16 resultados para skill acquisition

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The origin of new exons is an important mechanism for proteome diversity. Here, we report the recurrent origination of new exons in mammalian chromodomain Y-like (CDYL) genes and the functional consequences associated with the acquisition of the new exons


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The mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) control region is believed to play an important biological role in mtDNA replication. Large deletions in this region are rarely found, but when they do occur they might be expected to interfere with the replication of the molecule, thus leading to a reduction of mtDNA copy number. During a survey for mtDNA sequence variations in 5,559 individuals from the general Chinese population and 2,538 individuals with medical disorders, we identified a 50-bp deletion (m.298_347del50) in the mtDNA control region in a member of a healthy Han Chinese family belonging to haplogroup B4c1b2, as suggested by complete mtDNA genome sequencing. This deletion removes the conserved sequence block II (CSBII; region 299-315) and the replication primer location (region 317-321). However, quantification of the mtDNA copy number in this subject showed a value within a range that was observed in 20 healthy subjects without the deletion. The deletion was detected in the hair samples of the maternal relatives of the subject and exhibited variable heteroplasmy. Our current observation, together with a recent report for a benign 154-bp deletion in the mtDNA control region, suggests that the control of mtDNA replication may be more complex than we had thought. Hum Mutat 31:538-543, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Drug addiction is increasingly viewed as the expression of abnormal associative learning following repeated exposures to the drugs of abuse Previous I studies have demonstrated that the patterns of repetition such as frequency and spacing are important to many kinds of learning and memory retention We hypothesized that drug repetition pattern might affect the reward-related learning although the total doses of the drug were the same. In the present study, we tested morphine-induced place preference following either regular or irregular pattern of morphine pairing in rats Regular morphine group received morphine administration daily at a regular time with the same dose Irregular morphine groups received morphine administration either at the same time but irregular doses, irregular time but same dose, or irregular time and irregular doses. We found that rats, who received irregular morphine pairing, exhibited similar acquisition of peace preference but different preference retentions compared with regular morphine-treated rats after the same total dose of morphine Rats, who received morphine administration at the same time but irregular doses and at irregular time and irregular doses, showed rapid disruption of place preference than the regular morphine group. Rats, who received morphine at irregular time but the same dose, showed similar retention of place preference to regular morphine group Our results suggest that the pattern of drug pairing plays an important role in the retention of reward-related memory This study may provide new evidence to broaden our understanding of the development and maintenance of drug craving (C) 2009 Elsevier B V. All rights reserved


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The economic seaweed Hizikia fusiforme (Harv.) Okamura (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyta) usually experiences periodical exposures to air at low tide. Photosynthetic carbon acquisition mechanisms were comparatively studied under submersed and emersed conditions in order to establish a general understanding of its photosynthetic characteristics associated with tidal cycles. When submersed in seawater, H fusiforme was capable of acquiring HCO3- as a source of inorganic carbon (Ci) to drive photosynthesis, while emersed and exposed to air, it used atmospheric CO2 for photosynthesis. The pH changes surrounding the H fusiforme fronds had less influence on the photosynthetic rates under emersed condition than under submersed condition. When the pH was as high as 10.0, emersed H fusiforme could photosynthesize efficiently, but the submersed alga exhibited very poor photosynthesis. Extracellular carbonic anhydrase (CA) played an important role in the photosynthetic acquisitions of exogenous Ci in water as well as in air. Both the concentrations of dissolved inorganic carbon in general seawater and CO2 in air were demonstrated to limit the photosynthesis of H fusiforme, which was sensitive to O-2. It appeared that the exogenous carbon acquisition system, being dependent of external CA activity, operates in a way not enough to raise intracellular CO2 level to prevent photorespiration. The inability of H fusiforme to achieve its maximum photosynthetic rate at the current ambient Ci levels under both submersed and emersed conditions suggested that the yield of aquaculture for this economic species would respond profitably to future increases in CO2 concentration in the sea and air.


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The photosynthetic performances of Porphyra haitanensis thalli were investigated in order to understand its mechanisms for exogenous carbon acquisition during emersion at low tide. The emersed photosynthesis was studied by altering the pH value in the water film on the thalli surface, treating them with carbonic anhydarase inhibitors (acetazolamide and 6-ethoxyzolamide), adjusting the CO2 concentrations in the air, and comparing the theoretical maximum CO2 supply rates within the adherent water film with the observed photosynthetic CO2 uptake rates. It was found that the principal exogenous inorganic carbon source for the photosynthesis of P. haitanensis during emersion was atmospheric CO2. The driving force of CO2 flux across the water film was the CO2 concentration gradient within it. Carbonic anhydrase accelerated both extracellular and intracellular CO2 transport. The emersed photosynthesis of P. haitanensis was limited by the present atmospheric CO2 level, and would be enhanced by atmospheric CO2 rise that would trigger global warming.


