16 resultados para Shared Lives

em Chinese Academy of Sciences Institutional Repositories Grid Portal


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An efficient one-step digit-set-restricted modified signed-digit (MSD) adder based on symbolic substitution is presented. In this technique, carry propagation is avoided by introducing reference digits to restrict the intermediate carry and sum digits to {1,0} and {0,1}, respectively. The proposed technique requires significantly fewer minterms and simplifies system complexity compared to the reported one-step MSD addition techniques. An incoherent correlator based on an optoelectronic shared content-addressable memory processor is suggested to perform the addition operation. In this technique, only one set of minterms needs to be stored, independent of the operand length. (C) 2002 society or Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A two-step digit-set-restricted modified signed-digit (MSD) adder based on symbolic substitution is presented. In the proposed addition algorithm, carry propagation is avoided by using reference digits to restrict the intermediate MSD carry and sum digits into {(1) over bar ,0} and {0, 1}, respectively. The algorithm requires only 12 minterms to generate the final results, and no complementarity operations for nonzero outputs are involved, which simplifies the system complexity significantly. An optoelectronic shared content-addressable memory based on an incoherent correlator is used for experimental demonstration. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A two-step digit-set-restricted modified signed-digit (MSD) adder based on symbolic substitution is presented. In the proposed addition algorithm, carry propagation is avoided by using reference digits to restrict the intermediate MSD carry and sum digits into {(1) over bar ,0} and {0, 1}, respectively. The algorithm requires only 12 minterms to generate the final results, and no complementarity operations for nonzero outputs are involved, which simplifies the system complexity significantly. An optoelectronic shared content-addressable memory based on an incoherent correlator is used for experimental demonstration. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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We have explored the shared-layer integration fabrication of an resonant-cavity-enhanced p-i-n photodector (RCE- p-i-n-PD) and a single heterojunction bipolar transistor (SHBT) with the same epitaxy grown layer structure. MOCVD growth of the different layer structure for the GaAs based RCE- p-i-n-PD/SHBT require compromises to obtain the best performance of the integrated devices. The SHBT is proposed with super-lattice in the collector, and the structure of the base and the collector of the SHBT is used for the RCE. Up to now, the DC characteristics of the integrated device have been obtained.


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The proton radioactivity half-lives of spherical proton emitters are calculated by the cluster model with the contribution of a centrifugal potential barrier considered separately. The results are compared with the experimental data and other theoretical data, and good agreement is found for most nuclei. In addition, two formulae are proposed for the proton decay half-life of spherical proton emitters through the least squares fit to the experimental data available, and could reproduce the experimental half-lives successfully.


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Various cluster radioactivities of heavy nuclei have been investigated by using the unified fission model (UFM). The cluster preformation factors have been extracted by employing the UFM connected with the experimental half-lives, and the relationship of preformation probability between the cluster and alpha-particle has been discussed in detail. In addition, the cluster preformation probability has been studied in the framework of statistical physics. Some useful predictions on the cluster emission half-lives are provided for future experiments.


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The generalized liquid drop model (GLDM) and the cluster model have been employed to calculate the alpha-decay half-lives of superheavy nuclei (SHN) using the experimental alpha-decay Q values. The results of the cluster model are slightly poorer than those from the GLDM if experimental Q values are used. The prediction powers of these two models with theoretical Q values from Audi et al. (Q(Audi)) and Muntian et al. (Q(M)) have been tested to find that the cluster model with Q(Audi) and Q(M) could provide reliable results for Z > 112 but the GLDM with Q(Audi) for Z <= 112. The half-lives of some still unknown nuclei are predicted by these two models and these results may be useful for future experimental assignment and identification.


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Theoretical alpha-decay half-lives of the heaviest nuclei are calculated using the experimental Q value. The barriers in the quasi-molecular shape path is determined within a Generalized Liquid Drop Model (GLDM) and the WKB approximation is used. The results are compared with calculations using the Density-Dependent, M3Y (DDM3Y) effective interaction and the Viola-Seaborg-Sobiczewski (VSS) formulae. The calculations provide consistent estimates for the half-lives of the a decay chains of these superheavy elements. The experimental data stand between the GLDM calculations and VSS ones in the most time.


