C and 64 controls; Study II: 83 subjects with familial low HDL-C, 65 family members with normal HDL-C, and 133 controls); B) a cohort of 113 low- and 133 high-HDL-C subjects from the Health 2000 Health Examination Survey carried out in Finland (Study III); and C) a Finnish cohort of healthy young adult twins (52 monozygotic and 89 dizygotic pairs) (Study IV). RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS The subjects with familial low HDL-C had a lower preβ-HDL concentration than did controls, and the low-HDL-C subjects displayed a dramatic reduction (50-70%) in the proportion of large HDL2b particles. The subjects with familial low HDL-C had increased carotid atherosclerosis measured as intima-media-thickness (IMT), and HDL2b particles correlated negatively with IMT. The reduction in both key cholesterol acceptors, preβ-HDL and HDL2 particles, supports the concept of impaired reverse cholesterol transport contributing to the higher CHD risk in low-HDL-C subjects. The family members with normal HDL-C and the young adult twins with acquired obesity showed a reduction in large HDL2 particles and an increase in small HDL3 particles, which may be the first changes leading to the lowering of HDL-C. The low-HDL-C subjects had a higher serum apolipoprotein E (apoE) concentration, which correlated positively with the metabolic syndrome components (waist circumference, TG, and glucose), highlighting the need for a better understanding of apoE metabolism in human atherosclerosis. In the twin study, the increase in small HDL3b particles was associated with obesity independent of genetic effects. The heritability estimate, of 73% for HDL-C and 46 to 63% for HDL subspecies, however, demonstrated a strong genetic influence. These results suggest that the relationship between obesity and lipoproteins depends on different elements in each subject. Finally, instead of merely elevating HDL-C, large HDL2 particles and discoidal preβ-HDL particles may provide beneficial targets for HDL-targeted therapy.


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Sleep is governed by a homeostatic process in which the duration and quality of previous wake regulate the subsequent sleep. Active wakefulness is characterized with high frequency cortical oscillations and depends on stimulating influence of the arousal systems, such as the cholinergic basal forebrain (BF), while cessation of the activity in the arousal systems is required for slow wave sleep (SWS) to occur. The site-specific accumulation of adenosine (a by-product of ATP breakdown) in the BF during prolonged waking /sleep deprivation (SD) is known to induce sleep, thus coupling energy demand to sleep promotion. The adenosine release in the BF is accompanied with increases in extracellular lactate and nitric oxide (NO) levels. This thesis was aimed at further understanding the cellular processes by which the BF is involved in sleep-wake regulation and how these processes are affected by aging. The BF function was studied simultaneously at three levels of organization: 1) locally at a cellular level by measuring energy metabolites 2) globally at a cortical level (the out-put area of the BF) by measuring EEG oscillations and 3) at a behavioral level by studying changes in vigilance states. Study I showed that wake-promoting BF activation, particularly with glutamate receptor agonist N-methyl-D-aspatate (NMDA), increased extracellular adenosine and lactate levels and led to a homeostatic increase in the subsequent sleep. Blocking NMDA activation during SD reduced the high frequency (HF) EEG theta (7-9 Hz) power and attenuated the subsequent sleep. In aging, activation of the BF during SD or experimentally with NMDA (studies III, IV), did not induce lactate or adenosine release and the increases in the HF EEG theta power during SD and SWS during the subsequent sleep were attenuated as compared to the young. These findings implicate that increased or continuous BF activity is important for active wake maintenance during SD as well as for the generation of homeostatic sleep pressure, and that in aging these mechanisms are impaired. Study II found that induction of the inducible NO synthase (iNOS) during SD is accompanied with activation of the AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in the BF. Because decreased cellular energy charge is the most common cause for AMPK activation, this finding implicates that the BF is selectively sensitive to the metabolic demands of SD as increases were not found in the cortex. In aging (study III), iNOS expression and extracellular levels of NO and adenosine were not significantly increased during SD in the BF. Furthermore, infusion of NO donor into the BF did not lead to sleep promotion as it did in the young. These findings indicated that the NO (and adenosine) mediated sleep induction is impaired in aging and that it could at least partly be due to the reduced sensitivity of the BF to sleep-inducing factors. Taken together, these findings show that reduced sleep promotion by the BF contributes to the attenuated homeostatic sleep response in aging.


