18 resultados para System integration

em Chinese Academy of Sciences Institutional Repositories Grid Portal


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采用基于Visual C++和OpenGL的建模和运动仿真方法,对可重构星球探测机器人系统的三维运动仿真实验平台进行了研究,建立了一个多机器人系统的仿真实验平台。开发的实验平台可用于探索和验证机器人系统的工作原理、工作空间、多机器人协调算法、重构方法、系统集成技术等。在该平台上进行了机器人的运动学仿真和协调运动研究,验证了该仿真平台的有效性和机器人系统体系结构的合理性。


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该文提出将虚拟样机技术应用于工业机器人仿真研究过程 ,研究与开发工业机器人虚拟样机系统。首先说明虚拟样机技术并分析其关键技术 ,然后说明了工业机器人虚拟样机系统的构成与样机系统在机器人仿真研究中的研究内容。总结该项技术主要解决以下两方面的问题 ,即机器人仿真研究中的系统集成及为以机器人为主体的生产线虚拟设计、验证环境提供底层的数字化环境


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本文针对异构分布环境下的多机器人系统 ,提出了一种基于 CORBA规范和框架请求代理 (FRB)这一方式的应用系统集成模型 .为实现分布异构环境下的多机器人的通信、协同、编程 ,支持系统任务重组与重构、应用互操作提供一条有效途径 .并给出了一个自行设计的面向多机器人基于CORBA的对象互操作的方法、机制 .给出基于 CORBA的应用编程接口 (API)与扩展接口定义语言X- IDL,通过基于 CORBA的多机器人基本对象类的建立与对象的实现 ,实现基于 CORBA的多机器人互操作与开放分布处理原型系统 .


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随着网络技术、特别是Internet技术的发展,分布式系统的高睦能、高可靠性、高灵敏度、可扩展性和系统透明性使得基于分布式系统的应用越来越广泛。在分布式坏境下,信息系统的集成是必须认真考虑的问题。研究如何集成和统一访问分布的、异构的数据资源,实现各种数据的转换、交流与共享;以及如何建立一个开放、可扩展和异构兼容的新一代信息管理系统成为当今网络应用的重要研究方向。本文针对建立月球探测数据管理和集成系统的数据集成与操作集成两方面的内容,重点分析和研究了数据存储管理和系统集成技术,结合月球探测数据管理的应用集成需求与特点提出了基于XML技术的数据存储与管理和基于Web Service技术的系统集成方案。并利用XML/WebService技术基于Net平台开发了一个月球探测数据管理与集成系统实例。研究内容主要包括以下四个方面: (1)基于XML的数据模型与数据库存储。利用XML的自描述性、独立于平台和应用、半结构化,机器可处理、可扩展性以及便于网络传输和广泛支持的特性,实现了基于关系数据库的XML数据存储。对系统中的结构化和非结构化数据信息、都进行了XML标记定义,实现了信息存储和查询的小粒度,增强了数据的表示、查询、插入和删除等数据处理能力和效率。同时,利用XML作为月球探测数据交换和信息传输的格式,也为实现与异构系统数据的互操作提供了理想的角军决方案。(2)基于WebServices的分布式信息系统集成的体系结构。在对XML、SOAP、WSDL和UDDI关键技术和标准规范进行研究与探讨基础上,针对绕月探测数据管理的需求提出了基于XML/Web Service的三层分布式结构模型。分别是表示层、应用逻辑层、服务端数据层。实现了系统功能的可迁移性和可装配性、各层间传输过程中数据流的XML化、接口定义的动态性。与传统技术开发的耦合的分布式应用系统相比,系统在跨平台性、可配置性、可伸缩性、可维护性等方面都有了大幅度的提高。(3)基于,NET平台系统的开发与实现。深入分析和研究了Mic1’osoft.NET平台的核心技术与整体技术框架,在VisLla1Sttldio.NET开发环境中利用C#、ASP.NET、ADO.NET基于关系型数据库Oracle9i开发实现了统一身份认证系统和月球探测数据管理与集成系统。统一身份认证系统是一个通用的统一用户身份认证管理系统,包括用户管理、身份验证、实体管理、日志监控和消息、管理等功能,达到了一次登录,所有系统共用的目的。月球探测数据管理与集成系统包括数据管理、信息发布、系统管理、综合查询和应用集成五大功能模块,相对于原来的紧祸合的应用系统而言,系统的开发效率、重用性、祸合度、灵活性和自适 应性都有了很大的提高。(4)基于XML/WebServices的动态系统集成。分析了传统分布式对象模型在异构环境集成的弊端,基于XML、SOAP和WSDL等技术规范基础上,实现了统一身份认证系统、月球探测数据管理与集成系统、小空间碎片数据库系统以及其它语言开发的应用系统的信息集成、实现了资源时空的有效整合。通过这些集成应用实例,充分体现和说明了Web Services技术在应用系统集成方面的优越性。本研究的成果,也将为地球化学研究领域涉及海量数据的处理、管理和系统集成提供示范实例,推动地球化学数据的融合和综合应用。