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The generalized liquid drop model (GLDM), including the proximity effects and centrifugal potential, and the cluster model with Cosh potential are used to study the half-lives of some Z=113 isotopes and their alpha-decay products.The experimental half-lives of (284)113, (283)113, (282)113and their alpha-decay products are well reproduced by the two models when zero angular momenta transfer is assumed. For (278)113 and its alpha-decay products, both the GLDM andthe cluster model could provide satisfactory results if we assume the alpha particle carry five units of angular momenta, which indicates that possible non zero angular momenta transfer and need further experimental measurements with high precision. Finally, we show that half-lives of alpha-decay are quite sensitive to the angular momentum transfers, and a formula could be used to describe the correlation between alpha-decay half-life and angular momentum transfer successfully.


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We investigate the ground state properties of some superheavy nuclei, which may be synthesized in future experiments. Special emphases are placed on the alpha decay energies and half-lives. The alpha decay energies and half-lives from different theoretical models are compared and discussed comprehensively. Through these calculations and comparisons, the optimal superheavy elements to be synthesized in future experiments are proposed theoretically.


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The a-decay half-lives of a set of superheavy nuclear isotope chain from Z = 105 to 120 have been analyzed systematically within the WKB method, and some nuclear structure features are found. The decay barriers have been determined in the quasi-molecular shape path within the Generalized Liquid Drop Model (GLDM) including the proximity effects between nucleons in a neck and the mass and charge asymmetry. The results are in reasonable agreement with the published experimental data for the alpha decay half-lives of isotopes of charge 112, 114, and 116, of the element 294118 and of some decay products. A comparison of present calculations with the results by the DDM3Y effective interaction and by the Viola-Seaborg Sobiczewski (VSS) formulae is also made. The experimental a decay half lives all stand in between the GLDM calculations and VSS formula results. This demonstrates the possibility of these models to provide reasonable estimates for the half-lives of nuclear decays by a emissions for the domain of SHN. The half-lives of these new nuclei are thus well tested from the reasonable consistence of the macroscopic, the microscopic, the empirical formulae and the experimental data. This also shows that the present data of SHN themselves are consistent. It could suggest that the present experimental claims on the existence of new elements Z = 110 similar to 118 are reliable. It is expected that greater deviations of a few SHN between the data and the model may be eliminated by further improvements on the precision of the measurements.


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The alpha decay half-lives of the recently produced isotopes of the 112, 114, 116 and 118 nuclei and decay products have been calculated in the quasi-molecular shape path using the experimental Q(alpha) value and a Generalized Liquid Drop Model including the proximity effects between nucleons in the neck or the gap between the nascent fragments. Reasonable estimates are obtained for the observed alpha decay half-lives. The results are compared with calculations using the Density-Dependent M3Y effective interaction and the Viola-Seaborg-Sobiczewski formulae. Generalized Liquid Drop Model predictions are provided for the alpha decay half-lives of other superheavy nuclei using the Finite Range Droplet Model Q(alpha) and compared with the values derived from the VSS formulae.


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The lifetimes of alpha decays of the recently produced isotopes of the elements 112, 114, 116 and the element (294)118 and of some decay products have been calculated theoretically within the Wentzel-Kramers-Brillouin approximation. The alpha decay barriers have been determined in the quasimolecular shape path within a generalized liquid drop model including the proximity effects between nuclei in a neck, the mass and charge asymmetry and the precise nuclear radius. These calculations provide reasonable estimated for the observed alpha decay lifetimes. The calculated results have been compared with the results of the density-dependent M3Y effective interaction and the experimental data. It is indicated that the theoretical foundation of the generalized liquid drop model is as good as that of the microscopic DDM3Y model, at least in the sense of predicting the T-1/2 values as long as one uses a correct alpha decay energy. The half lives of these new nuclei are well tested from the consistence of the macroscopic, the microscopic and the experimental data.