12 resultados para Water-storage

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As one of the most typical wetlands, marsh plays an important role in hydrological and economic aspects, especially in keeping biological diversity. In this study, the definition and connotation of the ecological water storage of marsh is discussed for the first time, and its distinction and relationship with ecological water requirement are also analyzed. Furthermore, the gist and method of calculating ecological water storage and ecological water requirement have been provided, and Momoge wetland has been given as an example of calculation of the two variables. Ecological water use of marsh can be ascertained according to ecological water storage and ecological water requirement. For reasonably spatial and temporal variation of water storage and rational water resources planning, the suitable quantity of water supply to marsh can be calculated according to the hydrological conditions, ecological demand and actual water resources.


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三峡水利枢纽工程的调度运行导致水库水位的涨落,从而在三峡水库周边水陆交错带形成周期性淹没与出露于水面的一段特殊区域,被称为三峡水库消落带。三峡水库消落带生态系统的健康是库岸稳定和水库安全运行的重要保障。土壤养分是三峡库区消落带土壤生态系统的重要组成部分。三峡水库蓄水以来,土壤理化性状发生改变,水土流失日益加剧。土壤是植物的基础,因此,对三峡水库消落带土壤性状的研究对消落带植被恢复有一定的指导意义,也为研究水库消落带水土流失提供依据,为研究水库消落带土壤污染与水体污染提供基础。 本文首先通过对重庆忠县石宝寨水库消落带不同水位、不同时期的表层土壤分析,研究了消落带不同水位土壤容重、酸碱度、有机质、全氮、全磷、全钾、硝态氮、氨态氮、速效磷、速效钾的含量变化。实验结果表明:(1)消落带土壤淹水前各测定指标在不同海拔高程之间的差异均不显著(P>0.05);(2)三峡水库淹水后消落带土壤由微碱性变为碱性,养分平均含量普遍下降,土壤养分缺乏,淹水易造成养分流失;(3)不同淹水强度下,土壤pH 值、有机质、全氮、全磷、氨态氮、速效钾平均含量差异显著(P<0.001),经过淹水土壤有机质、全氮、速效钾含量进一步降低;(4)不同淹水时期,土壤全钾、硝态氮、氨态氮平均含量差异显著(P<0.001),速效氮含量随季节变化较大,与土壤水分有密切关系;(5)干湿交替更容易造成氮、磷解吸释放入水体,从而增加富营养化的风险。 其次,通过对石宝寨消落带5 个时间段6个水位的表层土壤分析,研究了消落带不同时期、不同淹水强度土壤酸碱度及Cu、Zn、Pb、Cr 的含量变化。结果表明(1)淹水土壤pH 显著高于未淹水土壤,长期淹水土壤重金属含量显著高于短期淹水土壤与未淹水土壤,146m 土壤重金属含量最高;(2)经过淹水土壤,pH 先升高后下降,铜含量、锌含量都下降,铬含量先上升后下降,铅含量随着土壤暴露先稍微上升,后又下降,但在08 年9 月达到最大值;(3)各土壤重金属之间均存在显著相关关系,表明三峡消落带土壤存在重金属复合污染隐患;( 4 ) 以三峡水库土壤背景值为评价标准, 消落带土壤污染程度具有Cu>Pb>Zn>Cr 的特征,其中,铜污染相对最为严重,消落带土壤随着淹水强度的加大与淹水时间的延长,污染程度加重,消落带综合污染指数达到1.24,属于轻度污染级。


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随土壤剖面深度的增加,土壤含水量逐渐降低,上层土壤含水量变幅大于下层。在同一氮肥水平下,夏玉米各生长期内0~50 cm土层含水量呈施磷处理高于不施磷处理,50~110 cm土层则反之。苗期—拔节—灌浆—收获期0~110 cm土壤蓄水量呈升高—降低—升高趋势;苗期呈氮磷配施处理高于单施氮肥处理,其它生长期氮肥与磷肥水平为120 kg/hm2配施处理最高;表层50 cm土层蓄水量均呈现氮磷配施处理高于单施氮肥处理,50~110 cm土层则反之。氮磷配施能显著提高产量及水分利用效率,二者均以配施磷肥120 kg/hm2处理最高;当施磷量超过120 kg/hm2后,产量和水分利用效率反而有下降趋势。


