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By using the chemical bond theory of complex crystals, the chemical bond properties of REBa2Cu3O7 (RE = Eu, Y) were calculated. The calculated covalencies for Cu(1)-O and Cu(2)-O bond in REBa2Cu3O7 compounds are 0.41 and 0.28 respectively. Mossbauer isomer shifts of Fe-57 doped, and Sn-119 doped in REBa2Cu3O7-x were calculated by using the chemical environmental factor, h(e), defined by covalency and electronic polarizability. Four valence state tin ion and iron ion sites were identified in Fe-57 and Sn-119 doped REBa2Cu3O7-x superconductors.
We propose a plasma channel scheme to obtain an improved table-top laser driven fusion neutron yield as a result of explosions of large deuterium clusters irradiated by an intense laser pulse. A cylindrical plasma channel is created by two moderate intensity laser prepulses at the edge of a deuterium cluster jet along which an intense main laser pulse propagates several nanoseconds later. With the aid of this plasma channel, the main laser pulse will be allowed to deposit its energy into the central region of the deuterium gas jet where the cluster sizes are larger and the atomic density is higher. The plasma channel formation and its impact on the deuterium ion energy spectrum and the consequent fusion neutron yield have been investigated. The calculated results show that a remarkable increase of the table-top laser driven fusion neutron yield would be expected.
Composite sapphire/Ti:sapphire crystals for high-power laser application were grown by the hydrothermal method. The results of the X-ray rocking curve analysis indicate high crystalline quality of the surface Al2O3 material. The strong bonding between the overgrown Al2O3 and seed Ti:Al2O3 crystals is indispensable for withstanding high thermal stresses produced by intense optical pumping. The optical loss at the boundary of the composite crystal is considerably low, indicating the lack of scattering centers. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The National Science Foundation of China(Grant No. 60578044).
石荠苎属(Mosla (Benth.) Buch.-Hamilt. ex Maxim.)是唇形科的一个小属,仅分布于东亚,该属复杂的变异式样一直困扰着系统学家.本论文是对该属进行三年物种生物学研究的结果.本研究从居群生物学出发,在广泛的野外调查后选取了47个居群进行取样和观察,在控制环境因素的实验设计条件下,测量了31个居群53个形态性状并分析了其变异规律;在扫描电镜下观察了含外类群在内的6属38个居群的花粉和小坚果表面微形态:对27个居群做了细胞学研究:对22个居群15个酶系统做了等位酶分析,获得了28个位点的资料;进行了35个组合的796次人工杂交.综合上述各方面资料的分析结果,对石荠苎属的形态变异与进化、居群分化、生殖隔离、物种形成、类群划分,以及起源和扩展作了详细的分析和讨论. 形态特征的数量遗传学分析表明,叶片大小和形状、苞片形态、花序(果序)和花萼(果期花萼)的复杂变异式样是造成分类混乱的主要原因.叶片大小和形状在小鱼仙草(M. dianthera)中呈现幅度很宽的连续变异,极端情况常分别被描述为不同的种,如M.remottllora和M.grosseserrata.少数突变体以及种间偶尔产生的杂交个体在苞片和花序形态上表现异常,都曾引起分类的混乱.本研究已经澄清M. bracteata和M. tamdaoensis是突变体,而M. exfoliata和M. longispica则是种间杂种.M.fomosana花萼上唇裂片长度的变异是导致分类困难的另一个原因,是小鱼仙草花萼上唇中裂片变异的极端类型。 通过比较分析揭示了石荠苎属中苞片形状、花序结构、花朵大小、花萼形态、小坚果和花粉粒表面纹饰以及染色体的变异和演化趋势,苞片由发达的叶状类型向披针形方向演化;花序由花朵疏离的松散状向紧缩的头状类型演化;花萼由近辐射对称,五个裂片近等长向二唇形演化;花冠由发达、鲜艳向退化方向演化:小坚果由具旋涡状深雕纹向具网纹类型演化;花粉粒由无明显突起向有明显条文或块状突起的类型演化;核型由不对称性小向不对称性增强发展;繁育系统由以异交为主向以自交为主演化,并且带动一系列花部形态的相关变异. 等位酶分析结果表明,石荠苎属种内的进化以遗传变异的积累和繁育系统的转变造成的居群间分化为主要特征.杭州石荠苎各居群的平均遗传距离为0.026,聚类分析结果发现7个居群明显分化为两支,居群3704,4704和3712为一支,其他居群为一支,等位酶资料获得的结果也得到形态和生殖特征的支持.3704、4704和3712在毛被、花朵大小、小坚果大小和颜色在均与其他居群有差异,繁育系统上,这三个居群表现出更明显的异交特性.小鱼仙草居群之间遗传分化甚至大于少数亲缘种之间的遗传分化,平均遗传距离达到0.034,但杂交实验发现,居群之间并不存在生殖隔离,不同的居群之间在叶片大小、叶形、苞片长短和花萼上唇中裂片的长短也有所不同.杭州石荠苎和小鱼仙草种内居群之间的形态和等位酶分化说明居群之问正处于分化和物种形成的早期阶段,生殖隔离还没有建立。 突变(包括染色体结构变异)的积累和繁育系统的转变是石荠苎属物种形成的基础,苏州石荠苎和石荠苎的分化是由于染色体结构变异的积累,具体表现在核型不对称性上的差异,造成生殖隔离.另一些比较明显的物种形成机制为:染色体多倍化,形成M.pauciflora;染色体结构变异,如随体染色体的臂间易位,产生M.cavaleriei;繁育系统由异交转变为自交产生M.chinensis.另外,在物种形成过程中,花期和生态位分化等促进了生殖隔离的完善. 石荠苎属形态上界限清楚,而且存在生殖隔离的种有八个,它们是小花荠苎(M.cavaleriei Levl.);石香薷 (M. chinensis Maxim.);小鱼仙草 (M. dianthera (Buch.-Hamilt. ex Roxb.) Maxim.);杭州石荠苎(M.hangchouensis Matsuda);日本石荠苎(M. japonica (Benth.) Maxim.);疏花荠苎(M. pauciflora (C. Y. Wu) C. Y. Wu et H. W. Li);石荠苎(M. punctulata (J.F. Gmelin) Nakai)和苏州石荠苎(M. soochouensis Matsuda). 石荠苎属的近缘属是香薷属(Elsholtzia)、香简草属(Keiskea)和紫苏属(Perilla)。石荠苎属与近缘属的分化大约在260万年之前,因为那时石荠苎属的祖先就发生了分化,形成以杭州石荠苎一一石香薷的祖先和以小花荠苎一一小鱼仙草的祖先为代表的两条进化主线,从香薷属和香简草属的现代分布式样-以及石荠苎属的分布特点推断,华东地区可能是石荠苎属的起源和演化的舞台,华东地区具有最大的种类多样性、变异性、特有性和多度.
