14 resultados para Situational Norms

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  克隆植物常常生长在资源异质性分布的环境中,克隆植物特有的生活史特征使其对环境和资源变化产生的反应规范(Reaction norm)具有特殊的表现和适应意义。本文以匍匐茎草本植物蛇莓(Duchesnea indica)和活血丹(Glechoma longituba)为材料,研究克隆植物在不同异质性环境中的反应规范,即可塑性(plasticity)和克隆分株间相互作用(即克隆整合(clonal integration))对表型的影响及其适应意义。 蛇莓和活血丹是具有不同分枝类型的两种匍匐茎草本植物。对于匍匐茎草本植物而言,生境中光资源分布在时间和空间上的变化极为丰富。本文主要研究在不同环境中,这两种克隆植物克隆分株间的相互作用是如何通过影响其形态特征,从而影响其光资源获取策略。 实验涉及了4种光照条件,分为5个部分,分别在大棚和野外进行。 1.同质光环境中蛇莓和活血丹克隆片段的可塑性 在大棚中,将整个克隆片段(clonal fragment)都放置在光照强度分别为自然光照PPFD(Photosynthetic Photon Flux Density)的100%、50%和10%三种不同的同质光环境中,目标是通过比较不同光照强度同质环境中不同基因型的形态特征,揭示匍匐茎草本克隆植物的反应规范及遗传差异。实验结果发现,当光照强度从100% PPFD 降到 50% PPFD时,活血丹增加对地上部分生物量投资,增加部分多投入到匍匐茎上,用于支持匍匐茎实现觅食行为,叶片和叶柄的变化不大。同样条件下,蛇莓的生物量投资却向根部转移,地上部分叶片和叶柄形态上的变化比匍匐茎的形态变化显著,出现增强对光资源吸收能力的变化。当光照强度从50%降到 10%时,活血丹继续增加对地上部分的生物量投资,但由于光照强度弱,几乎不足以维持新的匍匐茎的发生,所有增加的生物量部分都投入到叶片和叶柄的变化上。这种条件下,蛇莓的生物量投资依然向根部转移,叶片和叶柄为增加对光资源吸收能力而发生了相应变化,匍匐茎的新增数减少,形态变化也不大。实验证明,可能由于匍匐茎的发生方式不同,活血丹的匍匐茎节间长度,叶片和叶柄的关联程度比蛇莓相应性状的关联程度强。不同基因型的蛇莓和活血丹对光照梯度的反应有显著差异。 2.异质光环境中蛇莓克隆片段的可塑性 针对克隆植物分株间在相当长的时间里形体相连,而环境异质性可能存在于分株大小的空间尺度,设置异质环境,将蛇莓的不同相连分株放置在不同的光资源斑块中,研究其整合作用在适应异质性环境过程中的作用及其对表型的影响。首先设置同一种资源(光资源)的梯度差异斑块。 在光斑块中,整合作用发生与否、作用方式与资源梯度、分株自身所处斑块的资源条件和分株的年龄结构有关。在不同的条件下,整合作用可能造成对表型的不同影响,从而可能加剧或削弱分株对本地资源的反应(局部反应,local response)。