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em eResearch Archive - Queensland Department of Agriculture


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The recent summary report of a Department of Energy Workshop on Plant Systems Biology (P.V. Minorsky [2003] Plant Physiol 132: 404-409) offered a welcomed advocacy for systems analysis as essential in understanding plant development, growth, and production. The goal of the Workshop was to consider methods for relating the results of molecular research to real-world challenges in plant production for increased food supplies, alternative energy sources, and environmental improvement. The rather surprising feature of this report, however, was that the Workshop largely overlooked the rich history of plant systems analysis extending over nearly 40 years (Sinclair and Seligman, 1996) that has considered exactly those challenges targeted by the Workshop. Past systems research has explored and incorporated biochemical and physiological knowledge into plant simulation models from a number of perspectives. The research has resulted in considerable understanding and insight about how to simulate plant systems and the relative contribution of various factors in influencing plant production. These past activities have contributed directly to research focused on solving the problems of increasing biomass production and crop yields. These modeling approaches are also now providing an avenue to enhance integration of molecular genetic technologies in plant improvement (Hammer et al., 2002).


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The leaching of phosphorus (P) within soils can be a limiting consideration for the sustainable operation of intensive livestock enterprises. Sorption curves are widely used to assist estimation of P retention, though the effect of effluent constituents on their accuracy is not well understood. We conducted a series of P-sorption-desorption batch experiments with an Oxic Haplustalf (soil 1), Haplusterts (soils 2 and 3), and a Natrustalf (soil 4). Phosphorus sources included effluent, orthophosphate-P in a matrix replicating the effluent's salt constituents (the reference solution), and an orthophosphate-P solution. Treated soils were incubated for up to 193 days before sequential desorption extraction. Effluent constituents, probably the organic or particulate components, temporarily increased the vulnerability of sorbed-P to desorption. The increase in vulnerability was removed by 2-113 days of incubation (25 degrees C). Despite vigorous extraction for 20 consecutive days, some P sorbed as part of the treatments of soils 1 and 2 was not desorbed. The increased vulnerability due to effluent constituents lasted a maximum of about one cropping season and, for all other treatments, adsorption curves overestimated vulnerability to desorption. Therefore, adsorption curves provide a conservative estimate of vulnerability to desorption where effluent is used in continued crop production in these soils.


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The effect of fungal endophyte (Neotyphodium lolii) infection on the performance of perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) growing under irrigation in a subtropical environment was investigated. Seed of 4 cultivars, infected with standard (common toxic or wild-type) endophyte or the novel endophyte AR1, or free of endophyte (Nil), was sown in pure swards, which were fertilised with 50 kg N/ha.month. Seasonal and total yield, persistence, and rust susceptibility were assessed over 3 years, along with details of the presence of endophyte and alkaloids in plant shoots. Endophyte occurrence in tillers in both the standard and AR1 treatments was above 95% for Bronsyn and Impact throughout and rose to that level in Samson by the end of the second year. Meridian AR1 only reached 93% while, in the standard treatment, the endophyte had mostly died before sowing. Nil Zendophyte treatments carried an average of ?0.6% infection throughout. Infection of the standard endophyte was associated with increased dry matter (DM) yields in all 3 years compared with no endophyte. AR1 also significantly increased yields in the second and third years. Over the full 3 years, standard and AR1 increased yields by 18% and 11%, respectively. Infection with both endophytes was associated with increased yields in all 4 seasons, the effects increasing in intensity over time. There was 27% better persistence in standard infected plants compared with Nil at the end of the first year, increasing to 198% by the end of the experiment, while for AR1 the improvements were 20 and 134%, respectively. The effect of endophyte on crown rust (Puccinia coronata) infection was inconsistent, with endophyte increasing rust damage on one occasion and reducing it on another. Cultivar differences in rust infection were greater than endophyte effects. Plants infected with the AR1 endophyte had no detectable ergovaline or lolitrem B in leaf, pseudostem, or dead tissue. In standard infected plants, ergovaline and lolitrem B were highest in pseudostem and considerably lower in leaf. Dead tissue had very low or no detectable ergovaline but high lolitrem B concentrations. Peramine concentration was high and at similar levels in leaf and pseudostem, but not detectable in dead material. Concentration was similar in both AR1 and standard infected plants. Endophyte presence appeared to have a similar effect in the subtropics as has been demonstrated in temperate areas, in terms of improving yields and persistence and increasing tolerance of plants to stress factors.


