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The temperature dependence of the resistivity of KrF laser irradiated polyimide films was studied. In all cases, the resistivity decreased with increasing temperature. The irradiated polyimide film exhibited a typical semiconducting property. This result indicated that the irradiated polyimide films can be used as temperature-sensitive materials. We demonstrated that both the sensitivity and the sensitive temperature range of the irradiated polyimide films can be altered by adjusting laser irradiation parameters. The intrinsic relationship between the temperature coefficient of the resistivity and irradiation condition was interpreted in terms of the microstructural change. The result provided a new insight into the fundamental aspects of laser irradiated polyimide film structure and a method of preparing temperature-sensitive materials. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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叶绿素突变泛指能导致叶绿素代谢失调的核基因或叶绿体基因突变。发生叶绿素突变的植物个体普遍表现为叶色的变化,目前已报道的多数叶绿素突变体为人工诱变产物。叶绿素缺失突变导致的叶结素代谢缺陷实际上反映了叶绿体发育过程的缺陷,研究叶绿素突变更重要的意义是在于阐明叶绿体发育过程。 本研究所用材料1103s是一类特殊的叶绿素突变体,为籼性光敏核不育水稻(Oryza sativa L.)8902s群体中发现的自发突变体。该突本所具有的失绿特性为特定温度条件下才表现出来的瞬时性状,在环境温度恢复后,失绿组织可复发。遗传分析表明该突变由隐性核基因控制。本文不1103s所具有的温度敏感和失绿复绿特性,在亚细胞水平和生理化水平进行了详细的探讨。 叶绿素含量的检测表明,诱导后表现失绿的叶片组织内叶绿素含量明显降低,叶绿素a/b比值升高,原脱植基叶绿素含量低于绿色组织。失绿组织中的这种原脱植基叶绿素在失绿组织中含量的减少是由两方面因素造成的,其一是叶绿素合成过程中原脱植基叶绿素合成之前的某一步过程反应受阻;其二是原脱植基叶绿素向叶绿素转化的过程是正常进行的。 对1103s叶绿体内部的超微结构观察表明:1.控制叶绿素缺失性状的是一多效基因。该基因在特定温度条件下表达时,不仅影响到叶绿体的发育,也对细胞质中的其他细胞器产生重要的影响,其结果是细胞质中的高度有序的内膜系统被大量形状不规则的泡状结构所取代。放大后发现,这类泡状结构由(1)线粒体(2)功能未知的泡状结构I,其内部含颗粒状物质泡结构被膜内还有数层不连续的膜残片(3)功能未知的泡状结构II,其内部含大颗粒状物质。2.该突变体表达失绿和复绿过程中,叶绿体内部膜结构的变化伴随叶绿素含量的变化也有退脂和恢复的过程,但与已报道的其他突体有两个明显的不同:首先,在退化细胞的叶绿体内未观察到前片层体的存在。前片层体是叶绿体发育过程中黄化体阶段常见的非常明显的特殊结构,在电镜下为有规律的晶格状结构。已有研究表明,前片层体的形成与原脱植基叶绿素的积累有密切关系。与组培白化苗中检测到的结果不同,失绿组织中原脱植基叶绿素的含量不但没有积累,反而少于绿色组织中的含量,而造成该突变体在失绿过程中质体内无前片层体形成。其次,1103s在叶绿体退化过程中类囊体膜的变化不同于其化温敏的转绿型叶绿素突变体,尤其是在失绿过程中,其类囊体膜不是以直接解体的方式减少而是以单类囊体膜紧靠为主要特征。 对野生型 8902s与1103s类囊体膜结构的冰冻蚀刻分析表明,1103s失绿叶片上的失绿组织和绿色组织中,EFs面的大颗粒结构均异常。其异常之处表现在每个颗粒明显解离成两个亚单位(上面观),而在野生型8902s中则无上述现象出现。亚单位的解离程度在失绿组织中更明显。有间接证据研究表明,EFs面上的大颗粒代表PS II。如果该推论正确,那么失绿叶片的失绿组织和绿色组织中,PS II都可能是异常的。 另外,通过对失绿组织和绿色组织全叶蛋白双向电泳图谱的比较,得到了一个特异缺失的叶蛋白组分,该蛋白的分子量为51kd。此蛋白在失绿叶片上的失绿组织和绿色组织之间存在组织差异性。通过对该蛋白在不同温度处理和不同遗传背景下的变化规律分析,发现该蛋白是一存在于许多水稻品系叶片中的高含量组分,此蛋白表达本身不受变温诱导过程的影响,而是受另一感温过程的调控。初步分析表明该蛋白为一失绿相关蛋白。 综上所述,1103s所具有的失绿和复绿特性是核基因多效表达的结果,有一感温过程调控下游蛋白表达的复杂过程。此外,该突变特性很可能与PS II的结构异常有关。


