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The high-speed combustible gas ignited by a hot gas jet, which is induced by shock focusing, was experimentally investigated. By use of the separation mode of shock tube, the test section of a single shock tube is split into two parts, which provide the high-speed flow of combustible gas and pilot flame of hot gas jet, respectively. In the interface of two parts of test sections the flame of jet was formed and spread to the high-speed combustible gas. Two kinds of the ignitions, 3-D “line-flame ignition” and 2-D “plane-flame ignition”, were investigated. In the condition of 3-D “lineflame ignition” of combustion, thicker hot gas jet than pure air jet, was observed in schlieren photos. In the condition of 2-D “plane-flame ignition” of combustion, the delay time of ignition and the angle of flame front in schlieren photos were measured, from which the velocity of flame propagation in the high-speed combustible gas is estimated in the range of 30–90 m/s and the delay time of ignition is estimated in the range of 0.12–0.29 ms.


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The high-speed combustible gas ignited by a hot gas jet, which is induced by shock focusing, was experimentally investigated. By use of the separation mode of shock tube, the test section of a single shock tube is split into two parts, which provide the high-speed flow of combustible gas and pilot flame of hot gas jet, respectively. In the interface of two parts of test sections the flame of jet was formed and spread to the high-speed combustible gas. Two kinds of the ignitions, 3-D "line-flame ignition" and 2-D "plane-flame ignition", were investigated. In the condition of 3-D "line-flame ignition" of combustion, thicker hot gas jet than pure air jet, was observed in schlieren photos. In the condition of 2-D "plane-flame ignition" of combustion, the delay time of ignition and the angle of flame front in schlieren photos were measured, from which the velocity of flame propagation in the high-speed combustible gas is estimated in the range of 30-90m/s and the delay time of ignition is estimated in the range of 0.12-0.29ms.


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Large ruby with the size of circle divide75 x 45 mm was grown by temperature gradient technique for the first time. Absorption spectrum was carried out in the range of 190-800 nm by spectrophotometer, and the concentration spatial distribution of Cr3+ in ruby was calculated from the absorption coefficient that based on the Beer-Lambert's Law. Cr3+ ions gradually increase alone both the growth axis and the radial direction. The shape and ingredient of the inclusions were measured by means of Leitz ride field microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Lane photos and X-ray omega scan show the good quality of as grown ruby. The optimized growth conditions were pointed out based on the observation. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Let A and B be nonsingular M-matrices. A lower bound on the minimum eigenvalue q(B circle A(-1)) for the Hadamard product of A(-1) and B, and a lower bound on the minimum eigenvalue q(A star B) for the Fan product of A and B are given. In addition, an upper bound on the spectral radius rho(A circle B) of nonnegative matrices A and B is also obtained. These bounds improve several existing results in some cases and the estimating formulas are easier to calculate for they are only depending on the entries of matrices A and B. (C) 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The influence of bicarbonate (HCO3-) on Microcystis aeruginosa FACHB 905 was assessed in this study. Growth curves, chlorophyll a fluorescence and ultrastructure were measured at two HCO3- concentrations, 2.3 mM and 12.4 mM. A treatment of sodium chloride (NaCl) was also conducted alongside to establish the influence level of sodium. It was found that upon treatment with elevated HCO3- concentrations of 2.3 mM and 12.4 mM, cell densities were 13% and 27% (respectively) higher than controls. In photosynthetic performance, elevated HCO3- concentration initially stimulated Fv/Fm at the prophase of culture and then subsequently inhibited it. The inhibition of 2.3mM was higher than that of 12.4mM HCO3-. The maximum relative electron transport rate (ETRmax) exhibited inhibition at elevated HCO3- concentrations. DI0/CS was decreased at 2.3 mM and increased at 12.4mM. In the case of both treatments. ABS/CSI TR0/CS, ET0/CS, RC/CS0 and RC/CSm were decreased by elevated HCO3- concentrations, which indicated damage to photosynthetic apparati and an inactivation of a fraction of reaction centers. This point was also proven by ultrastructural photos. High HCO3--exposed cells lost the characteristic photosynthetic membrane arrangement compared with the control and high salinity treated samples. At the 2.3mM concentration of HCO3-. damage to photosynthetic apparati caused decreased photosynthetic activity. These findings suggested that elevated HCO3- concentration stimulated the growth and photosynthesis of M. aeruginosa FACHB 905 in a short time. Exposure to high HCO3- concentrations for a longer period of time will damage photosynthetic apparatus. In addition, the ultrastructure indicated that elevated HCO3--concentration lead to photosynthetic apparati damage. In our experiment, it was observed that the inhibition effect of 2.3mM HCO3- was higher than that of 12.4mM HCO3-. We hypothesized that M. aeruginosa FACHB 905 induced a protective mechanism under high concentrations of HCO3-.


