332 resultados para fragmentation mechanism
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本论文由四部分组成。第一部分报道了佛手参提取物的化学成分研究,建立了活性成分含量测定的高效液相测定和指纹图谱研究,采用液质联用技术鉴定了主要色谱峰;第二部分报道了丹参及其复方制剂的特征图谱研究;第三部分探讨了两面针生物碱的电喷雾质谱裂解规律,并采用液质联用技术分离鉴定了提取物中的多种生物碱。第四部分概述了液质联用在药物代谢研究中的运用。 第一部分包括第一、第二和第三章。第一章针对佛手参(Gymnadeniaconopsea)块茎的甲醇提取物,采用大孔树脂和反相硅胶柱层析等各种分离方法,共分离鉴定出4 个化合物,通过波谱分析将它们的结构确定为dactylorhin B (1)、loroglossin (2)、dactylorhin A (3)和militarine (4)。这4 个化合物均是首次从佛手参中分离得到的琥珀酸葡萄糖苷类成分。第二章采用高效液相色谱法对西藏、四川、河北、青海和尼泊尔等不同地区产的十个佛手参样品进行腺嘌呤核苷和对羟基苯甲醇的定量分析,结果表明这2 个成份可视为佛手参的特征成分,但也注意到产地不同该2 个特征成分的含量也有所不同。第三章采用标准中药指纹图谱相似度计算软件,以10 个佛手参样品HPLC 图谱的平均值为相似性评价对照模板,对10 个样品进行了相似度评价,并经液质联用分析指认了7 个共有峰,分别为腺嘌呤核苷(1)、对羟基苯甲醇(2)、对羟基苯甲醛(3) 、dactylorhin B(4) 、loroglossin(5)、dactylorhin A(6)和militarine(7)。 第二部分包括第四、第五、第六和第七章。第四章运用电喷雾质谱检测了对照药材和五个不同产地的丹参药材中脂溶性和水溶性成分,系统地探讨了多种成分的电喷雾质谱规律,并以对照药材为标准建立了特征指纹图谱。五个产地的药II材通过与对照药材相对比,采用聚类分析的方法,得到了定性的鉴别与判断。并采用液质联用技术对丹参药材提取液中的化学成份进行分析,推测了九个特征峰,并对六样品的液相色谱图进行了聚类分析。第五章探讨了三七皂苷的电喷雾质谱电离和裂解规律,并采用电喷雾质谱法对三七标准药材,血通片中的皂苷成分进行了分析。第六章运用电喷雾质谱研究复方丹参片提取液的特征图谱,并和单味药材丹参和三七的特征图谱进行了对比研究。并运用HPLC-ESI MSn 分析鉴定了复方丹参片提取液中的化学成分,推测了12 个色谱峰。第七章总结了电喷雾质谱和液质联用技术在丹参药材,三七药材及复方丹参制剂中的运用的优势和局限性。 第三部分(第八章)研究了两面针生物碱中二氢白屈菜红碱(1)、二氢两面针碱(2)、8-酮基二氢白屈菜红碱(3)、8-丙酮基二氢两面针碱(4)、两面针碱(5)、和1,3-二(8-二氢两面针碱)丙酮(6)等六个苯并菲啶型生物碱的电喷雾质谱裂解规律,其中二氢两面针碱和二氢白屈菜红碱,8-丙酮基二氢两面针碱和8-酮基二氢白屈菜红碱是两对二个甲氧基分别在C-9 和C-10,C-10 和C-11 的同分异构体。实验结果表明,在相同的碰撞能下,这类位置异构体的ESI MS2 质谱二级碎片离子的相对峰度存在很大差异,这可以用于区分该类同分异构体,采用液-质联用可以对两面针的总生物碱提取物中的这些同分异构体加于区分。同时在本实验采用的液相色谱条件下,多种生物碱得到较好的分离,通过和对照品的保留时间,紫外吸收光谱及电喷雾质谱图对照,鉴定了11 个主要色谱峰。 第四部分(第九章)对液质联用技术在药物代谢中的运用进行了综述。 This dissertation consisted of four sections. The first two sections elaborated thephytochemical investigation of the rhizomes Gymnadenia conopsea R. Br., methoddevelopment for rapid identifying and qutifying the chemical condtituent of thistibetant medicine, and the chemical fingerprint analysis of rhizomes of G. conopsea,Salviae miltiorrhiza and P. notoginseng. The third section studied the fragmentationmechanism of six alkaloids from Zanthoxylum nitidium and method development forrapid identifying varieties of alkaloids from the extract of this herbal medicine. Thefourth section reviewed HPLC- MS method in drug metabolism studies. The first section consisted of chapters 1, 2, 3. Chapter 1 elaborated the phytochemicalinvestigation of Gymnadenia conopsea R. Br. Four succinate derivative esters wereisolated from the methanol extract of the rhizomes of G. conopsea through repeatedcolumn chromatography on normal and reversed phase silica gel, their structures weredetermined by ESI-MS, 1D and 2D NMR evidence. They were firstly discoveredfrom this species. In chapter 2, a high-performance liquid chromatography.diodearray detection (HPLC-DAD) method has been firstly developed for quantitation oftwo characteristic constituents, adenosine and 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, from theextract of rhizomes of G. conopsea. All 10 samples of G. conopsea contained differentamount of adenosine and 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol. Adenosine and the4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol can be applied in identification and quality control for theroots of G. conopsea. In chapter 3, a high-performance liquid chromatography.diodearray detection.tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-DAD-MSn) method has been firstly developed for chemical fingerprint analysis of rhizomes of G. conopsea andrapid identification of major compounds in the fingerprints. Comparing the UV andMS spectra with those of authentic compounds, seven