21 resultados para Trenching machinery

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In this paper, a hybrid device based on a microcantilever interfaced with bacteriorhodopsin (bR) is constructed. The microcantilever, on which the highly oriented bR film is self-assembled, undergoes controllable and reversible bending when the light-driven proton pump protein, bR, on the microcantilever surface is activated by visible light. Several control experiments are carried out to preclude the influence of heat and photothermal effects. It is shown that the nanomechanical motion is induced by the resulting gradient of protons, which are transported from the KCl solution on the cytoplasmic side of the bR film towards the extracellular side of the bR film. Along with a simple physical interpretation, the microfabricated cantilever interfaced with the organized molecular film of bR can simulate the natural machinery in converting solar energy to mechanical energy.


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Background: Short and long interspersed elements (SINEs and LINEs, respectively), two types of retroposons, are active in shaping the architecture of genomes and powerful tools for studies of phylogeny and population biology. Here we developed special protocol to apply biotin-streptavidin bead system into isolation of interspersed repeated sequences rapidly and efficiently, in which SINEs and LINEs were captured directly from digested genomic DNA by hybridization to bead-probe complex in solution instead of traditional strategy including genomic library construction and screening. Results: A new couple of SINEs and LINEs that shared an almost identical 3'tail was isolated and characterized in silver carp and bighead carp of two closely related species. These SINEs (34 members), designated HAmo SINE family, were little divergent in sequence and flanked by obvious TSD indicated that HAmo SINE was very young family. The copy numbers of this family was estimated to 2 x 10(5) and 1.7 x 10(5) per haploid genome by Real-Time qPCR, respectively. The LINEs, identified as the homologs of LINE2 in other fishes, had a conserved primary sequence and secondary structures of the 3'tail region that was almost identical to that of HAmo SINE. These evidences suggest that HAmo SINEs are active and amplified recently utilizing the enzymatic machinery for retroposition of HAmoL2 through the recognition of higher-order structures of the conserved 42-tail region. We analyzed the possible structures of HAmo SINE that lead to successful amplification in genome and then deduced that HAmo SINE, SmaI SINE and FokI SINE that were similar in sequence each other, were probably generated independently and created by LINE family within the same lineage of a LINE phylogeny in the genomes of different hosts. Conclusion: The presented results show the advantage of the novel method for retroposons isolation and a pair of young SINE family and its partner LINE family in two carp fishes, which strengthened the hypotheses containing the slippage model for initiation of reverse transcription, retropositional parasitism of SINEs on LINEs, the formation of the stem loop structure in 3'tail region of some SINEs and LINEs and the mechanism of template switching in generating new SINE family.


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The ability to utilize the RNA interference (RNAi) machinery for silencing target-gene expression has created a lot of excitement in the research community. In the present study, we used a cytomegalovirus (CMV) promoter-driven DNA template approach to induce short hairpin RNA (shRNA) triggered RNAi to block exogenous Enhanced Green Fluorescent Protein (EGFP) and endogenous No Tail (NTL) gene expressions. We constructed three plasmids, pCMV-EGFP-CMV-shGFP-SV40, pCMV-EGFP-CMV-shNTL-SV40, and pCMV-EGFP-CMV-shScrambled-SV40, each containing a CMV promoter driving an EGFP reporter cDNA and DNA coding for one shRNA under the control of another CMV promoter. The three shRNA-generating plasmids and pCMV-EGFP control plasmid were introduced into zebrafish embryos by microinjection. Samples were collected at 48 h after injection. Results were evaluated by phenotype observation and real-time fluorescent quantitative reverse-transcription polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR). The shGFP-generating plasmid significantly inhibited the EGFP expression viewed under fluorescent microscope and reduced by 70.05 +/- 1.26% of exogenous EGFP gene mRNA levels compared with controls by Q-PCR. The shRNA targeting endogenous NTL gene resulted in obvious NTL phenotype of 30 +/- 4% and decreased the level of their corresponding mRNAs up to 54.52 +/- 2.05% compared with nontargeting control shRNA. These data proved the feasibility of the CMV promoter-driven shRNA expression technique to be used to inhibit exogenous and endogenous gene expressions in zebrafish in vivo.