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Although formal specification techniques are very useful in software development, the acquisition of formal specifications is a difficult task. This paper presents the formal specification language LFC, which is designed to facilitate the acquisition and validation of formal specifications. LFC uses context-free languages for syntactic aspect and relies on a new kind of recursive functions, i.e. recursive functions on context-free languages, for semantic aspect of specifications. Construction and validation of LFC specifications are machine-aided. The basic ideas behind LFC, the main aspects of LFC, and the use of LFC and illustrative examples are described.


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Reading is an important human-specific skill obtained through extensive learning experience and is reliance on the ability to rapidly recognize single words. According to the behavioral studies, the most important stage of reading is the representation of “visual word form”, which is independent on surface visual features of the reading materials. The prelexical visual word form representation is characterized by the abstractive and highly effective and precise processing. Neuroimaging and neuropsychological studies have investigated the neural basis underlying the visual word form processing. On the basis of summary of the existing literature, the current thesis aimed to address three fundamental questions involving neural basis of word recognition. First, is there a dedicated neural network that is specialized for word recognition? Second, is the orthographic information represented in the putative word/character selective region (VWFA)? Third, what is the role of reading experience in the genesis of the VWFA, is experience a main driver to shape VWFA instead of evolutionary selectivity? Nineteen Chinese literate volunteers, 5 Chinese illiterates and 4 native English speakers participated in this study, and performed perceptual tasks during fMRI scanning. To address the first question, we compared the differential responses to three categories of visual objects, i.e., faces, line drawings of objects and Chinese characters, and defined the region of interesting (ROI) for the next experiment. To address the second question, Chinese character orthography was manipulated to reveal possible differential responses to real characters, false characters, radical combinations, and stroke combinations in the regions defined by the first experiment. To examine the role of reading experience in genesis of specialization for character, the responses for unfamiliar Chinese characters in Chinese illiterates and native English speakers were compared with that in the Chinese literates, and tracked the change in cortical activation after a short-term reading training in the illiterates. Data were analyzed in two dimensions. Both BOLD signal amplitude and spatial distribution pattern among multi-voxels were used to systematically investigate the responsiveness of the left fusiform gyrus to Chinese characters. Our results provide strong and clear evidence for the existence of functionally specialized regions in the human ventral occipital-temporal cortex. In the skilled readers a region specialized for written words could be consistently found in the lateral part of the left fusiform gyrus, line drawings in the median part and faces in the middle. Our results further show that spatial distribution analysis, a method that was not commonly used in neuroimaging of reading, appears to be a more effective measurement for category specialization for visual objects processing. Although we failed to provide evidence that VWFA processes orthographic information in terms of signal intensitiy, we do show that response pattern of real characters and radical collections in this area is different from that of false characters and random stroke combinations. Our last set of experiments suggests that the selective bias to reading material is clearly experience dependent. The response to unknown characters in both English speakers/readers and Chinese illiterates is fundamentally different from that of the skilled Chinese readers. The response pattern for unknown characters is more similar to that for line drawings rather as a weak version of character in skilled Chinese readers. Short-term training is not sufficient to produce VWFA bias even when tested with learned characters, rather the learned characters generated a overall upward shift of the activation of the left fusiform region. Formation of a dedicated region specialized for visual word/character might depend on long-term extensive reading experience, or there might be a critical period for reading acquisition.


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The present cross-sectional study paid attention to Chinese reading acquisition of 391 children from preschool to grade 3 in two elementary schools, and investigated the relationship between orthographic processing skills, morphological awareness, phonological awareness, naming, phonological memory, visual processing skill and reading skills, after controlling the variance of age, nonverbal intelligence and pinyin knowledge. The main results are as follows: Firstly, there are many different language skills as the predictors of Chinese reading success. Orthographic processing skills, morphological awareness, phonological awareness and naming are important in single-character recognition and comprehension. Beside them, the effect of visual processing skill and phonological memory for comprehension are also significant. Among them, the role of orthographic processing skills is the most important, whatever in single-character recognition or in comprehension. Secondly, orthographic processing skills are the most important factors in reading acquisition at low grade and its effect drops obviously after grade 2. Thirdly, morphological awareness is also the factor that cannot be ignored whatever for single-character recognition or for comprehension. Its influence appears in preschool and becomes the only significant predictor of character recognition in grade 3. Furthermore, morphological awareness is more relevant with the development of comprehension. Fourthly, phonological awareness plays the secondary role in Chinese reading acquisition except in grade 2 when its contribution is most of all. And compare with morphological awareness, the effect of phonological awareness is relative low. Fifthly, naming is important through preschool to grade 2. The contribution of phonological memory increases from preschool to grade 3 in comprehension.