64 resultados para Somerset, Robert Carr, Earl of, d. 1645

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A series of new chiral ligands derived from D-fructose have been synthesized and applied in the enantioselective addition of diethylzinc to aldehydes. Comparison of the enantioselectivities obtained with these ligands demonstrated that the catalytic properties are highly dependent upon the structure of ligands, a rational explanation of the structural effects on the catalytic properties is provided. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Dopamine (DA) D-1 receptor compounds were examined in monkeys for effects on the working memory functions of the prefrontal cortex and on the fine motor abilities of the primary motor cortex. The D-1 antagonist, SCH23390, the partial D-1 agonist, SKF38393, and the full D-1 agonist, dihydrexidine, were characterized in young control monkeys, and in aged monkeys with naturally occurring catecholamine depletion. In addition, SKF38393 was tested in young monkeys experimentally depleted of catecholamines with chronic reserpine treatment. Injections of SCH23390 significantly impaired the memory performance of young control monkeys, but did not impair aged monkeys with presumed catecholamine depletion. Conversely, the partial agonist, SKF38393, improved the depleted monkeys (aged or reserpine-treated) but did not improve young control animals. The full agonist, dihydrexidine, did improve memory performance in young control monkeys, as well as in a subset of aged monkeys. Consistent with D, receptor mechanisms, agonist-induced improvements were blocked by SCH23390. Drug effects on memory performance occurred independently of effects on fine motor performance. These results underscore the importance of DA D-1 mechanisms in cognitive function, and provide functional evidence of DA system degeneration in aged monkeys. Finally, high doses of D-1 agonists impaired memory performance in aged monkeys, suggesting that excessive D-1 stimulation may be deleterious to cognitive function.


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The effect of inorganic salts on the hydrolysis of starch in a microwave field was investigated and it was found that some inorganic salts can effectively accelerate the acid hydrolysis of starch. The yield of D-glucose reached 111 wt% (equal to the theoretical yield). (C) 2001 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The sequences of the mitochondrial ND4 gene (1339 bp) and the ND4L gene (290 bp) were determined for all the 14 extant taxa of the Drosophila nasuta subgroup The average A + T content of ND4 genes is 76.5% and that of ND4L genes is 83.5%. A total of 114 variable sites were scored. The ND4 gene sequence divergence ranged from 0 to 5.4% within the subgroup. The substitution rate of the ND4 gene is about 1.25% per million years. The base substitution of the genesis strongly transition biased. Neighbor-joining and parsimony were used to construct a phylogeny based on the resultant sequence data set. According to these trees, five, distinct mtDNA clades can be identified. D. niveifrons represents the most diverged lineage. D, sulfurigaster bilimbata and D. kepulauana form two independent lineages. The other two clades are the kohkoa complex and the albomicans complex. The Kohkoa complex consists of D. sulfurigaster sulfurigaster, D. pulaua, D. kohkoa, and Taxon-F. The albomicans complex can be divided into two groups: D. nasuta, D. sulfurigaster neonasuta, D. sulfurigaster albostrigata, and D.. albomicans from Chiangmai form one group; and D. pallidifrons, Taxon-I, Taxon-J, and D. albomicans from China form the other group. High genetic differentiation was found among D. albomicans populations. Based on our phylogenetic results, we hypothesize that D. niveifrons diverged first from the D, nasuta subgroup in Papua New Guinea about 3.5 Mya. The ancestral population spread to the north and when it reached Borneo, it diversified sequentially into the kohkoa complex, D. s. bilimbata, and D. kepulauana. About 1 Mya, another radiation occurred when the ancestral populations reached the Indo-China Peninsula, forming the albomicans complex. Discrepancy between morphological groupings and phylogenetic results suggests that the male morphological traits may not be orthologous. (C) 1999 Academic Press.


