15 resultados para formation stability

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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Many plantation eucalypts are difficult to propagate from cuttings, and their rooted cuttings often possess very few adventitious roots. We microscopically examined the stem anatomy of cuttings from 12 species of eucalypts and we determined whether adventitious root formation in auxin-treated cuttings of four species was limited to particular positions around the vascular tissue. Most species contained a central pith that was arranged in a four-pointed stellate pattern. The surrounding vascular tissue was also arranged in a stellate pattern near the shoot apex but it developed a more rectangular shape at the outer phloem as the stems enlarged radially. Adventitious roots formed at, or slightly peripheral to, the vascular cambium, and they formed at both the corners and the sides of the rectangular-shaped vascular tissue. The study highlighted that auxin-treated eucalypt cuttings can produce roots at multiple positions around the vascular tissue and so propagation methods can aim to produce more than four adventitious roots per rooted cutting. Higher numbers of adventitious roots could improve the root system symmetry, stability, survival and growth rate of clonal eucalypt trees. © 2015 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.


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Passionfruit (Passiflora edulis) concentrates (542 g/kg soluble solids) prepared in a wiped-film evaporator were stored for up to 6 months at - 18°, 4° and 20°C. Yeast and mould counts were taken and colour changes noted during storage. When suitable diluted concentrate colour and flavour were acceptable for 1 month at 20°C, 3 months at 4°C and 6 months at -18°C. Commercial short-term storage of concentrate at temperatures above -18°C appears to be feasible. An address presented to the 20th Annual Convention AIFST, Albury NSW, 16th- 20th May, 1987


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The effect of temperature (5-85 °C) on the foaming properties of cows' milk was investigated. The foaming properties of milk as a function of temperature varied considerably depending on fat content and the processing conditions used in manufacture. Skim milk foams were most stable when formed at 45 °C. Milk fat had a detrimental effect on foam formation and stability of whole milk especially in the temperature range 15-45 °C. The detrimental effects of milk fat on foaming properties were reduced by homogenization and ultra-high-temperature (UHT) treatment. No correlation was observed between foam formation and surface tension of whole milk in the temperature range 15-45 °C. There was a pronounced difference in the bubble size distributions of whole milk and skim milk especially at half-life of the foams. Bubbles in whole milk foams were smaller and showed a higher degree of rupture as a result of coalescence than those in skim milk foams.


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Glucosinolates are sulphur-containing glycosides found in brassicaceous plants that can be hydrolysed enzymatically by plant myrosinase or non-enzymatically to form primarily isothiocyanates and/or simple nitriles. From a human health perspective, isothiocyanates are quite important because they are major inducers of carcinogen-detoxifying enzymes. Two of the most potent inducers are benzyl isothiocyanate (BITC) present in garden cress (Lepidium sativum), and phenylethyl isothiocyanate (PEITC) present in watercress (Nasturtium officinale). Previous studies on these salad crops have indicated that significant amounts of simple nitriles are produced at the expense of the isothiocyanates. These studies also suggested that nitrile formation may occur by different pathways: (1) under the control of specifier protein in garden cress and (2) by an unspecified, non-enzymatic path in watercress. In an effort to understand more about the mechanisms involved in simple nitrile formation in these species, we analysed their seeds for specifier protein and myrosinase activities, endogenous iron content and glucosinolate degradation products after addition of different iron species, specific chelators and various heat treatments. We confirmed that simple nitrile formation was predominantly under specifier protein control (thiocyanate-forming protein) in garden cress seeds. Limited thermal degradation of the major glucosinolate, glucotropaeolin (benzyl glucosinolate), occurred when seed material was heated to >120 degrees C. In the watercress seeds, however, we show for the first time that gluconasturtiin (phenylethyl glucosinolate) undergoes a non-enzymatic, iron-dependent degradation to a simple nitrile. On heating the seeds to 120 degrees C or greater, thermal degradation of this heat-labile glucosinolate increased simple nitrile levels many fold.


