14 resultados para actuation

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Electrowetting (EW) is an effective way to manipulate small volume liquid in micro- and nano-devices, for it can improve its wettability. Since the late 1990s, electrowetting-on-dielectric (EWOD) has been used widely in bio-MEMS, lab-on-a-chip, etc. Polydimethlsiloxane (PDMS) is extensively utilized as base materials in the fabrication of biomedical micro- and nano-devices. The properties of thin PDMS films used as dielectric layer in EW are studied in this paper. The experimental results show that the thin PDMS films exhibit good properties in EWOD. As to PDMS films with different thicknesses, a threshold voltage and a hysteresis were observed in the EIWOD experiments.


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Electrowetting is one of the most effective methods to enhance wettability. A significant change of contact angle for the liquid droplet can result from the surface microstructures and the external electric field, without altering the chemical composition of the system. During the electrowetting process on a rough surface, the droplet exhibits a sharp transition from the Cassie-Baxter to the Wenzel regime at a low critical voltage. In this paper, a theoretical model for electrowetting is put forth to describe the dynamic electrical control of the wetting behavior at the low voltage, considering the surface topography. The theoretical results are found to be in good agreement with the existing experimental results. (c) Koninklijke Brill NV, Leiden, 2008.


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Polydimethylsiloxane ( PDMS) has become the most widely used silicon-based organic polymer in bio-MEMS/NEMS devices. However, the inherent hydrophobic nature of PDMS hinders its wide applications in bio-MEMS/NEMS for efficient transport of liquids. Electrowetting is a useful tool to reduce the apparent contact angle of partially wetting conductive liquids and has been utilized widely in bio-MEMS/NEMS. Our experimental results show that the thin PDMS membranes exhibit good properties in electrowetting-on-dielectric. The electrical instability phenomenon of droplets was observed in our experiment. The sessile droplet lying on the PDMS membrane will lose its stability with the touch of the wire electrode to make the apparent contact angle change suddenly larger than 35 degrees. Contact mode can protect the dielectric layer from electrical breakdown effectively. Electrical breakdown process of dielectric layer was recorded by a high speed camera. It is found experimentally that a PDMS membrane of 4.8 mu m thick will not be destroyed due to the electric breakdown even at 800 V in the contact mode.


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Electrowetting on dielectrics has been widely used to manipulate and control microliter or nanoliter liquids in micro-total-analysis systems and laboratory on a chip. We carried out experiments on electrowetting on a lotus leaf, which is quite different from the equipotential plate used in conventional electrowetting. This has not been reported in the past. The lotus leaf is superhydrophobic and a weak conductor, so the droplet can be easily actuated on it through electrical potential gradient. The capillary motion of the droplet was recorded by a high-speed camera. The droplet moved toward the counterelectrode to fulfill the actuation. The actuation speed could be of the order of 10 mm/s. The actuation time is of the order of 10 ms.


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Electrowetting on dielectrics has been widely used to manipulate and control microliter or nanoliter liquids in micro-total-analysis systems and laboratory on a chip. We carried out experiments on electrowetting on a lotus leaf which is quite different from the equipotential plate used in conventional electrowetting. This has not been reported in the past. The lotus leaf is superhydrophobic and a weak conductor so the droplet can be easily actuated on it through electrical potential gradient. The capillary motion of the droplet was recorded by a high-speed camera. The droplet moved toward the counterelectrode to fulfill the actuation. The actuation speed could be of the order of 10 mm/s. The actuation time is of the order of 10 ms.


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液滴是自然界中普遍存在的一种物质形态。非连续微流体(液滴)是近年来微流体技术重要发展方向之一。对液滴的产生、启动、移动、合并、分离和碰撞过程的研究对于航天、微纳系统、电子显示、计算机冷却、喷墨、生物医学等学科领域有着重要的应用价值。液滴属于软物质,其力学性质介于流体和固体之间,其类固体(solid-like)行为来自于曲率产生的Laplace压力和表面张力的约束。对液滴动力学行为的研究有着重要的学术价值。 本文的主要工作是针对生物微电子机械系统(Bio-MEMS)以及柔性微纳电子加工中常用的材料聚二甲基硅氧烷(Polydimethylsiloxane,PDMS)为基底的液滴动力学实验研究。 液滴是一个理想的微反应器,许多实验可以集成在一个液滴或多个液滴内完成。液滴本身的动力学特性对于实验的完成效率和质量有着重要的影响。液滴的微操控技术包括多相流法、电润湿法、热毛细管法、介电泳法等。液滴的动力学特性受到基底的影响非常大,包括基频、振动模态、运动过程等均随基底的润湿性、弹性模量的变化而有所变化。 在Bio-MEMS以及柔性微纳电子加工当中,PDMS扮演着越来越重要的角色,尤其是PDMS的润湿性和电润湿特性。目前的PDMS在Bio-MEMS当中主要是用于制备各种微流道。常见的问题主要是一方面PDMS是疏水材料,影响流体的输运。另一方面是液体在这种低Reynolds数情况下不易混合,反应效率低。本文提出了在PDMS表面溅射纳米厚度的金来减小PDMS表观接触角的方法。这种方式在特定喷金量的情况下可以在PDMS表面产生多层次的压应力波纹。这种压应力波纹对于柔性微纳电子加工,以及微流道中加速流体混合有着非常重要的作用。 电润湿是另一种可以使PDMS亲水化的方法。实验证明,PDMS具有较好的电润湿性质。此外电润湿也是目前操纵液滴的主要方式。目前一个常见的问题是电击穿现象阻碍了驱动电压的低压化,且低Reynolds数情况下液滴的混合效率偏低。此外电极还会由于少量电解的发生导致腐蚀及对液体样品的污染。本文提出了接触式的电润湿,在电极逐渐触碰液滴的过程中,液滴发生百Hz的失稳振动,稳定后接触角减小。这种电润湿模式可以有效的提高临界击穿电压,避免液滴被腐蚀后的电极污染,同时可以加快液滴的混合效率。其失稳特征时间在10 ms量级,这恰是所用液滴特征尺度在1 mm左右的电润湿器件的最快响应时间。并采用液滴振动的理论估算了液滴的失稳时间,同时还考虑了基底润湿性对液滴振动过程的影响。 液滴的启动是电润湿操控液滴过程中的重要环节。通常的液滴启动都是在非连续基底上依靠逻辑电路产生的电势变化来驱动液滴。无论是逻辑电路的设计还是驱动装置的加工都非常复杂。本文首次实现了在超疏水生物样品荷叶上的液滴启动,启动速度为数十毫米/秒,启动时间为10 ms量级。并利用PDMS成功的仿制了荷叶结构实现了超疏水的PDMS表面,荷叶同仿荷叶的PDMS超疏水表面具有相近的润湿性。 在数字微流体操控液滴的过程中,液滴的合并涉及液滴的碰撞,而且MEMS系统当中利用液滴撞击进行冷却的实验已经有所开展。同时理解液滴碰撞还对许多领域包括生物、化学、喷墨、大气物理等有着非常重要的作用。本文实验研究了Weber数和毛细数对液滴碰撞过程的影响,通过改变Weber数和毛细数得到了四种不同的响应模式。