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A short-hairpin RNA (shRNA) expression system, based on T7 RNA polymerase (T7RP) directed transcription machinery, has been developed and used to generate a knock down effect in zebrafish embryos by targeting green fluorescent protein (gfp) and no tail (ntl) mRNA. The vector pCMVT7R harboring T7RP driven by CMV promoter was introduced into zebrafish embryos and the germline transmitted transgenic individuals were screened out for subsequent RNAi application. The shRNA transcription vectors pT7shRNA were constructed and validated by in vivo transcription assay. When pT7shGFP vector was injected into the transgenic embryos stably expressing T7RP, gfp relative expression level showed a decrease of 68% by analysis of fluorescence real time RT-PCR. As a control, injection of chemical synthesized siRNA resulted in expression level of 40% lower than the control when the injection dose was as high as 2 mu g/mu l. More importantly, injection of pT7shNTL vector in zebrafish embryos expressing T7RP led to partial absence of endogenous ntl transcripts in 30% of the injected embryos when detected by whole mount in situ hybridization. Herein, the T7 transcription system could be used to drive the expression of shRNA in zebrafish embryos and result in gene knock down effect, suggesting a potential role for its application in RNAi studies in zebrafish embryos.


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Electron. Manuf. Packag. Technol. Soc. Chin. Inst. Electron.; IEEE Compon., Packag., Manuf. Technol. Soc. (IEEE-CPMT); Xidian University