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The toxic effect of Pb2+ has been studied in eukaryotic cells by using Tetrahymena as a target. The maximum power (P (m)) and the growth rate constant (k) were determined, which showed that values of P (m) and k were linked to the concentration (C) of Pb2+. The addition of Pb2+ caused a decrease of the maximum heat production and growth rate constant, indicating that Tetrahymena growth was inhibited in the presence of Pb2+, and Pb2+ took part in the metabolism of cells. From micrographs, morphological changes of Tetrahymena were observed with addition of Pb2+, indicating that the toxic effect of Pb2+ derived from destroying the membrane of surface of Tetrahymena. According to the thermogenic curves and photos of Tetrahymena under different conditions, it is clear that metabolic mechanism of Halobacterium halobium R1 growth has been changed with the addition of Pb2+.


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辐射传输研究是贯穿森林生态系统的纽带,太阳辐射为植物的生长发育提供光合能量、适宜的环境温度以及发育信息。一方面,气候变化使到达地面辐射能的质和量发生变化,影响到植被的生长发育,改变森林的结构,而森林结构的变化又会影响林冠内辐射能的分配和质量,这些变化会进一步影响到林下土壤温度,改变森林根系活性以及土壤营养转化的效率;连锁反应的结果有可能会使森林生态系统的生产力发生变化,改变碳素和氮素源库的调节方向,从而反馈影响地球气候系统。另一方面,人类作为生态系统的成员,必然需要森林生态系统为其提供更多的原材料和更好的生态服务功能,如何实现这些目标,就需要人类适度调整干预方式和频度,达到预期的目的。本文在建立适合于川西亚高山森林的叶面积测量技术、光照辐射模型和土壤温度变化模型的基础上,对川西亚高山地带森林生态系统的辐射传输特征进行了分析,并从森林结构的角度探讨了林分内的辐射分布以及对土壤温度的影响。主要成果如下: 1. 提出了一种照相法测量叶面积的方法。通过对摆放在平面上的叶片照相,利用投影变化,把非正射图像转化为正射图像,然后经过计算机图像处理得到每一片叶片的面积、周长、长度、宽度等信息。这种方法可使用户以任意方向和距离拍摄处于平面上的叶片,能同时处理大量的叶片,适于野外离体或活体叶片测量。叶片面积分辨率可调,分辨率可以与常用的激光叶面积仪相近甚至更高,而且叶片图像可以存档查询。 2. 提出一种模拟林内光照变化的模型。利用林冠半球照片,记录视点以上半球内的林冠构件空间分布,作为林冠子模型;天空辐射子模型采用国际照明委员会(CIE)的标准晴天和阴天以及插值模型。该模型能够模拟林下某一位点处的实时光斑变化。 3. 提出一种土壤温度变化模型。把土壤视为具有容量和阻力性质的结构,利用电阻和电容器件构建土壤能量分布模型。外界太阳辐射能经过植被以及其它一些能量分配器后进入土壤,其中有一部分转化为土壤势能,即土壤温度。土壤温度的变化类似于电池的充放电过程。在已知模型参数的情况下,可以从太阳辐射计算土壤温度的变化。在模型参数未知的情况下,通过输入和输出值推算模型的参数,而模型参数中的时间常数与土壤组成和含水量有关,这样就可以知道土壤水分的变化情况。 4. 从王朗亚高山森林典型样地林分结构的测量获得林地三维结构图、树冠形态、叶面积密度等参数,这些参数输入到Brunner (1998)开发的tRAYci 模型中计算出一段时间内林分任意位置处的光照值。与林下辐射计测量值以及半球照片计算结果的比较,该模型基本上能够满足对林分光环境了解的要求。 5. 从川西亚高山森林生产力的角度,探讨了森林生产力研究的方法以及川西地区的研究历史和成果,发现了其中的一些规律和问题,特别是在叶面积测量上,还没有使用标准的叶面积指数定义。综合来看,川西地区针叶林叶面积指数(单位土地面积上植物冠层总叶面积的一半) 应在4-5 之间。降雨丰富的华西雨屏带是川西地区森林生产力最高的地区,而向西北森林生产力逐渐降低。川西地区云冷杉林森林生产力平均约为600 gDM m-2 a-1,但是根据辐射能计算的潜在生产力则达到1800 gDM m-2 a-1。实际与潜在森林生产力的巨大差异说明其它因子对生产力的影响。 6. 王朗亚高山3 个典型森林林分中,白桦林样地(BF) 林下草本以糙野青茅、牛至、紫菀等喜阳性物种为主,林下透光度较高;冷杉林样地(FF) 林下透光度最低,以喜阴性物种水金凤、蟹甲草、囊瓣芹等为主;而云杉林样地(SF)林分林龄最大,林下透光度介于冷杉林和白桦林之间,草本层仍然以喜阴性物种东方草莓、紫花碎米芥、酢浆草等为主。冷杉林和云杉林的灌木层也很丰富,卫矛属、五加属、茶藨子属、忍冬属植物很丰富,而在白桦林则以栒摘要子属、榛子属、鹅耳枥属等植物为主。藓类植物在云杉林中最丰富,并且形成毯状层,其它两个林分则很稀少。3 个样地林分结构与林下光环境有很强的相关性,从光环境特征可以在一定程度上推测林分的结构。各样地单纯从乔木层材积推算的NPP 排列顺序为BF>FF>SF,与林下辐射透射率和林分年龄的顺序相同,暗示辐射对群落演替过程的驱动作用。 7. 用半球照相法测得BF、FF 和SF 3 个样地的有效叶面积指数以SF 样地最高,BF 最低。如果考虑针叶树叶片在小枝上的丛聚分布,利用北方针叶林的数值进行校正,则SF 样地LAI 显著增加(达到89%),其它样地的LAI 基本不变甚至有所下降。校正后的数值与文献中地面测量的结果较相近,说明在使用半球照相法测量川西亚高山针叶林LAI 时必须加以校正。 8. 在3 个样地中,白桦、岷江冷杉和方枝柏种群为丛聚分布,紫果云杉在FF和SF 样地中基本上为随机分布。3 个物种出现丛聚分布的最短距离约为2m,在最短距离以内则为随机分布。最短距离可能与树冠大小有关,种子传播特征以及对光照的需求状况可能是造成这种分布格局类型的原因。 Radiative transfer plays a key role in forest ecosystems. Solar radiation providesenergy for photosynthesis, appropriate ambient temperature and development informationfor plants. However, quality and quantity of radiation reaching land surface are affected byweather and subsequently influence the growth and development of plants, which in turnchanges the budget of radiation in forest. Soil temperature changes with the variation ofradiation under forest canopy and influences the activity of roots and rate of nutrientturnover. Thus, any changes of radiation will induce chain reactions in the entireecosystem and display in the value of net primary productivity which will possibly shiftthe relationship between carbon source and sink at local or regional scale and feed back tothe global climate system. On the other hand, as a component of ecosystems, humanbeings of course need to demand more materials and better service from ecosystems. Forthese purpose, man must adapt their pattern and frequency of interference to ecosystems.This paper aims to research on the canopy structure, the radiation distribution and theirinfluence on soil temperature from the process of radiative transfer in subalpine forestecosystem of western Sichuan. The main results are: 1 Present a new photogrammetric method for leaf area. The main idea is to convertnon-vertically taken images of planar leaves to orthoimages through projectivetransformation. The resultant images are used to get leaf morphological parametersthrough image processing. This method enables users to take photos at almost anyorientation and distance if only the leaves are placed on same plane, and to processlarge quantity of leaves in a short time, which is suitable for field measurement. Theresolution of leaf area is adjustable to fit for special requirement. 