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利用野外试验方法,在滴灌条件下研究了保水剂在坡地枣林中的使用效果。试验结果证明:施用保水剂的土壤含水量较对照提高了15.3%~39.2%,使10~70 cm土层有较高贮存水量,在年生育期平均降雨量为395 mm情况下,确定红枣整个生育期(为210 d)共灌水4次,按大约每55 d灌溉一次计算,可减少灌溉2次,节约用水264 m3/hm2;0~60 cm土壤平均容重降低0.05~0.16 g/cm3,改善了土壤的通气透水的土壤物理性质,促进了枣树的生长发育,与对照株产5.6 kg相比,四年生红枣单株最高可增产2.85 kg/株;就不同保水剂综合来说,Hs和Hm表现出良好的适宜性。


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对长期定位施肥试验第22年度的测定数据进行了分析,探讨了旱地施肥对冬小麦水分利用的影响。试验结果表明,测定年份冬小麦的耗水深度受播种前雨季降雨入渗深度的影响位于地下200 cm左右。长期单施磷肥处理,播种期土壤有效贮水量与不施肥的对照接近,而单施氮肥,氮磷配施和氮磷钾配施均显著低于对照;在施P2O590 kg/hm2配施氮肥或施N 90 kg/hm2配施磷肥,随着施氮量或施磷量从0增加到180 kg/hm2,播种期土壤有效贮水量均逐渐降低,但前者作物的土壤水分消耗表现出降低趋势,而后者表现出增加趋势。与对照相比,各施肥处理均提高了土壤有效底墒的利用率。氮磷配施比单施磷肥降低了土壤供水占作物耗水的比例,使得作物生长和产量的形成对当季降水的依赖性增加。与对照相比,氮磷配施及氮磷钾配施显著提高了冬小麦收获指数、产量和水分利用效率,而单施磷肥和氮肥使收获指数、产量和水分利用效率显著降低。施P2O590 kg/hm2的条件下,不同施氮量之间收获指数差异较小,而产量和水分利用效率均高于单施磷肥;施N 90 kg/hm2的条件下,不同施磷量作物的收获指数、产量和水分利用效率均得到提高。


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通过定点土壤水分测定与对比分析,研究了陕北黄土区35~45°陡坡地人工植被的土壤水分亏缺状况、年际、年内动态变化规律、干燥化特征及其补偿恢复特征。结果表明:陡坡地多年生人工植被的土壤水分亏缺极为严重,贫水年0~10m土层贮水量仅相当于田间持水量的26.2%~42.0%,丰水年贮水量也仅占田间持水量的27.0%~43.3%;亏缺次序为:柠条>刺槐>苜蓿>侧柏>杨树>油松>荒坡>杏>枣>农地。年际间同一植被土壤水分含量的变化主要发生在200 cm以上土层内,变异程度随土壤深度的增加而减弱。同一生长季,各种植被0~120 cm土层含水量的变异系数都较大,但植被间差异较小;120 cm以下土层,变异系数较小,但植被间差异较大。陡坡地多年生植被均有永久干层存在,但深层土壤干燥化强度因植物种类和生长年限而存在明显的差异。雨季土壤水分的补偿和恢复深度为1.0~1.4m,但不同植被的土壤贮水增量和补偿度有较大差异。同一植被丰水年的雨水补偿深度比干旱年可增加60 cm以上,5m土层贮水增量增加3倍以上。在自然降雨条件下,陡坡地多年生人工植被的土壤贮水亏缺状况不能得到改善,土壤干化现象也不可能有所缓解。


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N, P and SiO3-Si in the Changjiang mainstream and its major tributaries and lakes were investigated in the dry season from November to December, 1997, and in the flood season in August and October, 1998. An even distribution of SiO3-Si was found along the Changjiang River. However, the concentrations of total nitrogen, total dissolved nitrogen, dissolved inorganic nitrogen, nitrate and total phosphorus, total particulate phosphorus increased notably in the upper reaches, which reflected an increasing impact from human activities. Those concentrations in the middle and lower reaches of the Changjiang River were relatively constant. Dissolved N was the major form of N and the particulate P was the major form of P in the Changjiang River. The molar ratio of dissolved N to dissolved P was extremely high (192.5-317.5), while that of the particulate form was low (5.6-37.7). High N/P ratio reflected a significant input of anthropogenic N such as N from precipitation and N lost from water and soil etc. Dissolved N and P was in a quasi-equilibrium state in the process from precipitate to the river. In the turbid river water, light limitation, rather than P limitation, seemed more likely to be a controlling factor for the growth of phytoplankton. A positive linear correlationship between the concentration of dissolved N and the river's runoff was found, mainly in the upper reaches, which was related to the non-point sources of N. Over the past decades, N concentration has greatly increased, but the change of P concentration was not as significant as N. The nutrient fluxes of the Changjiang mainstream and tributaries were estimated, and the result showed that the nutrient fluxes were mainly controlled by the runoff, of which more than a half came from the tributaries. These investigations carried out before water storage of the Three Gorges Dam will supply a scientific base for studying the influences of the Three Gorges Dam on the ecology and environment of the Changjiang River and its estuary.