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Background: Adenosine is a potent sleep-promoting substance, and one of its targets is the basal forebrain. Fairly little is known about its mechanism of action in the basal forebrain and about the receptor subtype mediating its regulating effects on sleep homeostasis. Homeostatic deficiency might be one of the causes of the profoundly disturbed sleep pattern in major depressive disorder, which could explain the reduced amounts of delta-activity-rich stages 3 and 4. Since major depression has a relatively high heritability, and on the other hand adenosine regulates sleep homeostasis and might also be involved in mood modulation, adenosine-related genes should be considered for their possible contribution to a predisposition for depression and disturbed sleep in humans. Depression is a complex disorder likely involving the abnormal functioning of several genes. Novel target genes which could serve as the possible common substrates for depression and comorbid disturbed sleep should be identified. In this way specific brain areas related to sleep regulation should be studied by using animal model of depression which represents more homogenous phenotype as compared to humans. It is also important to study these brain areas during the development of depressive-like features to understand how early changes could facilitate pathophysiological changes in depression. Aims and methods: We aimed to find out whether, in the basal forebrain, adenosine induces recovery non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep after prolonged waking through the A1 or/and A2A receptor subtype. A1 and A2A receptor antagonists were perfused into the rat basal forebrain during 3 h of sleep deprivation, and the amount of NREM sleep and delta power during recovery NREM sleep were analyzed. We then explored whether polymorphisms in genes related to the metabolism, transport and signaling of adenosine could predispose to depression accompanied by signs of disturbed sleep. DNA from 1423 individuals representative of the Finnish population and including controls and cases with depression, depression accompanied by early morning awakenings and depression accompanied by fatigue, was used in the study to investigate the possible association between polymorphisms from adenosine-related genes and cases. Finally to find common molecular substrates of depression and disturbed sleep, gene expression changes were investigated in specific brain areas in the rat clomipramine model of depression. We focused on the basal forebrain of 3-week old clomipramine-treated rats which develop depressive-like symptoms later in adulthood and on the hypothalamus of adult female clomipramine-treated rats. Results: Blocking of the A1 receptor during sleep deprivation resulted in a reduction of the recovery NREM sleep amount and delta power, whereas A2A receptor antagonism had no effect. Polymorphisms in adenosine-related genes SLC29A3 (equilibrative nucleoside transporter type 3) in women and SLC28A1 (concentrative nucleoside transporter type 1) in men associated with depression alone as well as when accompanied by early morning awakenings and fatigue. In Study III the basal forebrain of postnatal rats treated with clomipramine displayed disturbances in gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) receptor type A signaling, in synaptic transmission and possible epigenetic changes. CREB1 was identified as a common transcription denominator which also mediates epigenetic regulation. In the hypothalamus the major changes included the expression of genes in GABA-A receptor pathway, K+ channel-related, glutamatergic and mitochondrial genes, as well as an overexpression of genes related to RNA and mRNA processing. Conclusions: Adenosine plays an important role in sleep homeostasis by promoting recovery NREM sleep via the A1 receptor subtype in the basal forebrain. Also adenosine levels might contribute to the risk of depression with disturbed sleep, since the genes encoding nucleoside transporters showed the strongest associations with depression alone and when accompanied by signs of disturbed sleep in both women and men. Sleep and mood abnormalities in major depressive disorder could be a consequence of multiple changes at the transcriptional level, GABA-A receptor signaling and synaptic transmission in sleep-related basal forebrain and the hypothalamus.


