15 resultados para Controllo moto macchina automatica packaging flessibile confezionamento

em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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The object of this investigation was to develop high quality aseptically packaged mango and passionfruit puree products. Kensington mango puree (acidified to ph 3.5) and deseeded passionfruit pulp (ph 3.0) were sterilised in a scraped-surface heat exchanger, cooled to 20°C in a tubular heat-exchanger, aseptically packaged in sterile laminate bags. Six sterilising time/temperature combinations were compared - 85°C/15 secs, 85°C/60 secs, 90° C/15 secs, 90°/60 secs, 95°C/15 secs, 95°C/60 secs. Products were assessed immediately after processing, and after eight months ambient storage, for microbial, physical, chemical, and sensory quality. All treatments were microbiologically sound and showed no enzyme activity. Sensory quality was very acceptable, and there was no evidence of heat damage. Quality (especially colour and flavour) decreased during storage in all heat treatments.


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Lemon myrtle, anise myrtle, and Tasmanian pepper leaf are commercial Australian native herbs with a high volatile or essential oil content. Packaging of the herbs in high- or low-density polyethylene (HDPE and LDPE) has proven to be ineffective in preventing a significant loss of volatile components on storage. This study investigates and compares the effectiveness of alternate high-barrier property packaging materials, namely, polyvinylidene chloride coated polyethylene terephthalate/casted polypropylene (PVDC coated PET/CPP) and polyethylene terephthalate/polyethylene terephthalate/aluminum foil/linear low-density polyethylene (PET/PET/Foil/LLDPE), in prevention of volatile compound loss from the three native herbs stored at ambient temperature for 6 months. Concentrations of major volatiles were monitored using gas chromatography?mass spectrometry (GC-MS) techniques. After 6 months of storage, the greatest loss of volatiles from lemon myrtle was observed in traditional LDPE packaging (87% loss) followed by storage in PVDC coated PET/CPP (58% loss) and PET/PET/Foil/LLDPE (loss of 23%). The volatile loss from anise myrtle and Tasmanian pepper leaf stored in PVDC coated PET/CPP and PET/PET/Foil/LLDPE packaging was <30%. This study clearly indicates the importance of selecting the correct packaging material to retain the quality of herbs with high volatile content.


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The marketing of organically labeled prawns is predominately in a cooked or raw frozen form to avoid the development of melanosis (black spot). Certification for organic status prohibits the use of any added chemicals. The application of 60% CO2/40%N2 modified atmosphere to chilled (raw) prawns using two species of prawn was investigated for the ability to control black spot formation. Sensory assessment and microbiological counts were used to determine the end of product shelf life. Modified atmosphere packaged (MAP) prawns exhibited no melanosis for up to 16 days. The high quality life was retained for 12 days; shelf life of 16 days, according to standard microbiological criteria, was achieved, which is more than twice previously reported for non-MAP prawns. Results suggest MAP may be an effective method for the marketing of organically grown prawns as well as those produced by conventional prawn aquaculture without application of the normal chemicals used to prevent black spot. Copyright © 2014 Crown Copyright.


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A study undertaken in Hervey Bay, Queensland, investigated the potential of creating an indigenous agribusiness opportunity based on the cultivation of indigenous Australian vegetables and herbs. Included were warrigal greens (WG) (Tetragonia tetragonioides), a green leafy vegetable and the herb sea celery (SC) (Apium prostratum); both traditional foods of the indigenous population and highly desirable to chefs wishing to add a unique, indigenous flavour to modern dishes. Packaging is important for shelf life extension and minimisation of postharvest losses in horticultural products. The ability of two packaging films to extend WG and SC shelf life was investigated. These were Antimisted Biaxial Oriented Polypropylene packaging film (BOPP) without perforations and Antifog BOPP Film with microperforations. Weight loss, packaging headspace composition, colour changes, sensory differences and microbial loads of packed WG and SC leaves were monitored to determine the impact of film oxygen transmission rate (OTR) and film water vapour transmission (WVT) on stored product quality. WG and SC were harvested, sanitised, packed and stored at 4°C for 16 days. Results indicated that the OTR and WVT rates of the package film significantly (PKLEINERDAN0.05) influenced the package headspace and weight loss, but did not affect product colour, total bacteria, yeast and mould populations during storage. There was no significant difference (PGROTERDAN0.05) in aroma, appearance, texture and flavour for WG and SC during storage. It was therefore concluded that a shelf life of 16 days at 4°C, where acceptable sensory properties were retained, was achievable for WG and SC in both packaging films.


