16 resultados para coping, world assumptions, post-traumatic stress, post-traumatic growth, demographic differences
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Both organic pollution and eutrophication are prominent environmental issues concerning water pollution in the world. It is important to reveal the effects of organic pollutants on algal growth and toxin production for assessing ecological risk of organic pollution. Since nonylphenol (NP) is a kind of persistent organic pollutant with endocrine disruptive effect which exists ubiquitously in environments, NP was selected as test compound in our study to study the relationship between NP stress and Microcystis growth and microcystin production. Our study showed that responses of toxic and nontoxic Microcystis aeruginosa to NP stress were obviously different. The growth inhibition test with NP on M. aeruginosa yielded effect concentrations EbC50 values within this range of 0.67-2.96 mg/L. The nontoxic M. aeruginosa strains were more resistant to NP than toxic strains at concentration above 1 mg/L. Cell growth was enhanced by 0.02-0.2 mg/L NP for both toxic and nontoxic strains, suggesting a hormesis effect of NP on M. aeruginosa. Both toxic and nontoxic strains tended to be smaller with increasing NP. But with the increased duration of the experiment, both the cell size and the growth rate began to resume, suggesting a quick adaptation of M. aeruginosa to adverse stress. NP of 0.05-0.5 mg/L significantly promoted microcystin production of toxic strain PCC7820, suggesting that NP might affect microcystin production of some toxic M. aeruginosa in the field. Our study showed that microcystin excretion was species specific that up to 75% of microcystins in PCC7820 were released into solution, whereas > 99% of microcystins in 562 remained in algal cells after 12 days' incubation. NP also significantly influenced microcystin release into cultural media. The fact that NP enhanced growth and toxin production of M. aeruginosa at low concentrations of 0.02-0.5 mg/L that might be possibly found in natural freshwaters implies that low concentration of NP may favor survival of M. aeruginosa in the field and may play a subtle role in affecting cyanobacterial blooms and microcystin production in natural waters. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Decline of submersed macrophytes in Lake Donghu of China with the progress of eutrophication is assumedly due to low light stress by algae blooming. I conducted a laboratory experiment to study the impact of low-light stress on the growth of Potamogeton maackianus A. Been, a dominant submersed macrophyte of the lake before the 1970s. Plants were grown for six weeks in aquaria with Lake Donghu sediment and enriched water. Light delivered to aquaria was adjusted to simulate the typical Lake Donghu light intensities that exist at several water depths from 0.6m to 1.7m. Biomass growth of the plant was inversely related to light intensity at the simulated depths of greater than or equal to 1.0m (r = 0.96, p < 0.05, n=6) and was negative at the depths of greater than or equal to 1.4m. These results indicate that photosynthetic light saturation and compensation points of the plant in Lake Donghu should be ca. 0,9m and ca. 1.5m depths, respectively. Chlorophyll content, growth of main shoot, total shoot lengths and density of the plant all peaked at 1.2-1.3m simulated depths. These results indicate that P. maackianus responds to low light stress primarily by elongation of shoots, and increase of density. Its biomass growth and nutrient uptake rate did not correlate with the accelerated shoot growth. Below the light intensities of water deeper than 1.2-1.3m, shoot growth rate decreased. The flexible tolerant strategy of P. maackianus to low-light stress suggests that the disappearance of this plant from the lake was not mainly due to eutrophication-induced low-light stress.