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FSodium phosphate tellurite glasses in the system (NaPO3)(x)(TeO2)(1-x) were prepared and structurally characterized by thermal analysis, vibrational spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and a variety of complementary solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques. Unlike the situation in other mixed-network-former glasses, the interaction between the two network formers tellurium oxide and phosphorus oxide produces no new structural units, and no sharing of the network modifier Na2O takes place. The glass structure can be regarded as a network of interlinked metaphosphate-type P(2) tetrahedral and TeO4/2 antiprismotic units. The combined interpretation of the O 1s XPS data and the P-31 solid-state NMR spectra presents clear quantitative evidence for a nonstatistical connectivity distribution. Rather the formation of homootomic P-O-P and Te-O-Te linkages is favored over mixed P-O-Te connectivities. As a consequence of this chemical segregation effect, the spatial sodium distribution is not random, as also indicated by a detailed analysis of P-31/No-23 rotational echo double-resonance (REDOR) experiments. ACHTUNGTRENUNG(TeO2)1 x were prepared and structurally characterized by thermal analysis,vibrat ional spectroscopy,X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and a variety of complementary solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) techniques. Unlike the situation in other mixed-network-former glasses,the interaction between the two network formers tellurium oxide and phosphorus oxide produces no new structural units,and no sharing of the network modifier Na2O takes place. The glass structure can be regarded as a network of interlinked metaphosphate-type P(2) tetrahedral and TeO4/2 antiprismatic units. The combined interpretation of the O 1s XPS data and the 31P solid-state NMR spectra presents clear quantitative evidence for a nonstatistical connectivity distribution. Rather,the formation of homoatomic P O P and Te O Te linkages is favored over mixed P O Te connectivities. As a consequence of this chemical segregation effect,the spatial sodium distribution is not random,as also indicated by a detailed analysis of 31P/23Na rotational echo double-resonance (REDOR) experiments.


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A comprehensive model of laser propagation in the atmosphere with a complete adaptive optics (AO) system for phase compensation is presented, and a corresponding computer program is compiled. A direct wave-front gradient control method is used to reconstruct the wave-front phase. With the long-exposure Strehl ratio as the evaluation parameter, a numerical simulation of an AO system in a stationary state with the atmospheric propagation of a laser beam was conducted. It was found that for certain conditions the phase screen that describes turbulence in the atmosphere might not be isotropic. Numerical experiments show that the computational results in imaging of lenses by means of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) method agree well with those computed by means of an integration method. However, the computer time required for the FFT method is 1 order of magnitude less than that of the integration method. Phase tailoring of the calculated phase is presented as a means to solve the problem that variance of the calculated residual phase does not correspond to the correction effectiveness of an AO system. It is found for the first time to our knowledge that for a constant delay time of an AO system, when the lateral wind speed exceeds a threshold, the compensation effectiveness of an AO system is better than that of complete phase conjugation. This finding indicates that the better compensation capability of an AO system does not mean better correction effectiveness. (C) 2000 Optical Society of America.