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Landslides are widely distributed along the main stream banks of the Three Gorges Reservoir area. Especially with the acceleration of the human economic activities in the recent 30 years, the occurrence of landslide hazards in the local area trends to be more serious. Because of the special geological, topographic and climatic conditions of the Three Gorges areas, many Paleo-landslides are found along the gentle slope terrain of the population relocation sites. Under the natural condition, the Paleo-landslides usually keep stable. The Paleo-landslides might revive while they are influenced under the strong rainfall, water storage and migration engineering disturbance. Therefore, the prediction and prevention of landslide hazards have become the important problem involving with the safety of migration engineering of the Three Gorges Reservoir area.The past research on the landslides of the Three Gorges area is mainly concentrated on the stability analysis of individual landslide, and importance was little attached to the knowledge on the geological environment background of the formation of regional landslides. So, the relationship between distribution and evolution of landslides and globe dynamic processes was very scarce in the past research. With further study, it becomes difficult to explain the reasons for the magnitude and frequency of major geological hazards in terms of single endogenic or exogenic processes. It is possible to resolve the causes of major landslides in the Three Gorges area through the systematic research of regional tectonics and river evolution history.In present paper, based on the view of coupling of earth's endogenic and exogenic processes, the author researches the temporal and spacial distribution and formation evolution of major landslides(Volume^lOOX 104m3) in the Three Gorges Reservoir area through integration of first-hand sources statistics, .geological evolution history, isotope dating and numerical simulation method etc. And considering the main formation factors of landslides (topography, geology and rainfall condition), the author discusses the occurrence probability and prediction model of rainfall induced landslides.The distribution and magnitude of Paleo-landslides in the Three Gorges area is mainly controlled by lithology, geological structure, bank slope shape and geostress field etc. The major Paleo-landslides are concentrated on the periods 2.7-15.0 X 104aB.R, which conrresponds to the warm and wettest Paleoclimate stages. In the same time, the Three Gorges area experiences with the quickest crust uplift phase since 15.0X 104aB.P. It is indicated that the dynamic factor of polyphase major Paleo-landslides is the coupling processes of neotectonic movement and Quaternary climate changes. Based on the numerical simulation results of the formation evolution of Baota landslide, the quick crust uplift makes the deep river incision and the geostress relief causes the rock body of banks flexible. Under the strong rainfall condition, the pore-water pressure resulted from rain penetration and high flood level can have the shear strength of weak structural plane decrease to a great degree. Therefore, the bank slope is easy to slide at the slope bottom where shear stress concentrates. Finally, it forms the composite draught-traction type landslide of dip stratified rocks.The susceptibility idea for the rainfall induced landslide is put forward in this paper and the degree of susceptibility is graded in terms of the topography and geological conditions of landslides. Base on the integration with geological environment factors and rainfall condition, the author gives a new probabilistic prediction model for rainfall induced landslides. As an example from Chongqing City of the Three Gorges area, selecting the 5 factors of topography, lithology combination, slope shape, rock structure and hydrogeology and 21 kinds of status as prediction variables, the susceptibility zonation is carried out by information methods. The prediction criterion of landslides is established by two factors: the maximum 24 hour rainfall and the antecedent effective precipitation of 15 days. The new prediction model is possible to actualize the real-time regional landslide prediction and improve accuracy of landslide forecast.


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Water-soluble tetra-p-sulfonatocalix[4]arene, acting as a four-connected node, bridges the rare earth cations into a 3D porous MOF in which 1D smaller circular hydrophilic channels and larger quadratic ones are lined up along the c axis and interconnected to each other by the calixarene cavities and other interstices.