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Time to first root in cuttings varies under different environmental conditions and understanding these differences is critical for optimizing propagation of commercial forestry species. Temperature environment (15, 25, 30 or 35 +/- A 2A degrees C) had no effect on the cellular stages in root formation of the Slash x Caribbean Pine hybrid over 16 weeks as determined by histology. Initially callus cells formed in the cortex, then tracheids developed and formed primordia leading to external roots. However, speed of development followed a growth curve with the fastest development occurring at 25A degrees C and slowest at 15A degrees C with rooting percentages at week 12 of 80 and 0% respectively. Cutting survival was good in the three cooler temperature regimes (> 80%) but reduced to 59% at 35A degrees C. Root formation appeared to be dependant on the initiation of tracheids because all un-rooted cuttings had callus tissue but no tracheids, irrespective of temperature treatment and clone.


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Time to first root in cuttings varies under different environmental conditions and understanding these differences is critical for optimizing propagation of commercial forestry species. Temperature environment (15, 25, 30 or 352C) had no effect on the cellular stages in root formation of the Slash * Caribbean Pine hybrid over 16 weeks as determined by histology. Initially callus cells formed in the cortex, then tracheids developed and formed primordia leading to external roots. However, speed of development followed a growth curve with the fastest development occurring at 25C and slowest at 15C with rooting percentages at week 12 of 80 and 0% respectively. Cutting survival was good in the three cooler temperature regimes (>80%) but reduced to 59% at 35C. Root formation appeared to be dependant on the initiation of tracheids because all un-rooted cuttings had callus tissue but no tracheids, irrespective of temperature treatment and clone.


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Vegetative propagation programs internationally are affected by the significant decline of rooting success as trees mature. This study compared the cellular stages of root formation in stem cuttings from 15-week-old (juvenile) and 9-y-old (mature) stock plants of the slash x Caribbean pine hybrid (Pinus elliottii var. elliottii x P. caribaea van hondurensis). The cellular stages of root formation were the same in both juvenile and mature cuttings, beginning with cell divisions of the vascular cambium forming callus tissue. Within the callus, tracheids differentiated and elongated to form root primordia. Roots in juvenile cuttings developed faster than those in mature cuttings and the juvenile cuttings had a much higher rooting percent at the end of the study (92% and 26% respectively). Cuttings of the two juvenile genotypes had more primary roots (5.5 and 3.3) than the three mature genotypes (0.96, 0.18 and 0.07). The roots of juvenile cuttings were more evenly distributed around the basal circumference when compared with those on cuttings from the mature genotypes. Further work is needed to improve understanding of physiological changes with maturation so that the rooting success and the speed of development in cuttings from mature stock plants can be optimised, hence improving genetic gain.


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Industry acceptance of alternative sulphite treatments for preventing blackspot in prawns is limited. This study demonstrated that dipping prawns (Penaeus monodon and Fenneropenaeus merguiensis) in a less concentrated solution for longer times provides better control of blackspot formation than the recommended 2 minute dip in 50 mg/L 4-hexylresorcinol. Protection improved as modified dipping times and solution concentrations increased. Blackspot protection provided by most of the modified dip methods was more effective than a 1 minute dip in 1% sodium metabisulphite. The recommended 2 minute dip method should be limited to 125 kg when used on consecutive 25-kg batches of prawns. Yields increased by less than 10% even after 72-hour exposure in the modified dip. The new dipping method meets most international residue standards when applying the modified treatments evaluated.


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This project will provide information, germplasm, selection techniques and strategies for breeders to develop high-yielding stay-green wheat cultivars for Australian growers via a "three pronged" research strategy.


