186 resultados para abiotic stress
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水稻是世界上最重要的粮食作物,也是单子叶植物的模式植物,它为全球近一半的人口提供食物,但是低温、高盐、干旱等非生物胁迫,每年都会在全世界范围内造成水稻大面积减产。G蛋白介导的信号途径是传递胞外信号比较保守的作用机制之一。动物细胞对于G蛋白及其受体(GPCRs)的研究已经取得了很大的进展。而植物细胞中对它们的研究刚刚起步。本文从越冬稻低温响应芯片上筛选到一个膜蛋白,它编码一个推测的G蛋白偶联受体(G protein-coupledreceptor, GPCR),据此我们将其命名为OsGPCR1,并对其进行深入研究。 OsGPCR1的cDNA全长为1407bp,编码468个氨基酸,在蛋白水平上的同源性比较结果显示,该基因与动物中研究的比较多的异源三聚体G蛋白偶联受体(G Protein- Coupled Receptor)同源性达到44%。经过跨膜结构域预测表明OsGPCR1具有9TMs结构,以GFP为标签的亚细胞定位表明OsGPCR1定位在膜上。GTP酶活性测定试验表明,OsGPCR1蛋白能够激活水稻RGA的GTP酶活性,此外,以泛素裂解体系为基础的酵母双杂交实验表明,OsGPCR1能够与RGA相互作用。说明OsGPCR1编码的蛋白是水稻中的一个G蛋白偶联受体。 OsGPCR1的表达受低温、干旱、高盐的诱导,但不受ABA,GA,ACC,IAA的诱导。在『F常生长条件下,OsGPCR1在水稻各器官中均有表达,但强弱有所不同。 在拟南芥和水稻中超表达OsGPCR1都能显著增强转基因植物对干旱、高盐、低温的耐受性。而在水稻中抑制OsGPCR1的表达,转基因水稻呈现出干旱、高盐、低温的敏感性。对转基因拟南芥下游基因的分析表明,超表达OsGPCR1能够在非胁迫条件下激活CBF途径中相关基因的表达。结合OsGPCR1不受ABA诱导的表达模式,我们推测OsGPCR1可能是通过不依赖于ABA这条途径而传递信号的。借助超表达和转反义水稻材料,利用水稻全基因组芯片研究OsGPCR1靶基因的结果表明,不论OsGPCR1基因表达量的降低或上升,都导致大约30%的与转运相关的基因的表达量发生改变。这暗示OsGPCR1可能通过囊泡运输传递胞外信号。此外FM4-64对超表达和转反义水稻幼根细胞染色标记后,OsGPCR1反义抑制水稻细胞内囊泡在细胞两端呈聚集状,即形成“BFA区间”,而超表达OsGPCRI水稻细胞内囊泡呈密集状。这些结果都表明OsGPCR1可能通过调控囊泡运输而将胞外胁迫信号传递进胞内。
低温威胁水稻的生产,其中苗期和生殖阶段对寒害是最敏感的时期。在苗期,阶段性冷害使水稻幼苗生长延迟,甚至造成烂秧现象;在生殖阶段,无法预测的突然降温会导致水稻花粉不育,并致使水稻大幅减产。因此,对水稻逆境胁迫调控的分子机制的深入研究在理论和实践上具有重要的意义。本研究从东乡野生稻、栽培稻及其杂交后代的低温芯片中筛选对低温响应基因的分析着手,对其中一个受低温诱导上调的基因OsMYB3R-2 作进一步研究。生物信息学的分析表明OsMYB3R-2 编码一个R1R2R3 MYB 蛋白,利用基因枪瞬时转化法、酵母GAL4 系统和电泳迁移率变动分析发现OsMYB3R-2 蛋白能够定位在细胞核中、具有转录激活和DNA 结合特性,表现为MYB 转录因子的典型特征。 超表达OsMYB3R-2 的转基因水稻呈现幼苗的矮化和生长相对滞后的表型,对低温胁迫具有耐受性。盐抑制水稻种子的萌发,与野生型和反义的株系相比,OsMYB3R-2 超表达株系的萌发对盐敏感,表现为萌发过程及萌发之后幼苗的生长更加滞后。而OsMYB3R-2 转基因株系对干旱处理敏感。为了进一步寻找OsMYB3R-2 蛋白的靶序列及其调控的靶基因,我们利用电泳迁移率变动分析发现OsMYB3R-2 能够与有丝分裂特异的激活子(mitosis-specific activator)元件特异结合。在低温条件下,OsMYB3R-2 超表达能够激活水稻G2/M 期特异基因的表达,主要包括OsCycB1;1、OsCycB2;1、OsCycB2;2 和OsCDC20.1 等。另一方面,OsMYB3R-2 超表达能够增加根尖细胞的有丝分裂指数,这进一步说明OsMYB3R-2 参与了水稻细胞周期调控。EMSA、RT-PCR 和流式细胞仪分析的结果表明OsMYB3R-2 通过激活其靶基因OsCycB1;1 的表达参与水稻对低温胁迫的调控,该过程由细胞周期介导。 为了研究OsMYB3R-2 与水稻DREB/CBF 途径的关系,我们分析了转基因水稻中DREB/CBF 类基因及其可能调控的下游基因与OsMYB3R-2 的关系,RT-PCR 的结果表明超表达转基因植物中DREB 表达未见明显变化,而其下游基因OsCPT1 在低温条件下被激活表达。同时,转基因植物在低温条件下脯氨酸水平显著提高。这说明OsMYB3R-2 可能在水稻DREB/CBF 途径的下游参与调控。 总之,OsMYB3R-2 基因的超表达赋予转基因水稻在苗期对低温胁迫具有耐受性,并呈现矮化和生长滞后的表型。OsMYB3R-2 蛋白行使R1R2R3 MYB 转录因子的功能,在体外能够结合OsCycB1;1 和OsKNOLLE2 基因启动子中有丝分裂特异的激活子元件,在低温条件下激活了G2/M 期特异基因的表达,这些基因包括OsCycB1;1、OsCycB2;1、OsCycB2;2 和OsCDC20.1。低温条件下,在OsMYB3R-2 转基因超表达株系中OsCPT1 基因的转录被激活,细胞的游离脯氨酸的含量也显著增高。这些结果都表明OsMYB3R-2 基因在水稻的冷胁迫信号途径中起重要的作用,该过程受细胞周期及DREB/CBF 途径介导。 我们的实验结果暗示水稻对低温的耐受是通过分生组织细胞周期调控完成的,这个过程由OsMYB3R-2 等关键基因控制。