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土壤微生物量、可溶性有机碳与氮虽然只占土壤有机碳、氮总量的较小部分,但可以在土壤全碳、氮变化之前反映土壤微小的变化,又直接参与土壤生物化学转化过程,因而在植被恢复过程中,较其它土壤理化性质等能够更好地指示土壤恢复情况。在青藏高原东缘存在大面积的次生人工林替代灌丛或采伐迹地,而关于这些人工林替代后的生态效果和生态过程的评估却十分缺乏,本研究通过评估岷江上游植被恢复重建过程中典型人工替代次生植被凋落物层与土壤碳、氮等养分大小,动态监测土壤微生物生物量、水溶性碳、氮等指标,结合温度与凋落物输入等影响土壤活性有机碳、氮因子的控制试验,系统分析不同人工替代次生植被土壤碳、氮等养分的差异原因,试图寻找低效人工林优化调控与持续管理技术,为区域生态公益林持续管理提供理论和技术依据。主要结论如下: 1. 通过对不同人工替代次生植被凋落物层和土壤碳、氮分析发现,油松和华山松人工林替代次生灌丛后土壤碳、氮含量较灌丛和阔叶人工林低,主要原因可能为凋落物质量(C/N)较差,而引起碳、氮等元素难以归还土壤。进而通过对不同人工替代次生植被凋落物层和土壤微生物生物量、水溶性有机碳、氮等指标的季节性动态模式的分析,发现各次生植被土壤微生物生物量C、N,P以及土壤水溶性碳、氮含量均呈明显季节性动态,呈现秋季明显大于其它季节,冬季最低,在表层土壤最为明显。 2. 油松、华山松人工林凋落物层和土壤水溶性有机碳(WDOC)、土壤水溶性有机氮(WDON)明显低于灌丛和连香树,土壤微生物生物量C、N也以油松和华山松人工林最低,而落叶类植被,如灌丛、连香树和落叶松之间没有明显差异,说明可利用底物的数量和质量差异是影响各次生植被凋落物分解和土壤微生物活性的主要原因。MBC/OC和MBN/ON能较好地指示土壤微生物活性的变化,MBC/OC凋落层总体以灌丛和连香树人工林最高,油松和华山松人工林最低;而土壤中MBC/OC连香树人工最高,华山松人工林最低。说明以油松和华山松为主的人工造林替代乡土阔叶灌丛造成土壤C、N等养分严重匮乏,微生物活性低下是影响其养分周转的主要原因。 3. 从各次生植被凋落物产生看,凋落物年归还量最大的为华山松人工林(5.1×103 kg ha-1),其次为落叶松人工林(4.8×103 kg ha-1),阔叶灌丛林地凋落物产生总量(4.4×103 kg ha-1)略大于油松人工林(4.2×103 kg ha-1),最小的为连香树人工林(3.6×103 kg ha-1);叶是凋落物的主体,落叶类树种月动态表现为单峰型,高峰主要在10-11月,如落叶松、连香树和灌丛林;常绿的松类月动态不明显,各月基本相同,最为明显地为油松林,华山松人工林略有二个小峰,分别出现在11月和5月。落叶阔叶灌丛的凋落物分解速率大于常绿针叶林,如油松和华山松。结合凋落物的产生量和分解速率,不同树种人工林替代次生阔叶灌丛后,人工油松和华山松林枯落物总贮量和厚度明显大于落叶松人工林、灌丛林和连香树人工林,说明以油松和华山松为主的人工造林替代乡土阔叶灌丛延缓了有机物向土壤的顺利归还,不利于土壤C、N等养分循环。 4. 通过控制地面凋落物和地下根系输入有机物对土壤碳、氮的影响研究发现,(1) 单独去除根系以及根系与地面凋落物同时去除处理1年后对表层(0-10cm)土壤WDOC均没有显著影响,而土壤WDON显著增加,油松人工林土壤微生物生物量C、N显著降低,人工落叶松林没有显著差异,说明油松人工林土壤微生物活性对地下碳输入的依赖大于其它次生植被,而落叶松土壤微生物活性对地下碳输入依赖性较小;去除地面凋落物,明显降低了落叶松人工林土壤WDOC,华山松和连香树土壤WDON均较对照显著减少,油松人工林土壤微生物量C较对照显著减少;双倍增加地面凋落物处理对土壤微生物生物量、WDOC和WDON没有明显地增加,相反,连香树、华山松和油松人工林土壤WDON较对照减少。说明油松人工林微生物活性不仅依赖于地下碳输入,而且对地上有机物输入的依赖性也较大;连香树、落叶松和华山松人工林土壤微生物生物量并没有因地面凋落物的去除减少可能与土壤总有机碳含量及活性均较高有关,而双倍增加地面凋落物反而降低了土壤微生物生物量,说明凋落物覆盖后改变了土壤微气候。 5. 碳矿化累积量与有机碳含量和活性有机碳含量之间存在显著地正相关关系。凋落物碳累积矿化量、矿化速率以连香树最高,油松和华山松人工林次之,落叶阔叶灌丛低于常绿针叶纯林,导致其差异的主要原因可能为凋落物产生的时间动态模式不一样,致使凋落物起始分解时间不一致。而土壤层有机碳矿化速率和矿化量以阔叶落叶灌丛和连香树最高,油松和华山松人工土壤最低,再次证实利用针叶纯林恢复植被阻碍了有机质周转与循环。 6. 凋落物累积矿化量与C/N值呈显著地相关关系,并随着温度的升高而明显增加,而土壤累积矿化量与C/N值没有显著相关关系,说明土壤有机碳质量(C/N)对温度的响应不十分明显。通过双指数模型对不同温度下碳矿化过程进行模拟和计算出活性有机碳与惰性有机碳比例,发现温度升高促进了惰性有机碳向活性有机碳的转化,增加了活性有机碳含量,说明温度升高可促进次生植被凋落物与土壤有机质的分解,进而可影响到林地碳源/汇关系的变化。 综上,通过对不同人工替代次生植被凋落物与土壤C、N大小、以及土壤微生物生物量、水溶性C、N等指标动态变化模式研究,结合温度与凋落物数量输入等影响土壤活性C、N因子的综合分析,以油松和华山松人工纯林对山地植被恢复,延缓或阻碍了有机质周转与循环,造成了土壤肥力退化。对现有低效人工纯林改造,应为地面大量有机物分解创造条件。 Although soil microbial biomass, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) are a small part of total soil organic carbon and nitrogen, they can directly participate in the process of soil biochemical translation and indicate the fine changes before changes of soil total organic carbon and nitrogen occur. So, they are good indexes to indicate soil restoration condition during the process of vegetation rehabilitation. There are large areas of secondary vegetations which substitute for indigenous shrubs in the eastern fringe of Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. However, it is not well known that the ecological effect and process after substitution by different secondary plantations. Based on comparison of soil organic and nitrogen contents in litter layer and soil under different secondary vegetations in upper reaches of Minjiang River, soil microbial biomass, DOC and DON in litter layer and soil were investigated in order to analyze the seasonal dynamic. Combining the effects of temperature, litter input and root exclusion on soil microbial biomass, DOC and DON, we also aim to understand the reason and mechanism of difference in soil carbon and nitrogen contents among different secondary vegetations. The study would contribute to comprehensively understanding C and N cycling processes and provide optimal control and sustainable technology of low-effect plantations in these regions. The results are as follows: (1) Organic carbon and nitrogen in litter layers and soil under different substitution plantations were investigated. The results showed that contents of soil organic carbon and nitrogen were lower in P. tabulaeformis (PT) and P. armandi Franch(PA) than those in native broad-leaf shrub and broad-leaf plantation. The low quality (C/N) of litter in PT and PA plantations caused carbon and nitrogen returning to soil difficultly. Seasonal dynamic of soil microbial carbon (MBC),-nitrogen (MBN),-phosphor (MBP), and WDOC and WDON showed similar pattern, which had the highest values in autumn and the lowest values in winter. (2) WDOC and WDON in litter layers and soil under PT and PA plantations were significantly lower than those in native broad-leaf shrub and Cercidiphyllum japonicum Sieb. et Zucc.(CJ). Soil MBC and MBN were also the lowest, while there were no significant differences among deciduous vegetations, i.e. native broad-leaf shrub, CJ and Larix kaempferi Lamb.