44 resultados para Symmetric Quantum-mechanics

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Subband structure and depolarization shifts in an ultrahigh mobility GaAs/Al0.24Ga0.76As quantum well are studied using magnetoinfrared spectroscopy via resonant subband Landau level coupling. Resonant couplings between the first and up to the fourth subbands are identified by well-separated antilevel-crossing split resonance, while the hy-lying subbands were identified by the cyclotron resonance linewidth broadening in the literature. In addition, a forbidden intersubband transition (first to third) has been observed. With the precise determination of the subband structure, we find that the depolarization shift can be well described by the semiclassical slab plasma model and the possible origins for the forbidden transition are discussed.


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Single photon Sagnac interferometry as a probe to macroscopic quantum mechanics is considered at the theoretical level. For a freely moving macroscopic quantum mirror susceptible to radiation pressure force inside a Sagnac interferometer, a careful analysis of the input-output relation reveals that the particle spectrum readout at the bright and dark ports encode information concerning the noncommutativity of position and momentum of the macroscopic mirror. A feasible experimental scheme to probe the commutation relation of a macroscopic quantum mirror is outlined to explore the possible frontier between classical and quantum regimes. In the Appendix, the case of Michelson interferometry as a feasible probe is also sketched.


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A central challenge to the semiclassical description of quantum mechanics is the quantum phenomenon of "deep" tunneling. Here we show that real time classical trajectories suffice to account correctly even for deep quantum tunneling, using a recently formulated semiclassical initial value representation series of the quantum propagator and a prefactor free semiclassical propagator. Deep quantum tunneling is effected through what we term as coherent classical paths which are composed of one or more classical trajectories that lead from reactant to product but are discontinuous along the way. The end and initial phase space points of consecutive classical trajectories contributing to the coherent path are close to each other in the sense that the distance between them is weighted by a coherent state overlap matrix element. Results are presented for thermal and energy dependent tunneling through a symmetric Eckart barrier.


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The advent of nanotechnology has necessitated a better understanding of how material microstructure changes at the atomic level would affect the macroscopic properties that control the performance. Such a challenge has uncovered many phenomena that were not previously understood and taken for granted. Among them are the basic foundation of dislocation theories which are now known to be inadequate. Simplifying assumptions invoked at the macroscale may not be applicable at the micro- and/or nanoscale. There are implications of scaling hierrachy associated with in-homegeneity and nonequilibrium. of physical systems. What is taken to be homogeneous and equilibrium at the macroscale may not be so when the physical size of the material is reduced to microns. These fundamental issues cannot be dispensed at will for the sake of convenience because they could alter the outcome of predictions. Even more unsatisfying is the lack of consistency in modeling physical systems. This could translate to the inability for identifying the relevant manufacturing parameters and rendering the end product unpractical because of high cost. Advanced composite and ceramic materials are cases in point. Discussed are potential pitfalls for applying models at both the atomic and continuum levels. No encouragement is made to unravel the truth of nature. Let it be partiuclates, a smooth continuum or a combination of both. The present trend of development in scaling tends to seek for different characteristic lengths of material microstructures with or without the influence of time effects. Much will be learned from atomistic simulation models to show how results could differ as boundary conditions and scales are changed. Quantum mechanics, continuum and cosmological models provide evidence that no general approach is in sight. Of immediate interest is perhaps the establishment of greater precision in terminology so as to better communicate results involving multiscale physical events.


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The hybrid quantum mechanics (QM) and molecular mechanics (MM) method is employed to simulate the His-tagged peptide adsorption to ionized region of nickel surface. Based on the previous experiments, the peptide interaction with one Ni ion is considered. In the QM/MM calculation, the imidazoles on the side chain of the peptide and the metal ion with several neighboring water molecules are treated as QM part calculated by “GAMESS”, and the rest atoms are treated as MM part calculated by “TINKER”. The integrated molecular orbital/molecular mechanics (IMOMM) method is used to deal with theQMpart with the transitional metal. By using the QM/MM method, we optimize the structure of the synthetic peptide chelating with a Ni ion. Different chelate structures are considered. The geometry parameters of the QM subsystem we obtained by QM/MM calculation are consistent with the available experimental results. We also perform a classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulation with the experimental parameters for the synthetic peptide adsorption on a neutral Ni(1 0 0) surface. We find that half of the His-tags are almost parallel with the substrate, which enhance the binding strength. Peeling of the peptide from the Ni substrate is simulated in the aqueous solvent and in vacuum, respectively. The critical peeling forces in the two environments are obtained. The results show that the imidazole rings are attached to the substrate more tightly than other bases in this peptide.


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The hybrid quantum mechanics (QM) and molecular mechanics (MM) method is employed to simulate the His-tagged peptide adsorption to ionized region of nickel surface. Based on the previous experiments, the peptide interaction with one Ni ion is considered. In the QM/MM calculation, the imidazoles on the side chain of the peptide and the metal ion with several neighboring water molecules are treated as QM part calculated by "GAMESS", and the rest atoms are treated as MM part calculated by "TINKER". The integrated molecular orbital/molecular mechanics (IMOMM) method is used to deal with the QM part with the transitional metal. By using the QM/MM method, we optimize the structure of the synthetic peptide chelating with a Ni ion. Different chelate structures are considered. The geometry parameters of the QM subsystem we obtained by QM/MM calculation are consistent with the available experimental results. We also perform a classical molecular dynamics (MD) simulation with the experimental parameters for the synthetic peptide adsorption on a neutral Ni(100) surface. We find that half of the His-tags are almost parallel with the substrate, which enhance the binding strength. Peeling of the peptide from the Ni substrate is simulated in the aqueous solvent and in vacuum, respectively. The critical peeling forces in the two environments are obtained. The results show that the in-tidazole rings are attached to the substrate more tightly than other bases in this peptide.


