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五味子科(Schisandraceae)隶属于木兰亚纲八角目(Illiciales),为攀缘藤本,花单性,雌雄异株或同株。近年来分子系统学的研究结果显示,一个包括八角目在内的所谓ANITA类群(Amborellaceae – Nymphaeales – Illiciales – Trimeniaceae - Austrobaileyaceae)代表了被子植物最基部的类群。这使得五味子科成为解决原始被子植物起源和演化问题的重要类群之一,而倍受关注。作为被子植物的原始类群,其繁育系统、传粉生物学和种子传播等方面的知识对于理解被子植物起源和基部各大类群之间的系统发育关系是至关重要的,而五味子科在这些方面的研究几乎还是空白。本研究选取几种代表不同雄蕊群类型的五味子科植物,对其进行传粉生物学和种子散播方式的研究,在此基础上讨论了该科植物和早期被子植物的传粉机制和种子散播机制。 1.翼梗五味子的传粉生物学 翼梗五味子是严格的雌雄异株。雄花在颜色、形状和大小上都与雌花非常相似,但是数量明显多于雌花。在开放后,雌雄花的花被片都不完全张开,把雄蕊群和雌蕊群包在其中,花被片和雄蕊群或雌蕊群之间的空隙非常狭小。翼梗五味子的花不能产热,不能散发出花香,也不分泌花蜜。翼梗五味子的传粉者只有Megommata sp.(瘿蚊科)的雌性成虫,花粉是对传粉者的唯一回报。Megommata sp.访问翼梗五味子的雄花摄取花粉作为其卵巢发育或产卵所需的额外营养,而雌花则是通过模拟雄花的形态来吸引昆虫的。绿叶五味子的传粉机制与翼梗五味子相似,也是雌花模拟雄花的形态欺骗昆虫访花。这种欺骗性传粉在基部被子植物是普遍存在的。 2.南五味子的传粉生物学 南五味子是雌雄同株。雌雄花的花被片都是黄色,子房绿色,雄蕊有黄色和红色两种颜色,开黄色雄花的和开红色雄花的植株在所研究的14个居群中都是随机分布的。南五味子的雌雄花都是在晚上开放,并能散发出强烈的花香,红色雄花、黄色雄花和雌花的花香成分非常相似,主要成分都是丁酸甲酯 (methyl butyrate)。南五味子的雌雄花还可以产生热量。南五味子的传粉者只有一种昆虫-- Megommata sp.(瘿蚊科),它们的访花时间与花香的散发时间以及花热产生的时间基本吻合,都集中在花开后的4-5小时内。在南五味子中,花香在吸引传粉者上起着决定性作用,花热可以增强花香的散发,而花色则不起作用。花粉是南五味子对Megommata sp.的唯一的回报,雌花利用与雄花相同的诱物(花香和花热)来吸引传粉者,因此南五味子的传粉系统也是一种欺骗性传粉。 3.五味子科植物的传粉系统 五味子科植物的花一般比较小,花器官多而不定,螺旋状排列。五味子科不存在风媒传粉,传粉昆虫主要是双翅目昆虫和甲虫类。翼梗五味子、南五味子、绿叶五味子只是由瘿蚊科Megommata属的一种昆虫来传粉的,表现出一种专化地传粉系统。而Schisandra glabra则有多种昆虫参与传粉,表现出泛化的传粉系统。以瘿蚊为媒介的传粉系统中,只有雄花能为昆虫提供报酬,而雌花则是通过模拟雄花来欺骗昆虫访花的。