44 resultados para thermal-biology


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Prickly acacia, Acacia nilotica subsp. indica (Benth.) Brenan, a major weed of the Mitchell Grass Downs of northern Queensland, Australia, has been the target of biological control projects since the 1980s. The leaf-feeding caterpillar Cometaster pyrula (Hopffer) was collected from Acacia nilotica subsp. kraussiana (Benth.) Brenan during surveys in South Africa to find suitable biological control agents, recognised as a potential agent, and shipped into a quarantine facility in Australia. Cometaster pyrula has a life cycle of approximately 2 months during which time the larvae feed voraciously and reach 6 cm in length. Female moths oviposit a mean of 339 eggs. When presented with cut foliage of 77 plant species, unfed neonates survived for 7 days on only Acacia nilotica subsp. indica and Acacia nilotica subsp. kraussiana. When unfed neonates were placed on potted plants of 14 plant species, all larvae except those on Acacia nilotica subsp. indica and Acacia nilotica subsp. kraussiana died within 10 days of placement. Cometaster pyrula was considered to be highly host specific and safe to release in Australia. Permission to release C. pyrula in Australia was obtained and the insect was first released in north Queensland in October 2004. The ecoclimatic model CLIMEX indicated that coastal Queensland was climatically suitable for this insect but that inland areas were only marginally suitable.


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The specialist tingid, Carvalhotingis visenda, is a biological control agent for cat's claw creeper, Macfadyena unguis-cati (Bignoniaceae). Cat's claw creeper is an invasive liana with a wide climatic tolerance, and for biological control to be effective the tingid must survive and develop over a range of temperatures. We evaluated the effect of constant temperatures (0-45°C) on the survival and development of C. visenda. Adults showed tolerance for wider temperature ranges (0-45°C), but oviposition, egg hatching and nymphal development were all affected by both high (>30°C) and low (<20°C) temperatures. Temperatures between 20°C and 30°C are the most favourable for adult survival, oviposition, egg hatching and nymphal development. The ability of adults and nymphs to survive for a few days at high (40°C and 45°C) and low (0°C and 5°C) temperatures suggest that extreme temperature events, which usually occur for short durations (hours) in cat's claw creeper infested regions in Queensland and New South Wales states are not likely to affect the tingid population. The potential number of generations (egg to adult) the tingid can complete in a year in Australia ranged from three to eight, with more generations in Queensland than in New South Wales.


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This project reviewed international research conducted on the possible role of plants in alleviating high temperatures in our living spaces. The literature review served to identify the work that has already been carried out in the area and to highlight the gaps to be filled by experimental research. A pilot study then investigated the thermal properties of six of the most common landscaping materials. This project clearly shows that plants can play a significant role in modifying the thermal conditions of urban environments. Tall trees can shade nearby buildings and allow for reductions in cooling costs. In addition to basic shading, the dispersal of heat via the plant’s natural transpiration stream has long been recognised as an important component of the urban energy balance. It has been shown that urban temperatures can be up to 7°C higher than nearby rural areas, illustrating the impact of plants on their environment. These benefits argue against the idea of removing plants from landscapes in order to save on water in times of drought. Similarly, the idea of switching to artificial turf is questionable, since artificial turf still requires watering and can reach temperatures that far exceed the safe range for players. While vegetation offers evaporative cooling, non-vegetative, impervious surfaces such as concrete do not, and can therefore cause greater surface and soil temperatures. In addition, the higher temperatures associated with these impervious surfaces can negatively affect the growth of plants in surrounding areas. Permeable surfaces, such as mulches, have better insulating properties and can prevent excessive heating of the soil. However, they can also lead to an increase in reflected longwave radiation, causing the leaves of plants to close their water-conducting pores and reducing the beneficial cooling effects of transpiration. The results show that the energy balance of our surroundings is complicated and that all components of a landscape will have an impact on thermal conditions.


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The spotted gum species complex represents a group of four eucalypt hardwood taxa that have a native range that spans the east coast of Australia, with a morphological cline from Victoria to northern Queensland. Of this group, Corymbia citriodora subsp. variegata (CCV) is widespread in south-eastern Queensland and northern New South Wales. It is currently the most commonly harvested native hardwood in Queensland. However, little basic knowledge of the reproductive biology of the species is available to inform genetic improvement and resource management programmes. Here we take an integrative approach, using both field and molecular data, to identify ecological factors important to mating patterns in native populations of CCV. Field observation of pollinator visitation and flowering phenology of 20 trees showed that foraging behaviour of pollinator guilds varies depending on flowering phenology and canopy structure. A positive effect of tree mean flowering effort was found on insect visitation, while bat visitation was predicted by tree height and by the number of trees simultaneously bearing flowers. Moreover, introduced honeybees were observed frequently, performing 73% of detected flower visits. Conversely, nectar-feeding birds and mammals were observed sporadically with lorikeets and honeyeaters each contributing to 11% of visits. Fruit bats, represented solely by the grey-headed flying fox, performed less than 2% of visits. Genotyping at six microsatellite markers in 301 seeds from 17 families sampled from four of Queensland's native forests showed that CCV displays a mixed-mating system that is mostly outcrossing (tm = 0.899 ± 0.021). Preferential effective pollination from near-neighbours was detected by means of maximum-likelihood paternity analysis with up to 16% of reproduction events resulting from selfing. Forty to 48% of fertilising pollen was also carried from longer distance (>60 m). Marked differences in foraging behaviour and visitation frequency between observed pollinator guilds suggests that the observed dichotomy of effective pollen movement in spotted gums may be due to frequent visit from introduced honeybees favouring geitonogamy and sporadic visits from honeyeaters and fruit bats resulting in potential long-distance pollinations.


