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Dwindling water supplies for irrigation are prompting alternative management choices by irrigators. Limited irrigation, where less water is applied than full crop demand, may be a viable approach. Application of limited irrigation to corn was examined in this research. Corn was grown in crop rotations with dryland, limited irrigation, or full irrigation management from 1985 to 1999. Crop rotations included corn following corn (continuous corn), corn following wheat, followed by soybean (wheat-corn-soybean), and corn following soybean (corn-soybean). Full irrigation was managed to meet crop evapotranspiration requirements (ETc). Limited irrigation was managed with a seasonal target of no more than 150 mm applied. Precipitation patterns influenced the outcomes of measured parameters. Dryland yields had the most variation, while fully irrigated yields varied the least. Limited irrigation yields were 80% to 90%> of fully irrigated yields, but the limited irrigation plots received about half the applied water. Grain yields were significantly different among irrigation treatments. Yields were not significantly different among rotation treatments for all years and water treatments. For soil water parameters, more statistical differences were detected among the water management treatments than among the crop rotation treatments. Economic projections of these management practices showed that full irrigation produced the most income if water was available. Limited irrigation increased income significantly from dryland management.


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The effectiveness of the neonicotinoid insecticide imidacloprid was evaluated against four psocid pests of stored grain. This research was undertaken because of the growing importance of psocids in stored grain and the need to identify methods for their control. The mortality and reproduction of adults of Liposcelis bostrychophila Badonnel, L. entomophila (Enderlein), L. decolor (Pearman) and L. paeta Pearman in wheat treated with imidacloprid were determined. There were five application rates (0.5, 1, 2, 5 and 10 mg AI kg -1 grain) and an untreated control. There were significant effects of application rate on both adult mortality and reproduction for all four species, but the effect of imidacloprid was sometimes more pronounced on reproduction. Imidacloprid was most effective against L. bostrychophila, with 100% adult mortality after 7 d at 5 mg AI kg-1, 14 d at 2 mg AI kg-1 and 28 d at 0.5 and 1 mg AI kg-1. No live progeny were produced at 2 mg AI kg-1. For L. decolor, there was 100% adult mortality after 28 d at 10 mg AI kg-1 and no live progeny were produced at 2 mg AI kg-1. For L. entomophila, there was 100% adult mortality after 14 d at 10 mg AI kg-1 and 28 d at 2 and 5 mg AI kg-1. No live progeny were produced at 10 mg AI kg-1. At 10 mg AI kg-1 there was 100% mortality of L. paeta adults after 28 d exposure and no live progeny developed. Because reproduction at some application rates occurred only in the first 14 d of exposure, it is concluded that the application rate leading to population extinction was 1 mg AI kg-1 for L. bostrychophila, 2 mg AI kg-1 for L. decolor and L. entomophila and 5 mg AI kg -1 for L. paeta. This study shows that imidacloprid has potential as a grain protectant to control all four Liposcelis species in stored grain.


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Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, commonly found in long-term cane-growing fields in northern Queensland, are linked with both negative and positive growth responses by sugarcane (Saccharum spp.), depending on P supply. A glasshouse trial was established to examine whether AM density might also have an important influence on these growth responses. Mycorrhizal spores (Glomus clarum), isolated from a long-term cane block in northern Queensland, were introduced into a pasteurised low-P cane soil at 5 densities (0, 0.06, 0.25, 1, 4 spores/g soil) and with 4 P treatments (0, 8.2, 25, and 47 mg/kg). At 83 days after planting, sugarcane tops responded positively to P fertilizer, although responses attributable to spore density were rarely observed. In one case, addition of 4 spores/g led to a 53% yield response over those without AM at 8 mgP/kg, or a relative benefit of 17 mg P/kg. Root colonisation was reduced for plants with nil or 74 mg P/kg. For those without AM, P concentration in the topmost visible dewlap (TVD) leaf increased significantly with fertiliser P (0.07 v. 0.15%). However, P concentration increased further with the presence of AM spores. Irrespective of AM, the critical P concentration in the TVD leaf was 0.18%. This study confirms earlier reports that sugarcane is poorly responsive to AM. Spore density, up to 4 spores/g soil, appears unable to influence this responsiveness, either positively or negatively. Attempts to gain P benefits by increasing AM density through rotation seem unlikely to lead to yield increases by sugarcane. Conversely, sugarcane grown in fields with high spore densities and high plant-available P, such as long-term cane-growing soils, is unlikely to suffer a yield reduction from mycorrhizal fungi.