Raman spectroscopy technique has been performed to investigate the stress induced in as-grown silicon-on-sapphire (SOS), solid-phase-epitaxy (SPE) re-grown SOS, and Si/gamma-Al2O3/Si double-heteroepitaxial thin films. It was demonstrated that the residual stress in SOS film, arising from mismatch and difference of thermal expansion coefficient between silicon and sapphire, was reduced efficiently by SPE process, and that the stress in Si/gamma-Al2O3/Si thin film is much smaller than that of as-grown SOS and SPE upgraded SOS films. The stress decrease for double heteroepitaxial film Si/gamma-Al2O3/Si mainly arises from the smaller lattice mismatching of 2.4% between silicon top layer and the gamma-Al2O3/Si epitaxiial composite substrate, comparing with the large lattice mismatch of 13% for SOS films. It indicated that gamma-Al2O3/Si as a silicon-based epitaxial substrate benefits for reducing the residual stress for further growth of silicon layer, compared with on bulk sapphire substrate. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
干旱环境常常由于多变的降水事件和贫瘠土壤的综合作用,表现出较低的生产力和较低的植被覆盖度。全球性的气候变暖和人类干扰必将使得干旱地区缺水现状越来越严竣。贫瘠土壤环境中已经很低的有效养分含量也将会随着干旱的扩大而越来越低。干旱与半干旱系统中不断加剧的水分与养分的缺失将严重限制植物的生长和植被的更新,必然会使得已经恶化的环境恶化速率的加快、恶化范围的加大。如何抑制这种趋势,逐步改善已经恶化的环境是现在和将来干旱系统管理者面临的主要关键问题。了解干旱系统本土植物对未来气候变化的适应机制,不仅是植物生态学研究的重要内容,也对人为调节干旱环境,改善干旱系统植被条件,提高植被覆盖度具有重要的实践意义。 本研究以干旱河谷优势灌木白刺花(Sophora davidii)为研究对象,通过两年大棚水分和施N控制实验和一个生长季野外施N半控制实验,从植物生长-生理-资源利用以及植物生长土壤环境特征入手,系统的研究了白刺花幼苗生长特性对干旱胁迫和施N的响应与适应机制,并试图探讨施N是否可调节干旱系统土壤环境,人工促进干旱条件下幼苗定居,最终贡献于促进植被更新实践。初步研究结论如下: 1)白刺花幼苗生长、生物量积累与分配以及水分利用效率对干旱胁迫和施N处理的适应白刺花幼苗株高、基径、叶片数目、叶面积、根长、生物量生产、相对含水量和水分利用效率随着干旱胁迫程度的增加而明显降低,但地下部分生物量比例和R/S随着干旱胁迫程度的增加而增加。轻度施N处理下幼苗株高、基径、叶片数目、叶片面积和生物量生产有所增加。但重度施N处理下这些生长指标表现出微弱甚至降低的趋势。严重干旱胁迫条件下,幼苗叶面积率、R/S、相对含水量和水分利用效率也以轻度施N处理为最高。 2)白刺花幼苗叶片光合生理特征对干旱胁迫和施N处理的适应叶片光合色素含量和叶片光合效率随着干旱胁迫程度的增加而显著降低,并且PS2系统在干旱胁迫条件下表现出一定程度的光损害。但是比叶面积随着干旱胁迫程度的增加而增加。在相对较好水分条件下幼苗净光合速率的降低可能是因为气孔限制作用,而严重干旱胁迫条件下非气孔限制可能是导致幼苗叶片光合速率下降的主要原因。叶片叶绿素含量、潜在光合能力、羧化效率、光合效率以及RUBP再生能力等在施N处理下得到提高,并因而改善干旱胁迫条件下光合能力和效率。虽然各荧光参数对施N处理并无显著的反应,但是干旱胁迫条件下qN和Fv/Fm在轻度施N处理下维持相对较高的水平,而两年连续处理后在严重干旱胁迫条件下幼苗叶片光合效率受到重度施N处理的抑制,并且Fv/Fm和qN也在重度施N处理下降低。 3)白刺花幼苗C、N和P积累以及N、P利用效率对干旱胁迫和施N处理的适应白刺花幼苗C、N和P的积累,P利用效率以及N和P吸收效率随干旱胁迫程度的增加而显著降低,C、N和P的分配格局也随之改变。在相同水分处理下,C、N和P的积累量、P利用效率以及N和P吸收效率在轻度施N处理下表现为较高的水平。然而,C、N和P的积累量和P利用效率在重度施N处理下不仅没有表现出显著的正效应,而且有降低的趋势。另外,在相同水分条件下白刺花幼苗N利用效率随着施N强度的增加而降低。 4)白刺花幼苗生长土壤化学与微生物特性对干旱胁迫和施N的适应白刺花幼苗生长土壤有机C、有效N和P含量也随干旱胁迫程度的增加而明显降低。干旱胁迫条件下土壤C/N、C/P、转化酶、脲酶和碱性磷酸酶活性的降低可能表明较低的N和P矿化速率。尽管微生物生物量C、N和P对一个生长季干旱胁迫处理无显著反应,但微生物生物量C和N在两年连续干旱胁迫后显著降低。土壤有机C和有效P含量在轻度施N处理下大于重度施N处理,但是有效N含量随着施N强度的增加而增加。微生物生物量C和N、碱性磷酸酶和转化酶活性也在轻度施N处理下有所增加。但是碱性磷酸酶活性在重度施N处理下降低。 5)野外条件下白刺花幼苗生长特征及生长土壤生化特性对施N的适应植物生长、生物生产量、C的固定、N、P等资源的吸收和积累、其它受限资源的利用效率(如P)在轻度施N处理下均有所增加,但N利用效率有所降低。幼苗生物生产量及C、N和P等资源的分配格局在轻度施N处理下也没有明显的改变。白刺花幼苗叶片数目、生物生产量和C、N、P的积累量在重度施N处理下虽然也相对于对照有所增加,但幼苗根系长度显著降低。生物量及资源(生物量、C、N、P)在重度施N处理下较多地分配给地上部分(主要是叶片)。另外,土壤有机C、全N和有效N含量随外源施N的增加而显著增加,土壤pH随之降低,但土壤全P含量并无显著反应。其中有机C含量和有效P含量以轻度施N处理最高。微生物生物量C、N和P在轻度施N处理下也显著增加,而微生物生物量C在重度施N处理下显著降低。同时,转化酶、脲酶、碱性磷酸酶和中性磷酸酶活性在施N处理下也明显的提高,但酸性磷酸酶和过氧化氢酶活性显著降低,其中碱性磷酸酶和中性磷酸酶活性以轻度施N处理最高。 综合分析表明,干旱河谷水分和N严重限制了白刺花幼苗的生长。施N不能完全改变干旱胁迫对白刺花幼苗的抑制的作用,但是由于施N增加土壤N有效性,改善土壤一系列生物与化学过程,幼苗的生长特性也对施N表现出强烈的反应,表现为植物结构与资源分配格局的改善,植物叶片光合能力与效率的提高,植物生长以及利用其他受限资源(如水分和P)的效率的增加,致使植物自身生长及其生长环境在干旱环境下得到改善。但是过度施N不仅不能起到改善干旱胁迫下植物生长环境、促进植物生长的作用,反而在土壤过程以及植物生长过程中加重干旱胁迫对植物的伤害。因此,建议在采用白刺花作为先锋种改善干旱河谷系统环境的实践中,可适当施加N以改善土壤环境,调节植物利用与分配资源的效率,促进植物定居,得到人工促进种群更新的目的。但在实践过程中也要避免过度施N。 Arid regions of the world are generally noted for their low primary productivity which is due to a combination of low, unpredictable water supply and low soil nutrient concentrations. The most serious effects of global climate change and human disturbances may well be those which related to increasing drought since drought stress has already been the principal constraint in plant growth. The decline in total rainfall and/or soil water availability expected for the next decades may turn out to be even more drastic under future warmer conditions. Nevertheless, water deficit is not the only limiting factor in arid and semiarid environments. Soils often suffer from nutrient (especially N and P) deficiencies in