整合作用对分株局部反应的影响强度和方向,在不同基因型间存在明显差异。这些基因型间的差异暗示,整合作用可能也是具有遗传基础的一种独立性状。 3.光块斑和养分斑块共存环境中活血丹克隆片段的可塑性 设置光和养分的资源互补性斑块。将相连分株种植在不同斑块中。当生长在高光低养斑块中的分株与其互补斑块(低光高养斑块)的分株相连时,其适合度相关性状的值增加,根冠比是可塑的,通过相应的形态变化,高光照斑块中的分株捕获光资源的能力增强,但两种斑块中植株的吸收养分的能力却没有大的变化。收益-损耗分析显示整合作用有益于异质环境中的植株,低光高养斑块中植株的生物量获益。实验结果证明了异质环境中相连分株间存在光合产物和养分传递。在这种环境种,分株形态的变化对本地斑块发生趋富反应,形态的改变有助于对本地丰富资源的吸收。这种反应有利于克隆片段对资源的吸收。 4.野外环境中蛇莓克隆片段的可塑性 基于大棚实验资料,对野外林下蛇莓种群进行监测。首先对单株在林下复杂的光环境中的表现进行了跟踪,结果发现,随着分株数目的增加,适合度相关性状值有所提高,而处于不同位置的相连分株在形态上的差异不显著。大棚实验中发现的显著形态变化在具有显著差异的自然环境条件下没有发生,这可能暗示着在资源条件变化频率较高的环境中整合作用的作用方式。分株不是对某一时刻资源条件进行形态特化,而是通过对所扩展的总体区域的总的环境条件调整表型。这样,从克隆片段的水平上看,资源的吸收可能达到较高水平。在密度增大,植株间互相荫蔽使得光照减弱的情况下,匍匐茎的变化没有表现出觅食行为,叶片和叶柄出现增大增长等增强吸收光能力的相应表型变化,证明叶片叶柄是克服光照不足的主要器官。这些结果与大棚实验结果一致。蛇莓基株对于相连分株内部可能具有密度调节功能,从而通过减弱叶片增大的趋势,增长匍匐茎,分散新生分株,使密度保持在一定程度,不对种群的发展造成阻碍作用。非相连分株间随着密度的增大,相互间的作用方式类似于非克隆植物:出现叶片增大,叶柄增长的现象,同时密度制约了适合度相关性状如分株数目等的增加。 5.野外环境中蛇莓种群格局动态 最后,在进化的单位,种群水平上对蛇莓种群在自然界的动态进行了调查。Spearman相关分析,没有发现光资源和测量指标在量上的相关。在自然界中整合作用使大量分散分布、相互连接的分株相互作用,以促进基株对资源的获取。Moran’s I指数分析显示,随时间的推进,各个指标在相关尺度上有所增加。这暗示了整合作用的存在,分株间联系的加强。大棚实验中观察到的关于各个器官的作用的结论在自然界中得到进一步的验证。蛇莓匍匐茎在遮荫环境中不是作为觅食器官。为了争取对更多光资源的吸收,蛇莓在叶片数和叶形态上发生改变。对分株数、叶片数、匍匐茎数目的分布格局的调查显示出没有一定的规律性,而且处于不断的变化中。这一结果可能暗示种群发展过程中处理异质性分布资源的对策的变化。 此外,本文还揭示了可塑性和整合作用在基因型间的差异,针对所发现的现象,从作用的遗传机制上对可塑性及其适应意义进行了讨论。结合分子生物学和地统计学等学科的研究成果,对进一步的实验提出了方法和路线。