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用羟胺体外诱变质粒RP4,我们选择到一株温度敏感的菌落形成抑制突变体(temperature-sensitive colony-formation inhibition mutant,简称CFIts突变体)。其表型为在非允许温度时,在固体平板上不能由单个菌体繁殖为集落,类似于在非允许温度时,在固体平板上不能由单个菌体繁殖为集落,类似于文献报道的RP4的KiV基因表型。这种突变体初步认为是kor(KiV控制基因)的温度敏感性突变体,即由于kor蛋白产物的热变性导致KiV产物的过量或异常表达。生化分析研究表明:在非允许条件下,突变体的生长逐步受到抑制(其表现时倍增时间延长),大约繁殖两代后即全面抑制(菌数不再增加);此时宿主菌的DNA、RNA、蛋白质等大分子合成几乎全部下降,噬菌体产率也明显降低。此时状态是完全可逆的,即在全面抑制后的20小时内,仍可因放回允许温度培养而形成集落。据此抑制现象(KiV表型)的逐步发生性,大分子合成的全面抑制性和完全可逆性判断,很象是宿主菌株在紧急状态下的整体调节机制——严紧型反应。


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The effects of acute temperature challenge on some immune parameters of haemocyte in Zhikong scallop, Chlamys farreri, recognised as a temperature sensitive bivalve species, were evaluated over a short period of time. Scallops were suddenly transferred from 17 degrees C to 11 degrees C, 23 degrees C and 28 degrees C for a period of 72 h. Total haemocyte count (THC), percentage of phagocytic haemocytes, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, acid phosphatase (ACP) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities (in both haemocyte lysate and cell-free haemolymph) were chosen as biomarkers of temperature stress. Results demonstrated that the percentage of phagocytic haemocytes and ACP activity in cell-free haemolymph of scallops challenged at 28 degrees C for 72 h significantly decreased. By contrast, reactive oxygen species production by haemocytes increased when compared to the initial values. It is concluded that haemocyte activities of C. farreri appear to be compromised when scallops were transferred from 17 degrees C to 28 degrees C. Meanwhile, no obvious negative effect of acute temperature stress was detected on haemocyte activities of C. farreri challenged at 11 degrees C, which highlighted the high tolerance of scallops to acute decrease of seawater temperatures. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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FtsZ (filamentation temperature-sensitive,fts)是广泛存在于原核生物和高等植物中的一种功能蛋白。它控制着原核细胞和质体的分裂过程。研究该基因的表达调控特征,为我们进一步认识原核细胞和质体分裂的分子机制及真核细胞的起源和进化等重要问题提供了新的思路。从烟草克隆FtsZ cDNA,构建了谷胱甘肽转移酶(GST, glutathione S-transferase,EC与FtsZ融合蛋白的表达质粒,并将其导入到在异丙基-β-D-硫代半乳糖苷(IPTG)诱导下能高效表达的JM109大肠杆菌中。高表达的融合蛋白通过谷胱甘肽一琼脂糖(glutathione-agarose)亲和层析和SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳纯化后,用以免疫兔子制备抗血清。免疫印迹法表明烟草FtsZ基因表达具有明显的组织器官特征,在质体(叶绿体)分裂活跃部位表达强:幼嫩花瓣>幼叶>幼根>老叶>茎。黑暗处理l天对FtsZ表达似乎无影响,随黑暗培养时间延长,FtsZ蛋白表达逐渐降低,叶绿体转化成为数目众多(增加2-3倍)体积小的淡黄色或白色质体。该实验结果显示,光对植物FtsZ基因表达很可能无直接影响,FtsZ基因表达强弱是决定质体(叶绿体)分裂和细胞中质体(叶绿体)数目多少的主要原因之一。