2 A model using hemispherical photos combining with solar tracks and radiation courseis provided to simulate light variation in forest. The hemispherical photos of canopyrecord the real spatial distribution of each element of plants viewed from a point. Skyradiance is simulated with CIE standard clear sky or cloudy sky model. This modelcan be used to simulate real time light variation under canopy. 3 Present a soil temperature model. Soil could be regarded as a body of resistor andcapacitor. Some of the budget of solar radiation in soil body is transformed into soilpotential energy, the soil temperature. Variation of soil temperature is driven by solarradiation, vegetation, soil properties, etc. This model has two parameters, one of whichis time constant and is related to soil water content. The inversed model can be used tosimulate the variation of soil water. 4 By using model tRAYci developed by Brunner (1998), the 3-D distribution of light inthree subalpine forest stands of Wanglang Nature Reserve has been simulated andvalidated with value of radiometers in these stands. This model can basically satisfythe need for understanding light regimes of these stands. 5 Present some principles and questions of NPP (net primary of productivity) researchesin western Sichuan. The standard leaf area index (LAI) defined by Chen and Black(1997) has not been used in this region. Total leaf area and projected leaf area indexare still used in NPP researches which may differ around 1-fold in magnitude. Thestandard LAI which is a half of total leaf area above unit land area should be between4 and 5 for typical subalpine coniferous forest of western Sichuan concluded fromliteratures. The maximum forest NPP occurs in West China rain belt and decreasesnorthwestwards. Average NPP of spruce-fir forest in western Sichuan is about600gDM m-2 a-1, which is below the potential NPP of 1800gDM m-2 a-1 based onmeasured radiation in this region. The significant difference between potential and realNPP suggests that other factors influence the growth of stands. 6 In the three subalpine forest stands of Wanglang Nature Reserve, herbage layer ofAbstractbirch stand (BF) with age of 40 is dominated by heliophytes of Deyeuxia scabrescens,Origanum vulgare, Aster tongoloa etc.. However, both of the other two stands aredominated by shade tolerent species, such as Impatiens noli-tangere, Impatiensdicentra, Cacalia deltophylla and Pternopetalum tanakae etc. in fir stand (FF) withage of 180 and Fragaria orientalis, Cardamine tangutorum and Oxalis corniculata etc.in spruce stand (SF) with age of 330. Shrub species in the latter two stands arerelatively rich, typical dominant genera being Euonymus, Acanthopanax, Ribes andLonicera. Birch stand has relatively sparse shrubs dominated by genera of Cotoneaster,Corylus and Carpinus. Mosses are significant only in spruce stand. The canopystructure controls the light regime of stand, which influence the composition of herblayers beneath the canopy. This light regime-community structure relationship can beused to infer the herb community from canopy structure. The NPP derived from timbervolume of arbor layer of the three stands decreases from BF to SF, which is in thesame order of transmitted total radiation under canopy and age of these stands,suggesting the driving effect of radiation in the succession of community. 7 The highest effective LAI of the three stands obtained by hemispherical photos is inplot SF and lowest in plot BF. After rectification of the clumping effect of leaves onshoot, the real LAI in plot SF increases significantly (89%) and approximate to theaverage LAI of coniferous forest in western Sichuan. Therefore, the LAI obtainedfrom hemispherical photos needs rectification for clumping effect. 8 Spatial distribution pattern for Betula platyphylla, Abies faxoniana and Sabinasaltuaria is clumpy, but Picea purpurea almost random in plot FF and SF. The shortestdistance for clumpy distribution for Betula platyphylla and Sabina saltuaria is 1.5m,and 2m for Abies faxoniana. And random pattern for these trees is exhibited within thisrange which almost coincides with the diameter of crown. Seed dispersalcharacteristics and light requirement may be the reason for different spatial pattern.