these ecosystems, which can also be worsened by climate change. How to improve the poor soil quality and enhance the vegetation coverage is always the problem facing ecosystem managers. The adaptive mechanisms of native plant to future climate change is always the focus in plant ecology, it also plays important roles in improving vegetation coverage by manual controlled programmes. Sophora davidii is a native perennial shrub of arid valleys, which is often predominant on eroded slopes and plays a vital role in retaining ecological stability in this region. It has been found that S. davidii was better adapted to dry environment than other shrubs, prompting its use for re-vegetation of arid lands. A two-years greenhouse experiment and a field experiment were conducted in order to understand the adaptation responses of Sophora davidii seedlings to different water and N conditions, and further explore if additional N supply as a modified role could enhance the adaptation ability of S. davidii seedlings to dry and infertile environment. Two-month old seedlings were subjected to a completely randome design with three water (80%, 40% and 20% water field capacity (FC)) and three N supply (N0: 0, Nl: 92 and Nh: 184 mg N kg-1 soil) regimes. Field experiment was arranged only by three N supplies in the dry valley. 1) The growth, biomass partitioning and water-use efficiency of Sophora davidii seedlings in respond to drought stress and N supply Seedlings height, basal diameter, leaf number, leaf area, root length, biomass production, relative water content (RWC) and WUE were decreased with increase of drought stress. An increase in below-ground biomass was observed indicating a higher root/shoot ratio (R/S) under drought stress conditions. Low N supply increased seedlings height, basal diameter, leaf number, leaf area, and biomass production, but decreased root length. In contrast, these growth characteristics showed little or negative effect to high N supply treatment. Leaf percentages increased with increase of N supply, but fine root percentages decreased. In addition, Low N supply rather than the other two N treatments increased leaf area ratio (LAR), leaf/fine root mass ratio (L/FR), R/S and RWC under severe drought stress (20%FC), even though these parameters could increase with the high N supply treatment under well-watered condition (80%FC). Moreover, Low N supply also increased WUE under three water conditions, but high N supply had little effect on WUE under drought stress conditions (40%FC and 20%FC). 2) Leaf gas exchange and fluorescence parameters of Sophora davidii seedlings in respond to drought stress and N supply Leaf area (LA), photosynthetic pigment contents, and photosynthetic efficiency were decreased with increase of drought stress, but specific leaf area (SLA) increased. Photodamage in photosystem 2 (PS2) was also observed under drought stress condition. The decreased net photosynthetic rate (PN) under relative well-watered water conditions might result from stomatal limitations, but the decreased PN under other hand, photosynthetic capacity by increasing LA, photosynthetic chlorophyll contents, Pnmax, CE, Jmax were increased with increase N supply, and photosynthetic efficiency was improved with N supply treatment under water deficit. Although N supply did a little in alleviating photodamages to PS2 caused by drought stress, low N supply enhanced qN and kept relative high Fv/Fm under drought stress condition. However, high N supply inhibited leaf photosynthetic efficiency, and declined Fv/Fm and qN under severe drought stress condition after two year continues drought stress and N supply. 3) Carbon accumulation, nitrogen and phosphorus use efficiency of Sophora davidii seedlings in respond to drought stress and N supply C, N and P accumulation, NUE , N and P uptake efficiency (NUtE and NUtE ) P N P were decreased with increase of drought stress regardless of N supply. On the other hand, the S. davidii seedlings exhibited strong responses to N supply, but the responses were inconsistent with the various N supply levels. Low N supply rather than the other two N treatments increased C, N and P accumulation, improved NUEP, NUtE and NUtE under corresponding water condition. In contrast, high N supply N P did few even depressed effects on C, N and P accumulation, and NUEP, although NUtEN and NUtEP could increase with high N supply under corresponding water conditions. Even so, a decrease of NUEN was observed with increase of N supply under corresponding water conditions. 