10 resultados para Casal
em Universidade Complutense de Madrid
The games were an opportunity for Spain to show to the world as a modern, wealthy and democratic country of Western Europe, that successfully accomplished 15 years of political transition and dealt with identity issues. But the games also were a window of opportunity for the complete “reinvention” of Barcelona at all levels (political, economical, social and urbanistic) and laid the foundations for the development of the city in the next decades. This research argues that this process of “reinvention of the city” can be explained for three factors: 1) A policy coalition involving key economic and social actors under the leadership of Barcelona‟s Major, which led to a new urban regime. 2) An intergovernmental game that privileged the cooperation between the federal and urban government, as well as the international sports institutions 3) An understanding of the Olympic infrastructures not only as a guarantee for the success of the event, but as the starting point for a new model of urban and identity development regarding to the XXI siècle. The main objective of the research is to analyze the possible application of urban regime approach to different local government systems of the US by analyzing a case study, Barcelona...
La tuberculosis es una zoonosis bacteriana que representa un importante problema sanitario en el hombre y los animales (domésticos y silvestres), siendo en estos Mycobacterium bovis y M. caprae las especies de mayor relevancia. La enfermedad tiene un gran impacto económico ya que produce un descenso de la producción de los animales y restricciones en su movimiento, además de los costes derivados de su erradicación en el ganado bovino. Actualmente, la tuberculosis en otras especies domésticas como la cabra, comienza a tener relevancia en aquellos países con elevado censo de caprino. Por otra parte, los camélidos de Sudamérica (alpacas y llamas principalmente), se emplean cada vez con mayor frecuencia fuera de su hábitat natural como mascotas y para la producción de fibra. Además, son altamente susceptibles a la enfermedad, habiéndose notificado varios brotes de tuberculosis en estos animales en Europa. Los programas de erradicación se basan en una estrategia de “diagnóstico y sacrificio”, de tal modo que los animales positivos a las pruebas diagnósticas se eliminan de la explotación. Las técnicas diagnósticas oficiales en la Unión Europea son la prueba de la intradermotuberculinización (IDTB) y el test de detección de interferón-gamma (IFN-γ), que detectan la respuesta inmune de base celular. Existen, además, pruebas para la detección de anticuerpos, algunas disponibles comercialmente y otras en fase experimental. Con el objetivo de optimizar el diagnóstico de la tuberculosis en rumiantes (ganado bovino y caprino) y en camélidos (llamas y alpacas), se han realizado siete estudios experimentales, distribuidos en cuatro capítulos, diseñados para cumplir los cuatro objetivos de la presente tesis doctoral...
Cuando hacemos referencia a la conducta antisocial nos referimos a una serie de comportamientos que infringen las normas o leyes establecidos; en el momento actual con una repercusión a nivel individual, clínico, familiar y a nivel social esto nos lleva a tener que poner mucho más empeño en poder poner de manifiesto la necesidad de estudiar aquellos factores de riesgo que está influyendo en dicha conducta. Numerosos son los estudios que se han llevado a cabo sobre este asunto por distintos autores y conocedores de la materia, y en este recorrido ya se han podido vislumbran muchos factores no solo de riesgo sino de protección, que pueden llevarnos a comprender y entender de un modo más claro y conciso la naturaleza del fenómeno que estamos abordando. A pesar de todo lo anterior no existe, hasta el momento suficiente consenso sobre la conceptualización de la conducta antisocial, dado por ser un constructor complejo y su uso en la investigación es frecuentemente ambiguo ya que, en no pocas ocasiones, se emplea haciendo alusión a diferentes conductas sin una clara delimitación terminológica (Rutter, Giller y Hagell, 2000). En general, la conducta antisocial hace referencia a una diversidad de actos que generan daño en los demás, frecuentemente en forma de agresión, o que violan las normas sociales y los derechos de los demás (Burt y Donnellan, 2009; Peña y Graña, 2006). Sin embargo, el que una conducta se conceptualice como antisocial también está en función del juicio o valoración social acerca de la gravedad de los actos cometidos y de su alejamiento de las pautas normativas en una sociedad en concreto (Kazdin y Buela-Casal, 2002). En esta valoración intervienen multitud de factores tales como la edad del menor, su sexo, la clase social y otras circunstancias socio-contextuales (Pahlavan y Andreu, 2009; Romero, Sobral y Luengo, 1999; Vázquez, 2003)...