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Studies on lie-detection by western psychologists indicate that lying cues people usually hold are not in accordance with the real verbal and non-verbal behaviors that liars usually show. A cross-culture study carried out by C.F.Bond and its global research team finds that the commonest view held by people from 75 nations about lying behavior is that liars usually avert gaze, while study shows that gaze-aversion has no relation with lying. In Bond’s view, stereotype of the liar reflect more about common cross-culture values than an objective description of how liars behave. Different culture has its norms based upon which people judge whether a person is credible or not. As a nation of long Confucianism tradition, how Chinese view liars differently from people of other culture is the interest of this study. By a comparative study with that of Bond’s research, it is found that, in line with Bond’s finding, Chinese generally hold the same stereotype about liars with that of the westerners; but it seems that Chinese rely significantly less on gaze-aversion as a cue to lying, and they concern more about senders’ motivation and emotion. It is also found that confidence about their detection ability among Chinese is lower than westerners. A further study on different professions and their view about lying behaviors shows that people in law-enforcement and related professions generally hold a more accurate view toward how liars behave. Possible explanations to the above mentioned findings in view of culture differences, aspects to be improved in this study and direction of future research are discussed in the later part of the thesis.


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Empathy was defined as affective experience isomorphic to another person’s affective experience elicited by the person’s affective state in this research. By constructing questionnaires and situational measurement approaches, the relationship among empathy, perspective-taking, imagination, empathic concern, distress, and interconnectedness and helping was analyzed. Perspective-taking and imagination were regarded as arousal mechanisms of empathy. Empathic concern and distress were reactive outcomes of empathy. Interpersonal outcomes of empathy were discussed in this research were empathic interconnectedness and helping. The results showed that perspective-taking had significant positive influence on empathic concern. Empathy partly mediated the effects of perspective-taking on empathic concern. Influence of imagination on empathic distress was partly mediated by empathy also. Perspective-taking had significant negative influence on empathic distress. Empathy had direct effects on its reactive outcomes, and indirect effects on its interpersonal outcomes mediated totally by empathic concern. Classification analysis according to the relationship among empathy, its arousal mechanisms, and reactive outcomes of empathy showed that disposition of empathic reactivity could be divided into 4 styles: general high empathy (22.5%), general low empathy (25.7%), empathic concern (24.4%) and empathic distress (27.3%). 4 styles were different in interpersonal acuity and mental health. It was suggested that adaptive function of 4 styles was different. And the styles of disposition of empathic reactivity significantly predicted situational empathy and its intrapersonal and interpersonal outcomes.


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Self-conscious emotions (guilt, shame, embarrassment, pride, etc) are social emotions, and involve complex appraisals of how one’s behavior has been evaluated by the self and other people according to some value standards. Self-conscious emotions play an important role in human life by arousing and regulating human action tendencies, feeling and thoughts, which can promote people to work hard in achievement and task fields, maintain good interpersonal relationship according with social morality and expectation. The present study aimed to examine complex self-conscious emotional understanding capabilities in junior middle school students with and without learning disabilities, how the self-conscious emotions generate, and relationship between self-conscious emotions and self-representation in academic and interpersonal fields. Situational experimental methods were used in this research, and the results would give further supports for learning disabilities intervention. The main results of present research are as follows. 1. The study included 4 parts and 6 experiments. The aim of study 1 was to explore whether juveniles with learning disabilities understood complex self-conscious emotions differently from juveniles without learning disabilities. We surveyed the self-conscious emotions understanding of 37 learning disabilities and 45 non-learning disabilities with the emotional situation stories. The results indicated that the self-conscious emotional recognition in others for learning disabilities was lower than that of non-learning disabilities in different emotional recognition tasks. Moreover, children with learning disabilities were more inclined to recognize emotions in themselves as elemental emotions, however, children without learning disabilities were more inclined to recognize emotions in themselves as self-conscious emotions. 2. The aim of study 2 was to explore the generative mechanism of self-conscious emotions in academic and interpersonal fields with the method of situational experiments, namely to examine whether the self-discrepancy could cause self-conscious emotions for learning disabilities. 84 learning disabilities (in experiment 1) and 80 learning disabilities (in experiment 2) participated in the research, and the results were as follows. (1) Self discrepancy caused participants’ self-conscious emotions effectively in academic and interpersonal fields. One’s own and parents’ perspercive on the actual-ideal self-discrepancy both produced dejection-related emotions (shame、embarrassment) and agitation-related emotions (guilt). (2)In academic fields, children with learning disabilities caused higher level negative self-conscious emotions (embarrassment, shame, and guilt) and lower level positive self-conscious emotion (pride). However, there were no differences of self-conscious emotions for children with and without learning disabilities in non-academic fields. 3. The aim of study 3 was to explore what influence had self-conscious emotions on self-representation for learning disabilities with the method of situational experiments. 57 learning disabilities (in experiment 1) and 67 learning disabilities (in experiment 2) participated in the research, and the results were as follows. (1)The negative self-conscious for learning disabilities could influence their positive or negative academic and positive interpersonal self-representation stability, the ways in which self-evaluation of ability mediate these effects. However, there was no significant effect for the negative self-conscious and self-evaluation of ability predicting negative interpersonal self-representation stability. (2)The stability level of positive academic and interpersonal self-representation for learning disabilities was lower than that of non-learning disabilities. There was no significant difference of the negative interpersonal self-representation stability for children with and without learning disabilities in the positive self-conscious valence condition. However, the stability level of negative interpersonal self-representation for learning disabilities was lower than that of non-learning disabilities in the negative self-conscious valence condition. 4. The aim of study 4 was to explore the intervention effects for self-conscious emotions training course on emotional comprehension cability. 65 learning disabilities (34 in experimental group, and 31 in control group) participated in the research. The results showed that self-conscious emotions course boosted the self-conscious emotions apprehensive level for children with learning disabilities.