4) Soil microbial and chemical characters in respond to drought stress and N supply The content of soil organic C, available N and P were decreased with increase of drought stress. Decreases in C/N and C/P, and invertase, urea and alkaline phosphatase activity were also observed under drought stress conditions, indicating a lower N and P mineralization rate. Although microbial biomass C, N and P showed slight responses to drought stress after one growth period treatment, microbial biomass C and N were also decreased with increase of drought stress after two year continuous treatment. The content of soil organic C and available P showed the stronger positive responses to low N supply than which to high N supply, although than the other two N treatments increased microbial biomass N and invertase activity under severe drought stress condition, even though invertase activity could increase with high N supply treatment under relative well-water conditions. Moreover, low N supply treatment also increased C/P and alkaline phosphatase activity which might result from higher P mineralization, but high N supply did negative effects on alkaline phosphatase activity. 5) The growth characteristics of Sophora davidii seedlings and soil microbial and chemical characters in respond to N supply under field condition Low N supply facilitated seedlings growth by increasing leaf number, basal diameter, root length, biomass production, C, N and P accumulation and absorption, and enhancing the use efficiency of other limited resources as P. Compared to control, however, low N supply did little effect on altering biomass, C, N and P portioning in seedlings components. On the contrary, high N supply treatment also increased leaf number, biomass and C, N and P accumulation relative to control, but significantly decreased root length, and altered more biomass and resources to above-ground, which strongly reduced the ability of absorbing water under drought condition, and thus which might deep the drought stress. In addition, N supply increased soil C, N and available N content, but declined pH and showed little effects on P content. Low N supply showed higher values of soil C and available P content. Low N supply also increased microbial biomass C, N and P, although high N supply decreased microbial biomass C. N supply significantly enhanced soil invertase, urea, alkaline and neutral phosphratase activity, while declined acid phosphratase and catalase activity. Low N supply exhibited higher alkaline and neutral phosphratase activity compared to the others. The results from this study indicated that both drought and N limited the growth of S. davidii seedlings and their biomass production. Regardless of N supply levels, drought stress dramatically reduced the seedlings growth and biomass production. Although plant growth parameters, including basal diameter, height, leaf number, and biomass and their components were observed to be positive responses to low N supply, N supply alone can not alter the diminishing tendency which is caused by drought. available N content increased with increase N supply. In addition, low N supply rather These findings imply that drought played a primary limitation role and N was only the secondary. Even so, appropriate N supply was seemed to enhance the ability that S. davidii seedlings adapted to the xeric and infertile environment by improving soil processes, stimulating plant growth, increasing recourses accumulation, enhancing use efficiency of other limited resources, and balancing biomass and resources partitioning. Appropriate N supply, therefore, would be recommended to improve S. davidii seedling establishment in this region, but excess N supply should be avoided.