在这个欺骗性传粉系统中,味觉和视觉线索对瘿蚊都是很重要的,五味子的雌花可以通过模拟雄花的形态或者通过散发出与雄花相同的花香气味来吸引传粉者的。在泛化传粉的系统中,花粉、柱头和花被片都可作为昆虫的食物,并且S.glabra花还可以为昆虫提供栖息或交配场所。 五味子科植物的传粉模式符合“菌蚊类昆虫传粉综合征”。这个传粉综合征的特点是:植物一般具有较小的两性花或单性花、能散发强烈的花香、能够产生花热;传粉昆虫是菌蚊科、瘿蚊科和其他长角亚目的昆虫;欺骗性传粉;具有自交不亲和现象。Austrobaileyales 分支中的各类群和睡莲科植物都适合这个传粉综合征。 4.五味子科植物的种子散播 五味子的果实都是由小浆果组成的聚合果,五味子属的果实是长穗状,南五味子属的呈球形。成熟小浆果的颜色从红色到紫红色;具有中等大小的种子。翼梗五味子的果实是以小浆果为单位脱落的,整个脱落过程仅持续13天,种子是由鸟类和哺乳类散播的。异形南五味子和南五味子的聚合果虽然都是球形的,但是异形南五味子的果实和种子比南五味子大得多;它们的果实脱落和种子散播方式有很大差异,异形南五味子是整个聚合果脱落,脱落时间集中在20天内,而南五味子是以小浆果为单位脱落,脱落时间可长达4个月之久。异形南五味子的种子很可能是通过鸟类来散播的,而南五味子则没有发现有效的种子散播者。在五味子科内,果实形态总的进化趋势是由短到长,南五味子属所具有的球形聚合果很可能代表了五味子科果实的祖先性状。五味子科植物果实形状的进化可能最少要经历两个过程。在白垩纪和第三纪的交界期前后,由于气候和植被的变化,一些五味子类群的果实和种子变大;而后在第三纪,随着特化的果实散播者如鸟类和鼠类的出现,五味子科一些种类的花托在果期明显变长,球形聚合果进化成长穗状聚合果。
生物多样性的维持、监测、保育与恢复是生物多样性科学的核心研究内容( DIVERSITAS)。作为世界上典型的植被类型,常绿阔叶林以其丰富的生物多样性而倍受世人关注。我国的常绿阔叶林是全球分布面积最大,发育最为典型的常绿阔叶林,其分布区多为农业区,与长江流域的生态安全密切相关:伴随着人们的生产活动,生境的岛屿化与破碎化问题越来越突出,常绿阔叶林的合理保育问题和生态恢复问题已成为大家关注的焦点。本研究“常绿阔叶林恢复生态学研究初报”正是在这种背景下开展的,主要实验研究工作与结果如下: 1.系统综述了生态系统退化程度的诊断指标体系、途径与方法,绘制了生态系 统退化程度的概念模型,为恢复生态学研究和生态恢复实践提供参考。 2.固定样地的建立:为深入开展生物多样性与恢复生态学研究,本研究建立了一系列固定样地(常绿阔叶林固定样地、常绿落叶阔叶林固定样地、退化生态系统恢复与重建实验样地等),这些样地的建立为进一步深化研究奠定了坚实基础。 3.种群大小级结构特征:对栲树Castanopsis fargesii和油茶Camellia oleifera种 群大小级结构特征研究表明,栲树种群大小级结构(高度级和胸围级)呈弱双峰型分布,油茶种群大小级结构呈倒“J”型分布。对树木大小级划分标 准的比较研究表明划分标准的选择应基于研究目的和物种性质。作者认为应深入研究干扰特别是生境的岛屿化与破碎化对常绿阔叶林稳定性的影响。 4.