土壤是人类赖以生存的自然环境和农业生产的重要资源,目前土壤受到干旱和盐胁迫的危害越来越严重。杨树具有适应性强、生长快和丰产等特性,本论文以青杨组杨树为模式植物,研究杨树对土壤干旱和盐胁迫的生态生理及蛋白质组学反应,研究成果可为我国干旱半干旱地区营造人工林、防止沙漠化提供理论依据,也为恢复与重建盐污染地区退化生态系统提供科学指导。主要研究结果如下: 1 青杨不同种对逐步干旱胁迫的响应差异 将来自喜马拉雅山东缘高海拔的康定杨和低海拔的青杨枝条扦插在温室中,用来检测它们对逐步干旱胁迫的响应。研究结果表明来自不同海拔的杨树对逐步干旱胁迫的适应性反应是不一样的。株高、叶片发育、叶片相对含水量、丙二醛、过氧化氢等指标的显著性变化在青杨中比在康定杨中来得早些,而且随着干旱胁迫程度的增加,这些参数的变化越来越明显,尤其是当青杨受到严重干旱胁迫的时候;而可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、游离脯氨酸、抗氧化酶活力变化在康定杨中来得早一些。与青杨相比,在干旱胁迫下,康定杨仍能保持较好的植株生长和叶片发育;康定杨也能在逐步干旱条件下积累更多的可溶性蛋白、可溶性糖、游离脯氨酸及抗氧化酶活力,但是在丙二醛和过氧化氢含量方面增加的更少些。而且,我们的研究结果表明高海拔的康定杨有更强的耐干旱能力,杨树对干旱胁迫的适应能力与干旱发生的速度、强度、持续时间及两种杨树的海拔有关。 2 干旱胁迫下青杨不同种的蛋白质组学分析 来自青杨和康定杨雌株的枝条扦插在温室中,用来研究它们对干旱胁迫的蛋白质组学反应。采用TCA-丙酮/酚提取法提取总蛋白,并进行双向电泳分析。在每个处理的重复图像中都能检测到1,000 个以上的蛋白点。在青杨中有58 个蛋白在干旱处理后发生显著变化,其中22 个蛋白通过肽指纹图谱成功鉴定。康定杨中有69 个蛋白的表达量发生了显著变化,其中有25 个蛋白通过肽指纹图谱成功鉴定。这些被鉴定的蛋白主要参与了光合作用、氧化还原平衡、信号传导、能量代谢、蛋白质合成等过程。尽管被鉴定的蛋白只占叶片总蛋白的很少一部分,但这些被鉴定的干旱响应蛋白可能对维持植株内部平衡方面有重要作用。 3 青杨的盐胁迫响应 青杨植株分别用 0、50 和100 mM NaCl 溶液进行处理。叶片相对含水量、叶绿素a、b 含量、CO2 同化速率和气孔导度的降低表明叶绿体受到了盐胁迫的影响。过氧化氢、丙二醛含量及电导率的升高表明细胞受到了伤害。可溶性糖、游离脯氨酸含量及抗氧化酶含量的上升增加了植株耐盐胁迫的能力。在每个处理的重复图像中都能检测到1,000 个以上的蛋白点。其中有38 个盐响应蛋白被成功鉴定,有16 个蛋白(点4、10、11、14、15、21、24、26、27、28、33、34、35、36、37 和38)出现在盐胁迫的植株中;3 个蛋白(点10、11 和35)只出现在重度盐胁迫处理中;而1 个蛋白(点1)只出现在对照处理中。2 个蛋白(点1 和2)表达量下降,其余蛋白点表达量都增加。被鉴定的蛋白一部分参与了生理生化反应,而另一部分则在信号传导、蛋白质合成等方面有重要作用。盐胁迫下的生理生化变化及蛋白质组学的联合研究有利于青杨对盐胁迫的适应性分析。 Soil is the indispensable environment for human survival and important resource for agriculture development. Nowadays soil is threatened by drought stress and salt stress. Poplars (Populus spp.) possess some characters such as strong acclimilation, fast growth and great production of biomass. In this study, different species of Populus section Tacamahaca spach were used as model plants to investigate the ecophysiological and proteomic responses to drought stress and salt stress. Our results can provide theoretical evidence for the afforestation and prevention of desertification in the arid and semi-arid areas, and also can supply scientific direction for the reconstruction and rehalibitation of ecosystems contaminated by salinity. The results are as follows: 1 Adaptive responses to progressive drought stress in two contrasting poplar species originating from different altitudes Cuttings of Populus kangdingensis C. Wang et Tung and Populus cathayana Rehd., originating from high and low altitudes in the eastern Himalaya, respectively, were examined during one growing season in a greenhouse to determine the effects of progressive drought stress. The results manifested that the adaptive responses to progressive drought stress were different in these two species from different altitudes. Significant changes in height increment, leaf development, relative water content (RWC), malondialdehyde (MDA) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) appeared earlier in P. cathayana than in P. kangdingensis, whereas changes in soluble protein, soluble sugar, free proline and antioxidant enzymes appeared earlier in P. kangdingensis. In addition, changes in these parameters became more and more significant when the drought stress progressed, especially under severe drought stress in P. cathayana. Compared