24 resultados para fly catchers

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In this paper, the glass formation theory is applied to study the formation mechanism of the low leaching glassy slag during the process of plasma waste treatment. The research shows that SiO2 acts as network former to form a 3-dimensional Si-O tetrahedral network in which heavy metals are bonded or encapsulated, so the Si-O tetrahedron protect heavy metals against leaching from the vitrified slag or acid corrosion. For given chemical compositions of waste, the formation ability of the vitrified slag can be represented by the ratio of the whole oxygen ions to the whole network former ions in glass (O/Si) which is appropriate in the range of 2~3. A plasma arc reactor is used to conduct the vitrification experiments of two kinds of fly ashes with additives in which effects of various parameters including arc power, cooling speed, treatment temperature are studied. The chemical compositions of fly ashes are analyzed by X-ray fluorescence (XRF) spectrometry. The experimental results show that both cooling speed and O/Si have important influence on the formation of the vitrified slag, which is qualitatively in accordance with the predictions of the glass formation theory.


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The leaching of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) was measured in soil and standard fly ash column eluted with pure water and linear alkylbenzene sulfonate (LAS)- water. The data obtained were used to evaluate the leachability of PCDD/Fs from waste dump like incineration residual slag and fly ash deposition. The leaching rate was shown to be increased significantly by using LAS water. The leachate contents of PCDD/Fs were above their known water solubility. Concentration of PCDD/Fs in the leachates as well as the relative leaching (calculated on the fly ash content) increased with increasing chlorinating degree and decreasing water solubility. LAS above the critical micelle concentration (CMC) probably enhances PCDD/Fs solubility.


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This paper deals with an experimental study of air staging in a 1 MW (heat input power) tangentially fired pulverized coal furnace. The influences of several variables associated with air staging on NOx reduction efficiency and unburned carbon in fly ash were investigated, and these variables included the air stoichiometric ratio of primary combustion zone (SR1), the locations of over-fire air nozzles along furnace height, and the ratio of coal concentration of the fuel-rich stream to that of the fuel-lean one (RRL) in primary air nozzle. The experimental results indicate that SR1 and RRL have optimum values for NOx reduction, and the two optimum values are 0.85 and 3:1, respectively. NO, reduction efficiency monotonically increases with the increase of OFA nozzle location along furnace height. On the optimized operating conditions of air staging, NOx reduction efficiency can attain 47%. Although air staging can effectively reduce NOx emission, the increase of unburned carbon in fly ash should be noticed. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Full-scale experiments were performed on a 300 MWe utility boiler retrofitted with air staging. In order to improve boiler thermal efficiency and to reduce NOx emission, the influencing factors including the overall excessive air ratio, the secondary air distribution pattern, the damper openings of CCOFA and SOFA, and pulverized coal fineness were investigated. Through comprehensive combustion adjustment, NOx emission decreased 182 ppm (NOx reduction efficiency was 44%), and boiler heat efficiency merely decreased 0.21%. After combustion improvement, high efficiency and low NOx emission was achieved in the utility coal-fired boiler retrofitted with air staging, and the unburned carbon in ash can maintain at a desired level where the utilization of fly-ash as byproducts was not influenced.


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Various hazardous wastes with additives have been vitrified to investigate the formation mechanism of the glassy slag by a 30 kW DC plasma-arc reactor developed by the Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. The average temperature in the reaction area is controlled at 1500°C. The chemical compositions of three sorts of fly ashes are analyzed by XRF (X-Ray Fluorescence). Fly ashes with vitrifying additives can be vitrified to form glassy slag, which show that the ratio of the whole oxygen ions to the whole network former ions in glass (R) is appropriate in the range of 2~3 to form durable vitrified slag. In this experiment, the arc power is controlled below 5 kW to inhibit waste evaporation. To enhance the effects of heat transfer to wastes, ferrous powder has been added into the graphite crucible, which aggregates as ingot below the molten silicate after vitrification. The slag fails to form glass if the quenching rate is less than 1 K/min. Therefore, the slag will break into small chips due to the sharp quenching rate, which is more than 100 K/sec.