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Recently, as a moral affect and trait, gratitude has been acquiring growing attention in social psychology. Previous research showed those who are grateful were motivated not only to reciprocate the benefactor, but also to make altruistic behavior towards other people. By reviewing previous studies, we found two approaches on exploring the gratitude-altruism link: one is to examine the relationship of correlation between gratitude being a personality trait and altruistic tendency using questionnaires as research method; another is to probe into the causality of gratitude and altruistic behaviors by experimental methods. The present research consists of five studies combining correlative studies and experimental designs, trying to explore the effect of gratitude on altruistic tendency and altruistic behavior from perspective of trait and situation. Participants are 1769 Chinese undergraduates and 332 community residents. Firstly, results of study one showed dispositional gratitude was significantly positively correlated with altruistic tendency: higher dispositional gratitude, higher altruistic tendency. When social desirability, Big Five, and grateful mood were controlled, the correlation of gratitude and altruism still remained relatively significant. Secondly, results of the most experiments showed: main effects of both dispositional gratitude and situational gratitude were significant. For example, people with high dispositional gratitude showed higher altruistic tendency than people with low dispositional gratitude; People in high condition of gratitude arousing showed higher altruistic tendency than people in low condition of gratitude arousing as well as the control group. Thirdly, data analyses showed that the interaction effect of dispositional gratitude and situational gratitude on general altruistic tendency and altruistic behavior was significant. Compared with people with high dispositional gratitude, those with low dispositional gratitude was relatively more sensitive to condition of gratitude arousing. The latter show enhanced altruistic tendency in condition of gratitude arousing than in control condition. This interaction effect was also represented in three different condition of altruistic behavior. (1) As for beneficiaries of altruistic behavior, people with low dispositional gratitude showed enhanced altruistic behavior in condition of gratitude arousing towards strangers rather than friends and relatives. (2) As for the receiver role of altruistic behavior, people with low dispositional gratitude showed less “reject” or more “acceptance” in condition of gratitude arousing than that of the control condition. (3) When it comes to the cost of altruistic behavior, people with low dispositional gratitude showed enhanced altruistic tendency in condition of gratitude arousing than that of the control condition. However, altruistic behaviors of high cost in real life were more affected by dispositional gratitude.


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The relationship between the management and the culture was explored from the view of social norm's theory. In concrete terms, the differences of the hierarchical structure of the social norm among the Chinese, the Japanese and the American were studied systematically by using interview, case study, questionnaire survey and the structure equation model, etc. The results were: (1) The basic two types of the social norms of the Chinese, the American and the Japanese were the same: the external control norm and the internal control norm. The basic dimensions of the two types of norms composed of moral principle, value orientation, the law and the rules, and the social custom were consistent among the three countries. Furthermore, the dimensions of social norms were hierarchical because of the functioning of the different culture, which consisted of the hierarchical structure system. (2) Although there were the same dimensions among the three countries, the contents of these dimensions had both the common norms surpassing the specific culture and the particular norms depending on the specific culture. (3) The basic structures of the social norms in China and in Japan were the same: the internal control norms played a main role and the external control norm was auxiliary. On one hand, within the internal norm of the Chinese, the moral principle was the main force while the value orientation was the supplementary; within the external norm, the law and the rules was the main force while the social culture custom was supplementary. On the other hand, the relationship between the external and the internal dimensions of the Japanese turned out to be contrary to those of the Chinese. (4) The structure of the American social norms were different from the Chinese: for the American, the external control norm played a main role while the internal control norm was assistant. Furthermore, the law and the rule was the major aspect while the social costumes was the second in the external control dimension. In addition, the value orientation led the performance style of the American, while the moral principle played the second role in the internal control structure. (5) The social norms related to the management performance were found including work responsibility, organization commitment, meeting making-decision, communication style, work duty and interpersonal conflict by inventory and case study. The mangers from China, Japan and America had significant different views on paying attention to the management norms. In a word, the culture differences of the social norm were the fundamental reason of the management conflict.