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We report the effect of InchiGa1-chiAs (0 less than or equal to chi less than or equal to0.4) capping layer on photoluminescence (PL) properties of 1.3 mum wavelength self-assembled InAs quantum islands, which are formed via depositing 3.5 monolayers (ML) InAs on GaAs (1 0 0) substrate by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE). Compared with the InchiGa1-chiAs capping layer containing a larger In mole fraction chi greater than or equal to0.2 and the GaAs capping layer (chi = 0), the InAs islands covered by the In0.1Ga0.9As layer show PL with lower emission energy, narrower full-width at half-maximum (FWHM), and quite stronger intensity. The PL peak energy and FWHM become more temperature dependent with the increase of In content in the InchiGa1-chiAs capping layer (chi greater than or equal to0.2), while the InAs islands covered by the In0.1Ga0.9As layer is much less temperature sensitive. In addition, the InAs islands covered by the In0.1Ga0.9As capping layer show room temperature PL wavelength at about 1.3 mum. (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.


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Novel intelligent hydrogels composed of biodegradable and pH-sensitive poly(L-glutamic acid) (PGA) and temperature sensitive poly(N-isopropylacrylamide-co-2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate) (PNH) were synthesized and characterized for controlled release of hydrophilic drug. The influence of pH on the equilibrium swelling ratios of the hydrogels was investigated. A higher PNH content resulted in lower equilibrium swelling ratios. Although temperature had little influence on the swelling behaviors of the hydrogels, the changes of optical transmittance of hydrogels as a function of temperature were marked, which showed that the PNH part of hydrogel exhibited hydrophobic property at temperature above the lower critical solution temperature (LCST). The biodegradation rate of the stimuli-sensitive hydrogels in the presence of enzyme was directly proportional to the PGA content. Lysozyme was chosen as a model drug and loaded into the hydrogels.


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The thermal influence on the electrical conductivity of polyimide film surfaces induced by KrF-laser irradiation was investigated, The formation of conducting phases was demonstrated to be highly temperature sensitive, as evidenced by strong dependence of the electrical conductivity on repetition rate and ambient temperature. XPS and Raman studies showed that the efficiency of the formation of conducting phases could be enhanced by the increase of temperature on irradiated polyimide film surfaces. After the disruption of polymeric chain, the carbon-enriched clusters remained on the irradiated polyimide film surfaces organized into polycrystalline graphite-like clusters responsible for electrical conductivity. The resulting dangling bonds from the decomposition process of polyimide acted as centers for the rearrangement of carbon-enriched clusters. It is suggested that the motion of radicals was promoted with increasing the temperature. Therefore the formation of polycrystalline graphite-like clusters benefited from high remaining temperature on the irradiated polyimide film surfaces. These results revealed that thermal influence played a dominant role on the formation of conducting phases.


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Vibrio harveyi is an important marine pathogen that can infect a number of aquaculture species. V. harveyi degQ (degQ(Vh)), the gene encoding a DegQ homologue, was cloned from T4, a pathogenic V. harveyi strain isolated from diseased fish. DegQ(Vh) was closely related to the HtrA family members identified in other Vibrio species and could complement the temperature-sensitive phenotype of an Escherichia coli strain defective in degP. Expression of degQVh in T4 was modulated by temperature, possibly through the sigma(E)-like factor. Enzymatic analyses demonstrated that the recombinant DegQVh protein expressed in and purified from E. coli was an active serine protease whose activity required the integrity of the catalytic site and the PDZ domains. The optimal temperature and pH of the recombinant DegQVh protein were 50 C and pH 8.0. A vaccination study indicated that the purified recombinant DegQVh was a protective immunogen that could confer protection upon fish against infection by V. harveyi. In order to improve the efficiency of DegQVh as a vaccine, a genetic construct in the form of the plasmid pAQ1 was built, in which the DNA encoding the processed DegQVh protein was fused with the DNA encoding the secretion region of AgaV, an extracellular beta-agarase. The E.coli strain harboring pAQ1 could express and secrete the chimeric DegQVh protein into the culture supernatant. Vaccination of fish with viable E. coli expressing chimeric degQ(Vh) significantly (P < 0.001) enhanced the survival of fish against V. harveyi challenge, which was possibly due to the relatively prolonged exposure of the immune system to the recombinant antigen produced constitutively, albeit at a gradually decreasing level, by the carrier strain.