种子扩散与种群维持:种子扩散是种群维持的一个关键阶段,而建群种的维持机制可在一定程度上反映群落的维持机理。对都江堰常绿阔叶林固定样地的主要建群种栲树种子扩散的研究表明,种子雨密度、种子在地上保留密度以及种子丢失状况是个动态过程,种子雨在2001年持续了约3个月的时间,种子年产量达到每平方米73.37个正常种子;研究发现栲树种子下落后能在地上保留一段相当长的时间(捕食者饱和现象“predator satiation"),这为种子萌发提供了更多的时间和机会,从而使得栲树种群能通过大年(the mast year)的高种子产量与捕食者饱和现象顺利完成自然更新;捕食者饱和现象有助于解释栲树的优势种群地位和稳定机制,以及对整个生态系统稳定性的贡献;作者提出了一个描述栲树种子扩散命运的概念模型,该模型表明种子雨与种子丢失的不同阶段是在不同程度上以不同方式贡献于栲树的自然更新。总之,栲树自然更新伴随着一个复杂的种子扩散过程。 5.光因子调控与生态恢复:光是影响植物生长的一个重要生态因子。研究了三种不同遮荫处理(100% PAR、40% PAR和22% PAR)对青冈Cyclobalanopsis glauca幼苗在亚热带弃耕地上的影响作用,两年的研究结果显示:青冈幼苗 可以在弃耕地上正常生长:两种遮荫处理(40% PAR和22% PAR)对青冈的萌芽和幼苗生长有正效应,并且22% PAR遮荫处理有明显的促进作用;本研究也说明了植物在不同的遮荫处理作用下有不同的生长策略。关于在生态恢复中如何利用光因素对植物生长的影响以及遮荫的复合效应问题值得深入研究。 6.种间关系与生态恢复:杂草竞争是植被恢复中的一个重要问题。对两种常绿阔叶树种(青冈和石栎Lithocarpus glaber)在不同坡位(坡上位、中位、下位)和有无地上杂草竞争的情况下的对比研究表明:不同物种在不同坡位,其幼苗生长对杂草竞争的反应是不同的;在坡上位和下位,除草处理能显著地提高青冈幼苗的田间保存率、苗高、基径和冠幅的生长,而在中位,除草处理的效果不显著;但是对于石栎来说,除草处理仅能显著地提高坡中位幼苗基径的生长量;研究说明了(地上)杂草竞争对植物生长的影响(程度)因物种而异,因而除草处理并不是对所有常绿阔叶树种的幼苗生长有促进作用,杂草竞争也不是一切常绿阔叶树种在弃耕地上建立与定居的障碍因子。作者建议在生态恢复实践中应根据具体情况选择除草与否,关于杂草竞争/除草在植被恢复中的作用值得进一步研究。
2005年9月至2006年4月,对无量山一群黑长臂猿进行观察,研究黑长臂猿在植物种子传播中的作用.观察记录黑长臂猿一天的排便次数并收集粪便.通过直接观察和收集长臂猿粪便确定长臂猿取食的果实种类.以森林中采集的果实种子为对照标本,对粪便中的种子进行鉴定,并记录各种种子的数量,测量其长度、宽度和重量.结果表明观察期间黑长臂猿共取食31种果实,其中有1种在被取食时尚未成熟,另有2种果实的种子在取食后遭到破坏,还有1种植物的种子不能被长臂猿吞食而得不到传播,黑长臂猿可为27种植物传播种子.黑长臂猿个体平均每天排便2次,粪便的平均湿重为22.7 g,每份粪便平均含有1种植物的种子;在不包含小种子(直径<3 mm)的情况下,平均每份粪便中含有12粒种子.总的来说,黑长臂猿是有效的种子传播者.