main peaks in the fingerprintswere identified as adenosine, 4-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, 4-hydroxybenzyl aldehyde,dactylorhin B, loroglossin, dactylorhin A and militarine. The Computer AidedSimilarity Evaluation System for Chromatographic Fingerprint of TraditionalChinese Medicine (CASES) was employed to evaluate the similarities of 10 samplesof the rhizomes of G. conopsea collected from Sichuan, Qinghai and Hebei provincesand Tibet autonomous region of China, and Nepal. These samples from differentsources had similar chemical fingerprints to each other. The second section consisted of chapters 4, 5, 6 and 7. In chapter 4,both thecharacteristic spectra of liposoluble tanshinones and aqueous-soluble salvianolic acidswere established by the electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI MS)technique and the differences between standard and crude rhizomes of Salviaemiltiorrhiza Bge. from 5 sources were analyzed. The law of electrospray ion trap mass(ESI ITMS) of typical tanshinones and salvianolic acids is studied.The analysis of the chemical constituent of rhizomes of Salviae miltiorrhiza Bge. byliquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrum (LC/MS) technique wasestablished,and the distances among standard herb and crude herb from 5 sourceswere calculated by clustering analysis. According the DAD spectra and MS2 data,9tanshinones could be speculated. In chapter 5, the character spectra of total saponinsin P. notoginseng extracts were established by ESI ITMS and selective ion monitoring(SIM) technology. The law of notoginsenosides by ESI MS2 was studied. In chapter 6,the characteristic spectra of Compound Danshen Tablet established and compared byESI-MS and HPLC/DAD/MS, 6 known tanshinones and 3 saponins were speculated.In chapter 7, the advantage and disadvantage of the strategy, using the ESI ITMS andLC/MS techniques for study of characteristic spetra of danshen and Compound Danshen Tablet, were summerized. The third section (chapter 8) studied the fragmentation mechanism of six alkaloids,dihydronitidine, dihydrochelerythrine, 8-acetonyl dihydronitidine,8-acetonyldrochelerythrine, nitidine and 1,3-bis (8-dihydronitidinyl)-acetone, by ESIMSn. Tandem mass spectrometry experiments indicated that different substitutionsites of the methoxyl groups at C-9 and C-10 or at C-10 and C-11 determined thedifferent abundances of the MS2 fragmentation ions using the same collision energy.According to the different abundances of MS2 product ions, positional isomericbenzo[c] phenanthridine alkaloids can be differentiated. Moreover, ten constituents inthe crude alkaloids extract from the roots of Zanthoxylum nitidium were rapidlyidentified by high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with tandem massspectrometry (HPLC-MSn), through comparing the retention times and ESI MSn spectra with the authentic standards. The fourth section (chapter 9) is a review on HPLC-MS method development in drug metabolism studies.
According to their molecular mass and ESI-MSn data, the trace alkaloid isomers pseudostrychnine and strychnine N-oxide in extracts of the total alkaloids from Strychnos nux-vomical were qualitatively analyzed by electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn) method after rough silica gel-column chromatographic separation. We also investigated the relationship between their fragmentation mechanism and structures of the two alkaloid isomers. A new method for quickly and highly sensitively analyzing the two alkaloid isomers was proposed.