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Export of Fijian papaya (Carica papaya) fruit to destinations such as New Zealand has increased significantly over the last several years. Shipment by sea rather than air is the preferred method, given the capacity for larger volumes and reductions in cost. Long shipping times, however, can compromise fruit quality, although the use of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) may provide a viable solution for extending fruit storage life. In a collaborative ACIAR project, Australian and Fijian researchers investigated the potential of using MAP to extend storage life of a Fijian papaya ('Fiji Red') fruit based on simulated sea transport conditions. Fruit were packed in one of three MAP environments within cartons, consisting of either a (1) Low Density Polyethylene (LDPE) bag with 10 g of KMnO4, (2) Polyamide Film (PF) bag with macro-perforations or (3) without a bag (control fruit). Fruit were held for 1, 2 or 3 weeks at 10°C before being unpacked, ripened and assessed for quality. On day 6 after outturn, fruit with the highest overall quality were those held in LDPE bags. LDPE fruit generally coloured up faster at outturn than PF or control fruit, had less overall moisture loss and scored high in flavour. Headspace carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations within the LDPE bags were also near recommended levels for maintaining optimum storage-life quality. The LDPE bag provided the most suitable conditions for long term storage of fresh papaya fruit and is therefore the recommended MAP type for use with sea freight export out of Fiji.


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Ethylene production is stimulated during the slicing of fresh cut tomato slices. Experiments were conducted to investigate whether the inclusion of ethylene absorbents in packaging affects the quality of tomato slices cv. Revolution during storage at 5OC. ‘Pink’ maturity stage tomatoes were cut into 7mm thick slices and vertically stacked in closed glass containers for 12 days with or without Purafil® to remove ethylene. The ethylene removal treatment resulted in reduced ethylene, less CO2 accumulation, and firmer slices.


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Aseptic processing involves sterilising the product and package separately, and filling under sterile conditions. Advantages include better product quality compared with canned products, lower transport and storage costs compared with frozen products, and virtually no restriction on package size. Problems include ensuring adequate heat penetration into the particles to ensure sterility, preventing separation of particles from the carrier liquid, and retention of particle structure and shape. Particulate foods can be sterilised in scraped - surface heat exchangers. Other methods involve heating the particles separately, and combining them during filling. Projects will commence at the International Food Institute of Queensland (IFIQ) on aseptic packaging of a meat and vegetable product, and aseptically packaged mango pieces.


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The ability to initiate and manipulate flowering with KClO3 allows flowering of longan, to be triggered outside of the normal flowering season (July-September) in Australia. Fruit maturity following normal flowering will occur approximately six-eight months (180-220 days) from flowering, depending on variety. Out of season flowering will result in differing times to maturity due to different temperature regimes during the maturity period. Knowing how long fruit will take to mature from different KClO3 application dates is potentially a valuable tool for growers to use as it would allow them to time their applications with market opportunities, e.g. Chinese New Year, periods of low volumes or periods of high prices. A simple heat-sum calculation was shown to reliably quantify fruit maturity periods, 2902 and 3432 growing degree days for Kohala and Biew Kiew respectively. Growers can use heat-sum as a predictive tool to allow for efficient planning of harvesting, packaging and freight requirements.


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This report details the results of research into organic production of prawns in Australia. This has involved activities and experiments over two years at several sites and using a multidisciplinary approach. This includes farm trials at an inland demonstration prawn farm which solely utilises saline bore water, sample collection from two commercial prawn farms in coastal regions of south-eastern Queensland, replicated feed trials at one of DPI&F’s aquaculture research stations, specified feed manufacture at the laboratories of University of Queensland, and packaging and product storage trials and food analyses at two of DPI&F’s food technology laboratories. This work was designed to investigate and assist in the possible adoption of organic procedures by the Australian prawn farming industry. The import from Asia of cheaply produced prawns has forced all Australian prawn farmers to review their marketing procedures. Additionally investors are becoming increasingly concerned at the prospects for the expansion of this industry in Australia. Since the competition of seafood products in the marketplace is increasing on a global basis, alternate products are being investigated by those wishing to maintain and/or grow their market share. The premium paid for organic food products would hopefully provide an economic incentive for farmers to convert to organic production systems, with an added advantage that the standards that apply have beneficial implications also for the social and environmental practices of industry.


