58 resultados para Fiducial marker


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QTL mapping methods for complex traits are challenged by new developments in marker technology, phenotyping platforms, and breeding methods. In meeting these challenges, QTL mapping approaches will need to also acknowledge the central roles of QTL by environment interactions (QEI) and QTL by trait interactions in the expression of complex traits like yield. This paper presents an overview of mixed model QTL methodology that is suitable for many types of populations and that allows predictive modeling of QEI, both for environmental and developmental gradients. Attention is also given to multi-trait QTL models which are essential to interpret the genetic basis of trait correlations. Biophysical (crop growth) model simulations are proposed as a complement to statistical QTL mapping for the interpretation of the nature of QEI and to investigate better methods for the dissection of complex traits into component traits and their genetic controls.


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Net type net blotch (NTNB) is an important barley disease in Australia and elsewhere, with significant yield reduction. This trait is important in selection along with other traits of quality and agronomic value. Two-hundred doubled-haploid lines were generated through anther culture from a cross between 'Pompadour' and 'Stirling'. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) were identified against five isolates of Pyrenophora teres f. teres, which represent virulences across Australia. QTL were mapped on chromosomes 3H and 6H using simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The resistance locus on 6H was detected with all isolates while the 3H locus was detected with two isolates. The 6H QTL from 'Pompadour' contributed resistance to isolates 97NB1, 95NB100 and NB81, whereas 6H QTL from 'Stirling' contributed resistance to isolates NB50 and NB52B. The 3H QTL from 'Pompadour' contributed resistance to NB50 and NB52B. Significant epistatic interactions were detected between QTL on 3H and 6H. These resistance QTL are a useful resource and identifying closely linked SSR markers with allelic combinations will facilitate in marker-assisted selection to develop NTNB resistant breeding lines.


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The Australian dugong (Dugong dugon) and Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris) are threatened species of aquatic mammals in the order Sirenia. Sirenian conservation and management actions would benefit from a more complete understanding of genetic diversity and population structure. Generally, species-specific microsatellite markers are employed in conservation genetic studies; however, robust markers can be difficult and costly to isolate. To increase the number of available markers, dugong and manatee microsatellite primers were evaluated for cross-species amplification. Furthermore, one manatee and four dugong novel primers are reported. After polymerase chain reaction optimization, 23 (92%) manatee primers successfully amplified dugong DNA, of which 11 (48%) were polymorphic. Of the 32 dugong primers tested, 27 (84%) yielded product in the manatee, of which 17 (63%) were polymorphic. Dugong and manatee primers were compared and the most informative markers were selected to create robust and informative marker-panels for each species. These cross-species microsatellite marker-panels can be employed to assess other sirenian populations and can provide beneficial information for the protection and management of these unique mammals.


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Genomics approaches for marker assisted selection of improved mango fruit.


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This project aims to provide further data to support the winter window option for interstate marker access for strawberries from south east Queensland.


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DArTseq technology is potentially the most appropriate system to discover hundreds of polymorphic genomic loci, scoring thousands of unique genomic-wide DNA fragments in one single experiment, without requiring existing DNA sequence information. The DArT complexity reduction approach in combination with Illumina short read sequencing (Hiseq2000) was applied. To test the application of DArTseq technology in pineapple, a reference population of 13 Ananas genotypes from primitive wild accessions to modern cultivars was used. In a comparison of 3 systems, the combination of restriction enzymes PstI and MseI performed the best producing 18,900 DArT markers and close to 20,000 SNPs. Based on these markers genetic relationships between the samples were identified and a dendrogram was generated. The topography of the tree corresponds with our understanding of the genetic relationships between the genotypes. Importantly, the replicated samples of all genotypes have a dissimilarity of close to 0.0 and occupy the same positions on the tree, confirming high reproducibility of the markers detected. Eventually it is planned that molecular markers will be identified that are associated with resistance to Phytophthora cinnamomi (Pc), the most economically important pathogen of pineapple in Australia, as genetic resistance is known to exist within the Ananas. Marker assisted selection can then be utilized in a pineapple breeding program to develop cultivars resistant to Pc.