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This research systematically compared Chinese undergraduates with American undergraduates on four kinds of attributional bias: correspondent bias, siuational overattribution, intergroup attributional bias and self-serving attributional bias, and examined the effect of the implicit theories reflecting the cultures on attributional bias. First is analyzed three pairs of opposite implicit theories: dispositionalist theory and situationalist theory, generality and particularity, stressing the positive evaluation of self and despising the positive evaluation of self. It developed the Modern Implicit Theories Inventory and Traditional Implicit Theories Inventory to measure these implicit theories, and the results showed these inventories had satisfactory validity and reliability, and they were suitable for the group comparison of Chinese implicit theories with European-American. At the same time through the test it found Chinese undergraduates agreed all these opposite implicit theories more than American undergraduates. Second, it studied Chinese and American undergraduates' attributional accuracy on locus of causality. The results showed: Chinese and American undergraduates both had the correspondent bias under the different salient situational constraints, and the degree of Chinese and American undergraduates' correspondent bias under the different salient situational constraints had no significant difference' Chinese and American undergraduates both showed the situational overattribution; Chinese undergraduates had more the correspondent bias and situational overattribution than American undergraduates. Third, on the research of Chinese and American undergraduates' intergroup attributional bias, it found Chinese and American undergraduates both had no intergroup attributional bias among kin, friends and strangers, while they both show some favorable outcome effects for these three group actors. The favorable outcome effects were significant on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality and controllability for strangers' behavior, and stability for kin and friends' behavior rating by Chinese undergraduates, and stability for friends' behavior rating by American undergraduates. Fourth, it explored Chinese and American undergraduates' self-serving attributional bias, and the result indicated that Chinese and American undergraduates both showed significant self-serving attributional bias: for outcome effects, Chinese undergraduates' self-serving attributional bias were reflected on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality, stability, controllability and globality, and American undergraduates were reflected on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality, stability and globality; for categorization effects, both Chinese and American undergraduates' self-serving attributional bias were reflected on attributional difference between self's negative behavior and others', but Chinese undergraduates were embodied on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality, stability and globality while American undergraduates were reflected on the attributional dimensions of stability and globality. It also found Chinese undergraduates had more self-serving attributional bias than American undergraduates. This was reflected on the attributional dimensions of locus of causality, stability and controllability for outcome effects, and for categorization effects, locus of causality, stability and globality rating for self and others' negative behavior. All studies indicated that Chinese and American undergraduates' implicit theories had no significant effects on all their four attributional bias. These findings' potentially important implications were discussed and the further research was suggested.


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Human being built and updated the representations of spatial distances and spatial relations between protagonist and the around things in language comprehension. The representations of the spatial relations in egocentric spatial situational models were important in spatial cognition, narrative comprehension and psycholinguistic. Using imagery searching paradigm, Franklin and Tversky (1990) studied the representations of the spatial relations in egocentric spatial situational models and found the standard RT pattern of searching the objects in different directions around the observer (front


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This study is aimed at examining the degree of the basic scales (validity scales and clinical scales) between The Chinese MMPI and MMPI-2. Four samples (include schizophrenia, affective disorder, neuroses and normal subjects) of 236 subjects completed MMPI/MMPI-2 Combined Questionnaires in groups. The concordance rate for total code types was 90.1%. For 1-point, 2-point, 3-point and elevated code types, they were separately 81.6%, 65.8%, 49.2%, 64%. Only 56.8% of men compared to 73.8% of the women showed concordance in 2-ponit code types between MMPI and MMPI-2. And 58% of normal subjects compared to 48% of the schizophrenia subjects showed concordance in 3-point code types. Of the 236 cases, 156 (66.1%) had code types that were "well-defined" (1-, 2- or 3-point). 1-point, 2-point, 3-point well-defined code types respectively were 38.6%, 29.7%, 21.6%. For 2-point code types which were well-defined, the concordances was 84.3%, 82.8%, 85.7% (all the cases, men, women), higher than 64.4%, 56.8%, 72.9% when they were free-defined. 96.4% of subjects with incongruent 2-point code types had one of the scales in their MMPI code types with MMPI-2 code types. When deference caused by the use of uniform T-scores and new norms in MMPI-2 were found, the differences typically in code types congruence were not very great. Comparison of mean scores for the validity and clinical scales, 7 raw scores and 12 T-scores showed significant difference for MMPI versus MMPI-2 (Form). In spite of significant mean differences, correlational analyses show correlations above 0.92 for the raw scores and T-scores for each gender. All these results showed the good consistence between MMPI and MMPI-2 in basic scales, and showed MMPI-2 should be studied deeply.