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Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, usually in reflectance mode, has been applied to the analysis of faeces to measure the concentrations of constituents such as total N, fibre, tannins and delta C-13. In addition, an unusual and exciting application of faecal NIR [F.NIR] analyses is to directly predict attributes of the diet of herbivores such as crude protein and fibre contents, proportions of plant species and morphological components, diet digestibility and voluntary DM intake. This is an unusual application of NIR spectroscopy insofar as the spectral measurements are made, not on the material of interest [i.e. the diet), but on a derived material (i.e. faeces). Predictions of diet attributes from faecal spectra clearly depend on there being sufficient NIR spectral information in the diet residues present in faeces to describe the diet, although endogenous components of faeces such as undigested debris of micro-organisms from the rumen and Large intestine and secretions into the gastrointestinal tract wilt also contribute spectral information. Spectra of forage and of faeces derived from the forage are generally similar and the observed differences are principally in the spectral regions associated with constituents of forages known to be of low, or of high, digestibility. Some diet components (for example, ureal which are likely to be entirely digested apparently cannot be predicted from faecal NIR spectra because they cannot contribute to faecal spectra except through modifying the microbial and endogenous components. The errors and robustness of F.NIR calibrations to predict the crude protein concentration and digestibility of the diet of herbivores are generally comparable with those to directly predict the same attributes in forage from NIR spectra of the forage. Some attributes of the animal, such as species, gender, pregnancy status and parasite burden have been successfully discriminated into classes based on their faecal NIR spectra. Such discrimination was likely associated with differences in the diet selected and/or differences in the metabolites excreted in the faeces. NIR spectroscopy of faeces has usually involved scanning dried and ground samples in monochromators in the 400-2500nm or 1100-2500nm ranges. Results satisfactory for the purpose have also been reported for dried and ground faeces scanned using a diode array instrument in the 800-1700nm range and for wet faeces and slurries of excreta scanned with monochromators. Chemometric analysis of faecal spectra has generally used the approaches established for forage analysis. The capacity to predict many attributes of the diet, and some aspects of animal physiology, from NIR spectra of faeces is particularly useful to study the quality and quantity of the diet selected by both domestic and feral grazing herbivores and to enhance production and management of both herbivores and their grazing environment.


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Grass (monocots) and non-grass (dicots) proportions in ruminant diets are important nutritionally because the non-grasses are usually higher in nutritive value, particularly protein, than the grasses, especially in tropical pastures. For ruminants grazing tropical pastures where the grasses are C-4 species and most non-grasses are C-3 species, the ratio of C-13/C-12 in diet and faeces, measured as delta C-13 parts per thousand, is proportional to dietary non-grass%. This paper describes the development of a faecal near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy calibration equation for predicting faecal delta C-13 from which dietary grass and non-grass proportions can be calculated. Calibration development used cattle faeces derived from diets containing only C-3 non-grass and C-4 grass components, and a series of expansion and validation steps was employed to develop robustness and predictive reliability. The final calibration equation contained 1637 samples and faecal delta C-13 range (parts per thousand) of [12.27]-[27.65]. Calibration statistics were: standard error of calibration (SEC) of 0.78, standard error of cross-validation (SECV) of 0.80, standard deviation (SD) of reference values of 3.11 and R-2 of 0.94. Validation statistics for the final calibration equation applied to 60 samples were: standard error of prediction (SEP) of 0.87, bias of -0.15, R-2 of 0.92 and RPD of 3.16. The calibration equation was also tested on faeces from diets containing C-4 non-grass species or temperate C-3 grass species. Faecal delta C-13 predictions indicated that the spectral basis of the calibration was not related to C-13/C-12 ratios per se but to consistent differences between grasses and non-grasses in chemical composition and that the differences were modified by photosynthetic pathway. Thus, although the calibration equation could not be used to make valid faecal delta C-13 predictions when the diet contained either C-3 grass or C-4 non-grass, it could be used to make useful estimates of dietary non-grass proportions. It could also be ut :sed to make useful estimates of non-grass in mixed C-3 grass/non-grass diets by applying a modified formula to calculate non-grass from predicted faecal delta C-13. The development of a robust faecal-NIR calibration equation for estimating non-grass proportions in the diets of grazing cattle demonstrated a novel and useful application of NIR spectroscopy in agriculture.


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The efficacy of insecticides in controlling Sceliodes cordalis, eggfruit caterpillar, in eggplant was tested in four small plot trials because there has been a very limited range of insecticides available to manage this pest. Weekly applications of bifenthrin, flubendiamide, methoxyfenozide, chlorantraniliprole and spinosad and twice weekly applications of methomyl provided control as measured by a percentage of damaged fruit significantly lower than that in an untreated control. Twice weekly applications of methoxyfenozide, chlorantraniliprole or spinosad were not significantly more effective than weekly applications. Bacillus thuringiensis kurstaki, emamectin benzoate, indoxacarb, methomyl and pyridalyl applied weekly were ineffective, with percentages of damaged fruit not significantly different from the untreated control. These trials have identified a number of insecticides that could be used to manage S. cordalis, including several that would be compatible with integrated pest management programs in eggplant.