According to the strong application background of bioflavonoid and metal-flavonoid complexes, novel electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn) was applied to investigate the structure and fragmentation mechanism of transition metal-rutin complexes. In the full-scan mass spectra, different stoichiometric ratios of rutin-metal complexes were found. In the reaction between rutin and Cu, four kinds of complexes with four different stoichiometric ratios were produced. In the reaction between rutin and Zn, Mn(II), and Fe(II), only two kind of complexes with stoichiometric ratios of 1:1 and 1:2 occured. In further tandem mass spectrometric experiments of different rutin-metal complexes, product fragments, came from the neutral loss of the external rhamnose and the internal glucose unit, oligosaccharide chain, aglycone, and small organic molecules. According to the MSn data, we proposed a mechanism for all fragments of the rutin-Cu complex A and the structure of two rutin-Cu complexes, C and D.
Seven structure analogical flavonoid aglycones have been analyzed using electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn) in the negative-ion mode. The spectra obtained ESI-MSn allowed us to propose plausible schemes for their fragmentation mechanism. By analyzing the product ions spectra of deprotonated molecule ions [M-H](-), some neutral diagnostic losses and specific retro Diels-Alder fragments were obtained. By using all of these characteristic fragment ions we can specially differentiate the flavone isomer.
Studies on the flavones using liquid chromatography-electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry
Fragmentation pathways of nine flavone compounds have been studied by using electrospray ionization multi-stage tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn). Analyzing the product ion spectra of flavonoids and aglycones, we observed some diagnostic neutral losses, such as *CH3, H2O, residue of glucose and gluconic acid, which are very useful for the identification of the functional groups in the structures. Furthermore, specific retro Diels-Alder (RDA) fragments for flavones with different hydroxyl substitution have also been discussed. The information is helpful for the rapid identification of the location site of hydroxyl substitution on flavones. Fragmentation pathways of C-glycosidic flavonoid have also been discussed using ESI-MSn, demonstrating ions [M-H-60](-), [M-H-90](-), [M-H-120](-) are characteristic ions of C-glycosidic flavonoid. According to the fragmentation mechanism of mass spectrometry and HPLC-MS data, the structures of seven flavones in Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi have been identified on-line without time-consuming isolation. The HPLC-ESI-MSn method for analyzing constituents in the Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi has been established.
The fragmentation mechanism of aconitine-type alkaloids in the flowers of Aconitum kusnezoffii (FAK) was investigated using electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry (ESI-MSn) firstly. The analysis of the collision-induced dissociation (CID) spectra of three purified aconitine standards and six previously reported aconitines indicated that the fragmentation of the protonated aconitines at low-energy CID follows a similar pathway. The elimination of a C-8-substituent such as an acetic acid or a fatty acid is the dominant fragmentation mode in MS2. Successive losses of CH3COOH, CH3OH, H2O, BzOH, and CO are the main fragmentation pathways of aconitine-type alkaloids in MS3 spectra. Based on these features, a rapid method for the direct detection and characterization of alkaloids from an ethanolic extract of FAK is described. All the known aconitum alkaloids are detected and a series of lipo-aconitines has been found for the first time in this plant.
Three known flavonoids, quercetin, quercitrin (quercetin-3-0-rhamnoside) and rutin (quercetin-3-0-rutinoside), have been identified for the first time in the leaves of Acanthopanax senticosus Harms by using electrospray tandem mass spectrometry techniques (ESI-MSn). The flavonoid hyperin (quercetin-3-0-beta-galactoside), already known to be present, was also investigated. The diagnostic fragment ions of the aglycone quercetin were obtained in the ESI-MSn experiments, and a fragmentation mechanism proposed.
Using electrospray ionization (ESI) and tandem mass spectrometry techniques, the protonic positions in protonated molecular ions of some narcotic drugs were studied, The data of ESI/MSn experiments of morphine and deuterium-loaded morphine were first discussed. The protonic position was considered to locate on oxygen atom of cyclic ether in morphine molecular, Compared with the same and different: ions among morphine, codeine, acetylcodeine and dihydrocodeine, the protonic positions in protonated molecular ions of these compounds were further determined. The fragmentation mechanism of morphine in ESI/MSn: experiments was also repored in the paper, and there were similar dehydrolysis mechanism in gas phase or in liquid phase for morphine.