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Vibrio harveyi is an important marine pathogen that can infect a number of aquaculture species. V. harveyi degQ (degQ(Vh)), the gene encoding a DegQ homologue, was cloned from T4, a pathogenic V. harveyi strain isolated from diseased fish. DegQ(Vh) was closely related to the HtrA family members identified in other Vibrio species and could complement the temperature-sensitive phenotype of an Escherichia coli strain defective in degP. Expression of degQVh in T4 was modulated by temperature, possibly through the sigma(E)-like factor. Enzymatic analyses demonstrated that the recombinant DegQVh protein expressed in and purified from E. coli was an active serine protease whose activity required the integrity of the catalytic site and the PDZ domains. The optimal temperature and pH of the recombinant DegQVh protein were 50 C and pH 8.0. A vaccination study indicated that the purified recombinant DegQVh was a protective immunogen that could confer protection upon fish against infection by V. harveyi. In order to improve the efficiency of DegQVh as a vaccine, a genetic construct in the form of the plasmid pAQ1 was built, in which the DNA encoding the processed DegQVh protein was fused with the DNA encoding the secretion region of AgaV, an extracellular beta-agarase. The E.coli strain harboring pAQ1 could express and secrete the chimeric DegQVh protein into the culture supernatant. Vaccination of fish with viable E. coli expressing chimeric degQ(Vh) significantly (P < 0.001) enhanced the survival of fish against V. harveyi challenge, which was possibly due to the relatively prolonged exposure of the immune system to the recombinant antigen produced constitutively, albeit at a gradually decreasing level, by the carrier strain.


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海带根是一种治疗糖尿病的民间中药,在沿海地区有很长的民间用药历史。食用海带根能够有效降低糖尿病患者的血糖,起到治疗作用。本文目的在于发现海带根中抗糖尿病的天然活性物质并分析它们在糖尿病治疗中的靶点;进一步开发一种低价且无毒副作用的化学类新药或中药新药。 α-glucosidase和 PTP-1B是II型糖尿病的两个重要靶点,海带根提取物能同时作用于这两个靶点。通过抑制这两种酶,降低血糖水平,85%乙醇粗提物对两种酶的IC50分别为1589ug/ml、IC50 1271ug/ml。乙酸乙酯相和石油醚相分别抑制α-glucosidase和 PTP-1B,IC50分别为380ug/ml和220ug/ml。因此以α-glucosidase和 PTP-1B的抑制活性为导向,用天然产物化学的方法对活性成分进行追踪分离,寻找单体活性物质进而鉴定其结构。由于乙酸乙酯相具有α-glucosidase抑制活性,用硅胶柱层析(石油醚:丙酮5:1、1:1),(二氯甲烷:甲醇60:1、20:1、5:1),凝胶柱层析Sephadex LH20(二氯甲烷:甲醇1:1),HPLC (80% 甲醇-水),对α-glucosidase抑制剂进行分离,得到组分IC50 为3.6ug/ml。用质谱仪和核磁共振确定结构。 生物活性测定结果表明α-glucosidase和 PTP-1B是两种不同的物质,分别位于乙酸乙酯相和石油醚相。光照实验和高温实验表明抑制α-glucosidase的活性成分对光照和温度敏感。光照48h或者50℃ 12h而且对α-glucosidase的抑制活性显著降低,TLC检测并用FeCl3显色初步表明抑制α-glucosidase的活性成分可能是多数酚类物质。动物实验显示在1450ug/kg剂量下,乙酸乙酯相能够显著降低糖尿病小鼠血糖,与阴性对照组差异极显著(P<0.01)。表明,海带根提取物在体内和体外均呈现出抗糖尿病活性,是一种潜在的抗糖尿病药物。