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In this study, the region corresponding to the Thr-Gly region of the period (per) gene in the Drosophila nasuta subgroup of species was sequenced. The results showed, that this region was highly conserved in the D. nasuta subgroup. There were only nine variable sites found in this 300-bp-long region, all located in two small regions highly variable among Drosophila species. No length variation was observed either within this subgroup or in the Yunnan (YN) population of D. albomicans. The deduced amino acid sequences were identical for all 14 taxa in the D. nasuta subgroup, and a stretch of alternating Thr-Gly pairs was not observed in this subgroup. A phylogenetic tree was constructed. The clustering of some species was in general agreement with previous works, but it also raised some question on the phylogenetic relationship between the nasuta species. The data did not implicate the Thr-Gly region playing a role in behavioral isolation in this subgroup of Drosophila.


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D-Serine, the endogenous coagonist of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors (NMDARs), is considered to be an important gliotransmitter, and is essential for the induction of long-term potentiation. However, less is known about the role of D-serine in another for


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The technique of mtDNA restriction fragments length polymorphism (RFLP) was used to survey the population structure of D. albomicans. Remarkable mtDNA polymorphism has been observed in D. albomicans populations. A total of 34 nucleomorphs were detected from 82 isofemale lines assayed by only 8 restriction enzymes. The cause and the effect of this phenomenon were discussed. As a result, it is suggested that a mechanism which maintains mtDNA diversity exists in this fly, and that the high intra-populational polymorphism could numerically conceal the extent of differentiation between populations. In addition, on the base of restriction maps, it was found that the mtDNA molecule of D. albomicans might be impacted by the selection pressure during its evolution process both on the nucleotide composition and on the functional regions.


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The Chinese long-tailed mole (Scaptonyx fusicaudus) closely resembles American (Neurotrichus gibbsii) and Japanese (Dymecodon pilirostris and Urotrichus talpoides) shrew moles in size, appearance, and ecological habits, yet it has traditionally been classified either together with (viz subfamily Urotrichinae) or separately (tribe Scaptonychini) from the latter genera (tribe Urotrichini sensu lato). We explored the merit of these competing hypotheses by comparing the differentially stained karyotypes of S.fusicaudus and N. gibbsii with those previously reported for both Japanese taxa. With few exceptions, diploid chromosome number (2n = 34), fundamental autosomal number (FNa = 64), relative size, and G-banding pattern of S. fusicaudus were indistinguishable from those of D. pilirostris and U. talpoides. In fact, only chromosome 15 differed significantly between these species, being acrocentric in D. pilirostris, subtelocentric in U. talpoides, and metacentric in S. fusicaudus. This striking similarity is difficult to envisage except in light of a shared common ancestry, and is indicative of an exceptionally low rate of chromosomal evolution among these genera. Conversely, the karyotype of N. gibbsii deviates markedly in diploid chromosome and fundamental autosomal number (2n = 38 and FNa = 72, respectively), morphology, and G-banding pattern from those of Scaptonyx and the Japanese shrew moles. These differences cannot be explained by simple chromosomal rearrangements, and Suggest that rapid chromosomal reorganization Occurred ill the karyotype evolution of this species, possibly due to founder or bottleneck events.