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Polylactide (PLA) was melt blended with a biodegradable hyperbranched poly(ester amide) (HBP) to enhance its flexibility and toughness without sacrificing comprehensive performance. The advantage of using HBP was due to its unique spherical shape, low melt viscosity, and abundant functional end groups together with its easy access. Rheological measurement showed that blending PLA with as little as 2.5% HBP resulted in a 40% reduction of melt viscosity. The glass transition temperature (T-g) of PLA in the blends decreased slightly with the increase of HBP content, indicating partial miscibility which resulted from intermolecular interactions via H-bonding. The H-bonding involving CO of PLA with OH and NH of HBP was evidenced by FTIR analysis for the first time. The HBP component, as a heterogeneous nucleating agent, accelerated the crystallization rate of PLA. Remarkably, with the increase of HBP content, the elongation at break of PLA blends dramatically increased without severe loss in tensile strength, even the tensile strength increased within 10% content of HBP. The stress-strain curves and the SEM photos of impact-fractured surface showed the material changed from brittle to ductile failure with the addition of HBP. Reasonable interfacial adhesion via H-bonding and finely dispersed particulate structure of HBP in PLA were proposed to be responsible for the improved mechanical properties.


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CeO2 nanoparticles hydrosol was synthesized by colloidal chemical method. The optimum experiment conditions for the preparation of CeO2 nanoparticles hydrosol were discussed. The effects of pH values, the reactant concentration and temperature on peptization process were studied. TEM photos showed that the CeO2 nanoparticles were spherical in shape and the size was about 3nm. Particle size distribution was in narrow range, and no agglomerates were observed. ED images indicated that the CeO2 nanoparticles were polycrystalline structure, and some of CeO2 were monocrystal particles.