(LK) plantation. The results suggested that difference in quantity and quality of available substance was main reason that affected the activity of microbe in soil and litter layer. MBC/OC and MBN/ON were good indexes to indicate the change of soil microbial activity. MBC/OC of litter had the highest value under native broad-leaf shrub and CJ plantation, and had the lowest value in PT and PA plantations, while MBC/OC of soil was the highest under CJ plantation, and was the lowest in PT and PA plantations. These results indicated that PT and PA plantations substituting for native broad-leaf shrub caused deficit of carbon and nitrogen in soil, low microbial activity was a main reason influencing the cycling and turnover of carbon and nitrogen in soil. (3) The annual litter fall production, composition, seasonal dynamic and decomposition of five typical secondary stands in upper reaches of Minjiang River were studied in this paper. The annual litter productions were: PA (5.1×103 kg ha-1), LK(4.8×103 kg ha-1), native broad-leaf shrub (4.4×103 kg ha-1), PT(4.2×103 kg ha-1),CJ(3.6×103 kg ha-1). The litter production of leaves in five secondary vegetations occupied a higher percentage in the annual total litter production than those of other components. The litterfall was mostly producted in the cool and dry period (October-November) for deciduous vegetations and relatively equably producted in every season for evergreen coniferous vegetations. The decomposition rate of leaf litter in the broad-leaf stand was higher than those in evergreen coniferous stand. Combined with annual litter fall production and decomposition rate of leaf litter, we found that stock and depth of litter layer were significantly larger in PT and PA plantations than those in native broad-leaf shrub, LK and CJ plantations. The results confirmed that PT and PA plantations substituting for native broad-leaf shrub delayed organic matter returning to soil and hindered cycling of carbon and nitrogen again. (4) We explored plant litter removal, double litter addition, root trenching, and combining root trenching and litter removal treatments to examine the effects of above- and belowground carbon inputs on soil microbial biomass, WDOC and WDON in four secondary plantations. During the experimental period from June 2007 to July 2008, 1 year after initiation of the treatments, WDOC in soil did not vary in root trenching, and combining root trenching and litter removal treatments, while WDON in soil significantly increased compared with CK treatment. Root trenching reduced soil MBC and MBN in PT plantation, while MBC and MBN in soil did not vary in LK plantation. The rasults implied that soil microbial activity was more dependent on belowground carbon input in PT plantation than those in other secondary plantations, on the contrary, soil microbial activity in LK plantation was not dependent on belowground carbon input. Plant litter removal significantly decreased soil WDOC in LK plantation, decreased WDON in PA and CJ plantations, and also significantly reduced soil MBC in PT plantation. However, double litter addition did not increase soil microbial biomass, WDOC and WDON, on the contrary, soil WDON in CJ, PA and PT plantations were decreased. These suggested that soil microbial activity was not only dependent on belowground carbon input, but also on aboveground organic material input. Double litter addition could change the microclimate and result in the decrease of soil microbial activity in CJ, PA and PT plantations. (5) We measured carbon mineralization in a 107 days incubation experiment in 5℃,15℃ and 25℃. Carbon cumulative mineralization was positively correlated with organic matter and labile organic carbon in litter layer and soil. Cumulative carbon mineralization and mineralization rate of litter layers in PT and PA plantations were higher than that in native broad-leaf shrub. This difference between native broad-leaf shrub and coniferous plantations in cumulative carbon mineralization and mineralization rate of litter layers could be attributed to the initiating time of decomposition due to the difference in seasonal dynamic of litter fall production between two types of secondary plantations. However, cumulative carbon mineralization and mineralization rate in soil were the highest in native broad-leaf shrub and CJ plantation, and were the lowest in PT and PA plantations. This also confirmed that PT and PA plantations substituting for native broad-leaf shrub hindered the cycling and turnover of organic matter again. (6) Carbon cumulative mineralization was positively correlated with C/N in litter layer and increased with temperature increasing, while carbon cumulative mineralization was not correlated with C/N in soil. This indicated that soil organic matter quality (C/N) was insensitive to temperature. Applying bi-exponential model, we computed the percent of labile and stable carbon in different temperature incubation and found that temperature increasing would accelerate the transform from stable carbon to labile carbon and increase the percentage of labile organic carbon. This illuminated that temperature incraesing could facilitate the decomposition of litter and soil organic matter in secondary vegetations and hence affect the relationship between carbon source and sink.