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Biodiversity of sharks in the tropical Indo-Pacific is high, but species-specific information to assist sustainable resource exploitation is scarce. The null hypothesis of population genetic homogeneity was tested for scalloped hammerhead shark (Sphyrna lewini, n = 237) and the milk shark (Rhizoprionodon acutus, n = 207) from northern and eastern Australia, using nuclear (S. lewini, eight microsatellite loci; R. acutus, six loci) and mitochondrial gene markers (873 base pairs of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 4). We were unable to reject genetic homogeneity for S. lewini, which was as expected based on previous studies of this species. Less expected were similar results for R. acutus, which is more benthic and less vagile than S. lewini. These features are probably driving the genetic break found between Australian and central Indonesian R. acutus (F-statistics; mtDNA, 0.751–0.903, respectively; microsatellite loci, 0.038–0.047 respectively). Our results support the spatially homogeneous monitoring and management plan for shark species in Queensland, Australia.


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Abstract Sceliodes cordalis, eggfruit caterpillar, is an important pest of eggplant in Australia but little information was available on its biology. This study was conducted to determine the effect of temperature on the development on eggplant of eggs, larvae and pupae. Insects were reared at five constant temperatures from 20.5°C to 30.5°C with a 12:12 L : D photoperiod and the thermal summation model was fitted to the developmental rate data. Developmental zeroes and thermal constants of 11.22°C and 61.32 day-degrees for eggs, 12.03°C and 179.60 day-degrees for larvae, and 14.43°C and 107.03 day-degrees for pupae were determined. Several larvae reared at 20.5°C entered diapause.


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The project will evaluate seed bank depletion of key northern herbicide resistant weeds under different environments, cropping systems, crop agronomies and non-chemical control tactics. The project will also evaluate soil biology and seed bank relationships to explain differences in seed bank persistence.


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Three species of Australian endemic catsharks (grey spotted catshark Asymbolus analis, orange spotted catshark A. rubiginosus and Australian sawtail shark Figaro boardmani) were collected from the trawl grounds of a highly seasonal commercial fishery off southern Queensland, Australia. Specimens were collected on the mid to outer continental shelf at depths between 78 and 168 m. This study provides the first information on the reproductive biology of these three poorly-known species. Mature female and male A. analis were observed from 455 mm total length (TL), mature female A. rubiginosus from 410 mm TL, mature male A. rubiginosus from 405 mm TL, mature female F. boardmani from 402 mm TL and mature male F. boardmani from 398 mm TL (although a lack of immature specimens precluded more accurate assessments of size at maturity). The reproductive mode of all species was confirmed as single oviparous (carrying only one egg case in each uterus at a time). Ovarian fecundity (the number of vitellogenic follicles) ranged from 7-20 in A. analis, 5-23 in A. rubiginosus and 9-13 in F. boardmani. Several indicators suggest that Asymbolus catsharks off southern Queensland are reproductively active year-round. The proportion of female A. rubiginosus carrying egg cases was highest in spring (60%), intermediate in autumn (50%) and lowest in winter (44%).


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Review of the biology of the Australian weed Baccharis halimifolia. This paper reviews the morphology, geographical distribution, habitat, growth and development, reproduction (flowering, seed production and dispersal, and seed germination), hybrids, population dynamics, importance (detrimental and beneficial), legislation, and control (using mechanical methods, herbicides and biological control agents/natural enemies) of an invasive alien species, B. shall.


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This project has contributed to the ecologically sustainable management of mangrove jack in Australia by providing comprehensive information on its biology, habitat requirements, population parameters and stock structure. Specifically, the project has resulted in an enhanced understanding of the life history of Australian mangrove jack, the levels of exploitation in its local fishery and the likely existence of a single genetic stock throughout Queensland.