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Quilpie mesquite (Prosopis velutina) is an invasive woody weed that is believed to have been introduced into south-west Queensland in the 1930s. Following the withdrawal of 2,4,5-T, research on P. pallida resulted in revised recommendations for control of all Prosopis spp. in Queensland. Adoption of many of these recommendations for Quilpie mesquite control produced substandard results. Following a pilot trial, a shade-house experiment was conducted to determine the differences in susceptibility of two species of mesquite, P. velutina and P. pallida, to commonly available herbicides. It was hypothesized that P. velutina was less susceptible than P. pallida, based upon claims that the registered chemical recommendations for Prosopis spp. were not sufficiently effective on P. velutina. Nine foliar herbicide treatments were applied to potted shade-house plants. Treatment effects indicated differing susceptibility between the two species. P. velutina consistently showed less response to metsulfuron, fluroxypyr, 2,4-D/picloram and triclopyr/picloram, compared to the glyphosate formulations, where negligible differences occurred between the two species. The response to glyphosate was poor at all rates in this experiment. Re-application of herbicides to surviving plants indicated that susceptibility can decrease when follow-up application is in autumn and the time since initial application is short. The relationship between leaf structure and the volume of spray adhering to a plant was assessed across species. The herbicide captured by similar-sized plants of each species differed, with P. pallida retaining a greater volume of herbicide.


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BACKGROUND: Chlorantraniliprole is a novel anthranilic diamide insecticide registered for use in vegetables, fruits, grains and turf against a variety of insect pests. The objective of this article is to summarize results of acute toxicity testing of chlorantraniliprole on seven species of parasitic wasps with wide geographic distribution and relevance to different crops and integrated pest management (IPM) programmes. RESULTS: Tier-1, worst-case laboratory studies evaluated wasp survival and reproduction following different exposure concentrations and scenarios to chlorantraniliprole (i.e. fresh-dried spray deposits on glass plates, direct contact, ingestion, egg card, dipped leaf residue bioassays, sprayed mummies). No statistically significant effects on adult survival, percentage parasitism or emergence were observed following exposures to chlorantraniliprole compared with controls. CONCLUSION: Chlorantraniliprole was harmless to the parasitoid wasp species tested according to IOBC classification criteria (<30% effects) and may be a useful tool in IPM programmes.


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Ammonia (NH3) can accumulate in high density cattle accommodation during live export shipments and could potentially threaten the animals' health and welfare. The effects of 4 NH3 concentrations, control (<8), 15, 30, and 45 ppm, on the physiology and behavior of steers were recorded. The animals were held for 12 d under a micro-climate and stocking density similar to shipboard conditions experienced on voyages from Australia to the Middle East during the northern hemispheric summer. In bronchoalveolar lavage samples, ammonia increased (P < 0.05) macrophage activity in proportion to NH3 concentration and it increased (P < 0.05) neutrophil percentage at 30 and 45 ppm, indicating active pulmonary inflammation. It also increased (P < 0.05) lacrimation, nasal secretions and coughing, particularly at 45 ppm, indicating that the NH3 was irritating the mucous membranes of the eyes, nasal cavity and respiratory tract. Ammonia had no effect (P > 0.05) on hematological parameters or body weight. Twenty-eight days after exposure to NH3, the steers' pulmonary macrophage activity and neutrophil levels had returned to normal. It was concluded that ammonia concentrations of 30 and 45 ppm induced temporary inflammatory responses which indicate an adverse effect on the welfare of steers.


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Scomberomorus semifasciatus is an Australian endemic found in tropical, coastal waters from eastern to western Australia. Commercial and recreational exploitation is common and regulated by state-based authorities. This study used mitochondrial DNA sequence and microsatellite markers to elucidate the population structure of Scomberomorus semifasciatus collected from twelve, equidistant sampling locations. Samples (n=544) were genotyped with nine microsatellite loci, and 353 were sequenced for d-loop (384 bp) and ATP (800bp) mitochondrial DNA gene regions. Combined interpretation of microsatellite and mtDNA data identified four genetic stocks of S. semifasciatus: Western Australia, northwest coast of the Northern Territory, Gulf of Carpentaria and the east coast of Queensland. Connectivity among stocks across northern Australia from the Northern Territory to the east coast of Queensland was high, but in contrast, there was a clear genetic break between populations in Western Australia compared to the rest of northern Australia. This indicates a restriction to gene flow possibly associated with suboptimal habitat along the Kimberley coast (northwestern Australia). The appropriate scale of management for this species corresponds to the jurisdictions of the three Australian states, except that the Gulf of Carpentaria stock should be co-managed by authorities in Queensland and Northern Territory.