with P. cathayana, P. kangdingensis was able to maintain a superior height increase and leaf development under drought stress. Also, P. kangdingensis possessed greater increments in soluble protein, soluble sugar, free proline and antioxidant enzymes, but lower increments in MDA and H2O2 than did P. cathayana when the cuttings were exposed to progressive drought stress. Our results suggest that P. kangdingensis originating from the high altitude has a better drought tolerance than does P. cathayana originating from the low altitude. Furthermore, this study manifested that acclimation to drought stress are related the rapidity, severity, duration of the drought event and the altitude of two contrasting species. 2 Proteomic responses to drought stress in two contrasting poplar species originating from different altitudes The cuttings from a female clone of P. kangdingensis and P. cathayana were used to determine proteomic response to drought stress, respectively. Total proteins of the leaves were extracted by a combination of TCA-acetone and phenol, and separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. More than 1,000 protein spots were reproducibly detected on each gel. 58 differentially expressed spots were detected under drought stress in P. cathayana and 22 drought-responsive proteins were identified by peptide mass fingerprint. 69 differentially expressed spots were detected under drought stress in P. kangdingensiss and 25 drought-responsive proteins were identified by peptide mass fingerprint. The identified proteins are involved in several processes, i.e., signal transduction, protein processing, redox homeostasis, CO2 fixation and energy metabolism. Although the proteins identified in this investigation represent only a very small part of the poplar leaf proteins, some of the novel drought-responsive proteins identified here may be involved in the establishment of homeostasis in response to drought stress in the woody plants. 3 Responses to salt stress in P. cathayana Cuttings from a female clone of P. cathayana were treated by Hoagland’s solution: 0, 50, 100 mM NaCl, respectively. Salinity significantly decreased the relative water content of leaves, the contents of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b, CO2 assimilation rate (A) and stomatal conductance (gs) in both salt stress treatments,which suggested the chloroplast was affected by salt stress. The observed increases of H2O2 and malondialdehyde contents and electrolyte leakage suggested that salinity caused cellular damage, whereas the increases in compatible solutes and in the activities of antioxidant enzymes enhanced the salt tolerance. More than 1,000 protein spots were reproducibly detected on each gel, and 38 salt-responsive proteins were successfully identified by peptide mass fingerprint (PMF). 