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A two-dimensional atomic scattering theory is developed for scattering of electrons by a circularly symmetric quantum structure in the two-dimensional electron gas. It is found that the scattering cross section oscillates as a function of ka where k is the electron wave vector and a is the radius of the cylindrical potential barrier. If there is a quantum well inside the potential barrier, there appears a series of sharp resonant-tunneling peaks superposed on the original scattering-cross-section curves. The width of the resonant-tunneling peak depends sensitively on the thickness, the height of the potential barrier, and the electron energy.


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A 3-dimensional non-commutative oscillator with no mass term but with an appropriate momentum-dependent potential admits a conserved Runge-Lenz vector, derived from the dual description in momentum space. The trajectories lie on ellipses. The dynamical symmetry allows for an algebraic determination of the bound-state spectrum and extends to o(4,2). (c) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Beating patterns in longitudinal resistance caused by the symmetric and antisymmetric states were observed in a heavily doped InGaAs/InAlAs quantum well by using variable temperature Hall measurement. The energy gap of symmetric and antisymmetric states is estimated to be 4meV from the analysis of beating node positions. In addition, the temperature dependences of the subband electron mobility and concentration were also studied from the mobility spectrum and multicarrier fitting procedure.


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Suppression of the exciton recombination in GaAs0.7Sb0.3/GaAs/GaAs0.7P0.3 coupled quantum well (CQW) induced by an external magnetic field is investigated theoretically. Unlike the usual electro-Stark effect, the exciton energy dispersion of an exciton is modified by an external in-plane magnetic field, the ground state of the magnetoexciton shifts from a zero in-plane center of mass (CM) momentum to a finite CM momentum, and the Lorentz force induces the spatial separation of electron and hole. Consequently, this effect renders the ground state of magnetoexciton stable against radiative recombination due to momentum conservation. This effect depends sensitively on the thickness and height of GaAs0.7Sb0.3 layer, therefore it could provide us useful infometion about the band alignment of CQW. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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Two sensitive polarized spectroscopies, reflectance difference spectroscopy and photocurrent difference spectroscopy, are used to study the characteristic of the in-plane optical anisotropy in the symmetric and the asymmetric (001) GaAs/Al(Ga)As superlattices (SLs). The anisotropy spectra of the symmetric and the asymmetric SLs show significant difference: for symmetric ones, the anisotropies of the 1HH-->1E transition (1H1E) and 1L1E are dominant, and they are always approximately equal and opposite; while for asymmetric ones, the anisotropy of 1H1E is much less than that of 1L1E and 2H1E, and the anisotropy of 3H2E is very strong. The calculated anisotropy spectra within the envelope function model agree with the experimental results, and a perturbation approach is used to understand the role of the electric field and the interface potential in the anisotropy. (C) 2001 American Institute of Physics.


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The properties of Rashba wave function in the planar one-dimensional waveguide are studied, and the following results are obtained. Due to the Rashba effect, the plane waves of electron with the energy E divide into two kinds of waves with the wave vectors k(1)=k(0)+k(delta) and k(2)=k(0)-k(delta), where k(delta) is proportional to the Rashba coefficient, and their spin orientations are +pi/2 (spin up) and -pi/2 (spin down) with respect to the circuit, respectively. If there is gate or ferromagnetic contact in the circuit, the Rashba wave function becomes standing wave form exp(+/- ik(delta)l)sin[k(0)(l-L)], where L is the position coordinate of the gate or contact. Unlike the electron without considering the spin, the phase of the Rashba plane or standing wave function depends on the direction angle theta of the circuit. The travel velocity of the Rashba waves with the wave vector k(1) or k(2) are the same hk(0)/m*. The boundary conditions of the Rashba wave functions at the intersection of circuits are given from the continuity of wave functions and the conservation of current density. Using the boundary conditions of Rashba wave functions we study the transmission and reflection probabilities of Rashba electron moving in several structures, and find the interference effects of the two Rashba waves with different wave vectors caused by ferromagnetic contact or the gate. Lastly we derive the general theory of multiple branches structure. The theory can be used to design various spin polarized devices.


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A spin-injection/-detection device has been fabricated based on the multiple quantum well light emitting diode (LED) structure. It is found that only a broad electroluminescence (EL) peak of a full width at half maximum of 8.6 nm appears at the wavelength of 801 nm in EL spectra with a circular luminescence polarization degree of 18%, despite PL spectra always show three well resolved peaks. The kinetic energy gained by injected electrons and holes in their drift along opposite directions broadens the EL peak, and makes three EL peaks converge together. The same process also destroys the injected spin polarization of electrons mainly dominated by the Bir-Aronov-Pikus spin relaxing mechanism.


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We have investigated the optical properties of single CdSe/ZnS nanocrystals by conducting combinations of experiments on antibunching and photoluminescence intermittence under different experimental conditions. Based on photoluminescence in an antibunching experiment, we analyzed the emission lifetime of QDs by using stretched exponentials. The difference between the parameters obtained from average lifetimes and stretched exponents were analyzed by considering the effect of nonradiative emission. An Auger-assisted tunneling model was used to explain the power law exponents of off time distribution. The power law exponent under high excitation power was correlated with a higher Auger ionization rate. Using the parameters obtained from stretched exponential function and power law, the antibunching phenomena at different time and under different excitation intensity were analyzed.


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In this Letter, the classical two-site-ground-state fidelity (CTGF) is exploited to identify quantum phase transitions (QPTs) for the transverse field Ising model (TFIM) and the one-dimensional extended Hubbard model (EHM). Our results show that the CTGF exhibits an abrupt change around the regions of criticality and can be used to identify QPTs in spin and fermionic systems. The method is especially convenient when it is connected with the density-matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.