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The root-lesion nematode Pratylenchus thornei causes substantial loss to bread wheat production in the northern grain region of Australia and other parts of the world. West Asia and North Africa (WANA) wheat accessions with partial resistance to P. thornei were analysed for mode of inheritance in a half-diallel crossing design of F1 hybrids (10 parents) and F2 populations (7 parents). General combining ability was more important than specific combining ability as indicated by components of variance ratios of 0.93 and 0.95 in diallel ANOVA of the F1 and F2 generations, respectively. General combining ability values of the 'resistant' parents were predictive of the mean nematode numbers of their progeny in crosses with the susceptible Australian cv. Janz at the F1 (R populations showed relatively continuous distributions. Heritability was 0.68 for F2 populations in the half-diallel of resistant parents and 0.82-0.92 for 5 'resistant' parent/Janz doubled-haploid populations (narrow-sense heritability on a line mean basis). The results indicate polygenic inheritance of P. thornei resistance with a minimum of from 2 to 6 genes involved in individual F populations of 5 resistant parents crossed with Janz. Morocco 426 and Iraq 43 appear to be the best of the parents tested for breeding for resistance to P. thornei. None of the P. thornei-resistant WANA accessions was resistant to Pratylenchus neglectus.


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This project will establish an innovative quantitative analytical technique which will assist the development of Queensland's cocoa industry through a better understanding of those components that can produce unique sensory and flavour profiles of cocoa products.


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This project will develop better understanding of resistance to glyphosate, paraquat and Group I herbicides to better inform weed management. The project will develop a range of tools for farm advisors to improve their confidence in decision making with respect to reducing the risk of glyphosate, Group I and paraquat resistance. These will include risk assessments, case studies and scenario exploring tools. The project will discuss with commercial providers the potential for new herbicide registrations. The project will establish farm advisor learning groups to work on the application of the research in local areas where resistance is already a major problem and to improve adoption of research outcomes from this and other projects.


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Bacterial cellulose and cellulose-pectin composites were used as well-defined model plant cell wall (PCW) systems to study the interaction between phenolic acids (PA) derived from purple carrot juice concentrate (PCJC) and PCW components. Significant PA depletion from solution occurred, with pure cellulose initially (30 s-1 h) absorbing more than cellulose-pectin composites in the first hour (ca 20% cf 10-15%), but with all composites absorbing similar levels (ca 30%) after several days. Individual PAs bound to different relative extents with caffeic acid > chlorogenic acid > ferulic acid. Extrapolation of data for these model systems to carrot puree suggests that nutritionally-significant amounts of PAs could bind to cell walls, potentially restricting bioavailability in the small intestine and, as a consequence, delivering PAs to the large intestine for fermentation and metabolism by gut bacteria. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The root lesion nematode Pratylenchus thornei is widely distributed in Australian wheat (Triticum aestivum) producing regions and can reduce yield by more than 50%, costing the industry AU$50 M/year. Genetic resistance is the most effective form of management but no commercial cultivars are resistant (R) and the best parental lines are only moderately R. The wild relatives of wheat have evolved in P. thornei-infested soil for millennia and may have superior levels of resistance that can be transferred to commercial wheats. To evaluate this hypothesis, a collection of 251 accessions of wheat and related species was tested for resistance to P. thornei under controlled conditions in glasshouse pot experiments over two consecutive years. Diploid accessions were more R than tetraploid accessions which proved more R than hexaploid accessions. Of the diploid accessions, 11 (52%) Aegilops speltoides (S-[B]-genome), 10 (43%) Triticum monococcum (A (m) -genome) and 5 (24%) Triticum urartu (A (u) -genome) accessions were R. One tetraploid accession (Triticum dicoccoides) was R. This establishes for the first time that P. thornei resistance is located on the A-genome and confirms resistance on the B-genome. Since previous research has shown that the moderate levels of P. thornei resistance in hexaploid wheat are dose-dependent, additive and located on the B and D-genomes, it would seem efficient to target A-genome resistance for introduction to hexaploid lines through direct crossing, using durum wheat as a bridging species and/or through the development of amphiploids. This would allow resistances from each genome to be combined to generate a higher level of resistance than is currently available in hexaploid wheat.