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Sorghum grown in India in the post-rainy season (Rabi) relies on residual soil moisture, and the crop is commonly exposed to terminal drought stress. But there is a ready market for its high-quality grain and stover (used as fodder on dairy farms). Steps to improve productivity while maintaining quality offer an attractive opportunity for sorghum farmers to improve their incomes. Genetically improving the efficiency of using stored soil moisture is a prime target to maximise grain/stover production and quality of Rabi sorghum. This project aims to achieve this through the application of DNA sequences known as quantitative trait loci (QTLs). The project scientists will introduce marker-assisted introgression of stay-green QTLs into sorghum lines, enhancing both the quality and the quantity of grain/stover of postrainy sorghum. They will also use modelling to identify the key physiological traits involved in a higher, more stable yield across water-limited environments of India and Australia, and the key stay-green QTLs contributing to these traits. The publicly available QTL isolines lines developed in this project will be the basis of new varieties to be bred in a subsequent phase.


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This is a sub-project of the Australian Wheat and Barley Molecular Marker Program funded by GRDC and led by Drs Diane Mather and Ken Chalmers of University of Adelaide. In this sub-project we will supply phenotypic data on resistance to two species of root-lesion nematodes (Pratylenchus thornei and P. neglectus) on several populations of wheat doubled haploids. We will also supply existing genotypic data on one doubled haploid population. We will also test one population of doubled haploids (CPI133872/Janz) a second time for resistance to P. thornei and P. neglectus and supply this information to University of Adelaide for the development of molecular markers for use by wheat breeders in selecting for resistance to root-lesion nematodes.


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This project covered the 2006-2011 operations of the Northern Node of Barley Breeding Australia (BBA-North). BBANorth collaborated with the Southern and Western nodes and all BBA participants to deliver improved barley varieties to the Australian grains industry. BBA-North focused on the northern region and was the national leader in breeding high yielding, disease resistant barleys with grain quality that enhanced the crop's status as a preferred feed grain. Development of varieties for the malting and brewing industries was also targeted. This project incorporated coordination, breeding, regional evaluation, foliar and soil-borne disease tests, molecular marker screens and grain and malt quality analyses.


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A comprehensive analysis was conducted using 48 sorghum QTL studies published from 1995 to 2010 to make information from historical sorghum QTL experiments available in a form that could be more readily used by sorghum researchers and plant breeders. In total, 771 QTL relating to 161 unique traits from 44 studies were projected onto a sorghum consensus map. Confidence intervals (CI) of QTL were estimated so that valid comparisons could be made between studies. The method accounted for the number of lines used and the phenotypic variation explained by individual QTL from each study. In addition, estimated centimorgan (cM) locations were calculated for the predicted sorghum gene models identified in Phytozome (JGI GeneModels SBI v1.4) and compared with QTL distribution genome-wide, both on genetic linkage (cM) and physical (base-pair/bp) map scales. QTL and genes were distributed unevenly across the genome. Heterochromatic enrichment for QTL was observed, with approximately 22% of QTL either entirely or partially located in the heterochromatic regions. Heterochromatic gene enrichment was also observed based on their predicted cM locations on the sorghum consensus map, due to suppressed recombination in heterochromatic regions, in contrast to the euchromatic gene enrichment observed on the physical, sequence-based map. The finding of high gene density in recombination-poor regions, coupled with the association with increased QTL density, has implications for the development of more efficient breeding systems in sorghum to better exploit heterosis. The projected QTL information described, combined with the physical locations of sorghum sequence-based markers and predicted gene models, provides sorghum researchers with a useful resource for more detailed analysis of traits and development of efficient marker-assisted breeding strategies.


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Pre-emptive breeding for host disease resistance is an effective strategy for combating and managing devastating incursions of plant pathogens. Comprehensive, long-term studies have revealed that virulence to the R (2) sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) rust resistance gene in the line MC29 does not exist in the Australian rust (Puccinia helianthi) population. We report in this study the identification of molecular markers linked to this gene. The three simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers ORS795, ORS882, and ORS938 were linked in coupling to the gene, while the SSR marker ORS333 was linked in repulsion. Reliable selection for homozygous-resistant individuals was efficient when the three markers, ORS795, ORS882, and ORS333, were used in combination. Phenotyping for this resistance gene is not possible in Australia without introducing a quarantinable race of the pathogen. Therefore, the availability of reliable and heritable DNA-based markers will enable the efficient deployment of this gene, permitting a more effective strategy for generating sustainable commercial cultivars containing this rust resistance gene.