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In this study, hemolytic activity of venom from the jellyfish Rhopilema esculentum Kishinouye and some factors affecting it were assayed. The HU50 of R. esculentum full venom (RFV) against chicken erythrocytes was 3.40 mu g/ml and a Hill coefficient value was 1.73 suggesting at least two molecules participated in hemolytic activity. The hemolytic activity of RFV was affected by some chemical and physical factors such as divalent cations, EDTA, (NH4)(2)SO4, pH and temperature. In the presence of Mg2+, Cu2+, Zn2+, Fe2+, Ca2+ ( >= 2 mM), Mn2+ (>= 1 mM), EDTA (>= 2 mM) and (NH4)(2)SO4, the hemolytic activity of RFV was reduced. RFV had strong hemolytic activity at the pH 6-10 and the hemolytic ratios were 0.95-1.19. Hemolytic activity was temperature-sensitive and when RFV was pre-incubated at temperatures over 40 degrees C, it was sharply reduced. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Transition from brittle fracture to ductile creep of the Gaojiabian diabase is investigated as a function of temperature and water content. Experiments are conducted at 500 MPa confining pressure, with strain rate being 1 * 10~(-4) and temperature from 300 ℃ to 800 ℃. The transition from semibrittle to ductile flow of dry diabase occurs at temperatures between 700 ℃ and 750 ℃, while the transition of wet diabase takes place at about 500 ℃. The transition temperature in the wet diabase is about 200 ℃ lower than in the dry diabase. The strength of both dry and wet samples is temperature insensitive in brittle-semibrittle regime and temperature sensitive in ductile regime. At the same conditions, water within the sample could weaken the strength of wet samples. The microstructures of dry and wet samples are different. In experimental conditions, feldspars show two different deformation mechanisms, the first acting in brittle and semibrittle regime and the second acting in plastic regime, and water must have greatly affected the two mechanisms. Strength of pyroxene is lower than that of feldspar at low temperature. Pyroxene can be transformed to hornblende in deformation process and this transformation is quite temperature and water dependent. Feldspar plays a key role in the deformation in its first mechanism regime, and no dominant minerals are identified in the second mechanism regime of feldspar. The result of FTIR analysis show that water exists in wet sample in the form of -OH.


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In this work, an alpha-Al2O3:C crystal with highly sensitive thermoluminescence was directly grown by the temperature gradient technique (TGT) using Al2O3 and graphite powders as raw materials. The optical and luminescent properties and the dosimetric characteristics of the crystal were investigated. An as-grown alpha-Al2O3:C crystal shows a single glow peak at 462 K and a blue emission peak at 415 nm. The thermoluminescence (TL) response of the crystal shows a linear-sublinear-saturation characteristic. In the dose range from 5 x 10(-6) to 10Gy, the alpha-Al2O3:C crystal shows excellent linearity, and saturation was observed at about 30Gy. The sensitivity of the crystal decreases as the heating rate increases. (c) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of thermally activated energy on the dislocation emission from a crack tip in BCC metal Mo is simulated in this paper. Based on the correlative reference model on which the flexible displacement boundary scheme is introduced naturally, the simulation shows that as temperature increases the critical stress intensity factor for the first dislocation emission will decrease and the total number of emitted dislocations increase for the same external load. The dislocation velocity and extensive distance among partial dislocations are not sensitive to temperature. After a dislocation emission, two different deformation slates are observed, the stable and unstable deformation states. In the stable deformation slate, the nucleated dislocation will emit from the crack tip and piles up at a distance far away from the crack tip, after that the new dislocation can not be nucleated unless the external loading increases. In the unstable deformation state, a number of dislocations can be emitted from the crack lip continuously under the same external load.