Saprolite is the residual soil resulted from completely weathered or highly weathered granite and with corestones of parent rock. It is widely distributed in Hong Kong. Slope instability usually happens in this layer of residual soil and thus it is very important to study the engineering geological properties of Saprolite. Due to the relic granitic texture, the deformation and strength characteristics of Saprolite are very different from normal residual soils. In order to investigate the effects of the special microstructure on soil deformation and strength, a series of physical, chemical and mechanical tests were conducted on Saprolite at Kowloon, Hong Kong. The tests include chemical analysis, particle size analysis, mineral composition analysis, mercury injection, consolidation test, direct shear test, triaxial shear test, optical analysis, SEM & TEM analysis, and triaxial shear tests under real-time CT monitoring.Based on the testing results, intensity and degree of weathering were classified, factors affecting and controlling the deformation and strength of Saprolite were identified, and the interaction between those factors were analyzed.The major parameters describing soil microstructure were introduced mainly based on optical thin section analysis results. These parameters are of importance and physical meaning to describe particle shape, particle size distribution (PSD), and for numerical modeling of soil microstructure. A few parameters to depict particle geometry were proposed or improved. These parameters can be used to regenerate the particle shape and its distribution. Fractal dimension of particle shape was proposed to describe irregularity of particle shapes and capacity of space filling quantitatively. And the effect of fractal dimension of particle shape on soil strength was analyzed. At the same time, structural coefficient - a combined parameter which can quantify the overall microstructure of rock or soil was introduced to study Saprolite and the results are very positive. The study emphasized on the fractal characteristics of PSD and pore structure by applying fractal theory and method. With the results from thin section analysis and mercury injection, it was shown that at least two fractal dimensions Dfl(DB) and Df2 (Dw), exist for both PSD and pore structure. The reasons and physical meanings behind multi-fractal dimensions were analyzed. The fractal dimensions were used to calculate the formation depth and weathering rate of granite at Kowloon. As practical applications, correlations and mathematical models for fractal dimensions and engineering properties of soil were established. The correlation between fractal dimensions and mechanical properties of soil shows that the internal friction angle is mainly governed by Dfl 9 corresponding to coarse grain components, while the cohesion depends on Df2 , corresponding to fine grain components. The correlations between the fractal dimension, friction angle and cohesion are positive linear.Fractal models of PSD and pore size distribution were derived theoretically. Fragmentation mechanism of grains was also analyzed from the viewpoint of fractal. A simple function was derived to define the theoretical relationship between the water characteristic curve (WCC) and fractal dimension, based on a number of classical WCC models. This relationship provides a new analytical tool and research method for hydraulic properties in porous media and solute transportation. It also endues fractal dimensions with new physical meanings and facilitates applications of fractal dimensions in water retention characteristics, ground water movement, and environmental engineering.Based on the conclusions from the fractal characteristics of Saprolite, size effect on strength was expressed by fractal dimension. This function is in complete agreement with classical Weibull model and a simple function was derived to represent the relationship between them.In this thesis, the phenomenon of multi-fractal dimensions was theoretically analyzed and verified with WCC and saprolite PSD results, it was then concluded that multi-fractal can describe the characteristics of one object more accurately, compared to single fractal dimension. The multi-fractal of saprolite reflects its structural heterogeneity and changeable stress environment during the evolution history.
We study systematically the average property of fragmentation reaction and momentum dissipation induced by halo-nuclei in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions for different colliding systems and different beam energies within the isospin dependent quantum molecular dynamics model (IQMD). This study is based on the extended halo-nucleus density distributions, which indicates the average property of loosely inner halo nucleus structure, because the interaction potential and in-medium nucleon-nucleon cross section in IQMD model depend on the density distribution. In order to study the average properties of fragmentation reaction and momentum dissipation induced by halo-nuclei we also compare the results for the halo-nuclear colliding systems with those for corresponding stable colliding systems with same mass under the same incident channel condition. We find that the effect of extended halo density distribution on the fragment multiplicity and nuclear stopping (momentum dissipation) are important for the different beam energies and different colliding systems. For example the extended halo density distributions increase the fragment multiplicity but decrease the nuclear stopping for all of incident channel conditions in this paper.
It was based on the comparisons of the variance properties of fragment multiplicities FM's and nuclear stoppings R's for the neutron-halo colliding system with those of FZ's and R's for the proton-halo colliding system with the increases of beam energy in more detail, the closely correlations between the reaction mechanism and the inner structures of halo-nuclei is found. From above comparisons it is found that the variance properties of fragment multiplicities and nuclear stopping with the increases of beam energy are quite different for the neutron-halo and proton-halo colliding systems, such as the effects of loosely bound neutron-halo structure on the fragment multiplicities and nuclear stopping are obviously larger than those for the proton-halo colliding system. This is due to that the structures of halo-neutron nucleus Li-11 is more loosely than that of the proton-halo nucleus Al-23 in this paper. In this case, the fragment multiplicity and nuclear stopping of halo nuclei may be used as a possible probe for studying the reaction mechanism and the correlation between the reaction mechanism and the inner structure of halo-nuclei.