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Over 7 years, this project collected data about the pasture, tree and soil surface dynamics of two major Aristida/Bothriochloa pasture types within the eucalypt woodlands of central Queensland. Six different grazing management scenarios were compared ecologically and economically, along with the effects of spring burns and tree killing. Heavy stocking (3-4 ha per adult equivalent) produced the greatest short-term financial return from healthy pastures but was not a sustainable practice and long-term cash returns were no better than those from moderate stocking. The environmental benefits of moderate grazing over heavy grazing were very clear. Light stocking produced better environmental outcomes compared to moderate stocking but was clearly inferior with respect to economic returns. Killing silver-leaved ironbark trees near Rubyvale produced no measurable improvement in pasture growth or quality for at least 6 years whereas at Injune the same treatment of poplar box trees resulted in an immediate and large enhancement in pasture production and carrying capacity. The gritty red duplex soil at Rubyvale was much more erodible than the grey solodic at Injune although the latter becomes very erodible if the stable surface soil is breached. Good seasonal rainfall produced faster changes in pasture composition than extremes of grazing management. The perennial grasses were easier to recruit than to eliminate by grazing management changes.


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Endemic stability is a widely used term in the epidemiology of ticks and tick-borne diseases. It is generally accepted to refer to a state of a host tick pathogen interaction in which there is a high level of challenge of calves by infected ticks, absence of clinical disease in calves despite infection, and a high level of immunity in adult cattle with consequent low incidence of clinical disease. Although endemic stability is a valid epidemiological concept, the modelling studies that underpinned subsequent studies on the epidemiology of tick-borne diseases were specific to a single host tick pathogen system, and values derived from these models should not be applied in other regions or host tick pathogen systems.


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Amino functionalised mesoporous silica nanoparticles (AM-41) have been identified as a promising vaccine delivery material. The capacity of AM-41 to stabilise vaccine components at ambient temperature (23–27 °C) was determined by adsorbing the model antigen ovalbumin (OVA) to AM-41 particles (OVA-41). The OVA-41 was successfully freeze-dried using the excipients 5% trehalose and 1% PEG8000. Both the immunological activity of OVA and the nanoparticle structure were maintained following two months storage at ambient temperature. The results of immunisation studies in mice with reconstituted OVA-41 demonstrated the induction of humoral and cell-meditated immune responses. The capacity of AM-41 particles to facilitate ambient storage of vaccine components without loss of immunological potency will underpin the further development of this promising vaccine delivery platform.


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The marketing of organically labeled prawns is predominately in a cooked or raw frozen form to avoid the development of melanosis (black spot). Certification for organic status prohibits the use of any added chemicals. The application of 60% CO2/40%N2 modified atmosphere to chilled (raw) prawns using two species of prawn was investigated for the ability to control black spot formation. Sensory assessment and microbiological counts were used to determine the end of product shelf life. Modified atmosphere packaged (MAP) prawns exhibited no melanosis for up to 16 days. The high quality life was retained for 12 days; shelf life of 16 days, according to standard microbiological criteria, was achieved, which is more than twice previously reported for non-MAP prawns. Results suggest MAP may be an effective method for the marketing of organically grown prawns as well as those produced by conventional prawn aquaculture without application of the normal chemicals used to prevent black spot. Copyright © 2014 Crown Copyright.


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Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant with various health benefits such as prevention of age-related macular degeneration and improvement of the immune system, liver and heart function. To improve the post-harvesting stability of astaxanthin used in food, feed and nutraceutical industries, the biomass of the high astaxanthin producing alga Haematococcus pluvialis was dried by spray- or freeze-drying and under vacuum or air at − 20 °C to 37 °C for 20 weeks. Freeze-drying led to 41 higher astaxanthin recovery compared to commonly-used spray-drying. Low storage temperature (− 20 °C, 4 °C) and vacuum-packing also showed higher astaxanthin stability with as little as 12.3 ± 3.1 degradation during 20 weeks of storage. Cost-benefit analysis showed that freeze-drying followed by vacuum-packed storage at − 20 °C can generate AUD600 higher profit compared to spray-drying from 100 kg H. pluvialis powder. Therefore, freeze-drying can be suggested as a mild and more profitable method for ensuring longer shelf life of astaxanthin from H. pluvialis.