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The further development of Taqman quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) assays for the absolute quantitation of Marek's disease virus serotype 1 (MDV1) and Herpesvirus of turkeys (HVT) viruses is described and the sensitivity and reproducibility of each assay reported. Using plasmid DNA copies, the lower limit of detection was determined to be 5 copies for the MDV1 assay and 75 copies for the HVT assay. Both assays were found to be highly reproducible for Ct values and calculated copy numbers with mean intra- and inter-assay coefficients of variation being less than 5% for Ct and 20% for calculated copy number. The genome copy number of MDV1 and HVT viruses was quantified in PBL and feather tips from experimentally infected chickens, and field poultry dust samples. Parallelism was demonstrated between the plasmid-based standard curves, and standard curves derived from infected spleen material containing both viral and host DNA, allowing the latter to be used for absolute quantification. These methods should prove useful for the reliable differentiation and absolute quantitation of MDV1 and HVT viruses in a wide range of samples.


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A replicated trial was conducted at Tallegalla in south-east Queensland to assess the effectiveness of a range of control methods for climbing asparagus Asparagus africanus Lam. A total of 18 treatments using mechanical, cut stump, basal bark, foliar spray and splatter gun techniques were trialled with a range of herbicides and application rates. Removing the plant and placing it above the ground surface was most effective in killing climbing asparagus. Basal bark spraying of 24 g triclopyr ester (40 mL Garlon® 600) or 10 g fluroxypyr ester (50 mL Starane® 200) L-1 diesel and the cut stump application of neat diesel or 225 g glyphosate (500 mL Glyphosate CT®) L-1 water offered the best chemical control of climbing asparagus.


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The painted apple moth (PAM), Teia anartoides (Walker) (Lepidoptera: Lymantriidae) made a recent incursion into New Zealand. A nucleopolyhedrovirus (NPV), Orgyia anartoides NPV (OranNPV), originally isolated from PAM in Australia, was tested for its pathogenicity to PAM and a range of non-target insect species found in New Zealand, to evaluate its suitability as a microbial control for this insect invader. Dosage-mortality tests showed that OranNPV was highly pathogenic to PAM larvae; mean LT50 values for third instars ranged from 17.9 to 8.1 days for doses from 102 to 105 polyhedral inclusion bodies/larva, respectively. The cause of death in infected insects was confirmed as OranNPV. Molecular analysis established that OranNPV can be identified by PCR and restriction digestion, and this process complemented microscopic examination of infected larvae. No lymantriid species occur in New Zealand; however, the virus had no significant effects on species from five other lepidopteran families (Noctuidae, Tortricidae, Geometridae, Nymphalidae and Plutellidae) or on adult honeybees. Thus, all indications from this initial investigation are that OranNPV would be an important tool in the control of PAM in a future incursion of this species into New Zealand.


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Age at puberty is an important component of reproductive performance in beef cattle production systems. Brahman cattle are typically late-pubertal relative to Bos taurus cattle and so it is of economic relevance to select for early age at puberty. To assist selection and elucidate the genes underlying puberty, we performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) using the BovineSNP50 chip (similar to 54 000 polymorphisms) in Brahman bulls (n = 1105) and heifers (n = 843) and where the heifers were previously analysed in a different study. In a new attempt to generate unbiased estimates of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) effects and proportion of variance explained by each SNP, the available data were halved on the basis of year and month of birth into a calibration and validation set. The traits that defined age at puberty were, in heifers, the age at which the first corpus luteum was detected (AGECL, h(2) = 0.56 +/- 0.11) and in bulls, the age at a scrotal circumference of 26 cm (AGE26, h(2) = 0.78 +/- 0.10). At puberty, heifers were on average older (751 +/- 142 days) than bulls (555 +/- 101 days), but AGECL and AGE26 were genetically correlated (r = 0.20 +/- 0.10). There were 134 SNPs associated with AGECL and 146 SNPs associated with AGE26 (P < 0.0001). From these SNPs, 32 (similar to 22%) were associated (P < 0.0001) with both traits. These top 32 SNPs were all located on Chromosome BTA 14, between 21.95 Mb and 28.4 Mb. These results suggest that the genes located in that region of BTA 14 play a role in pubertal development in Brahman cattle. There are many annotated genes underlying this region of BTA 14 and these are the subject of current research. Further, we identified a region on Chromosome X where markers were associated (P < 1.00E-8) with AGE26, but not with AGECL. Information about specific genes and markers add value to our understanding of puberty and potentially contribute to genomic selection. Therefore, identifying these genes contributing to genetic variation in AGECL and AGE26 can assist with the selection for early onset of puberty.