16 spots (spot 4, 10, 11, 14, 15, 21, 24, 26, 27, 28, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37 and 38) absent in the control sample were induced by the salt treatment, and three spots (spot 10,11 and 35) were present only in the severely salt-stressed treatment. The %vol of the differentially expressed proteins generally increased with progressing salt stress, except for the decreased %vol of two proteins (spot 1 and 2) under salt stress and the presence of spot 1 only in the control sample. Some of the novel salt-responsive proteins identified here may be involved in physiological, biochemical response to salt stress in P. cathayana, the other identified proteins play a role in numerous cellular functions, including signal transduction and protein processing. An integrated physiological, biochemical and proteomic approach was used here to systematically investigate salt acclimation in poplar.
Based on the 'average stress in the matrix' concept of Mori and Tanaka (:Mori, T., Tanaka, K., 1973. Average stress in matrix and average elastic energy of materials with misfitting inclusion. Acta Metall. 21, 571-580) a micromechanical model is presented for the prediction of the elastic fields in coated inclusion composites with imperfect interfaces. The solutions of the effective elastic moduli for this kind of composite are also obtained. In two kinds of composites with coated particulates and fibers, respectively, the interface imperfections are takes to the assumption that the interface displacement discontinues are linearly related to interface tractions like a spring layer of vanishing thickness. The resulting effective shear modulus for each material and the stress fields in the composite are presented under a transverse shear loading situation.
For metal-matrix composites (MMCs), interfacial debonding between the ductile matrix and the reinforcing hard inclusions is an important failure mode. A fundamental approach to improving the properties of MMCs is to optimize their microstructure to achieve maximum strength and toughness. Here, we investigate the flow stress of a MMC with a nanoscale microstructure similar to that of bone. Such a 'biomorphous' MMC would be made of staggered hard and slender nanoparticles embedded in a ductile matrix. We show that the large aspect ratio and the nanometer size of inclusions in the biomorphous MMC lead to significantly improved properties with increased tolerance of interfacial damage. In this case, the partially debonded inclusions continue to carry mechanical load transferred via longitudinal shearing of the matrix material between neighboring inclusions. The larger the inclusion aspect ratio, the larger is the flow stress and work hardening rate for the composite. Increasing the volume concentration of inclusion also makes the biomorphous MMC more tolerant of interfacial damage.