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The primary purpose of spermatozoa is to deliver the paternal DNA to the oocyte at fertilization. During the complex events of fertilization, if the spermatozoon penetrating the oocyte contains compromised or damaged sperm chromatin, the subsequent progression of embryogenesis and foetal development may be affected. Variation in sperm DNA damage and protamine content in ejaculated spermatozoa was reported in the cattle, with potential consequences to bull fertility. Protamines are sperm-specific nuclear proteins that are essential to packaging of the condensed paternal genome in spermatozoa. Sperm DNA damage is thought to be repaired during the process of protamination. This study investigates the potential correlation between sperm protamine content, sperm DNA damage and the subsequent relationships between sperm chromatin and commonly measured reproductive phenotypes. Bos indicus sperm samples (n = 133) were assessed by two flow cytometric methods: the sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA) and an optimized sperm protamine deficiency assay (SPDA). To verify the SPDA assay for bovine sperm protamine content, samples collected from testis, caput and cauda epididymidis were analyzed. As expected, mature spermatozoa in the cauda epididymidis had higher protamine content when compared with sperm samples from testis and caput epididymidis (p < 0.01). The DNA fragmentation index (DFI), determined by SCSA, was positively correlated (r = 0.33 ± 0.08, p < 0.05) with the percentage of spermatozoa that showed low protamine content using SPDA. Also, DFI was negatively correlated (r = -0.21 ± 0.09, p < 0.05) with the percentage of spermatozoa with high protamine content. Larger scrotal circumference contributes to higher sperm protamine content and lower content of sperm DNA damage (p < 0.05). In conclusion, sperm protamine content and sperm DNA damage are closely associated. Protamine deficiency is likely to be one of the contributing factors to DNA instability and damage, which can affect bull fertility. © 2014 American Society of Andrology and European Academy of Andrology.


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Campylobacter is an important food borne pathogen, mainly associated with poultry. A lack of through-chain quantitative Campylobacter data has been highlighted within quantitative risk assessments. The aim of this study was to quantitatively and qualitatively measure Campylobacter and Escherichia coli concentration on chicken carcasses through poultry slaughter. Chickens (n = 240) were sampled from each of four flocks along the processing chain, before scald, after scald, before chill, after chill, after packaging and from individual caeca. The overall prevalence of Campylobacter after packaging was 83% with a median concentration of 0.8 log10 CFU/mL. The processing points of scalding and chilling had significant mean reductions of both Campylobacter (1.8 and 2.9 log10 CFU/carcase) and E. coli (1.3 and 2.5 log10 CFU/carcase). The concentration of E. coli and Campylobacter was significantly correlated throughout processing indicating that E. coli may be a useful indicator organism for reductions in Campylobacter concentration. The carriage of species varied between flocks, with two flocks dominated by Campylobacter coli and two flocks dominated by Campylobacter jejuni. Current processing practices can lead to significant reductions in the concentration of Campylobacter on carcasses. Further understanding of the variable effect of processing on Campylobacter and the survival of specific genotypes may enable more targeted interventions to reduce the concentration of this poultry associated pathogen.


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Australian native foods have long been consumed by the Indigenous people of Australia. There is growing interest in the application of these foods in the functional food and complementary health care industries. Recent studies have provided information on the health properties of native foods but systematic study of changes in flavour and health components during processing and storage has not been done. It is well known that processing technologies such as packaging, drying and freezing can significantly alter the levels of health and flavour compounds. However, losses in compounds responsible for quality and bioactivity can be minimised by improving production practices. This report outlines research developed to provide the native food industry with reliable information on the retention of bioactive compounds during processing and storage to enable the development of product standards which in turn will provide the industry with scientific evidence to expand and explore new market opportunities globally.