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Anthocyanins are located within the vacuole of plant cells, and are released following cell rupture during eating or processing at which time they first come into contact with the plant cell wall. The extent of anthocyanin-cell wall interaction was investigated by monitoring the rate of anthocyanin depletion in the presence of pure cellulose or cellulose-pectin composites as cell wall models. It was found that anthocyanins interact with both cellulose and pectin over a two-stage process with initially (mins-hours) 13 similar to 18% of anthocyanins binding to cellulose or cellulose/pectincomposites. With prolonged exposure (days-weeks), a gradual increase in anthocyanin binding occurs, possibly due to anthocyanins stacking on top of a base layer. Binding of acylated and non-acylated anthocyanins followed a similar pattern with slightly more (5-10%) binding of the acylated forms. Composites with the highest pectin content had the greatest anthocyanin binding suggesting the existence of both ionic interactions (with pectin) and hydrophobic interactions (with cellulose) of anthocyanin with plant cell walls.


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The effect of elicitors associated with host defence on betacyanin accumulation in Amaranthus mangostanus seedlings was investigated. Under the conditions of the experiments, betacyanin accumulation was generally enhanced by light. Methyl jasmonate (MeJA) treatment increased betacyanin synthesis in a concentration-dependent response. Seedlings treated with ethylene as 5 mM Ethephon also had elevated levels of betacyanin. In contrast. salicylic acid (SA) and H2O2 treatments had no influence on betacyanin contents in light or dark. Combined MeJA with Ethephon or H2O2 had an additive effect on betacyanin accumulation in dark-grown seedlings. However, a decline was recorded in light-grown seedlings. Moreover, an antagonistic effect on betacyanin synthesis was found when MeJA and SA were added simultaneously. Our results indicate that betacyanin content in A. mangostanus seedlings can be upregulated by MeJA and ethylene. Both additive and antagonistic effects in regulating betacyanin synthesis in A. mangostanus seedlings were observed between MeJA and other elicitors. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Chromolaena odorata (L.) King and Robinson (Asteraceae) is a major weed in Timor Leste, affecting grazing lands and subsistence farms, reducing productivity and food security. It was the focus of a biocontrol project funded by the Australian Government from 2005-2009. During this period, the gall fly Cecidochares connexa (Macquart) (Diptera: Tephritidae) was introduced from Papua New Guinea and Indonesia, where it is widespread. From these initial releases, the gall fly established at seven sites and was subsequently re-distributed to most areas in Timor Leste where chromolaena was a problem. It established at most of the release sites that were revisited and caused a visible reduction in plant density and height. Overall, control of chromolaena by the gall fly in Timor Leste is limited by the severe dry season and the widespread use of fire in clearing lands for agriculture, both of which reduce the ability of gall fly populations to persist at damaging levels. Thus additional agents that can tolerate prolonged dry periods are required to increase the level of control of chromolaena.


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Cabomba caroliniana is a submersed macrophyte that has become a serious invader. Cabomba predominantly spreads by stem fragments, in particular through unintentional transport on boat trailers ('hitch hiking'). Desiccation resistance affects the potential dispersal radius. Therefore, knowledge of maximum survival times allows predicting future dispersal. Experiments were conducted to assess desiccation resistance and survival ability of cabomba fragments under various environmental scenarios. Cabomba fragments were highly tolerant of desiccation. However, even relatively low wind speeds resulted in rapid mass loss, indicating a low survival rate of fragments exposed to air currents, such as fragments transported on a boat trailer. The experiments indicated that cabomba could survive at least 3 h of overland transport if exposed to wind. However, even small clumps of cabomba could potentially survive up to 42 h. Thus, targeting the transport of clumps of macrophytes should receive high priority in management. The high resilience of cabomba to desiccation demonstrates the risk of continuing spread. Because of the high probability of fragment viability on arrival, preventing fragment uptake on boat trailers is paramount to reduce the risk of further spread. These findings will assist improving models that predict the spread of aquatic invasive macrophytes.


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Cabomba caroliniana is a submersed macrophyte that has become a serious invader. Cabomba predominantly spreads by stem fragments, in particular through unintentional transport on boat trailers (‘hitch hiking’). Desiccation resistance affects the potential dispersal radius. Therefore, knowledge of maximum survival times allows predicting future dispersal. Experiments were conducted to assess desiccation resistance and survival ability of cabomba fragments under various environmental scenarios. Cabomba fragments were highly tolerant of desiccation. However, even relatively low wind speeds resulted in rapid mass loss, indicating a low survival rate of fragments exposed to air currents, such as fragments transported on a boat trailer. The experiments indicated that cabomba could survive at least 3 h of overland transport if exposed to wind. However, even small clumps of cabomba could potentially survive up to 42 h. Thus, targeting the transport of clumps of macrophytes should receive high priority in management. The high resilience of cabomba to desiccation demonstrates the risk of continuing spread. Because of the high probability of fragment viability on arrival, preventing fragment uptake on boat trailers is paramount to reduce the risk of further spread. These findings will assist improving models that predict the spread of aquatic invasive macrophytes.