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Association for Computing Machinery, ACM; IEEE; IEEE Computer Society; SIGSOFT


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Cell migration is essential to direct embryonic cells to specific sites at which their developmental fates are ultimately determined. However, the mechanism by which cell motility is regulated in embryonic development is largely unknown. Cortactin, a filamentous actin binding protein, is an activator of Arp2/3 complex in the nucleation of actin cytoskeleton at the cell leading edge and acts directly on the machinery of cell motility. To determine whether cortactin and Arp2/3 mediated actin assembly plays a role in the morphogenic cell movements during the early development of zebrafish, we initiated a study of cortactin expression in zebrafish embryos at gastrulating stages when massive cell migrations occur. Western blot analysis using a cortactin specific monoclonal antibody demonstrated that cortactin protein is abundantly present in embryos at the most early developmental stages. Immunostaining of whole-mounted embryo showed that cortactin immunoreactivity was associated with the embryonic shield, predominantly at the dorsal side of the embryos during gastrulation. In addition, cortactin was detected in the convergent cells of the epiblast and hypoblast, and later in the central nervous system. Immunofluorescent staining with cortactin and Arp3 antibodies also revealed that cortactin and Arp2/3 complex colocalized at the periphery and many patches associated with the cell-to-cell junction in motile embryonic cells. Therefore, our data suggest that cortactin and Arp2/3 mediated actin polymerization is implicated in the cell movement during gastrulation and perhaps the development of the central neural system as well.


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HS1 (haematopoietic lineage cell-specific gene protein 1), a prominent substrate of intracellular protein tyrosine kinases in haematopoietic cells, is implicated in the immune response to extracellular stimuli and in cell differentiation induced by cytokines. Although HS1 contains a 37-amino acid tandem repeat motif and a C-terminal Src homology 3 domain and is closely related to the cortical-actin-associated protein cortactin, it lacks the fourth repeat that has been shown to be essential for cortactin binding to filamentous actin (F-actin). In this study, we examined the possible role of HS1 in the regulation of the actin cytoskeleton. Immunofluorescent staining demonstrated that HS1 co-localizes in the cytoplasm of cells with actin-related protein (Arp) 2/3 complex, the primary component of the cellular machinery responsible for de novo actin assembly. Furthermore, recombinant HS1 binds directly to Arp2/3 complex with an equilibrium dissociation constant (K-d) of 880 nM. Although HS1 is a modest F-actin-binding protein with a Kd of 400 nM, it increases the rate of the actin assembly mediated by Arp2/3 complex, and promotes the formation of branched actin filaments induced by Arp2/3 complex and a constitutively activated peptide of N-WASP (neural Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein). Our data suggest that HS1, like cortactin, plays an important role in the modulation of actin assembly.