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The minor variant of the economically important cyanobacterium, Arthrospira platensis, usually appears in commercial production ponds under solar radiation. However, how sensitive the minor variant to solar UVR and whether its occurrence relates to the solar exposures are not known. We investigated the photochemical efficiency of PSII and growth rate of D-0083 strain and its minor variant in semi-continuous cultures under PAR (400-700 nm) alone, PAR + UV-A (320-400 nm) and PAR + UV-A + UV-B (280-700 nm) of solar radiation. The effective quantum yield of D-0083 at 14:00 p.m. decreased by about 86% under PAR, 87% under PAR + UV-A and 92% under PAR + UV-A + UV-B (280-315 nm), respectively. That of the minor variant was reduced by 93% under PAR and to undetectable values in the presence of UV-A or UV-A + UV-B. Diurnal change of the yield showed constant pattern during long-term (10 days) exposures, high in the early morning and late afternoon but the lowest at noontime in both strains, with the UVR-related inhibition being always higher in the variant than D-0083. During the long-term exposures, cells of D-0083 acclimated faster to solar UV radiation and showed paralleled growth rates among the treatments with or without UVR at the end of the experiment; however, growth of the minor variant was significantly reduced by UV-A and UV-B throughout the period. Comparing to the major strain D-0083, the minor variant was more sensitive to UVR in terms of its growth, quantum yield and acclimation to solar radiation. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Field and experimental studies were conducted to evaluate the combined impacts of cyanobacterial blooms and small algae on seasonal and long-term changes in the abundance and community structure of crustacean zooplankton in a large, eutrophic, Chinese lake, Lake Chaohu. Seasonal changes of the crustacean zooplankton from 22 sampling stations were investigated during September 2002 and August 2003, and 23 species belonging to 20 genera were recorded. Daphnia spp. dominated in spring but disappeared in mid-summer, while Bosmina coregoni and Ceriodaphnia cornuta dominated in summer and autumn. Both maximum cladoceran density (310 ind. l(-1)) and biomass (5.2 mg l(-1)) appeared in autumn. Limnoithona sinensis, Sinocalanus dorrii and Schmackeria inopinus were the main species of copepods. Microcystis spp. were the dominant phytoplankton species and formed dense blooms in the warm seasons. In the laboratory, inhibitory effects of small colonial Microcystis on growth and reproduction of Daphnia carinata were more remarkable than those of large ones, and population size of D. carinata was negatively correlated with density of fresh large colonial Microcystis within a density range of 0-100 mg l(-1) (r = -0.82, P < 0.05). Both field and experimental results suggested that seasonal and long-term changes in the community structure of crustacean zooplankton in the lake were shaped by cyanobacterial blooms and biomass of the small algae, respectively, i.e., colonial and filamentous cyanobacteria contributed to the summer replacement of dominant crustacean zooplankton from large Daphnia spp. to small B. coregoni and C. cornuta, while increased small algae might be responsible for the increased abundance of crustacean zooplankton during the past decades.


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Using phylogenetic and population genetic approaches, the present study reports the phylogeographic structure of the sharp-snouted pitviper (Deinagkistrodon acutus), a threatened snake species with commercial and medicinal importance in China. The entire mitochondrial ND2 gene (NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2) sequences of 86 individuals of D. acutus from 14 localities across its range in China were determined. Based on the results of phylogenetic analyses, distribution of diagnostic sites, haplotype network, and AMOVA hierarchical analysis, an cast-west division of the whole D. acutus population could be observed. Geographically, a line formed by a lake, river, and mountain chain (the Poyang Lake, Gan River to the southern end of the Wuyi Mountains), results in vicariance and approximately vertically splits the range into two and the whole population into two main lineages (western and eastern). The bifurcating tree suggested generally west to east dispersal trend. The data fit the isolation by distance (IBD) model well. Star-like clusters in haplotype network, significantly negative values of Fs statistics, and unimodal mismatch distributions all suggest recent demographic expansions in four areas. The results show that isolation, dispersal, bottleneck, and expansion jointly constitute the history of D. acutus. In a haplotype network, the excessive predominance of central haplotypes, few medium-frequency haplotypes, predominance (73.1 %) of the singletons among the derived haplotypes, most of which are connected to the central haplotype by only one mutational step, unsymmetrical campanulate unimodal curve of mismatch distributions and leftwards shift of the peaks, all suggest that the whole D. acutus population is a young population with low genetic diversity. Based on the data, the first priority for conservation action should be given to the Huangshan unit. (c) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The complete internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1), 5.8S ribosomal DNA, and ITS2 region of the ribosomal DNA from 60 specimens belonging to two closely related bucephalid digeneans (Dollfustrema vaneyi and Dollfustrema hefeiensis) from different localities, hosts, and microhabitat sites were cloned to examine the level of sequence variation and the taxonomic levels to show utility in species identification and phylogeny estimation. Our data show that these molecular markers can help to discriminate the two species, which are morphologically very close and difficult to separate by classical methods. We found 21 haplotypes defined by 44 polymorphic positions in 38 individuals of D. vaneyi, and 16 haplotypes defined by 43 polymorphic positions in 22 individuals of D. hefeiensis. There is no shared haplotypes between the two species. Haplotype rather than nucleotide diversity is similar between the two species. Phylogenetic analyses reveal two robustly supported clades, one corresponding to D. vaneyi and the other corresponding to D. hefeiensis. However, the population structures between the two species seem to be incongruent and show no geographic and host-specific structure among them, further indicating that the two species may have had a more complex evolutionary history than expected.