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There is a large gap between the refined approaches to characterise genotypes and the common use of location and season as a coarse surrogate for environmental characterisation of breeding trials. As a framework for breeding, the aim of this paper is quantifying the spatial and temporal patterns of thermal and water stress for field pea in Australia. We compiled a dataset for yield of the cv. Kaspa measured in 185 environments, and investigated the associations between yield and seasonal patterns of actual temperature and modelled water stress. Correlations between yield and temperature indicated two distinct stages. In the first stage, during crop establishment and canopy expansion before flowering, yield was positively associated with minimum temperature. Mean minimum temperature below similar to 7 degrees C suggests that crops were under suboptimal temperature for both canopy expansion and radiation-use efficiency during a significant part of this early growth period. In the second stage, during critical reproductive phases, grain yield was negatively associated with maximum temperature over 25 degrees C. Correlations between yield and modelled water supply/demand ratio showed a consistent pattern with three phases: no correlation at early stages of the growth cycle, a progressive increase in the association that peaked as the crop approached the flowering window, and a progressive decline at later reproductive stages. Using long-term weather records (1957-2010) and modelled water stress for 104 locations, we identified three major patterns of water deficit nation wide. Environment type 1 (ET1) represents the most favourable condition, with no stress during most of the pre-flowering phase and gradual development of mild stress after flowering. Type 2 is characterised by increasing water deficit between 400 degree-days before flowering and 200 degree-days after flowering and rainfall that relieves stress late in the season. Type 3 represents the more stressful condition with increasing water deficit between 400 degree-days before flowering and maturity. Across Australia, the frequency of occurrence was 24% for ET1, 32% for ET2 and 43% for ET3, highlighting the dominance of the most stressful condition. Actual yield averaged 2.2 t/ha for ET1, 1.9 t/ha for ET2 and 1.4 t/ha for ET3, and the frequency of each pattern varied substantially among locations. Shifting from a nominal (i.e. location and season) to a quantitative (i.e. stress type) characterisation of environments could help improving breeding efficiency of field pea in Australia.


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The influence of insect attack on bud fall and subsequent poor flowering in cultivated hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) was studied in cages and in the field in southern Queensland. Three species of Hemiptera (most importantly Aulacosternum nigrorubrum but also Nezara viridula and Tectocoris diophthalmus) caused some bud fall in 2 plantations studied. Adults of Macroura concolor suppressed flowering for long periods in spring and summer. Data from white funnel traps and counts in flowers showed that M. concolor was most active in these seasons. Methiocarb (0.75 g a.i./litre) reduced beetle numbers and increased flowering. When 15 or more adults of M. concolor occurred per bud (or flower) most buds fell and few flowers were produced, but when beetles declined to 10 or fewer many buds survived and widespread flowering occurred. Larvae fed in fallen buds and flowers and the mean duration of development of the combined immature stages was 14 days at 26 deg C. The preference of adults of M. concolor for pale coloured flowers was examined. Hibiscus plants produced most buds from December to June with lower numbers in winter and spring (July to November). Bud production in spring and early summer (September-December) varied greatly and probably contributed to poor flowering, however, even when large numbers of buds occurred very few flowers were produced because of the activities of M. concolor.


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Abstract It is widely considered that high pressure processing (HPP) results in better retention of micronutrients and phytochemicals compared to thermal pasteurization (TP), although some studies indicate that this may not be true in all cases. The aims of this study were (1) to objectively compare the effects of HPP under commercial processing conditions with thermal pasteurization (TP) on the stability of phenolic antioxidants in strawberries following processing and during storage and (2) to evaluate the influence of varietal differences and hence differences in biochemical composition of strawberries on the stability of phenolic antioxidants. Strawberry puree samples from cultivars Camarosa, Rubygem, and Festival were subjected to HPP (600 MPa/20 °C/5 min) and TP (88 °C/2 min). The activities of oxidative enzymes were evaluated before and after processing. Furthermore, the antioxidant capacity (total phenolic content (TPC), oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC), and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP)) and individual anthocyanins (by HPLC) were determined prior to and following processing and after three months of refrigerated storage (4 °C). Depending on the cultivar, HPP caused 15–38% and 20–33% inactivation of polyphenol oxidase and peroxidase, respectively, compared to almost complete inactivation of these enzymes by TP. Significant decreases (p < 0.05) in ORAC, FRAP, TPC and anthocyanin contents were observed during processing and storage of both HPP and TP samples. Anthocyanins were the most affected with only 19–25% retention after three months of refrigerated storage (4 °C). Slightly higher (p < 0.05) loss of TPC and antioxidant capacity were observed during storage of HPP samples compared to TP. Industrial Relevance: The results of the study demonstrated that both high pressure processing and thermal pasteurization result in high retention of phenolic phytochemicals in strawberry products. Under the conditions investigated, high pressure processing did not result in a better retention of phenolic phytochemicals compared to thermal pasteurization. In fact, a slightly higher loss of total polyphenol content and antioxidant capacity were observed during refrigerated storage of HPP processed samples. Our results showed that, high pressure processing may not always be a better alternative to thermal processing for strawberry puree processing if the main objective is better retention of phenolic antioxidants. However, it should be noted that other quality attributes such as sensory properties, where distinct advantages of HPP are expected, were outside the scope of this study.