289 resultados para Senjie Lin

em Chinese Academy of Sciences Institutional Repositories Grid Portal


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The white cloud mountain minnow Tanichthys albonubes Lin is an endemic species to southern China and the genus has two species, Tanichthys albonubes Lin and Tanichthys micagemmae Freyhof et Herder. The distribution range of T. albonubes Lin and T. micagemmae is very narrow and only found in the mountain brooks of Baiyunshan Mountain (White Cloud Mountain), Huaxian Country and the vicinity of Guangzhou in Guangdong Province and Halong, Quang Ninh Province, Vietnam respectively. The wild populations of this fish had already been on the verge of extinction when Shu-Yan Lin first discovered it in 1932 at the Baiyunshan Mountain. It was believed to be extinct in the wild because there were no reports of this fish in the wild since 1980. In September 2003, a small and isolated population of the fish was discovered in a mountain puddle in the north vicinity of Guangzhou. Additional studies are needed to determine the survival and propagation of the released fish. The protection of their natural habitat should be implemented.


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This paper study generalized Serre problem proposed by Lin and Bose in multidimensional system theory context [Multidimens. Systems and Signal Process. 10 (1999) 379; Linear Algebra Appl. 338 (2001) 125]. This problem is stated as follows. Let F ∈ Al×m be a full row rank matrix, and d be the greatest common divisor of all the l × l minors of F. Assume that the reduced minors of F generate the unit ideal, where A = K[x 1,...,xn] is the polynomial ring in n variables x 1,...,xn over any coefficient field K. Then there exist matrices G ∈ Al×l and F1 ∈ A l×m such that F = GF1 with det G = d and F 1 is a ZLP matrix. We provide an elementary proof to this problem, and treat non-full rank case.


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A new class of rubbery 'polymer-in-salt' electrolytes for application in solid-state lithium batteries has been explored by differential scanning calorimetry and a.c. impedance analysis. Simple phase diagrams of LiN(CF3SO2)(2)+LiClO4 and LiC(CF3SO2)(3)+LiN(CF3SO2)(2) have been drawn, which are very important to determine polymer-in-salt electrolyte materials. The conductivities obtained by a.c. impedance measurement are smaller for the electrolyte that contains acetate LiOAc salt than for the electrolyte without this salt.


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Ferromagnetic semiconductor MnxGa1-xSb single crystals were fabricated by Mn-ions implantation, deposition, and the post annealing. Magnetic hysteresis-loops in the MnxGa1-xSb single crystals were obtained at room temperature (300 K). The structure of the ferromagnetic semiconductor MnxGa1-xSb single crystal was analyzed by Xray diffraction. The distribution of carrier concentrations in MnxGa1-xSb was investigated by electrochemical capacitance- voltage profiler. The content of Mn in MnxGa1-xSb varied gradually from x = 0.09 near the surface to x = 0 in the wafer inner analyzed by X-ray diffraction. Electrochemical capacitance-voltage profiler reveals that the concentration of p-type carriers in MnxGa1-xSb is as high as 1 1021 cm-3, indicating that most of the Mn atoms in MnxGa1-xSb take the site of Ga, and play a role of acceptors.


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An optical diagnostic system designed for the microgravity experiments on Marangoni drop migrations has been depicted in the presented paper. One part of the optical system was used to image and record the drops tracks; the other part was an equal-thick interferential system, it has the ability to observe the fine structures of the drop migrations. Some ground-based experiments had been performed and the results were simply discussed in the present paper.


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With a newly developed Material Failure Process Analysis code (MFPA(2D)), influence of hetero geneity on fracture processes and strength characterization of brittle disorder materials such as rock or concrete is numerically studied under uniaxial compression and tension conditions. It is found th at, due to the heterogeneity of the disordered material, relatively more diffused micro-fractures appear in the early stage of loading. Different from homogeneous materials such as glass, macro-crack nucleation starts well before the peak stress is reached and the crack propagation and coalescence can be traced, which can be taken as a precursory to predict the macro-fracture of the material. The presence of residual strength in the post-peak region and the resemblance in the stress-strain curves between tension and compression are significant results and are found to be dependent on the heterogeneity of the specimens. Examples showing the tentative applications of MFPA(2D) in modeling failure of composite materials and rock or civil engineering problem are also given in this paper.