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基于状态的维护(CBM, Condition Based Maintenance)是近年来新兴的一种设 备维护策略,它的基本理念是在机械设备需要维护的时候才对其进行维护,强调 维护要及时、准确和经济。采用这种维护策略,能够提高工业生产的安全性和可 靠性,系统地降低企业运营成本。 机械设备状态预诊断是实现CBM 的核心支撑技术,对其进行深入研究,对推 动CBM 的发展具有重要意义。但是,由于相关研究起步不久,目前预诊断技术还 未能得到很好的实现,研究人员有必要不断地尝试各种新的有效方法来更好地解 决这一问题,加快其实现方法与技术应用的成熟进程。基于此,本文从数据挖掘 的角度,探索了机械设备预诊断新的解决方法和途径,深入研究和探讨了基于时 间序列数据挖掘的旋转机械预诊断方法。本文的主要工作包括: 1. 结合CBM 的基本理念和应用实际的需求,对机械设备状态预诊断的基本 内涵进行了系统分析。将状态评估、故障预测和剩余有效使用寿命预测三个预诊 断基本功能进一步抽象,提出了包含特征提取、状态预测和模式匹配三个子问题 的预诊断一般流程模式。在详细分析机械设备状态预诊断理论方法和应用技术研 究现状的基础上,提出了预诊断技术研究的发展趋势及各子问题的研究侧重点。 并对利用时间序列数据挖掘这一理论方法解决机械设备状态预诊断问题的可行性 进行了分析。 2. 针对具有波动频繁、噪声干扰严重等特点的原始振动量时间序列无法直接 用于旋转机械性能状态分析的问题,结合全息诊断信息融合分析旋转机械振动全 貌的思想,提出了全息状态矩阵的概念并给出定义,用类时间轴上的多维序列表 征转子系统振动全貌,以实现振动量时间序列的高级表示,为后续预测与匹配分 类工作提供良好的数据源,同时增强全息诊断的信息检索和知识自动获取的能力。 3. 将旋转机械性能状态预测,归结为旋转机械设备维护应用背景下的一维数 值型时间序列预测问题来进行深入研究。针对现有预测方法长期预测能力较弱, 且自动化水平低的不足,提出了用于旋转机械性能状态预测的ARIMA 动态间隔预 测法。该方法以动态间隔获取时间序列样本建模并预测的策略,提高了ARIMA 模 型用于设备状态长期预测的准确性,并且能够实现建模与预测的自动化,满足CBM 系统的实时性要求。 4. 针对全息状态矩阵表示的旋转机械性能状态特征数据,提出了一种全息状 态矩阵相似性匹配方法。结合旋转机械预诊断领域应用的特点定义了全息状态矩 阵的相似性度量模型,基于全息状态矩阵近似距离三角不等式设计了剪枝搜索策 略,并在此基础上设计了全息状态矩阵相似性高效准确匹配算法,不需要借助专家经验和人工识别确认,在一定阈值范围内能够实现高质量的旋转机械性能状态 相似性匹配。 5. 旋转机械基本振动量特征时间序列具有海量、超高维度、短期波动频繁和 大量噪声等特征,与时间序列数据挖掘传统应用的金融商业领域数据不同,直接 采用传统方法会存在搜索速度大幅度降低的问题。针对这一问题,提出了基于随 机投影的时间序列相似性搜索方法。该方法利用近年来新兴的随机投影统计学降 维法,将原始时间序列集映射到低维空间,并利用R*树进行索引,能够在保持高 准确率的同时,实现旋转机械基本振动量特征时间序列相似性快速搜索。 6. 针对现有机械设备性能状态分类方法不考虑误分类代价的问题,提出了一 种代价敏感直推式旋转机械设备性能状态分类法。该方法将代价敏感分类和直推 式学习的基本思想和理论相结合,采用一种代价敏感的直推式分类机制,实现了 机械设备性能状态的代价敏感分类。该方法在保证较高分类准确率的基础上,明 显地降低了误分类总代价。 7. 基于CBM 的基本理念,设计了旋转机械CBM 系统的基本结构,并以本 文理论方法的研究成果为核心,详细设计了各模块的基本功能和处理逻辑,采用 VC#.net 与Matlab 混合编程的方式开发了一个面向大型旋转机械的CBM 系统原 型,以验证本文机械设备预诊断方法研究成果的可操作性和实用性,为CBM 系统 应用技术研究做出了有益的探索。


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The intelligent level of construction machinery abroad is described in the article. In association with automation level of domestic construction machinery, developing targets are pointed out. Some plans and schemes in national technical 863 projects are introduced, which may be of reference to domestic enterprises when making developing schedule for organization.


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许多工程机械的工作装置属于冗余度机器人的范畴 ,该类机械施工控制自动化所涉及到的轨迹规划问题 ,一直受到人们的重视·采用冗余度机器人运动学的最小关节力矩法 ,对空间4R冗余度机器人的关节轨迹的运动规划进行了分析仿真·实验表明该方法实际可行 ,运动学和动力学的工作特性良好·