The growth hormone (GH) gene family represents an erratic and complex evolutionary pattern, involving many evolutionary events, such as multiple gene duplications, positive selection, the birth-and-death process and gene conversions. In the present study, we cloned and sequenced GH-like genes from three species of New World monkeys (NWM). Phylogenetic analysis strongly suggest monophyly for NWM GH-like genes with respect to those of Old World monkeys (OWM) and hominoids, indicating that independent gene duplications have occurred in NWM GH-like genes. There are three main clusters of genes in putatively functional NWM GH-like genes, according to our gene tree. Comparison of the ratios of nonsynonymous and synonymous substitutions revealed that these three clusters of genes evolved under different kinds of selective pressures. Detailed analysis of the evolution of pseudogenes showed that the evolutionary pattern of this gene family in platyrrhines is in agreement with the so-called birth-and-death process.
Lancifodilactone G (1), a novel, highly oxygenated nortriterpenoid featuring a partial enol structure and a spirocyclic moiety, was isolated from the medicinal plant Schisandra lancifolia. Its structure and stereochemistry were determined from extensive one- and two-dimensional NMR and mass spectral data, coupled with single-crystal X-ray analysis. Compound 1 exerted minimal cytotoxicity against C8166 cells (CC50 > 200 mu g/mL) and showed anti-HIV activity with EC50 = 95.47 +/- 14.19 mu g/mL and a selectivity index in the range of 1.82-2.46.
Lancifodilactone F (1), possessing an unprecedented rearranged pentanortriterpenoid backbone derived from cycloartane, was isolated from the leaves and stems of Schisandra lancifolia (Rehd. et Wils) A. C. Smith. Its structure was established by comprehensive NMR and MS spectroscopic analysis, coupled with single-crystal X-ray experiment. Compound 1 exerted minimal cytotoxicity against C8166 cells (CC50 > 200 mu g/mL) and showed anti-HIV activity with EC50 = 20.69 +/- 3.31 mu g/mL and a selectivity index > 6.62.
By the use of partial least squares (PLS) method and 27 quantum chemical descriptors computed by PM3 Hamiltonian, a statistically significant QSPR were obtained for direct photolysis quantum yields (Y) of selected Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs). The QSPR can be used for prediction. The direct photolysis quantum yields of the PCDDs are dependent on the number of chlorine atoms bonded with the parent structures, the character of the carbon-oxygen bonds, and molecular polarity. Increasing bulkness and polarity of PCDDs lead to decrease of log Y values. Increasing the frontier molecular orbital energies (E-lumo and E-homo) and heat of formation (HOF) values leads to increase of log Y values. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The preparation of metal alloy and monoelemental nanoclusters in silica by Ag, Cu ion sequential implantation and annealing in selected oxidizing or reducing atmosphere is studied. The formation of metastable Ag-Cu alloy is verified in the as-implanted samples by optical absorption spectra, selected area electron diffraction and energy dispersive spectrometer spectrum. The alloy is discomposed at elevated annealing temperature in both oxidizing and reducing atmospheres. The different effects of annealing behaviors on the Ag Cu alloy nanoclusters are investigated. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.