中国沙棘是一种雌雄异株、风媒传粉的灌木或乔木,在中国西南的卧龙自然保护区有广泛的分布。本研究以采集于四川卧龙自然保护区5 个海拔(1800 m、2200 m、2600 m、3000 m、3400 m)梯度的中国沙棘天然群体为材料,以ISSR 和AFLP 标记技术研究其遗传多样性水平及其遗传结构,旨在了解卧龙地区中国沙棘天然群体的遗传多样性水平以及遗传多样性在群体间、群体内以及雌雄亚群体间的分布和特征,为中国沙棘树种的遗传改良及种质资源保存提供遗传研究背景与实验依据。同时探讨ISSR、AFLP 和RAPD三种标记对中国沙棘天然群体的遗传变异水平和群体间遗传结构的评估能力和各自的优缺点。研究得出以下主要结论: 1. ISSR和AFLP分析都表明卧龙自然保护区的中国沙棘群体拥有较高的遗传变异水平(h = 0.249,HT = 0.305)。出现这种结果的主要原因可能与卧龙自然保护区多变的气候条件和生境的异质度大有关。 2. ISSR 和AFLP 都揭示出卧龙自然保护区中国沙棘群体的遗传多样性随着海拔的增加发生显著的变化,表现为中海拔群体(2200 m 和2600 m)比高海拔群体(3000 m 和3400 m)和低海拔群体(1800 m)有更高的遗传多样性的趋势。出现这种趋势的可能解释是低海拔群体处在相对高温和相对干旱的环境,高海拔群体受到低温和紫外线胁迫,而中海拔群体存在中国沙棘生长的适宜环境。 3. ISSR 和AFLP 分析都表明:卧龙自然保护区中国沙棘的遗传结构遵循分布范围广、交配系统以异交为主的木本植物的通常模式,即大多数的遗传变异存在于群体内,只有少部分的遗传变异存在于群体间。 4. 经Mantel 检测表明,卧龙自然保护区中国沙棘群体间的海拔距离和对应遗传距离之间存在显著的正相关关系,即随着垂直海拔距离的增加,群体间的遗传距离也随之增加。Mantel 检测结果以及聚类分析将卧龙自然保护区5 个不同海拔的中国沙棘群体分为低、中、高海拔群体三组的研究结果都表明,海拔很可能是限制群体间基因交流的主要因素。 5. ISSR 分析发现同一海拔的雌雄亚群体首先聚类的研究结果表明,同一海拔的雌雄亚群体在遗传上最相似。方差分析结果表明只有3.8%的总遗传变异存在于雌雄亚群体间,这可能与雌雄植株间的交配和遗传物质的混合有关。 6. ISSR、AFLP 和RAPD 分析都表明卧龙自然保护区不同海拔的中国沙棘天然群体的遗传多样性水平较高。它们的分析结果估算得到的Nei's 平均基因多样度(h)分别为0.249、0.214 和0.170。从该结果可以看出ISSR 和AFLP 比RAPD 检测到更多的遗传多态性,这很可能是不同标记检测的基因组的位点不同所致。 7. 依据对不同标记系统的比较分析,认为ISSR、AFLP 和RAPD 三种分子标记系统都能成功地用于调查卧龙自然保护区不同海拔的中国沙棘群体的遗传变异水平及遗传变异结构,提供关于中国沙棘天然群体多态性水平和遗传变异分布的有用信息。在三者中,AFLP 具有最高效能指数和标记指数,在确定种间分类关系或鉴别个体方面是一种比较理想的标记。 Hippophae rhamnoides subsp. sinensis, a dioecious and deciduous shrub species,occupies a wide range of habitats in the Wolong Nature Reserve, Southwest China. Ourpresent study investigated the pattern of genetic variation and differentiation among fivenatural populations of H. rhamnoides subsp. sinensis, occurring along an altitudinal gradientthat varied from 1,800 to 3,400 m above sea level in the Wolong Natural Reserve, by usingISSR and AFLP markers to guide its genetic improvement and germplasm conservation. And,comparative study of ISSR, AFLP and RAPD was performed to detect their capacity toestimating the level and pattern of genetic variation occurring among the five elevationpopulations of H. rhamnoides subsp. sinensis, and to discuss their application to the study onplant genetics. The results were list following: 1. The ISSR and AFLP analysis conducted for the H. rhamnoides subsp. sinensispopulations located in the Wolong Natural Reserve of China revealed the presence of highlevels of genetic variation (h = 0.249, HT = 0.305). Besides such features as relatively widedistribution, dominantly outcrossing mating system, and effective seed dispersal by small animals and birds, it is sometimes argued that hard climatic conditions and heterogeneous habitats may also contribute to high levels of diversity. 2. Genetic diversity of H. rhamnoides subsp. sinensis populations was found to varysignificantly with changing elevation, showing a trend that mid-elevation populations (2,200m and 2,600 m) were genetically more diverse than both low-elevation (1,800 m) andhigh-elevation populations (3,000 m and 3,400 m). H. rhamnoides subsp. sinensis is thoughtto be stressed by drought and high temperature at low elevations, and by low temperature athigh elevations. The high genetic variability present in the mid-elevation populations of H.rhamnoides subsp. sinensis is assumed to be related to a greater plant density in the middlealtitudinal zone, where favorable ecological conditions permit its continuous distributioncovering the zone from 2,200 m to 2,600 m above sea level. 3. The genetic structure of H. rhamnoides subsp. sinensis revealed by ISSRs andAFLPs followed the general pattern detected in woody species with widespread distributionsand outcrossing mating systems. Such plants possess more genetic diversity withinpopulations and less variation among populations than species with other combinations oftraits. 