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Liquid nitrogen is very important for MBE system. Most MBE systems use the liquid nitrogen to absorb the impurity molecules. If MBE cryoshroud is lack of liquid nitrogen, the pressure of the growth chamber will grow. This will affect the film quality. But too much liquid nitrogen is a waste. We have developed a liquid nitrogen flowrate alarm system to monitor the liquid nitrogen status in MBE cryoshroud. In this method, a temperature sensor is placed at the end of the cryoshroud. The temperature varies with changing of the liquid nitrogen status in cryoshroud. If the liquid nitrogen level in the cryoshroud is too low or too high, the LNFA will send out an alarm to warn the user to adjust the liquid nitrogen flowrate. In our experiments, we found this method works well, and the temperature responds sensitively. With the help of this system, people can view the liquid nitrogen status of the entire growth process. Compare with other method. it is very cheap.


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genetics, such as: population size, reproduction, mating system, growth, development,genetic structure and systematics status; The main results are presented below: The seasonal variation of the operational sexual ratio of this animal was found in the field and the ration always bias the female in the breeding season. Aiming at this character and considering the distance of time and space of both sexual habitat in breeding season, we census female population first by toe-clipping mark-recapture method, then estimated the population size with the definitive sexual ratio. Up to now, this species was found only at the Beilun district of the Ningbo City. The population size of the Ruiyan Temple Forest Park approximates to 369. The status of this population is extremely endangered, so besides protecting this population at the original locality, we also suggested to breed the salamander in fenced locality and to hatch embryos artificially, and send metamorphosed juveniles back to nature. We can transfer some individuals to other similar habitats or breed them under artificial conditions for saving this species from extinction. The early developmental stage of the Chinhai salamander is the same as its relative species, E. andersoni. Their balanceres are poorly developed and disappear very early. Temperature and moisture significantly influence the embryonic development of the Chinhai salamander. The embryonic stage is approx. 29 days under room temperature. The hatchling grows in a logarithmic curve. The larvae stage in water is approx. 58- 88 days. Many factors influence the nomal development, including two aspects of internal and external. Due to these factors, the effective protected measures were presented in detail. The breeding migration of E. chinhaiensis takes place at late March~late April every year. This salamander's hatching rate is high, but the rate of hatchling migrating into water is low. The average effectiveness of all the nest sites is 36.7%. The maternal self-conservation was contrary to the reproductive success of the egg-laying strategy. In the strategy of egg-laying behavior, the first factor selected by the female was its self-conservation, the second is embryonic survival rate, and the last is rate of hatchling survival rate. The oviposition selection is significant for the survival of the larvae. Based on the analysis of the evolutionary process of reproductive behaviors nad egg-laying site selections of all genera of the family Salamandridae, we deduced that perhaps Echinotriton is a transitional type in the evolutionary process from water to land. Due to its location in the adaptive stage in the terrestrial evolution, Echinotriton chinhaiensis's terrestrial nest may be one of important reason that causes this species to be endangered. The genetic deversity analysis shows that although the population size of the Chinhai salamander is quite small compared to other Chinese salamandrid species, the genetic diversity of this population is not reduce remarkably. We explain this phenomena with the polygamy mating system of this species. The result of 4 families' parenthood determinations shows that the parenhood determination can be taken without any paternal information. The "children" of every female include rich genetic information from at least two "fathers". It implies that female Chinhai salamander mates more than once with different males in a breeding season. The molecular evidence, the behavioral observation evidences and the sperm evidence in the female cloaca proved that this species has a polygamy mating system. The kin recognition in the mating of adult salamander was first discussed. The taxonomic status and phylogenetic relationships of 12 species representing 6 genera in the family Salamandridae were studied using DNA fingerprinting. The results showed that the DNA fingerprinting. The results showed that the DNA fingerprinting patterns demonstrated rich genetic diversity and species diversity, and also revealed the taxonomic status and phylogenetic relationshipes of higher taxa to a certain extent. The results are highly consistent with those obtained from the studies based on the morphology, ecology, cytology and molecular biology. The compreshensive analysis indicate that Tylototrition hainanensis and T. wenxianensis should be valid species; Echinotriton should be a valid genus;Tylotortriton is a natural cluster; Tylotortriton asperrimus should be put in Tylototrition rather than in Echinotriton, Hypselotriton and Allomestriton are synonyms of Cynops and Paramesotriton, respectively. There are three main groups in Chinese salamandride: Cynops, Paramesotriton and Pachytrition from the first group, the species of the Tylototriton from the second, and E. chinhaiensis composes the third.


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This paper present that the system can acquire the remote temperature measurement data of 40 monitoring points,through the RS-232 serial port and the Intranet.System s hardware is consist of TI s MSP430F149 mixed-signal processor and UA7000A network module.Using digital temperature sensor DS18B20,the structure is simple and easy to expand,the sensors directly send out the temperature data.MSP430F149 has the advantage of ultra-low-power and high degree of integration.Using msp430F149,the multi-branch multi-p...中文文摘:文章论述了通过RS-232串口和Intranet网络,来实现对远端的40个温度测量点的监控。系统硬件由TI公司的MSP430F149混合信号处理器和UA7000A网络模块构成。传感器采用数字式温度传感器DS18B20,它将直接得到温度的数字量,结构简单,易于扩展。MSP430F149处理器具有超低功耗和高度集成等优点,利用它构建的多分支多通道温度测量系统功能强大,结构简单,可靠性高,抗干扰能力强。系统客户端软件采用Microsoft Visual C++6.0设计。本监控系统能够很好地完成对4个分支共40个温度测量点的远程实时监控。


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CSR, a new accelerator project under the construction. to upgrade the existing heavy ion cyclotron system in Lanzhou, is a double cooling-storage-ring system. It consists of a main ring and an experimental ring. The heavy ion beams from the cyclotron system will be accumulated and accelerated first in the main ring, then extracted to produce radioactive ion beams or high-Z beams, and finally to be send to the second ring for internal-target experiments.


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研磨机器人系统中,研磨头与工件的接触力是保证加工精度,进行机器人力控制的一个重要因 素。采用 CAN 通讯可以确保力传感器准确、及时地把力信息传送给控制器进行力控制。本文 给出了6维腕力传感器与机器人控制器通讯的硬件结构,制定了可靠的通讯协议,实现了力信 息的正确读取,为研磨机器人控制系统获得可靠的力信息提供了一种新的解决方案。


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本文介绍一种能在恶劣海况下 ,向遇险船舶送递导引缆绳和向落水人员快速送递救生圈的水面救助机器人 .该机器人具有抗涌浪能力强、体积小、重量轻、速度快以及机动灵活的特点 ,还可广泛应用于其他领域