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The systemic autoinflammatory disorders are a group of rare diseases characterized by periodically recurring episodes of acute inflammation and a rise in serum acute phase proteins, but with no signs of autoimmunity. At present eight hereditary syndromes are categorized as autoinflammatory, although the definition has also occasionally been extended to other inflammatory disorders, such as Crohn s disease. One of the autoinflammatory disorders is the autosomally dominantly inherited tumour necrosis factor receptor-associated periodic syndrome (TRAPS), which is caused by mutations in the gene encoding the tumour necrosis factor type 1 receptor (TNFRSF1A). In patients of Nordic descent, cases of TRAPS and of three other hereditary fevers, hyperimmunoglobulinemia D with periodic fever syndrome (HIDS), chronic infantile neurologic, cutaneous and articular syndrome (CINCA) and familial cold autoinflammatory syndrome (FCAS), have been reported, TRAPS being the most common of the four. Clinical characteristics of TRAPS are recurrent attacks of high spiking fever, associated with inflammation of serosal membranes and joints, myalgia, migratory rash and conjunctivitis or periorbital cellulitis. Systemic AA amyloidosis may occur as a sequel of the systemic inflammation. The aim of this study was to investigate the genetic background of hereditary periodically occurring fever syndromes in Finnish patients, to explore the reliability of determining serum concentrations of soluble TNFRSF1A and metalloproteinase-induced TNFRSF1A shedding as helpful tools in differential diagnostics, as well as to study intracellular NF-κB signalling in an attempt to widen the knowledge of the pathomechanisms underlying TRAPS. Genomic sequencing revealed two novel TNFRSF1A mutations, F112I and C73R, in two Finnish families. F112I was the first TNFRSF1A mutation to be reported in the third extracellular cysteine-rich domain of the gene and C73R was the third novel mutation to be reported in a Finnish family, with only one other TNFRSF1A mutation having been reported in the Nordic countries. We also presented a differential diagnostic problem in a TRAPS patient, emphasizing for the clinician the importance of differential diagnostic vigiliance in dealing with rare hereditary disorders. The underlying genetic disease of the patient both served as a misleading factor, which possibly postponed arrival at the correct diagnosis, but may also have predisposed to the pathologic condition, which led to a critical state of the patient. Using a method of flow cytometric analysis modified for the use on fresh whole blood, we studied intracellular signalling pathways in three Finnish TRAPS families with the F112I, C73R and the previously reported C88Y mutations. Evaluation of TNF-induced phosphorylation of NF-κB and p38, revealed low phosphorylation profiles in nine out of ten TRAPS patients in comparison to healthy control subjects. This study shows that TRAPS is a diagnostic possibility in patients of Nordic descent, with symptoms of periodically recurring fever and inflammation of the serosa and joints. In particular in the case of a family history of febrile episodes, the possibility of TRAPS should be considered, if an etiology of autoimmune or infectious nature is excluded. The discovery of three different mutations in a population as small as the Finnish, reinforces the notion that the extracellular domain of TNFRSF1A is prone to be mutated at the entire stretch of its cysteine-rich domains and not only at a limited number of sites, suggesting the absence of a founder effect in TRAPS. This study also demonstrates the challenges of clinical work in differentiating the symptoms of rare genetic disorders from those of other pathologic conditions and presents the possibility of an autoinflammatory disorder as being the underlying cause of severe clinical complications. Furthermore, functional studies of fresh blood leukocytes show that TRAPS is often associated with a low NF-κB and p38 phosphorylation profile, although low phosphorylation levels are not a requirement for the development of TRAPS. The aberrant signalling would suggest that the hyperinflammatory phenotype of TRAPS is the result of compensatory NF-κB-mediated regulatory mechanisms triggered by a deficiency of the innate immune response.