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With current gene-transfer techniques in fish, insertion of DNA into the genome occurs randomly and in many instances at multiple sites. Associated position effects, copy number differences, and multiple gene interactions make gene expression experiments difficult to interpret and fish phenotype less predictable. To meet different fish engineering needs, we describe here a gene targeting model in zebrafish. At first, four target zebrafish lines, each harboring a single genomic lox71 target site, were generated by zebrafish transgenesis. The zygotes of transgenic zebrafish lines were coinjected with capped Cre mRNA and a knockin vector pZklox66RFP. Site-specific integration event happened from one target zebrafish line. In this line two integrant zebrafish were obtained from more than 80,000 targeted embryos (integrating efficiency about 10(-4) to 10(-5)) and confirmed to have a sole copy of the integrating DNA at the target genome site. Genomic polymerase chain reaction analysis and DNA sequencing verified the correct gene target events where lox71 and lox66 have accurately recombined into double mutant lox72 and wild-type loxP. Each integrant zebrafish chosen for analysis harbored the transgene rfp at the designated egfp concatenates. Although the Cre-mediated recombination is site specific, it is dependent on a randomly placed target site. That is, a genomic target cannot be preselected for integration based solely on its sequence. Conclusively, an rfp reporter gene was successfully inserted into the egfp target locus of zebrafish genome by Cre-lox-mediated recombination. This site-directed knockin system using the lox71/lox66 combination should be a promising gene-targeting platform serving various purposes in fish genetic engineering.


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The Sleeping Beauty (SB) transposon system, derived from teleost fish sequences, is extremely effective at delivering DNA to vertebrate genomes, including those of humans. We have examined several parameters of the SB system to improve it as a potential, nonviral vector for gene therapy. Our investigation centered on three features: the carrying capacity of the transposon for efficient integration into chromosomes of HeLa cells, the effects of overexpression of the SB transposase gene on transposition rates, and improvements in the activity of SB transposase to increase insertion rates of transgenes into cellular chromosomes. We found that SB transposons of about 6 kb retained 50% of the maximal efficiency of transposition, which is sufficient to deliver 70-80% of identified human cDNAs with appropriate transcriptional regulatory sequences. Overexpression inhibition studies revealed that there are optimal ratios of SB transposase to transposon for maximal rates of transposition, suggesting that conditions of delivery of the two-part transposon system are important for the best gene-transfer efficiencies. We further refined the SB transposase to incorporate several amino acid substitutions, the result of which led to an improved transposase called SB11. With SB11 we are able to achieve transposition rates that are about 100-fold above those achieved with plasmids that insert into chromosomes by random recombination. With the recently described improvements to the transposon itself, the SB system appears to be a potential gene-transfer tool for human gene therapy.


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Proceeding from the consideration of the demands from the functional architecture of high speed, high capacity optical communication network, this paper points out that photonic integrated devices, including high speed response laser source, narrow band response photodetector high speed wavelength converter, dense wavelength multi/demultiplexer, low loss high speed response photo-switch and multi-beam coupler are the key components in the system. The, investigation progress in the laboratory will be introduced.


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The prototype wafer of a low power integrated CMOS Transmitter for short-range biotelemetry application has been designed and fabricated, which is prospective to be implanted in the human brain to transfer the extracted neural information to the external computer. The transmitter consists of five parts, a bandgap current regulator, a ring oscillator, a buffer, a modulator and a power transistor. High integration and low power are the most distinct criteria for such an implantable integrated circuit. The post-simulation results show that under a 3.3 V power supply the transmitter provides 100.1 MHz half-wave sinusoid current signal to drive the off-chip antenna, the output peak current range is -0.155 mA similar to 1.250 mA, and on-chip static power dissipation is low to 0.374 mW. All the performances of the transmitter satisfy the demands of wireless real-time BCI system for neural signals recording and processing.