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紫茎泽兰(Eupatorium adenophorum)是臭名昭著的世界恶性杂草之一,目前全世界已有30多个国家和地区遭受到它的入侵危害,因此引起了全社会各方面广泛的关注。我国西南部是紫茎泽兰入侵并造成严重危害的地区之一,本文以四川省攀西地区紫茎泽兰入侵危害严重的生态系统为研究对象,分别对不同生境条件下各年龄紫茎泽兰的生长状况、幼苗生长动态、不同类型群落中紫茎泽兰的种群变化规律以及泽兰实蝇防治紫茎泽兰现状进行研究,分析紫茎泽兰生态学特征及入侵策略,以揭示紫茎泽兰的入侵机制。   不同生境条件下相同年龄紫茎泽兰其生长状况有很大的不同:当年生紫茎泽兰幼苗在偏阴和灌丛遮荫环境下生长状况优于偏阳生境下,一年生以上的成熟植株生长情况则相反;紫茎泽兰在其单优群落中的生长状况明显优于灌丛中伴生的紫茎泽兰,说明一定程度的遮荫、植被覆盖及竞争对紫茎泽兰生长有一定的抑制作用。不同种类的灌木对紫茎泽兰生长的影响亦有所不同,其中,马桑(Coriaria sinica)等冠幅较大、性喜阴湿的落叶类灌木对紫茎泽兰幼苗萌发、种群更新有庇护和促进作用,而其他类冠幅小、常绿或落叶、且生于干旱生境下的灌木,则不利于紫茎泽兰幼苗萌发及种群更新,有些甚至会产生化感物种抑制紫茎泽兰的生长。   紫茎泽兰种子萌发属投机式萌发,一年内只要有适合的温湿条件都可以萌发。种子萌发的高峰期主要集中在雨季,冬春干旱季节萌发率很低。紫茎泽兰为常绿半灌木,终年可持续生长,生长速率受光照、湿度和温度影响显著。秋季萌发的紫茎泽兰幼苗在越冬及干旱季节中,各项生长指标(包括主茎长度、总叶面积、基径等)增长缓慢,一年之内平均月增长量由高到低的顺序分别为:偏阳生境>全荫湿润生境>灌丛遮荫生境,生长旺期为雨季约6 ~10月份;秋季萌发越年生实生苗生长节律与当年生实生苗相似,但生长周期不同于雨季萌发苗,需经过两个冬季才能开花结实完成其生活史;紫茎泽兰生活史循环过程,通过有性生殖与无性生殖相互补的繁殖策略进行种群的更新与扩散,进而达到入侵的目的。   泽兰实蝇(Procecidochares utilis)作为天敌控制紫茎泽兰已经在国内外得到广泛的应用,但关于它对紫茎泽兰控制的有效性和防治现状的研究尚不深入。本文通过对攀西地区紫茎泽兰入侵危害严重的路域生态系统中泽兰实蝇寄生状况的抽样调查,初步研究了泽兰实蝇对紫茎泽兰生长,特别是生殖能力的影响。研究结果表明:1)植株寄生率与枝条寄生率有显著差异(p﹤0.05),分别为71.67% 和17.30%,前者显著高于后者;样方调查结果显示,成熟群落中枝条寄生率为17.48枝•m-2;1虫瘿•枝条-1的枝条占所有寄生枝条的92.30%;2)湿润生境下紫茎泽兰的枝条寄生率为20.27%,显著高于干旱生境下的枝条寄生率(9.33%)(p﹤0.05);3)不同年龄植株枝条寄生率有差异,0 ~1年生植株枝条寄生率分别为36.36%和21.56%,显著高于2 ~4年生的植株枝条寄生率,后者分别为13.50%,8.82%及12.16%(p﹤0.05);4)在目前的寄生强度下,泽兰实蝇对紫茎泽兰枝条的直径、花枝量、头状花序数及结实量均无显著影响(p﹥0.05)。因此可以推断,目前单一的引进泽兰实蝇进行天敌控制不能达到预期的防治目标,天敌的引入也应慎重考虑。   紫茎泽兰能够利用与当地大多数植物种类生长节律的时间差异,通过首先占领时间生态位而达到占据空间生态位,最终导致严重的入侵危害。在不同类型的群落中,紫茎泽兰种群利用不同的适应策略进行入侵。自然和人工播种样地中,紫茎泽兰种群与群落状况的变化规律均呈相反趋势。对于一个成熟的紫茎泽兰种群,一旦其定居后即能很好的利用时间和空间生态位的空缺的来促进其优势地位的增强和巩固,从而逐渐增加其入侵程度,造成越来越大的灾害;而对于一个郁蔽度较好且较完整的群落,紫茎泽兰通过幼苗进行扩张以达到入侵的途径通常比较困难,只有在发生人为活动干扰时,才有可能通过投机式繁殖方式进入群落内部定居,继而通过克隆生殖的方式进行入侵。


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The evolution of flight is the most important feature of birds, and this ability has helped them become one of the most successful groups of vertebrates. However, some species have independently lost their ability to fly. The degeneration of flight abilit


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Chimeric RNAs have been reported in varieties of organisms and are conventionally thought to be produced by trans-splicing of two or more distinct transcripts. Here, we conducted a large-scale search for chimeric RNAs in the budding yeast, fruit fly, mous


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The technique of mtDNA restriction fragments length polymorphism (RFLP) was used to survey the population structure of D. albomicans. Remarkable mtDNA polymorphism has been observed in D. albomicans populations. A total of 34 nucleomorphs were detected from 82 isofemale lines assayed by only 8 restriction enzymes. The cause and the effect of this phenomenon were discussed. As a result, it is suggested that a mechanism which maintains mtDNA diversity exists in this fly, and that the high intra-populational polymorphism could numerically conceal the extent of differentiation between populations. In addition, on the base of restriction maps, it was found that the mtDNA molecule of D. albomicans might be impacted by the selection pressure during its evolution process both on the nucleotide composition and on the functional regions.


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Extraction experiments with spiking of C-13(12)-PCDD/Fs were performed with a variety of PCDD/Fs contaminated samples. The extraction recovery of PCDD/Fs was mainly influenced by PCDD/Fs concentration and the sample matrix. Generally, the first soxhlet extraction with toluene has suitable recovery. From the selected samples, only FAMS4 and 5 which are fly ashes with high concentration, the recovery of the first soxhlet extraction with 24 hr. is low, but PCDD/Fs were almost completely removed after 72 hr. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd