162 resultados para Silver Staining

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本文以复苏植物牛耳草Boea hygrometrica成熟植株的离体叶片为试材,对比非复苏植物烟叶唇苣苔Chirita heterotricha, 以光合作用在脱水-复水过程中的变化为切入点,从生理水平上探讨其脱水保护位点:应用mRNA差异显示技术,从分子水平上探讨其脱水保护机制。 光合放氧速率、快速荧光诱导动力学、慢速荧光诱导动力学、荧光发射光谱、荧光激发谱的结果表明,相对于烟叶唇柱苣苔,脱水对牛耳草净光合速率、PS II和PS I光化学活性、电子传递、光合磷酸化及CO_2固定的影响有一个共同的特点,即脱水时迅速降低,复水后恢复能力强。通过非变性绿胶的研究牛耳草叶片类囊体膜叶绿素-蛋白复合体在脱水-复水过程中保持高度稳定。色素含量分析表明牛耳草的叶绿素含量在脱水-复水过程中也相对稳定。这些特征可能是牛耳草叶片光合作用脱水保护机制的一部分。 SDS-PAGE和IEF电泳结果表明,牛耳草脱水复苏过程中蛋白质表达有差异,或增或减,并分别发现了一条(SDS-PAGE)和两条(IEF)在脱水过程中特异出现的蛋白质。 本文以银染法代替放射自显影用于mRNA差异显示,不但简化了实验步骤,缩短了实验周期,而且在不降低灵敏度的前提下避免了放射性危害,降低了实验成本。本文证明了mRNA差异银染显示法用于复苏植物牛耳草脱水-复水过程中基因表达变化的研究是可行的。 mRNA差异银染显示法揭示牛耳草耐脱水复苏机制涉及到基因表达的调控。脱水-复水过程中差异表达的基因有6种,其中脱水特异诱导表达的13个cDNA所相应的基因、脱水上调节的15个cDNA所相应的基因可能参与牛耳草叶片脱水保护机制,复水特异诱导的8个cDNA的所相应基因可能参与牛耳草复水后的修复机制。2个脱水特异诱导表达的cDNA片段进行了克隆和测序。


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拟南芥ast (anthocyanin spotted testa) 突变体是由碳离子束诱导产生的与花青苷生物合成有关的突变体,受单隐性核基因控制。由于花青苷的异常积累,突变体未成熟种子的种皮呈现紫红色的斑点;野生型植株幼嫩的种皮没有花青苷的异常积累,呈淡绿色。初步作图分析表明,AST基因定位于拟南芥第I号染色体上,并且位于SSLP分子标记nga280和CAPS分子标记PAB5之间。 AST基因与SSLP分子标记nga280紧密连锁,遗传距离为3.2cM;与CAPS分子标记PAB5相距较远,遗传距离为21.1cM。 采用DDRT-PCR的策略,分析野生型与突变型植株未成熟角果中基因表达的差异。通过调整DDRT-PCR中总RNA、锚定引物、随机引物、cDNA和dNTP等关键试剂的用量,优化了适用于银染检测的DDRT-PCR方法。PCR扩增产物经6%变性聚丙烯酰胺凝胶垂直电泳分离后,银染能检测到多而清晰的条带。泳道中的条带数最少为40个,最多达80个,平均为60个,条带大小分布在100bp-900bp范围,银染的灵敏度为5pg/mm2。此方法操作简便快速,灵敏度高,重复性好。采用这个改良的的方法,分析了拟南芥野生型和ast突变型植株未成熟角果中16,000个cDNA扩增产物条带,从中筛选出28个差异条带。二次PCR扩增后,进一步筛选出10个差异表达的cDNA条带,其中6个是野生型特异表达的,4个是突变型特异表达的。对这10个差异片段进行测序。BLASTN分析表明,这10个差异表达的cDNA片段与数据库中花青苷生物合成途径中的结构基因和调节基因序列没有同源性,表明用DDRT-PCR的方法克隆特定的AST基因有一定的局限性。 利用图位克隆(map-based cloning)的策略,对拟南芥AST 基因进行克隆。根据拟南芥数据库中的SNPs (simple nucleotide polymophisms) 序列和插入/缺失多态性(insertion/deletion polymorphisms)序列,设计了一系列分子标记。利用这些分子标记,对600个F2代有突变表型的植株进行重组子筛选,完成了对拟南芥AST基因的精细作图,成功地将AST 基因定位到BAC克隆T13M11上。初步确定该BAC克隆中的基因T13M11.8 可能是AST基因。该基因的DNA序列长1432bp,含有6个外显子和5个内含子,编码的蛋白与花青苷生物合成途径中的二氢黄酮醇4-还原酶有较高的同源性。功能互补实验正在进行当中。