4. In the present study, Mantel tests showed positive correlations between altitudinaldistances and genetic distances among populations or subpopulations. The observedrelationship between altitude and genetic distances, and the result of the cluster analysisincluding populations or male subpopulations and classifying the groups into three altitudeclusters suggest that altitude is a major factor that restricts gene flow between populationsand subpopulations. 5. The analysis of molecular variance showed that only 3.8% of the variability residedbetween female and male subpopulations. Such a very restricted proportion of the totalmolecular variance between female and male subpopulations is due to common sexuality andmixing of genetic material between females and males. 6. The analysis based on ISSRs, AFLPs and RAPDs all revealed relatively high levelsof genetic variation among different altitudinal populations of H. rhamnoides subsp. sinensisin Wolong Natural Reserve of China. Their estimates of mean Nei’s gene diversity is equal to0.249, 0.214 and 0.170 respectively, suggesting the higher capacity of detecting geneticvariation of ISSR and AFLP than RAPD. It might be ascribed to their distinct sensitivity todifferent type of genetic variation. 7. Based on the coparative study on ISSR, AFLP and RAPD, we drew a conclusion thatthey all successfully reveal some useful information concerning the level and pattern ofgenetic vatiation occurring among different elevation populations of H. rhamnoides subsp.sinensis. AFLP is a ideal tool to taxonomic study and individual identification for theirhighest efficiency index and marker index among the three marker systems.
The presumed pair relationships of intercontinental vicariad species in the Podophyllum group (Sinopodophyllum hexandrum vs. Podophyllum pelatum and Diphylleia grayi vs. D. cymosa) were recently, considered to be paraphyletic. In the present paper, the trnL-F and ITS gene sequences of the representatives were used to examine the sister relationships of these two vicariad species. A heuristic parsimony analysis based on the trnLF data identified Diphylleia as the basal clade of the other three genera, but provided poor resolution of their inter-relationships. High sequence divergence was found in the ITS data. ITS1 region, more variable but parsimonyuninformative. has no phylogenetic value, Sequence divergence of the ITS2 region provided abundant, phylogenetically informative variable characters. Analysis of ITS2 sequences confirmeda sister relationship between the presumable vicariad species, in spite of a low bootstrap support for Sinopodophyllum hexandrum vs. Podophyllum pelatum. The combined ITS2 and trnL-F data enforced a sister relationship between Sinopodophyllum hexandrum and Podophyllum pelatum with an elevated bootstrap support of 100%. Based on molecular phylogeny, the morphological evolution of this group was discussed. The self-pollination might have evolved from cross-fertilization two times in this group. The different pollination and seed dispersal systems of Sinopodophyllum hexandrum and Podophlyllum pelatum resulted from their adaptations to different ecological habitats. The divergence time of Sinopodophyllum hexandrum-Podophyllum pelatum is estimated to be 6.52+/-1.89 myr based on the ITS divergence. The divergence of this species pair predated or co-occurred with the recent uplift of the Himalayas 4-3 myr during the late Miocene and the formation of the alpine habitats. Sinopodophyllum hexandrum developed a host of specialized characters in its subsequent adaptation to the arid alpine surroundings. The present study confirmed the different patterns of species relationship between Asian-North American disjuncts. The isolation of plant elements between North America and eastern Asia must have been a gradual process, resulting in the different phylogenetic patterns and divergence times of the disjuncts.