The material response and failure mechanism of unidirectional metal matrix composite under impulsive shear loading are investigated in this paper. Both experimental and analytical studies were performed. The shear strength of unidirectional C-f/A356.0 composite and A356.0 aluminum alloy at high strain rate were measured with a modified split Hopkinson torsional bar technique. The results indicated that the carbon fibers did not improve the shear strength of aluminum matrix if the fiber orientation aligned with the shear loading axis. The microscopic inspection of the fractured surface showed a multi-scale zigzag feature which implied a complicated shear failure mechanism in the composite. In addition to testing, the micromechanical stress field in the composite was analyzed by the generalized Eshelby equivalent method (GEEM). The influence of cracking in matrix on the micromechanical stress field was investigated as well. The results showed that the stress distribution in the composite is quite nonhomogeneous and very high shear stress concentrations are found in some regions in the matrix. The high shear stress concentration in the matrix induces tensile cracking at 45 degrees to the shear direction. This in turn aggravates the stress concentration at the fiber/matrix interface and finally leads to a catastrophic failure in the composite. From the correlation between the analysis and experimental results, the shear failure mechanism of unidirectional C-f/A356.0 composite can be elucidated qualitatively.
A Ni-B coating was prepared with EN using potassium borohydride reducing agent. The as-plated micro-structure of the coating was confirmed from XRD to be a mixture of amorphous and supersaturated solid solution. Three kinds of phase transformation were observed from the DSC curve. Different from the previous works, the formation of Ni4B3 and Ni2B was found during some transformation processes. The key factors which influence the variation of micro-hardness and micro-structure in deposits are the formation, the size and amount of Ni3B, Ni4B3 and Ni2B. Aging of the deposits treated under some heat treatment conditions occurred at room temperature. Changes of the micro-hardness indicated aging phenomena evidently. the natural aging phenomena are concerned with various kinds of decomposition of borides, especially with Ni4B3 phase. The extent of natural aging depends on the formation and the quantity of Ni(4)B3 and Ni2B.
The flow theory of mechanism-based strain gradient (MSG) plasticity is established in this paper following the same multiscale, hierarchical framework for the deformation theory of MSG plasticity in order to connect with the Taylor model in dislocation mechanics. We have used the flow theory of MSG plasticity to study micro-indentation hardness experiments. The difference between deformation and flow theories is vanishingly small, and both agree well with experimental hardness data. We have also used the flow theory of MSG plasticity to investigate stress fields around a stationary mode-I crack tip as well as around a steady state, quasi-statically growing crack tip. At a distance to crack tip much larger than dislocation spacings such that continuum plasticity still applies, the stress level around a stationary crack tip in MSG plasticity is significantly higher than that in classical plasticity. The same conclusion is also established for a steady state, quasi-statically growing crack tip, though only the flow theory can be used because of unloading during crack propagation. This significant stress increase due to strain gradient effect provides a means to explain the experimentally observed cleavage fracture in ductile materials [J. Mater. Res. 9 (1994) 1734, Scripta Metall. Mater. 31 (1994) 1037; Interface Sci. 3(1996) 169].
Slip-weakening is one of the characteristics of geological materials under certain loadings. Non-uniform rock structure may exist in the vicinity of the slip surface for a rock slope. Some portion of the slip surface may be penetrated but the other not. For the latter case, the crack or the fault surface will undergo shear deformation before it becomes a successive surface under a certain loading. As the slipped portion advances,slip-weakening occurs over a distance behind the crack tip. In the weakening zone, the shear strength will decrease from its peak value to residual friction level. The stress will redistribute along the surface of crack and in the weakening zone. Thus the changed local stress concentration leads the crack to extend and the ratio of penetration of the slip surface to increase. From the view of large-scale for the whole slip surface, the shear strength will decrease due to the damage of interior rock structure, and the faulted rock behaves as a softening material. Such a kind of mechanism performs in a large number of practical landslides in the zones experienced strong earthquakes. It should be noted that the mechanism mentioned above is different from that of the breakage of structural clay,in which the geological material is regarded as a medium containing structural lumps and structural bands. In this paper, the softening behavior of a faulted rock should be regarded as a comprehensive result of the whole complicated process including slip-weakening, redistribution of stress, extension of crack tip, and the penetration of the slip surface. This process is accompanied by progressive failure and abrupt structural damage. The size of slip-weakening zone is related to the undergoing strain. Once the relative slide is initiated (local or integrated), the effect of slip-weakening will behave in a certain length behind the crack tip until the formation of the whole slip surface.