The aim of this research is to explore the relationships between school avoidance tendency and school stressors, stress response, social support, coping style of secondary school students. Three studies were carried out. School avoidance tendency scale, mental health scale, coping style scale of secondary school students from Japan were revised in the first research. In the second research, the difference in gender, cities, grades of five variables were discussed. In the third research, the relationships of five variables were discussed. A total of 883 students from grade one of middle school to grade 3 of high school in Beijing, Taiyuan and Wulanchabu, completed three scales. Analysis showed that: 1. The main effects of city, gender, and grade were present significantly on School avoidance tendency, and the inter-effects were not significant. The differences were significant between three grades of middle schools, and not significant between three grades of high schools. The high school students were significant than middle school students on school avoidance tendency. 2. The main effect of city was not significant, but gender, and grade were present significantly on stressor, and the inter-effects were not significant. The most stressor was study one, than the relationship stressor from teachers. The relationship stressor from friends was at least. 3. The main effects of city and grade were present significantly on stress responses, but the main effect of gender was not significant, and the inter-effect was not significant. The most stress response was the physical response. 4. The main effects of city and gender, the inter-effect were not present significantly on social supports. The main effect of grade was present significantly. The most social support was from mother, than from friends, father, and the teachers. 5. The differences between cites on coping styles were not significant. Positive coping style was used mostly, than the style of help requirement, cognitive coping style. 6. Stressor and stress responses had significant positive predictive role on school avoidance tendency. Social supports had negative predictive role. Social supports had not moderator role between stressor, stress responses and schools avoidance tendency. Stress responses had a part of mediator between stressor and school avoidance tendency. 7. In the coping styles, positive coping style and help requirement style had negative predictive role, but cognitive coping style had positive predictive role on school avoidance tendency. Coping styles had negative predictive role. Coping styles had not moderator role between stressor, stress responses and school avoidance tendency.
Objectives:To investigate stressor and stress level,coping styles and mental health of male nursing undergraduates in clinical practice;To find out the factors that influence mental health of male nursing undergraduates in clinical practice and to put forward some suggestions to improve the mental health status of male nursing undergraduates. Methods: After doing many literaturere search both at home and abroad,I gather further consulting many nursing undergraduates in clinical practice,Finally I formulate the “Nursing Student's Clinical Stressor Scale”.80 male nursing ungraduates from Bengbu Medical Colledge were recruited. While 140 female nursing ungraduates who were in clinical practice in the same period of time were taken as a comparative group.The following questionnaire package including a background questionnair,Nursing Student's Clinical Stressor Scale NSCSS,Simplified Coping Style Questionnaire SCSQ,The Symptom Checklist 90 SCL-90 were distributed and collected together in the 14th week during the clinical practice.Of the 220 questionnaires were distributed and 198 were found to valid,the valid callback rate was 92%.The endudeed 77 were male and 121 were female .Statistices analysis was performed by SPSS13.0 and AMOS5.0 software. Results: 1.25% of male nursing undergraduates had a higher level of stress, mainly from employment,major,working nature,working contents and so on.Compared with female nursing undergraduates,male nursing undergraduates underwent a higher pressure in the employment and the profession aspect,but lower in their insufficient knowledge and ability.There was a significant negative correlation between the male undergraduates’ stress level and their satisfaction degree to clinical nursing teaching and the professional title of the clinical teachers,but it was positively correlated with their family monthly income. Stress level of female nursing undergraduates positively related with the number of children in their families,but negatively correlated with their family monthly income; 2.Male nursing undergraduates' coping style both positive and negative coping styles were adopted by male nursing undergraduates but mean at while positive coping styles.The positive coping styles adopted by male nursing undergraduates were significantly lower than that adopted by female nursing undergraduates; 3.The scores of depression,interpersonal sensitivity and anxiety in male nursing undergraduates were significantly higher than those of the nationwide youths norm.Alist all subscales scores of male nursing group were more than those of female nursing undergraduates except for fear subscale. Mental health of male nursing undergraduates was inversly correlated with the professional title of the clinical teachers and satisfaction of their majors; 4.Among male nursing undergraduates,the total score of stress and most subscale(except working nature and working contents,employment)scores of stress were positively correlated with the negative coping styles.The scores of stress level was positively correlated with the scores of SCL-90,Negative coping styles was positively correlated with the scores of SCL-90 among male nursing undergraduates,while positive coping styles were inversly correlated with most subscales(except phobic,paranoia,psychoticism)scores of SCL-90. Conclusions: 1.25% male nursing undergraduates have a higher level of stress,which is from employment, profession,working nature and working contents,financial difficulties and so on.The coping styles adopted by male nursing undergraduates were mainly positive coping styles.The mental health of male nursing undergraduates were lower; 2.Different genders have significant differences between stressors, coping style and mental health; 3.Stress,coping style,satisfaction degree to clinical nursing teaching and the professional title of the clinical teachers are predietors of mental health among male nursing undergraduates.
A transmission electron microscopy (TEM) study has been carried out to uncover how dislocations and twins accommodate large plastic strains and accumulate in very small nanocrystalline Ni grains during low-temperature deformation. We illustrate dislocation patterns that suggest preferential deformation and nonuniform defect storage inside the nanocrystalline grain. Dislocations are present in individual and dipole configurations. Most dislocations are of the 60 degrees type and pile up on (111) slip planes. Various deformation responses, in the forms of dislocations and twinning, may simultaneously occur inside a nanocrystalline grain. Evidence for twin boundary migration has been obtained. The rearrangement and organization of dislocations, sometimes interacting with the twins, lead to the formation of subgrain boundaries, subdividing the nanograin into mosaic domain structures. The observation of strain (deformation)-induced refinement contrasts with the recently reported stress-assisted grain growth in nanocrystalline metals and has implications for understanding the stability and deformation behavior of these highly nonequilibrium materials.