Progress in control of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) is often not uniform, usually due to the effect of one or more sometimes unknown epidemiological factors impairing the success of eradication programs. Use of spatial analysis can help to identify clusters of persistence of disease, leading to the identification of these factors thus allowing the implementation of targeted control measures, and may provide some insights of disease transmission, particularly when combined with molecular typing techniques. Here, the spatial dynamics of bTB in a high prevalence region of Spain were assessed during a three year period (2010-2012) using data from the eradication campaigns to detect clusters of positive bTB herds and of those infected with certain Mycobacterium bovis strains (characterized using spoligotyping and VNTR typing). In addition, the within-herd transmission coefficient (β) was estimated in infected herds and its spatial distribution and association with other potential outbreak and herd variables was evaluated. Significant clustering of positive herds was identified in the three years of the study in the same location ("high risk area"). Three spoligotypes (SB0339, SB0121 and SB1142) accounted for >70% of the outbreaks detected in the three years. VNTR subtyping revealed the presence of few but highly prevalent strains within the high risk area, suggesting maintained transmission in the area. The spatial autocorrelation found in the distribution of the estimated within-herd transmission coefficients in herds located within distances <14 km and the results of the spatial regression analysis, support the hypothesis of shared local factors affecting disease transmission in farms located at a close proximity.
We analyzed the most likely cause of 687 bovine tuberculosis (bTB) breakdowns detected in Spain between 2009 and 2011 (i.e., 22% of the total number of breakdowns detected during this period). Seven possible causes were considered: i) residual infection; ii) introduction of infected cattle from other herds; iii) sharing of pastures with infected herds; iv) contiguous spread from infected neighbor herds; v) presence of infected goats in the farm; vi) interaction with wildlife reservoirs and vii) contact with an infected human. For each possible cause a decision tree was developed and key questions were included in each of them. Answers to these key questions lead to different events within each decision tree. In order to assess the likelihood of occurrence of the different events a qualitative risk assessment approach was used. For this purpose, an expert opinion workshop was organized and ordinal values, ranging from 0 to 9 (i.e., null to very high likelihood of occurrence) were assigned. The analysis identified residual infection as the most frequent cause of bTB breakdowns (22.3%; 95%CI: 19.4-25.6), followed by interaction with wildlife reservoirs (13.1%; 95%CI: 10.8-15.8). The introduction of infected cattle, sharing of pastures and contiguous spread from infected neighbour herds were also identified as relevant causes. In 41.6% (95%CI: 38.0-45.4) of the breakdowns the origin of infection remained unknown. Veterinary officers conducting bTB breakdown investigations have to state their opinion about the possible cause of each breakdown. Comparison between the results of our analysis and the opinion from veterinary officers revealed a slight concordance. This slight agreement might reflect a lack of harmonized criteria to assess the most likely cause of bTB breakdowns as well as different perceptions about the importance of the possible causes. This is especially relevant in the case of the role of wildlife reservoirs.
Mycobacterium bovis causes animal tuberculosis (TB) in cattle, humans, and other mammalian species, including pigs. The goal of this study was to experimentally assess the responses of pigs with and without a history of tonsillectomy to oral vaccination with heat-inactivated M. bovis and challenge with a virulent M. bovis field strain, to compare pig and wild boar responses using the same vaccination model as previously used in the Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa), to evaluate the use of several enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) and lateral flow tests for in vivo TB diagnosis in pigs, and to verify if these tests are influenced by oral vaccination with inactivated M. bovis. At necropsy, the lesion and culture scores were 20% to 43% higher in the controls than those in the vaccinated pigs. Massive M. bovis growth from thoracic tissue samples was observed in 4 out of 9 controls but in none of the 10 vaccinated pigs. No effect of the presence or absence of tonsils was observed on these scores, suggesting that tonsils are not involved in the protective response to this vaccine in pigs. The serum antibody levels increased significantly only after challenge. At necropsy, the estimated sensitivities of the ELISAs and dual path platform (DPP) assays ranged from 89% to 94%. In the oral mucosa, no differences in gene expression were observed in the control group between the pigs with and without tonsils. In the vaccinated group, the mRNA levels for chemokine (C-C motif) receptor 7 (CCR7), interferon beta (IFN-β), and methylmalonyl coenzyme A mutase (MUT) were higher in pigs with tonsils. Complement component 3 mRNA levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) increased with vaccination and decreased after M. bovis challenge. This information is relevant for pig production in regions that are endemic for M. bovis and for TB vaccine research.