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In the processes of Chinese economic and political reforms, making decision democratically and scientifically is one of the most important problems for the managers. Through the investigations of 319 managers from 13 companies in 3 cities of China, the participation or the behavior of influence and power sharing in managerial decision-making was systematically analyzed. The research was concerned with three aspects: (1) the descriptive study of managerial decision-making; (2) the relationship between managerial decision-making and a set of specified contingent situational factors; (3) the relationship between managerial decision-making and various outcome variables, such as job satisfaction and organizational effectiveness. The principal results of the research showed. 1. The managers used different methods of decision-making in different situations. The wildly used method by the managers was "prior consultation with subordinate". 2. Compared with the developed countries, Chinese managers tended to use more centralized methods of decision-making. In the comparisons among the different districts of China, the managers in the districts of the higher level economic and cultural development tended to use more participative methods in the processes of decision-making. 3. The behavior of managerial decision-making was influenced by the various contingent factors, such as the uncertainties of the environments, the job constraints, and the variables related to persons, etc. 4. The behavior of the managerial decision-making correlated significantly with the job satisfaction and organizational effectiveness. The more influence and power managers owned in the processes of decision-making, the more positive they evaluated their job satisfaction and organizational effectiveness.


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Data on meaning of working (MOW) were collected from 905 respondents in Beijing area through a stratified sampling procedure of the questionnaire used in the restudy of meaning of working (which is still on going, adapted for using in China). Some parts of the factor structure obtained in this study are similar to what found by the MOW International Research Team (1987). Detailed analysis and cross-cultural comparisons were concentrated on the most similar parts societal norms about working (SNW). T-scores of the obligation norm (ON) and entitlement norm (EN) of Chinese were calculated based on the reaction frequencies of relevant items provided by the MOW International Research Team and shown as follows. The results reveal the obligation orientation characteristic of Chinese respondents. And more, 4 SNW patterns of Chinese respondents were obtained through multivariate cluster analysis and multivariate discrimination analysis and shown as follows. The influences of antecedent variables on SNW and the consequences of SNW were analyzed. Two questions were raised from these analyses: 1) The present measurements of SNW are not able to reflect the nature of the relation and dependency between ON and EN and are not free from social desirability; 2) the relationship between SNW and actual working behaviors need to be tested while the relationship between SNW and several work intentions was confirmed. A forced-choice scale of SNW was designed to overcome the shortcomes of the original scale. This scale includes 30 items. Each item is composed of a ON statement and a EN statement with similar values of social desirability. A repertory grids test was used to exam the constructure validity and to analyze the differences of cognitive structures of the 4 SNW patterns. The results indicated that the new scale had a good discrimination power. An experiment was designed to test the relationship of SNW and the actual work behaviors of the respondents. The respondents' action in completing a task was chosen as working behavior index. 4 hypotheses were tested: 1) higher obligation orientation subjects are more likely to complete tasks no matter overtime; 2) scheduled tasks are more likely to be completed no matter overtime; 3) the obligation norm about working is positively correlated with general obligation norms; and, 4) external motivtors will enhance lower obligation orientation subjects' working motivation more than higher obligation orientation subjects' the results verified hypothesis 1 and 3, but didn't support hypothesis 2 and 4 these findings will have great implication in administrating.