AlGaN/GaN high electron mobility transistor (HEMT) hetero-structures were grown on the 2-in Si (1 1 1) substrate using metal-organic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD). Low-temperature (LT) AlN layers were inserted to relieve the tension stress during the growth of GaN epilayers. The grown AlGaN/GaN HEMT samples exhibited a maximum crack-free area of 8 mm x 5 mm, XRD GaN (0 0 0 2) full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) of 661 arcsec and surface roughness of 0.377 nm. The device with a gate length of 1.4 mu m and a gate width of 60 mu m demonstrated maximum drain current density of 304 mA/mm, transconductance of 124 mS/mm and reverse gate leakage current of 0.76 mu A/mm at the gate voltage of -10 V. (C) 2008 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
High quality ZnO films have been successfully grown on a Si (100) substrate by metal organic chemical vapour deposition with a gamma-Al2O3 buffer. The crystal structure, surface morphology and optical properties of the ZnO films were characterized by x-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, atomic force microscopy and photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The propel-ties of the films with the Al2O3 buffer were improved in comparison with those of as-grown ZnO films. It is shown that the ZnO films with the gamma-Al2O3 buffer grown on Si (100) substrates have a highly-preferential c-axis (0002) orientation, a narrow (0002) peak, smooth surface morphology and better PL spectral properties. This demonstrates that the use of gamma-Al2O3/Si as a ZnO substrate is beneficial for reducing the residual stress for further growth of ZnO films, compared with the growth on bulk Si substrates.
The growth morphologies of metalorganic chemical vapor deposition (MOCVD) grown GaN layer on Si(111) substrate were studied using atomic force microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. It was found that the growth process of GaN/Si(111) consisted of two cycles of island growth and coalescence. These two cycles process differs markedly from that of one cycle process reported. The stress of evolving GaN layers on Si(111) was characterized by measuring the lattice constant c of GaN using X-ray diffraction (XRD) technique. It was proposed that the large tensile stress within the film during growth initiated this second island growth cycle, and the interaction between the GaN islands with high orientational fluctuation on the buffer layer induced this large tensile growth stress when coalescence occurred. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
An effective-mass formulation for superlattices grown on (11N)-oriented substrates is given. It is found that, for GaAs/AlxGa1-xAs superlattices, the hole subband structure and related properties are sensitive to the orientation because of the large anisotropy of the valence band. The energy-level positions for the heavy hole and the optical transition matrix elements for the light hole apparently change with orientation. The heavy- and light-hole energy levels at k parallel-to = 0 can be calculated separately by taking the classical effective mass in the growth direction. Under a uniaxial stress along the growth direction, the energy levels of the heavy and light holes shift down and up, respectively; at a critical stress, the first heavy- and light-hole energy levels cross over. The energy shifts caused by the uniaxial stress are largest for the (111) case and smallest for the (001) case. The optical transition matrix elements change substantially after the crossover of the first heavy- and light-hole energy has occurred.
杨树具有分布广、适应性强,在生态环境治理和解决木材短缺方面均占有重要位置。青杨(Populus cathayana Rehd.)是青杨派树种的重要成员之一,也是我国的特有种。本研究通过对不同水分梯度的干旱胁迫下青杨形态和生理生化的反应,不同pH值盐碱胁迫下不同海拔和不同气候地区的四个青杨种群在生理生态上的反应差异,以及在干旱和低温胁迫下青杨lea2, lea3组基因表达差异的研究,从形态、生理、生化和分子生物学水平系统地研究了青杨在不同逆境胁迫下的反应和青杨不同种群在盐碱胁迫下的反应差异。主要研究结果如下: 1. 青杨在干旱胁迫下的反应机制:中度和重度干旱胁迫下植株的生长受到明显抑制。表现在光合系统上青杨的净光合同化速率(A)下降,主要原因是气孔导度(gs),胞间二氧化碳浓度(Ci)下降。另外最大量子产量(Fv/Fm)、光化学猝灭效率(qP)降低反应了干旱胁迫下光合系统II(PSII)受到严重损伤, 而且非光化学猝灭效率(qN)上升,导致可利用化学能产量下降,叶绿体产生淀粉的量减少。qP降低qN上升导致产生的过量电子对光合系统的伤害造成活性氧以及丙二醛(MDA)的含量增加。超微解剖结构显示,干旱胁迫增强时,叶绿体内淀粉粒的数目减少,而且叶绿体、线粒体等细胞器中嗜锇颗粒的数目增加。为清除细胞内的活性氧,植物一般的反应是抗氧化系统酶活性增加,对青杨来讲超氧化物歧化酶(SOD), 抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APx)活性的增加远大于过氧化物酶(POD),这显示了在青杨中SOD、APx酶在清除活性氧的作用上大于POD。另外同工酶研究结果显示这些酶活性的升高主要是由于各条同工酶带表达量的增加,而不是诱导新酶带的产生。