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Poultry are considered a major source for campylobacteriosis in humans. A total of 1866 Campylobacter spp. isolates collected through the poultry processing chain were typed using flaA-restriction fragment length polymorphism to measure the impact of processing on the genotypes present. Temporally related human clinical isolates (n = 497) were also typed. Isolates were obtained from whole chicken carcass rinses of chickens collected before scalding, after scalding, before immersion chilling, after immersion chilling and after packaging as well as from individual caecal samples. A total of 32 genotypes comprising at least four isolates each were recognised. Simpson's Index of Diversity (D) was calculated for each sampling site within each flock, for each flock as a whole and for the clinical isolates. From caecal collection to after packaging samples the D value did not change in two flocks, decreased in one flock and increased in the fourth flock. Dominant genotypes occurred in each flock but their constitutive percentages changed through processing. There were 23 overlapping genotypes between clinical and chicken isolates. The diversity of Campylobacter is flock dependant and may alter through processing. This study confirms that poultry are a source of campylobacteriosis in the Australian population although other sources may contribute.


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Serial Block-Face Scanning Electron Microscopy (SBF-SEM) was used in this study to examine the ultrastructural morphology of Penaeus monodon spermatozoa. SBF-SEM provided a large dataset of sequential electron-microscopic-level images that facilitated comprehensive ultrastructural observations and three-dimensional reconstructions of the sperm cell. Reconstruction divulged a nuclear region of the spermatophoral spermatozoon filled with decondensed chromatin but with two apparent levels of packaging density. In addition, the nuclear region contained, not only numerous filamentous chromatin elements with dense microregions, but also large centrally gathered granular masses. Analysis of the sperm cytoplasm revealed the presence of degenerated mitochondria and membrane-less dense granules. A large electron-lucent vesicle and "arch-like" structures were apparent in the subacrosomal area, and an acrosomal core was found in the acrosomal vesicle. The spermatozoal spike arose from the inner membrane of the acrosomal vesicle, which was slightly bulbous in the middle region of the acrosomal vesicle, but then extended distally into a broad dense plate and to a sharp point proximally. This study has demonstrated that SBF-SEM is a powerful technique for the 3D ultrastructural reconstruction of prawn spermatozoa, that will no doubt be informative for further studies of sperm assessment, reproductive pathology and the spermiocladistics of penaeid prawns, and other decapod crustaceans. J. Morphol., 2016. (c) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Australian forest industries have a long history of export trade of a wide range of products from woodchips(for paper manufacturing), sandalwood (essential oils, carving and incense) to high value musical instruments, flooring and outdoor furniture. For the high value group, fluctuating environmental conditions brought on by changes in mperature and relative humidity, can lead to performance problems due to consequential swelling, shrinkage and/or distortion of the wood elements. A survey determined the types of value-added products exported, including species and dimensions packaging used and export markets. Data loggers were installed with shipments to monitor temperature and relative humidity conditions. These data were converted to timber equilibrium moisture content values to provide an indication of the environment that the wood elements would be acclimatising to. The results of the initial survey indicated that primary high value wood export products included guitars, flooring, decking and outdoor furniture. The destination markets were mainly located in the northern hemisphere, particularly the United States of America, China, Hong Kong, Europe including the United Kingdom), Japan, Korea and the Middle East. Other regions importing Australian-made wooden articles were south-east Asia, New Zealand and South Africa. Different timber species have differing rates of swelling and shrinkage, so the types of timber were also recorded during the survey. Results from this work determined that the major species were ash-type eucalypts from south-eastern Australia (commonly referred to in the market as Tasmanian oak), jarrah from Western Australia, spotted gum, hoop pine, white cypress, black butt, brush box and Sydney blue gum from Queensland and New South Wales. The environmental conditions data indicated that microclimates in shipping containers can fluctuate extensively during shipping. Conditions at the time of manufacturing were usually between 10 and 12% equilibrium moisture content, however conditions during shipping could range from 5 (very dry) to 20% (very humid). The packaging systems incorporated were reported to be efficient at protecting the wooden articles from damage during transit. The research highlighted the potential risk for wood components to ‘move’ in response to periods of drier or more humid conditions than those at the time of manufacturing, and the importance of engineering a packaging system that can account for the environmental conditions experienced in shipping containers. Examples of potential dimensional changes in wooden components were calculated based on published unit shrinkage data for key species and the climatic data returned from the logging equipment. The information highlighted the importance of good design to account for possible timber movement during shipping. A timber movement calculator was developed to allow designers to input component species, dimensions, site of manufacture and destination, to see validate their product design. This calculator forms part of the free interactive website www.timbers.com.au.