A-type zeolite membranes were successfully synthesized on tubular alpha-Al2O3 supports by secondary growth method with vacuum seeding In the seeding process, a thin, uniform and continuous seeding layer was closely attached to the support surface by the pressure difference between the two sides of the support wall. The effects of seed particle size, suspension concentration, coating pressure difference and coating time on the membrane and its pervaporation properties were investigated. The as-synthesized membranes were characterized by XRD and SEM. The quality of the membranes was evaluated by the pervaporation dehydration of 95 wt. % isopropanol/water mixture at 343 K. High quality A-type zeolite membranes can be reproducibly prepared by the secondary growth method with vacuum seeding under the conditions: seed particle size of 500-1200 nm, suspension concentration of 4-8 g/l, coating pressure difference of 0.0100-0.0250 MPa and coating time of 45-180 s. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The influence of two secondary effects, rotatory inertia and presence of a crack, on the dynamic plastic shear failure of a cantilever with an attached mass block at its tip subjected to impulsive loading is investigated. It is illustrated that the consideration of the rotatory inertia of the cantilever and the presence of a crack at the upper root of the beam both increase the initial kinetic energy of the block required to cause shear failure at the interface between the beam tip and the tip mass, where the initial velocity has discontinuity Therefore, the influence of these two secondary effects on the dynamic shear failure is not negligible.
A numerical study of turbulent flow in a straight duct of square cross-section is made. An order-of-magnitude analysis of the 3-D, time-averaged Navier-Stokes equations resulted in a parabolic form of the Navier-Stokes equations. The governing equations, expressed in terms of a new vector-potential formulation, are expanded as a multi-deck structure with each deck characterized by its dominant physical forces. The resulting equations are solved using a finite-element approach with a bicubic element representation on each cross-sectional plane. The numerical integration along the streamwise direction is carried out with finite-difference approximations until a fully-developed state is reached. The computed results agree well with other numerical studies and compare very favorably with the available experimental data. One important outcome of the current investigation is the interpretation analytically that the driving force of the secondary flow in a square duct comes mainly from the second-order terms of the difference in the gradients of the normal and transverse Reynolds stresses in the axial vorticity equation.
The mechanism of ductile damage caused by secondary void damage in the matrix around primary voids is studied by large strain, finite element analysis. A cylinder embedding an initially spherical void, a plane stress cell with a circular void and plane strain cell with a cylindrical or a flat void are analysed under different loading conditions. Secondary voids of smaller scale size nucleate in the strain hardening matrix, according to the requirements of some stress/strain criteria. Their growth and coalescence, handled by the empty element technique, demonstrate distinct mechanisms of damage as circumstances change. The macroscopic stress-strain curves are decomposed and illustrated in the form of the deviatoric and the volumetric parts. Concerning the stress response and the void growth prediction, comparisons are made between the present numerical results and those of previous authors. It is shown that loading condition, void growth history and void shape effect incorporated with the interaction between two generations of voids should be accounted for besides the void volume fraction.
The primary and secondary threshold intensities of ultraviolet-laser-induced preferential domain nucleation in nearly stoichiometric LiTaO3 is observed. The primary threshold is the minimum intensity to achieve the instantaneous preferential domain nucleation within the focus by the combined action of irradiation and electric fields. The secondary threshold is the minimum intensity to achieve the memory effect without any irradiation within the original focus. The space charge field created by the photoionization carriers is thought to be responsible for the instantaneous effect. The explanation based on the formation and transformation of extrinsic defect is presented for the memory effect. (c) 2008 American Institute of Physics.