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Initiation and termination of crazes in high impact polystyrene (HIPS) were studied by transmission electron microscope. Instead of the first initiation of crazes in the vicinity of the equator or rubber particles, ribbon-shaped crazes beyond the region were observed on the TEM photos. The starting point and the end point of each ribbon were noticed not to be randomly located on the surface of the cellar particles in HIPS. The spots connecting to the ligaments between the PS rigid inclusions in the cellar particle are found to be the locations where crazes were initiated and terminated preferentially. In addition, the crazes generated at those spots were much thicker and longer. The thoughness of high impact polystyrene was enhanced by the multiple crazes formed in the matrices, through the reduction of the craze stress at room temperature with increasing the volume fraction of polybutadiene at these spots in the dispersed phase. These results conducted that not only the cell structure of the domains in HIPS was not homogeneous but also the polybutadiene ligaments between PS rigid inclusions in the domains were inhomogeneous. Therefore, the responsibility of those polybutadiene ligaments with different thickness to the stresses was different and it forced the crazing initiation and growing preferentially. The crazes were created in some regions in the matrices; On the contrary, rare crazes were formed in the other regions in spite of these regions surrounded around the same dispersed particles. The relation between the spots on the surface and the inner structure of the cellar particle was discussed in this paper.


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Using satellite images taken on different dates, GIS analysis of aerial photos, bathymetric maps and other field survey data, tidal troughs and major sand ridges in the northern Jiangsu coastal area were contrasted. The results show that there have been three types of movement or migration of tidal trough in this area: (1) Periodic and restricted, this type of trough usually developed along the beaches with immobile gully head as a result of the artificial dams and the swing range increased from gully head to the low reaches, so they have been obviously impacted by human activity and have longer swing periods; (2) Periodic and actively, this kind of trough, which swung with a fast rate and moved periodically on sand ridges, were mainly controlled by the swings of the host tidal troughs and hydrodynamic forces upon tidal sand ridge and influenced slightly by human constructions; (3) Steadily and slowly, they are the main tidal troughs with large scale and a steady orientation in this area and have slow lateral movement. The differences in migration mode of tidal trough shift result in different rates of migration and impact upon tidal sand ridges. Lateral accumulation on current tidal trough and deposition on abandoned tidal troughs are the two types of sedimentation of the tidal sand ridges formation. The whole radial sand ridge was generally prone to division and retreat although sand ridges fluctuated by the analysis of changes in talwegs of tidal troughs and shorelines of sand ridges.


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角叉菜(Chondrus)是一种重要的经济红藻,广泛应用于食品行业及卡拉胶的提取工业。从种苗繁育的角度看,对角叉菜早期发育的研究意义重大。自然环境下角叉菜的生活史循环已得到阐释,但对其四分孢子及果孢子在室内条件下的早期发育过程还远远了解不够,因此有必要对其早期发育的具体特征和影响因素进行详细的分析研究。 本研究以青岛海域常见的角叉菜(Chondrus ocellatus Holm)作为实验材料,分析了实验室培养条件下温度及光强两个环境因子对其四分孢子和果孢子早期生长发育的影响,同时对整个发育过程进行了观察与记录。研究结果表明角叉菜两种孢子的早期生长发育过程基本一致,从孢子附着后萌发到长出幼苗,整个过程经历三个发育阶段:分裂期、盘状体期和直立幼苗形成期。另外,在早期发育过程中观察到多个盘状体融合的现象,这种融合使得孢子幼苗对基质的附着更加稳固,有利于其生存。通过设定6个温度梯度(10℃、15℃、20℃、22℃、25℃、28℃)及2个不同光照强度(10、60 μmol photos m-2s-1)条件,确立了角叉菜果孢子及四分孢子最适培养温度为20℃,而最适光照强度为60 μmol photos m-2s-1。角叉菜四分孢子和果孢子的早期生长发育均显示出较宽的温度耐受范围(10-25℃),但在28℃的高温条件下,两种孢子均会逐渐褪色死亡。分别采用单因素方差分析和独立样本t检验两种统计学方法分析温度和光强的影响,发现温度、光强的变化对角叉菜盘状体生长均有显著性影响。高光照可促进两种孢子的生长与发育,而低温(10℃)则会抑制孢子的的生长与发育。


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