11 resultados para Medical evidence
em Aberdeen University
This work was supported in Taipei by Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Academia Sinica and grants from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan (NSC100-2321-B-001-018, NSC102-2321-B-001-056, NSC102-2320-B-001-021-MY3, and MOST104-2325-B- 001-011) and in Aberdeen, by the Institute of Medical Sciences, University of Aberdeen, UK. We thank Dr David J. Anderson and Dr Yoshihiro Yoshihara for providing plasmids containing cDNA of eGFP-f and WGA, respectively. Dr John N. Wood, Dr Bai-Chuang Shyu and Dr Yu-Ting Yan for providing transgenic lines including Nav1.8-Cre, Parvalbumin-Cre, ROSA-Gt26 reporter and CAG-STOPfloxed-GFP reporter mice. Also we thank Dr Silvia Arber for offering Parvalbumin-Cre-specific genotyping primer sequence, Dr Philip LeDuc for critical reading of the manuscript, and the Transgenic Core Facility of Academia Sinica for the help on the generation of the 2 Asic3 mutant mice, as well as Dr Sin-Jhong Cheng of NPAS for technique support on electrophysiology
Funding: Work on this article has been partially funded by the European Commission FP7 Program (grant agreement 258583) as part of the DECIDE project. Sole responsibility lies with the authors; the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
Funding: Work on this article has been partially funded by the European Commission FP7 Program (grant agreement 258583) as part of the DECIDE project. Sole responsibility lies with the authors; the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained therein.
Peer reviewed
“The authors wish to thank the European Commission for funding this research programme ‘Health Care Reform: The iMpact on practice, oUtcomes and cost of New ROles for health profeSsionals (MUNROS), under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7 HEALTH-2012-INNOVATION-1) grant agreement number HEALTH-F3-2012-305467EC. The authors also wish to thank all those who supported and guided this work both within the MUNROS research project team and as external associates. In particular we would like to thank Mathijs Kelder for his valuable contribution in the review process. The authors also wish to thank all the MUNROS research and project partners for their continuing collaboration in this research”.
Peer reviewed
“The authors wish to thank the European Commission for funding this research programme ‘Health Care Reform: The iMpact on practice, oUtcomes and cost of New ROles for health profeSsionals (MUNROS), under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7 HEALTH-2012-INNOVATION-1) grant agreement number HEALTH-F3-2012-305467EC. The authors also wish to thank all those who supported and guided this work both within the MUNROS research project team and as external associates. In particular we would like to thank Mathijs Kelder for his valuable contribution in the review process. The authors also wish to thank all the MUNROS research and project partners for their continuing collaboration in this research”.
GPs' implicit prioritization through clinical choices – evidence from three national health services
Acknowledgments The authors are grateful for valuable comments and inputs from participants at a series of seminars and conferences as well as to our three anonymous referees.
This work was supported by a grant from the UK Economic and Social Research Council (ES/L010437/1).
Peer reviewed
“The authors wish to thank the European Commission for funding this research programme ‘Health Care Reform: The iMpact on practice, oUtcomes and cost of New ROles for health profeSsionals (MUNROS), under the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7 HEALTH-2012-INNOVATION-1) grant agreement number HEALTH-F3-2012-305467EC. The authors also wish to thank all those who supported and guided this work both within the MUNROS research project team and as external associates. In particular we would like to thank Mathijs Kelder for his valuable contribution in the review process. The authors also wish to thank all the MUNROS research and project partners for their continuing collaboration in this research”.