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Major advances in the treatment of preterm infants have occurred during the last three decades. Survival rates have increased, and the first generations of preterm infants born at very low birth weight (VLBW; less than 1500 g) who profited from modern neonatal intensive care are now in young adulthood. The literature shows that VLBW children achieve on average lower scores on cognitive tests, even after exclusion of individuals with obvious neurosensory deficits. Evidence also exists for an increased risk in VLBW children for various neuropsychiatric disorders such as attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and related behavioral symptoms. Up till now, studies extending into adulthood are sparse, and it remains to be seen whether these problems persist into adulthood. The aim of this thesis was to study ADHD-related symptoms and cognitive and executive functioning in young adults born at VLBW. In addition, we aimed to study sleep disturbances, known to adversely affect both cognition and attention. We hypothesized that preterm birth at VLBW interferes with early brain development in a way that alters the neuropsychological phenotype; this may manifest itself as ADHD symptoms and impaired cognitive abilities in young adulthood. In this cohort study from a geographically defined region, we studied 166 VLBW adults and 172 term-born controls born from 1978 through 1985. At ages 18 to 27 years, the study participants took part in a clinic study during which their physical and psychological health was assessed in detail. Three years later, 213 of these individuals participated in a follow-up. The current study is part of a larger research project (The Helsinki Study of Very Low Birth Weight Adults), and the measurements of interest for this particular study include the following: 1) The Adult Problem Questionnaire (APQ), a self-rating scale of ADHD-related symptoms in adults; 2) A computerized cognitive test battery designed for population studies (CogState®) which measures core cognitive abilities such as reaction time, working memory, and visual learning; 3) Sleep assessment by actigraphy, the Basic Nordic Sleep Questionnaire, and the Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire. Actigraphs are wrist-worn accelerometers that separate sleep from wakefulness by registering body movements. Contrary to expectations, VLBW adults as a group reported no more ADHD-related behavioral symptoms than did controls. Further subdivision of the VLBW group into SGA (small for gestational age) and AGA (appropriate for gestational age) subgroups, however, revealed more symptoms on ADHD subscales pertaining to executive dysfunction and emotional instability among those born SGA. Thus, it seems that intrauterine growth retardation (for which SGA served as a proxy) is a more essential predictor for self-perceived ADHD symptoms in adulthood than is VLBW birth as such. In line with observations from other cohorts, the VLBW adults reported less risk-taking behavior in terms of substance use (alcohol, smoking, and recreational drugs), a finding reassuring for the VLBW individuals and their families. On the cognitive test, VLBW adults free from neurosensory deficits had longer reaction times than did term-born peers on all tasks included in the test battery, and lower accuracy on the learning task, with no discernible effect of SGA status over and above the effect of VLBW. Altogether, on a group level, even high-functioning VLBW adults show subtle deficits in psychomotor processing speed, visual working memory, and learning abilities. The sleep studies provided no evidence for differences in sleep quality or duration between the two groups. The VLBW adults were, however, at more than two-fold higher risk for sleep-disordered breathing (in terms of chronic snoring). Given the link between sleep-disordered breathing and health sequelae, these results suggest that VLBW individuals may benefit from an increased awareness among clinicians of this potential problem area. An unexpected finding from the sleep studies was the suggestion of an advanced sleep phase: The VLBW adults went to bed earlier according to the actigraphy registrations and also reported earlier wake-up times on the questionnaire. In further study of this issue in conjunction with the follow-up three years later, the VLBW group reported higher levels of morningness propensity, further corroborating the preliminary findings of an advanced sleep phase. Although the clinical implications are not entirely clear, the issue may be worth further study, since circadian rhythms are closely related to health and well-being. In sum, we believe that increased understanding of long-term outcomes after VLBW, and identification of areas and subgroups that are particularly vulnerable, will allow earlier recognition of potential problems and ultimately lead to improved prevention strategies.


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In clinical settings impulsivity refers to a symptom of psychiatric disorder, but nonclinically oriented research treats impulsivity as a personality and temperament dimension. This prospective study examined whether impulsivity predicts adverse health-related behaviour and increased risk of health problems in a large, nonclinical sample of 5433 subjects working in 12 Finnish hospitals. The data were collected using two questionnaire surveys at a 2-year interval. After controlling for alcohol use at baseline, higher impulsivity predicted increased alcohol consumption at follow-up in both genders (p < .01) and was associated with increased likelihood of becoming a heavy drinker or taking up smoking (p < .05). Impulsivity also predicted an increased number of cigarettes smoked per day in the follow-up among women (p < .001), but not among men, although adjustment for the number of cigarettes smoked at baseline attenuated these associations (p = .08 for women). In men, higher impulsivity was associated with shorter sleep duration and waking up several times per night independent of baseline characteristics (p < .01), whereas in women, higher impulsivity predicted difficulty in falling asleep and waking up feeling tired after the usual amount of sleep (p < .05). In women, these associations became nonsignificant after adjustment for pre-existing somatic and psychiatric diseases. Finally, higher impulsivity was associated with an increased 2-year incidence of physician-diagnosed peptic ulcer disease (adjusted odds ratio (OR) = 2.42, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 1.21 - 4.82) and onset of depression (OR = 1.95, 95% CI = 1.28 - 2.97) after adjustment for a variety of baseline covariates. In conclusion, this study shows that in a nonclinical population, impulsivity appears to be a risk factor for various unhealthy behaviour and health problems.