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Nodal root angle in sorghum influences vertical and horizontal root distribution in the soil profile and is thus relevant to drought adaptation. In this study, we report for the first time on the mapping of four QTL for nodal root angle (qRA) in sorghum, in addition to three QTL for root dry weight, two for shoot dry weight, and three for plant leaf area. Phenotyping was done at the six leaf stage for a mapping population (n = 141) developed by crossing two inbred sorghum lines with contrasting root angle. Nodal root angle QTL explained 58.2% of the phenotypic variance and were validated across a range of diverse inbred lines. Three of the four nodal root angle QTL showed homology to previously identified root angle QTL in rice and maize, whereas all four QTL co-located with previously identified QTL for stay-green in sorghum. A putative association between nodal root angle QTL and grain yield was identified through single marker analysis on field testing data from a subset of the mapping population grown in hybrid combination with three different tester lines. Furthermore, a putative association between nodal root angle QTL and stay-green was identified using data sets from selected sorghum nested association mapping populations segregating for root angle. The identification of nodal root angle QTL presents new opportunities for improving drought adaptation mechanisms via molecular breeding to manipulate a trait for which selection has previously been very difficult.


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Impatiens necrotic spot tospovirus (INSV) is a significant pathogen of ornamentals. The tripartite negative- and ambi-sense RNA genome encodes six proteins that are involved in cytoplasmic replication, movement, assembly, insect transmission and defence. To gain insight into the associations of these viral proteins, we determined their intracellular localization and interactions in living plant cells. Nucleotide sequences encoding the nucleoprotein N, non-structural proteins NSs and NSm, and glycoproteins Gn and Gc of a Kentucky isolate of INSV were amplified by RTPCR, cloned, sequenced and transiently expressed as fusions with autofluorescent proteins in leaf epidermal cells of Nicotiana benthamiana. All proteins accumulated at the cell periphery and co-localized with an endoplasmic reticulum marker. The Gc protein fusion also localized to the nucleus. N and NSm protein self-interactions and an NSm-N interaction were observed by using bimolecular fluorescence complementation. A tospovirus NSm homotypic interaction had not been reported previously.


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Open-pollinated progeny of Corymbia citriodora established in replicated field trials were assessed for stem diameter, wood density, and pulp yield prior to genotyping single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) and testing the significance of associations between markers and assessment traits. Multiple individuals within each family were genotyped and phenotyped, which facilitated a comparison of standard association testing methods and an alternative method developed to relate markers to additive genetic effects. Narrow-sense heritability estimates indicated there was significant additive genetic variance within this population for assessment traits ( h ˆ 2 =0.28to0.44 ) and genetic correlations between the three traits were negligible to moderate (r G = 0.08 to 0.50). The significance of association tests (p values) were compared for four different analyses based on two different approaches: (1) two software packages were used to fit standard univariate mixed models that include SNP-fixed effects, (2) bivariate and multivariate mixed models including each SNP as an additional selection trait were used. Within either the univariate or multivariate approach, correlations between the tests of significance approached +1; however, correspondence between the two approaches was less strong, although between-approach correlations remained significantly positive. Similar SNP markers would be selected using multivariate analyses and standard marker-trait association methods, where the former facilitates integration into the existing genetic analysis systems of applied breeding programs and may be used with either single markers or indices of markers created with genomic selection processes.


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Rph20 is the only reported, simply inherited gene conferring moderate to high levels of adult plant resistance (APR) to leaf rust (Puccinia hordei Otth) in barley (Hordeum vulgare L.). Key parental genotypes were examined to determine the origin of Rph20 in two-rowed barley. The Dutch cultivar 'Vada' (released in the 1950s) and parents, 'Hordeum laevigatum' and 'Gull' ('Gold'), along with the related cultivar 'Emir' (a derivative of 'Delta'), were assessed for APR to P. hordei in a disease screening nursery. The marker bPb-0837-PCR, co-located with Rph20 on the short arm of chromosome 5H (5HS), was used to screen genotypes for the resistance allele, Rph20.ai. Results from phenotypic assessment and DNA analysis confirmed that Rph20 originated from the landrace 'H. laevigatum' (i.e., Hordeum vulgare subsp. vulgare). Tracing back this gene through the pedigrees of two-rowed barley cultivars, indicated that Rph20 has contributed APR to P. hordei for more than 60 years. Although there have been no reports of an Rph20-virulent pathotype, the search for alternative sources of APR should continue to avoid widespread reliance upon a single resistance factor.