The Load/Unload Response Ratio (LURR) method is proposed for short-to-intermediate-term earthquake prediction [Yin, X.C., Chen, X.Z., Song, Z.P., Yin, C., 1995. A New Approach to Earthquake Prediction — The Load/Unload Response Ratio (LURR) Theory, Pure Appl. Geophys., 145, 701–715]. This method is based on measuring the ratio between Benioff strains released during the time periods of loading and unloading, corresponding to the Coulomb Failure Stress change induced by Earth tides on optimally oriented faults. According to the method, the LURR time series usually climb to an anomalously high peak prior to occurrence of a large earthquake. Previous studies have indicated that the size of critical seismogenic region selected for LURR measurements has great influence on the evaluation of LURR. In this study, we replace the circular region usually adopted in LURR practice with an area within which the tectonic stress change would mostly affect the Coulomb stress on a potential seismogenic fault of a future event. The Coulomb stress change before a hypothetical earthquake is calculated based on a simple back-slip dislocation model of the event. This new algorithm, by combining the LURR method with our choice of identified area with increased Coulomb stress, is devised to improve the sensitivity of LURR to measure criticality of stress accumulation before a large earthquake. Retrospective tests of this algorithm on four large earthquakes occurred in California over the last two decades show remarkable enhancement of the LURR precursory anomalies. For some strong events of lesser magnitudes occurred in the same neighborhoods and during the same time periods, significant anomalies are found if circular areas are used, and are not found if increased Coulomb stress areas are used for LURR data selection. The unique feature of this algorithm may provide stronger constraints on forecasts of the size and location of future large events.
Applying the scaling relationships developed recently for conical indentation in elastic-plastic solids with work-hardening, we examine the question of whether stress-strain relationships of such solids can be uniquely determined by matching the calculated loading and unloading curves with that measured experimentally. We show that there can be multiple stress-strain curves for a given set of loading and unloading curves. Consequently, stress-strain relationships may not be uniquely determined from loading and unloading curves alone using a conical or pyramidal indenter.
A new phenomenological strain gradient theory for crystalline solid is proposed. It fits within the framework of general couple stress theory and involves a single material length scale Ics. In the present theory three rotational degrees of freedom omega (i) are introduced, which denote part of the material angular displacement theta (i) and are induced accompanying the plastic deformation. omega (i) has no direct dependence upon u(i) while theta = (1 /2) curl u. The strain energy density omega is assumed to consist of two parts: one is a function of the strain tensor epsilon (ij) and the curvature tensor chi (ij), where chi (ij) = omega (i,j); the other is a function of the relative rotation tensor alpha (ij). alpha (ij) = e(ijk) (omega (k) - theta (k)) plays the role of elastic rotation reason The anti-symmetric part of Cauchy stress tau (ij) is only the function of alpha (ij) and alpha (ij) has no effect on the symmetric part of Cauchy stress sigma (ij) and the couple stress m(ij). A minimum potential principle is developed for the strain gradient deformation theory. In the limit of vanishing l(cs), it reduces to the conventional counterparts: J(2) deformation theory. Equilibrium equations, constitutive relations and boundary conditions are given in detail. For simplicity, the elastic relation between the anti-symmetric part of Cauchy stress tau (ij), and alpha (ij) is established and only one elastic constant exists between the two tensors. Combining the same hardening law as that used in previously by other groups, the present theory is used to investigate two typical examples, i.e., thin metallic wire torsion and ultra-thin metallic beam bend, the analytical results agree well with the experiment results. While considering the, stretching gradient, a new hardening law is presented and used to analyze the two typical problems. The flow theory version of the present theory is also given.
The gradient elastic constitutive equation incorporating the second gradient of the strains is used to determine the monochromatic elastic plane wave propagation in a gradient infinite medium and thin rod. The equation of motion, together with the internal material length, has been derived. Various dispersion relations have been determined. We present explicit expressions for the relationship between various wave speeds, wavenumber and internal material length.
An approach employing displacement-stress dual criteria for static shape control is presented. This approach is based on normal displacement control, and stress modification is considered in the whole optimization process to control high stress in the local domain. Analysis results show that not only is the stress reduced but al so that the controlled surface becomes smoother than before.
The close form solutions of deflections and curvatures for a film–substrate composite structure with the presence of gradient stress are derived. With the definition of more precise kinematic assumption, the effect of axial loading due to residual gradient stress is incorporated in the governing equation. The curvature of film–substrate with the presence of gradient stress is shown to be nonuniform when the axial loading is nonzero. When the axial loading is zero, the curvature expressions of some structures derived in this paper recover the previous ones which assume the uniform curvature. Because residual gradient stress results in both moment and axial loading inside the film–substrate composite structure, measuring both the deflection and curvature is proposed as a safe way to uniquely determine the residual stress state inside a film–substrate composite structure with the presence of gradient stress.
Residual stress and its gradient through the thickness are among the most important properties of as-deposited films. Recently, a new mechanism based on a revised Thomas-Fermi-Dirac (TFD) model was proposed for the origin of intrinsic stress in solid film