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R-phycoerythrin was isolated and purified from a red alga, Polysiphonia urceolata Grev, using Streamline column combined with ion-exchange chromatography or hydroxyapatite chromatography. The purity of R-phycoerythrin isolated by Streamline column was up to 1.66 and the yield of R-phycoerythrin could be as high as 0.68 mg/g frozen P. urceolata. All the eluates from Streamline column were divided into two equivalent parts, respectively. One part was pumped into the ion-exchange column loaded with Q-Sepharose and the other was applied to the adsorption column loaded with hydroxyapatite. The purities of R-phycoerythrin purified using these two methods were both up to 3.26, more than 3.2 the commonly accepted criterion. The yield of purified R-phycoerythrin from the ion-exchange chromatography was 0.40 mg/g frozen P. urceolata and that from the hydroxyapatite chromatography could reach 0.34 mg/g frozen P. urceolata. The purified protein had three absorption peaks at 498, 535, and 565 nm and displayed a fluorescence maximum at 580 nm, which was consistent with the typical spectrum of R-phycoerythrin. The purified R-PE was also identified with electrophoresis. Only one single protein band appeared on native-PAGE with silver staining. SDS-PAGE demonstrated the presence of one 20 kDa major subunit, and one low intensity band corresponding to 33 kDa subunit. The results indicate that using the expanded bed adsorption combined with ion-exchange chromatography or hydroxyapatite chromatography, R-phycoerythrin can be purified from frozen P. urceolata on large scale. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We investigated the effect of cerium oxide on the precipitation of Ag nanoparticles in silicate glass via a femtosecond laser irradiation and successive annealing. Absorption spectra show that Ce3+ ions may absorb part of the laser energy via multiphoton absorption and release free electrons, resulting in an increase of the concentration of Ag atoms and a decrease of the concentration of hole-trapped color centers, which influence precipitation of the Ag nanoparticles. In addition, we found that the formed Ag-0 may reduce Ce4+ ions to Ce3+ ions during the annealing process, which inhibits the growth of the Ag nanoparticles.


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The authors report the investigation of filament and supercontinuum generation by focusing a femtosecond laser beam into water doped with silver nanoparticles. The silver nanoparticles enhance the nonlinear optical response of water, leading to broadening of supercontinuum spectra in self-focused femtosecond filaments. During the propagation of the supercontinuum light in the filament, the silver nanoparticles preferentially scatter the short-wavelength light near the plasmon resonant wavelength peak, followed by the scattering of the long-wavelength light. Thus, a side view of the filament shows a full-color spectrum in the visible range, which is herein called "rainbow filament." (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Silver nanowires in large quantities can be obtained through a simple method in the absence of a surfactant or polymer and without addition of external seeding nanocrystallites. A plausible mechanism was proposed to elucidate the formation mechanism of silver nanowires based on TEM studies.


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Recent theoretical and experimental results suggested that the silver superlens could be constructed through controlling silver thin film thickness and preparation conditions, and applied in subdiffraction-limited optical imaging and optical lithography. In this work, we report another significant application of silver superlens-ultrahigh density optical data storage. With the silver superlens the subdiffraction-limited pit arrays on an optical disk are dynamically read out and the carrier-to-noise ratio can reach 25 dB for the thin film thickness of 46 nm. The readout laser power and readout velocity have little effect on the carrier-to-noise ratio. Additionally, in our experiment the silver thin film thickness needs to be controlled in the range from 20 to 80 nm.


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Fast moving arrays of periodic sub-diffraction-limit pits were dynamically read out via a silver thin film. The mechanism of the dynamic readout is analysed and discussed in detail, both experimentally and theoretically. The analysis and experiment show that, in the course of readout, surface plasmons can be excited at the silver/air interface by the focused laser beam and amplified by the silver thin film. The surface plasmons are transmitted into the substrate/silver interface with a large enhancement. The surface waves at the substrate/silver interface are scattered by the sinusoidal pits of sub-diffraction-limit size. The scattered waves are collected by a converging lens and guided into the detector for the readout.


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We report on space-selective co-precipitation of silver and gold nanoparticles in Ag+, Au3+ co-doped silicate glasses by irradiation of femtosecond laser pulses and subsequent annealing at high temperatures. The color of the irradiated area in the glass sample changed from yellow to red with the increase of the annealing temperature. The effects of average laser power and annealing temperature on precipitation of the nanoparticles were investigated. A reasonable mechanism was proposed to explain the observed phenomena. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Coatings with layer structures of Ag/glass, Ag/Cr/glass, and Ag/Cr-Ag/Cr/glass deposited with magnetron sputtering are investigated. The results indicate that the performance for reflectance, hardness, adherence, and humidity durability of the silver coatings with Ag/Cr/glass and Ag/Cr-Ag/Cr/glass structures are better than pure silver film. In addition, the silver coatings with an Ag/Cr-Ag/glass structure present more advantages than that of the Ag/Cr/glass. Reasons are analyzed accordingly. (C) 2004 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A series of silver films with different thickness were prepared under identical conditions by direct current magnetron sputtering. The optical properties of the silver films were measured using spectrophotometric techniques and the optical constants were calculated from reflection and transmission measurements made at near normal incidence. The results show that the optical properties and constants are affected by films' thickness. Below the critical thickness of 17 nm at which Ag film forms a continuous film, the optical properties and constants vary significantly as the thickness of films increases and then tends to a stable value which is reached at 41 nm. X-ray diffraction measurements were carried out to examine the structure and stress evolution of the Ag films as a function of films' thickness. It was found that the interplanar distance of (111) orientation decreases when the film thickness increases and tends to be close to that of bulk material. The compressive strains also decrease with increasing thickness. (C) 2007 Published by Elsevier B.V.