另外,75% FC水分处理下有些指标非但没有下降,像A和有效光量子产量(Y)的值都略有增加,而且gs同时增加。另外,100% FC比75% FC细胞内淀粉粒的数目少一些,但有少量的嗜锇颗粒。这证明100% FC土壤水分也许并非最适合青杨生长。 2. 盐碱胁迫对不同海拔地区青杨种群的反应差异:青杨高海拔和低海拔种群的各种生理特性随着pH值上升都受到了很大的影响。两种群叶和根中Na+、K+ 含量, Na+/K+比率随着pH值的上升影响显著。在pH值高于10.4时高海拔种群叶和根中Na+/K+比率急剧下降但是低海拔种群中却一直维持在较高水平。两种群中MDA、脯氨酸(Proline)的含量,抗氧化系统酶的活性都受到了严重的影响,证明两个种群都属于盐碱胁迫敏感类型但是高海拔的种群对盐碱胁迫的耐性要高于低海拔。这主要是由于高海拔种群一般具有耐干旱、低温胁迫的能力,而植物的抗逆机制一般都有共通之处。 3. 盐碱胁迫对不同气候地区青杨种群的反应差异:盐碱胁迫下两种群的光合作用受到明显的抑制,具体表现在叶绿素的含量和A 显著下降。净光合速率的下降主要是由于叶片gs,Ci 值降低引起的。与湿润地区的种群相比盐碱胁迫增强时,干旱地区的种群叶绿素含量和光合能力的升高与K+离子含量增加有关。植物维持细胞质高K+/Na+值对植物的抗盐性有很重要的作用。为清除盐碱胁迫产生的活性氧,抗氧化系统酶活性增加。盐碱胁迫下干旱地区的种群在SOD、CAT 和谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)等酶的活性均显著上升,而湿润地区种群只有谷胱甘肽氧化酶(GST)的活性明显增加,说明干旱种群的抗氧化酶系统在较高盐碱胁迫下的保护作用要强于湿润种群。这主要是由于植物抗盐碱胁迫与抗干旱胁迫在一些方面的机制是一致的,抗旱种群一般也能抵抗一定程度的盐碱胁迫。 4. 青杨lea2、lea3 基因在干旱和低温胁迫下的表达差异:通过荧光定量PCR 分析,lea2、lea3 组基因在干旱和低温胁迫下在mRNA 水平的瞬时表达量明显升高,说明了两基因在青杨耐干旱和低温胁迫上都起显著的作用。而且两基因在干旱胁迫下,表达量的升高和降低的时间近乎同步,表明两基因在干旱胁迫下对植物应急保护机制的启动都发挥着重要的作用。低温胁迫下lea3 基因在mRNA 水平上表达量显著上升的时间要早于lea2,而且lea3 基因的持续作用时间明显长于lea2 组基因,说明了低温胁迫开始时lea3基因在植物应对逆境的作用上要大于lea2 基因。 Poplars play an important role in lumber supply, and are important components of ecosystems due to their wide distribution and well adaptation. Populus cathayana Rehd., which belongs to Populus Sect. Tacamahaca Spach, is one of the most important resources of poplars and is specialist to china. In this study, different altitudes and climates populations of P. cathayana were used as experiment materials to investigate the adaptability to drought and salt-alkali stresses. And the cultures of P. cathayana were used to analyze the lea2 and 3 group genes expression when exposed to drought and low temperature stresses. The results are as follows: 1. A large set of parallel responses to drought stress: Drought stress caused pronounced growth inhibition. A decreased significantly and was mainly the result of gs and Ci down. Besides, Fv/Fm, qP decreased and that reflected the harmful effects to PSII of drought stress. In accordance with qN increasing, decreased useful energy production caused the starch numbers reduction in chloroplast. The qP up and qN down improved the levels of ROS and MDA. Starch numbers in chloroplast reduced and plastoglobuli numbers increased when soil water content decreased. To reduce ROS, the activities of SOD, APX, CAT and PPO were activated. The isozymes results show that the rising activities of the antioxidant enzymes resulted from certain isoform content increased, and not from the new band produced. Interestingly, morphological results show 100%FC maybe wasn’t the favorite water content for P. cathayana growth. 2. Effect of salt-alkali stress on morphological and physiological changes in two different altitudes populations of P. cathayana: We compared the physiological responses of two populations of Populus cathayana Rehder, originating from altitudes 2,840 m and 1,450 m. Our results demonstated that Na+ and K+ contents, and Na+/K+ ratios in leaves and roots are greatly affected by pH values. At pH 10.4, the Na+/K+ ratios in both leaves and roots sharply dropped in the higher altitude population but were always maintained at higher levels in the lower altitude population. The pH values causing maximum malondialdehyde (MDA) level, free proline content and antioxidant enzyme activities were significantly different in two populations. These results indicated that the higher altitude population exhibits greater tolerance to alkalinity stress than does the lower altitude population. 3. Morphological and physiological changes in two different climates populations of P. cathayana when exposed to salt-alkali stress. Salt-alkali stress caused pronounced inhibition of the growth and especially in photosystem. Pigments content and A decreased significantly and at the same time gs and Ci decreased too. Compared with wet climate population, the Chlorophyll content and A increased in drought climate population as pH value rising was related to the K+ content increasing. It is important to resist salt-alkali stress that the K+/Na+ ratio matained at high level in cytoplasm. To reduce ROS content, the SOD, CAT and GR activities rised significantly in drought population but only GST increased in wet population. The drought population showed higher salt-alkali tolerance than the wet population mainly resulted from the fact that drought tolerance was in accordance with salt-alkali tolerance to some extent. 4. The different expressional model of lea2 and lea3 gene when P. cathayana was exposed to drought and cold stress. RT-PCR results show both lea2 and lea3 suddenly expressed significantly in mRNA level under drought and cold stress. The expression level of two genes reached optimal level at the same time. But under cold stress, the earlier significantly rising expressional time and the longer maintained higher level time in lea3 than lea2 elucidated that lea3 may be more important than lea2 in resisting cold stress in short time in P. cathayana.