Wildlife vaccination is increasingly being considered as an option for tuberculosis control. We combined data from laboratory trials and an ongoing field trial to assess the risk of an oral Mycobacterium bovis BCG vaccine and a prototype heat-inactivated Mycobacterium bovis preparation for Eurasian wild boar (Sus scrofa). We studied adverse reactions, BCG survival, BCG excretion, and bait uptake by nontarget species. No adverse reactions were observed after administration of BCG (n = 27) or inactivated M. bovis (n = 21). BCG was not found at necropsy (175 to 300 days postvaccination [n = 27]). No BCG excretion was detected in fecal samples (n = 162) or in urine or nasal, oral, or fecal swab samples at 258 days postvaccination (n = 29). In the field, we found no evidence of loss of BCG viability in baits collected after 36 h (temperature range, 11°C to 41°C). Camera trapping showed that wild boar (39%) and birds (56%) were the most frequent visitors to bait stations (selective feeders). Wild boar activity patterns were nocturnal, while diurnal activities were recorded for all bird species. We found large proportions of chewed capsules (29%) (likely ingestion of the vaccine) and lost baits (39%) (presumably consumed), and the proportion of chewed capsules showed a positive correlation with the presence of wild boar. Both results suggest proper bait consumption (68%). These results indicate that BCG vaccination in wild boar is safe and that, while bait consumption by other species is possible, this can be minimized by using selective cages and strict timing of bait deployment.
Because of their relative simplicity and the barriers to gene flow, islands are ideal systems to study the distribution of biodiversity. However, the knowledge that can be extracted from this peculiar ecosystem regarding epidemiology of economically relevant diseases has not been widely addressed. We used information available in the scientific literature for 10 old world islands or archipelagos and original data on Sicily to gain new insights into the epidemiology of the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC). We explored three nonexclusive working hypotheses on the processes modulating bovine tuberculosis (bTB) herd prevalence in cattle and MTC strain diversity: insularity, hosts and trade. Results suggest that bTB herd prevalence was positively correlated with island size, the presence of wild hosts, and the number of imported cattle, but neither with isolation nor with cattle density. MTC strain diversity was positively related with cattle bTB prevalence, presence of wild hosts and the number of imported cattle, but not with island size, isolation, and cattle density. The three most common spoligotype patterns coincided between Sicily and mainland Italy. However in Sicily, these common patterns showed a clearer dominance than on the Italian mainland, and seven of 19 patterns (37%) found in Sicily had not been reported from continental Italy. Strain patterns were not spatially clustered in Sicily. We were able to infer several aspects of MTC epidemiology and control in islands and thus in fragmented host and pathogen populations. Our results point out the relevance of the intensity of the cattle commercial networks in the epidemiology of MTC, and suggest that eradication will prove more difficult with increasing size of the island and its environmental complexity, mainly in terms of the diversity of suitable domestic and wild MTC hosts.
BACKGROUND Eradication of bovine tuberculosis (bTB) through the application of test-and-cull programs is a declared goal of developed countries in which the disease is still endemic. Here, longitudinal data from more than 1,700 cattle herds tested during a 12 year-period in the eradication program in the region of Madrid, Spain, were analyzed to quantify the within-herd transmission coefficient (β) depending on the herd-type (beef/dairy/bullfighting). In addition, the probability to recover the officially bTB free (OTF) status in infected herds depending on the type of herd and the diagnostic strategy implemented was assessed using Cox proportional hazard models. RESULTS Overall, dairy herds showed higher β (median 4.7) than beef or bullfighting herds (2.3 and 2.2 respectively). Introduction of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) as an ancillary test produced an apparent increase in the β coefficient regardless of production type, likely due to an increase in diagnostic sensitivity. Time to recover OTF status was also significantly lower in dairy herds, and length of bTB episodes was significantly reduced when the IFN-γ was implemented to manage the outbreak. CONCLUSIONS Our results suggest that bTB spreads more rapidly in dairy herds compared to other herd types, a likely cause being management and demographic-related factors. However, outbreaks in dairy herds can be controlled more rapidly than in typically extensive herd types. Finally, IFN-γ proved its usefulness to rapidly eradicate bTB at a herd-level.
Este trabajo analiza una muestra de sociedades cooperativas gallegas para verificar si es posible inferir diferencias en las conductas financieras de los socios a partir de la cuantía del excedente contable. Con esta finalidad se añade al valor del excedente, el resultado de las variaciones registradas en determinadas partidas contables que incluyen otras rentas residuales. El reparto de dichas rentas revela que los socios no optan generalizadamente por la anticipación completa de las rentas residuales. Se deduce, por tanto, la existencia de empresas que escogen una estrategia de excedente positivo, diferente de la estrategia de excedente nulo planteada por la teoría financiera clásica. En la muestra seleccionada, las diferencias entre ambas estrategias son estadísticamente significativas, lo que abre la puerta, en futuros trabajos, a investigar qué factores pueden explicar la renuncia voluntaria de los socios a la percepción anticipada de todas estas rentas residuales. Tal conducta sólo se evidencia cuando se declara un resultado positivo, de ahí la utilidad del excedente contable en el análisis de la información financiera de la sociedad cooperativa.