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More and more piezoelectric materials and structures have been used for structure control in aviation and aerospace industry. More efficient and convenient computation method for large complex structure with piezoelectric actuation devices is required. A load simulation method of piezoelectric actuation is presented in this paper. By this method, the freedom degree of finite element simulation is significantly reduced, the difficulty in defining in-plane voltage for multi-layers piezoelectric composite is overcome and the transfer computation between material main direction and the element main direction is simplified. The concept of simulation load is comprehensible and suitable for engineers of structure strength in shape and vibration control, thereby is valuable for promoting the application of piezoelectric material and structures in practical aviation and aerospace fields.


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A review of the recent progress of actuation control technique of DNA samples in micro-device of continuous-flow polymer ase chain reaction biochip,Covering mainly the years from 1985 tO 2006 was presented in this paper,pertaining especially to the actuation by constant flow pumps(actuated with injection pump and peristaltic pump),by rotary pump,and magnetohydrodynamic actuation and natural convection actuation;and a brief discussion On the merits and defects of various ways of actuation was also given(43 ref.cited).


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An arch-shaped beam with different configurations under electrostatic loading experiences either the direct pull-in instability or the snap-through first and then the pull-in instability. When the pull-in instability occurs, the system collides with the electrode and adheres to it, which usually causes the system failure. When the snap-through instability occurs, the system experiences a discontinuous displacement to flip over without colliding with the electrode. The snap-through instability is an ideal actuation mechanism because of the following reasons: (1) after snap-through the system regains the stability and capability of withstanding further loading; (2) the system flips back when the loading is reduced, i.e. the system can be used repetitively; and (3) when approaching snap-through instability the system effective stiffness reduces toward zero, which leads to a fast flipping-over response. To differentiate these two types of instability responses for an arch-shaped beam is vital for the actuator design. For an arch-shaped beam under electrostatic loading, the nonlinear terms of the mid-plane stretching and the electrostatic loading make the analytical solution extremely difficult if not impossible and the related numerical solution is rather complex. Using the one mode expansion approximation and the truncation of the higher-order terms of the Taylor series, we present an analytical solution here. However, the one mode approximation and the truncation error of the Taylor series can cause serious error in the solution. Therefore, an error-compensating mechanism is also proposed. The analytical results are compared with both the experimental data and the numerical multi-mode analysis. The analytical method presented here offers a simple yet efficient solution approach by retaining good accuracy to analyze the instability of an arch-shaped beam under electrostatic loading.


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<正>Elasto-capillarity has drawn much of scientists' attention in the past several years.By inducing electric field into the droplet,the encapsulation and release procedure can be realized and we call it electro-elasto-capillarity(EEC).EEC offers a novel method for micro-scale actuation and self-assemble of moveable devices.It also provides a good candidate for the drug delivery at micro- or nanoscale.


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利用柔索的弹性及驱动冗余性构造了一种3自由度并联柔索驱动变刚度操作臂,在静力学与刚度分析的基础上,进行刚度控制研究。首先,将柔索驱动力映射到关节空间,并分析等效关节力与柔索张力和外力的关系, 提出该操作臂的三维力矢量闭合原理。根据微分变换原理进行刚度分析,得到关节刚度矩阵及操作手刚度矩阵, 并进行数值算例分析,结果表明:刚度与柔索的张力有关,调节柔索张力可以改变系统刚度。最后,采用位置与张力混合控制的策略,对该变刚度操作臂进行了刚度控制,并进行了仿真验证。


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设计了一种能够使蛇形机器人运动更灵巧、奇异点更少和运动能力更强的机构 ,对具有三个自由度的新型蛇形机器人单元进行了改进 ,在单元上增加被动轮机构 ,使其具有万向机构的特点。该单元不仅能够用被动轮驱动机器人运动 ,而且增加了类似于主动轮的驱动机构 ,克服了被动轮驱动能力弱的缺点 ,增强了机器人的运动能力。在分析非完整约束的基础上 ,对蛇形机器人的运动学和冗余度进行分析 ,提出了控制该类蛇形机器人运动的分解矩阵方法和分组交替运动法。


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