In order to study the earthquake recurrence and the characteristics of earthquake series, rupture tests of rock samples and plexiglass samples were made. On rock samples, a number of acoustic emission (AE) and strain measuring points were deployed; the load was one side direct shear. The variation characteristics of AE and strain at different detecting points around the extra large fracture were observed and studied. On plexiglass samples, a series of inclined cracks were prefabricated by a small-scale compressive testing machine. The samples were then loaded on a shockproof platen, when the samples were loaded, the stress intensity factor (SIF) was determined by the laser interferometric technique and shadow optical method of caustics. The fracture conditions such as material toughness around the extra large fracture were also studied. From those experimental results and the theory of fracture mechanics, the earthquake recurrence period and the trend of post-seismic development were studied.
EXPERIMENTS carried out using a split Hopkinson torsional bar have shown that only one shear band develops in specimens of hot rolled steel which break during testing. We observed, however, that in specimens which were not deformed to failure, several fine shear bands appeared. We believe that these formed during the loading cycle before the appearance of the final shear band and were not due to the effect of unloading. So we developed a numerical model to study the evolution of shear banding from several finite amplitude disturbances (FADs) in both temperature and strain rate. This numerical model reveals the detailed processes by which the FADs evolve into a fully developed shear band and suggests that beyond instability, the so-called shear banding process consists of two stages: inhomogeneous shearing and true shear-banding. The latter is characterized by the collapse of the stress and an abrupt increase of the local shear strain rate.
Repeated vivid recalls or flashbacks of traumatic memories and memory deficits are the cardinal features of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). The underlying mechanisms are not fully understood yet. Here, we examined the effects of very strong fear conditioning (20 pairings of a light with a 1.5-mA, 0.5-s foot shock) and subsequent reexposure to the conditioning context (chamber A), a similar context (chamber B), and/or to the fear conditioned stimulus (CS) (a light) on synaptic plasticity in the hippocampal CA1 area in anesthetized Sprague-Dawley rats. The conditioning procedure resulted in very strong conditioned fear, as reflected by high levels of persistent freezing, to both the contexts and to the CS, 24 h after fear conditioning. The induction of long-term potentiation ON was blocked immediately after fear conditioning. It was still markedly impaired 24 h after fear conditioning; reexposure to the conditioning chamber A (CA) or to a similar chamber 13 (CB) did not affect the impairment. However, presentation of the CS in the CA exacerbated the impairment of LTP, whereas the CS presentation in a CB ameliorated the impairment so that LTP induction did not differ from that of control groups. The induction of long-term depression (LTD) was facilitated immediately, but not 24 h, after fear conditioning. Only reexposure to the CS in the CA, but not reexposure to either chamber A or B alone, or the CS in chamber B, 24 h after conditioning, reinstated the facilitation of LTD induction. These data demonstrate that unconditioned and conditioned aversive stimuli in an intense fear conditioning paradigm can have profound effects on hippocampal synaptic plasticity, which may aid to understand the mechanisms underlying impairments of hippocampus-dependent memory by stress or in PTSD. (c) 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.