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Casimir effect on the critical pull-in gap and pull-in voltage of nanoelectromechanical switches is studied. An approximate analytical expression of the critical pull-in gap with Casimir force is presented by the perturbation theory. The corresponding pull-in parameters are computed numerically, from which one can notice the nonlinear effect of Casimir force on the pull-in parameters. The detachment length has been presented, which increases with increasing thickness of the beam.


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In this article the UDF script file in the Fluent software was rewritten as the "connecting file" for the Fluent and the ANSYS/ABAQUS in order that the joined file can be used to do aero-elastic computations. In this way the fluid field is computed by solving the Navier-Stokes equations and the structure movement is integrated by the dynamics directly. An analysis of the computed results shows that this coupled method designed for simulating aero-elastic systems is workable and can be used for the other fluid-structure interaction problems.


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The optical interference method is a promising technique for measuring temperature, density, and concentration in fluids. The non-intrusive and non-invasive nature of its optical techniques to the measured section are its most outstanding features. However, the adverse experiment environment, especially regarding shaking and vibrating, greatly restricts the application of the interferometer. In the present work, an optical diagnostic system consisting of a Mach-Zehnder interferometer (named after physicists Ludwig Mach) and an image processor has been developed that increases the measuring sensitivity compared to conventional experimental methods in fluid mechanics. An image processor has also been developed for obtaining quantitative results by using Fourier transformation. The present facility has been used in observing and measuring the mass transfer process of a water droplet in EAFP protein solution under microgravity condition provided by the satellite Shi Jian No. 8.


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Barium-functionalized multiwalled carbon nanotube yarns were fabricated by drawing and twisting multiwalled carbon nanotube forests through a solution containing barium nitrate. After heat activation under vacuum, the functionalized yarns were enriched in barium oxide due to the high surface-to-volume ratio of the nanotubes. The cathodes exhibited good thermionic properties, with a work function as low as 1.73-2.06 eV and thermionic current density that exceeded 185 mA/cm(2) in a field of 850 V/5 mm at 1317 K. The barium-functionalized yarns had high tensile strength of up to 420 MPa and retained strength of similar to 250 MPa after a 2 h activation process. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics.


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Depth profiles of carrier concentrations in GaMnSb/GaSb are investigated by electrochemistry capacitance-voltage profiler and electrolyte of Tiron. The carrier concentration in GaMnSb/GaSb measured by this method is coincident with the results of Hall and X-ray diffraction measurements. It is indicated that most of the Mn atoms in GaMnSb take the site of Ga, play a role of acceptors, and provide shallow acceptor level(s).


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<正> 一、引言 在现代工程技术、激波结构的计算、实验室的激波物理现象研究和非平衡辐射诊断中,高温气体非平衡辐射性质的研究,在理论和实际中都有重要意义。早在五十年代,有的学者就观察过高温气体的非平衡辐射;六十年代初,国外许多学者对此感兴趣,但其定量测量还是在Lin设计出直径为24英寸的低密度激波管后做出的。关于非平衡辐


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<正> 流体运动稳定问题是流体力学理论中的一个重要课题。它以研究层流如何转变为湍流为主要目的。近一个世纪以来,理论和实验已取得很大进展,但距离最后解决问题还很远。Lin和Chandrasekhar总结了早期用简正模法研究的结果。最近,Joseph,Drazin和Reid作了进一步综述,特别总结了近年来非线性稳定理论的进展。Swinney所编《流体运动不稳定和湍流的发生》对这一研究领域最新结果作了全面评述。


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<正> 在Lin & Shu等人采用恒星动力学模型研究星系密度波时,曾作了两个基本假定:(1)假定恒星系统的基态满足小周转圆条件;(2)假定扰动态满足“短波长”“振幅缓变”条件,从而Shu的泊松方程渐近解式可用。