34 resultados para Pattern-formation

em Chinese Academy of Sciences Institutional Repositories Grid Portal


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Anodic bonding of Pyrex glass/Al/Si is an important bonding technique in micro/nanoelectromechanical systems (MEMS/NEMS) industry. The anodic bonding of Pyrex 7740 glass/Aluminum film/Silicon is completed at the temperature from 300 degrees C to 375 degrees C with a bonding voltage between 150 V and 450 V. The fractal patterns are formed in the intermediate Al thin film. This pattern has the fractal dimension of the typical two-dimensional diffusion-limited aggregation (2D DLA) process, and the fractal dimension is around 1.7. The fractal patterns consist of Al and Si crystalline grains, and their occurrences are due to the limited diffusion, aggregation, and crystallization of Si and Al atoms in the intermediate Al layers. The formation of the fractal pattern is helpful to enhance the bonding strength between the Pyrex 7740 glass and the aluminum thin film coated on the crystal silicon substrates.


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We study the macroscopic drying patterns of aqueous suspensions of colloidal silica spheres. It was found that convection strength can influence pattern formation. Uniformed films are obtained at weaker convection strength. In addition, we make clear that it is not reasonable to discuss individually the effect of temperature and humidity on the colloid self-assembly. The physical mechanism is that these factors have relationship with the evaporation rate, which can affect the convection strength.


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Laser-induced well-ordered and controllable wavy patterns are constructed in the deposited metal thin film. The micrometer-sized structure and orientation of the wavy patterns can be controlled via scanning a different size of rectangle laser spot on the films. Ordered patterns such as aligned, crossed, and whirled wave structures were designed over large areas. This patterning technique may find applications in both exploring the reliability and mechanical properties of thin films, and fabricating microfluidic devices. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.


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Based on the principle given in nonlinear diffusion-reaction dynamics, a new dynamic model for dislocation patterning is proposed by introducing a relaxation time to the relation between dislocation density and dislocation flux. The so-called chemical potential like quantities, which appear in the model can be derived from variation principle for free energy functional of dislocated media, where the free energy density function is expressed in terms of not only the dislocation density itself but also their spatial gradients. The Linear stability analysis on the governing equations of a simple dislocation density shows that there exists an intrinsic wave number leading to bifurcation of space structure of dislocation density. At the same time, the numerical results also demonstrate the coexistence and transition between different dislocation patterns.


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Papaseit et al. (Proc. Nati. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 97, 8364, 2000) showed the decisive role of gravity in the formation of patterns by assemblies of microtubules in vitro. By virtue of a functional scaling, the free energy for MT systems in a gravitational field was constructed. The influence of the gravitational field on MT's self-organization process, that can lead to the isotropic to nematic phase transition, is the focus of this paper. A coupling of a concentration gradient with orientational order characteristic of nernatic ordering pattern formation is the new feature emerging in the presence of gravity. The concentration range corresponding to a phase coexistence region increases with increasing g or NIT concentration. Gravity facilitates the isotropic to nernatic phase transition leading to a significantly broader transition region. The phase transition represents the interplay between the growth in the isotropic phase and the precipitation into the nematic phase. We also present and discuss the numerical results obtained for local NIT concentration change with the height of the vessel, order parameter and phase transition properties.


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Wild-type Anabaena sp. strain PCC 7120, a filamentous nitrogen-fixing cyanobacterium, produces single heterocysts at semi-regular intervals. asr0100 (patU5) and alr0101 (patU3) are homologous to the 5' and 3' portions of patU of Nostoc punctiforme. alr0099 (hetZ) overlaps the 5' end of patU5. hetZ, patU5 and patU3 were all upregulated, or expressed specifically, in proheterocysts and heterocysts. Mutants of hetZ showed delayed or no heterocyst differentiation. In contrast, a patU3 mutation produced a multiple contiguous heterocyst (Mch) phenotype and restored the formation of otherwise lost intercalary heterocysts in a patA background. Decreasing the expression of patU3 greatly increased the frequency of heterocysts in a mini-patS strain. Two promoter regions and two principal, corresponding transcripts were detected in the hetZ-patU5-patU3 region. Transcription of hetZ was upregulated in a hetZ mutant and downregulated in a patU3 mutant. When mutants hetZ::C.K2 and hetZ::Tn5-1087b were nitrogen-deprived, P-hetC-gfp was very weakly expressed, and in hetZ::Tn5-1087b, P-hetR-gfp was relatively strongly expressed in cells that had neither a regular pattern nor altered morphology. We conclude that the hetZ-patU5-patU3 cluster plays an important role in co-ordination of heterocyst differentiation and pattern formation. The presence of homologous clusters in filamentous genera without heterocysts is suggestive of a more general role.


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In this paper, the evolution of the pattern transition induced by the vortical electric field (VEF) is investigated. Firstly, a scheme is suggested to generate the VEF by changing the spatial magnetic field. Secondly, the VEF is imposed on the whole medium, and the evolutions of the spiral wave and the spatiotemporal chaos are investigated by using the numerical simulation. The result confirms that the drift and the breakup of the spiral wave and the new net-like pattern are observed when different polarized fields are imposed on the whole medium respectively. Finally, the pattern transition induced by the polarized field is discussed theoretically.


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We have studied a morphological instability of a double layer comprising the polymer film and air gap confined between the two plates set to different temperatures. The temperature gradient across the double layer causes the breakup of the polymer film into well-defined columnar, striped or spiral structures spanning the two plates. The pattern formation mechanisms have been discussed. The formed patterns can be transferred to produce PDMS stamp, a key element of soft lithography for future microfabrication.


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The dewetting process of thin polystyrene (PS) film with built-in ordered disturbance by capillary force lithography (CFL) has. been investigated in situ by AFM. Two different phenomena are observed depending on the excess surface energy (DeltaF(gamma)) of the system. When DeltaF(gamma) is less than a certain critical value (i.e., the disturbance amplitude is under a critical value), the PS film would be flattened and become stable finally by heating above T-g. While, if the size of the disturbance amplitude is larger than the critical value, ordered PS liquid droplets form by further dewetting. The pattern formation mechanisms and influencing factors have been discussed in detail.


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This paper presents a straightforward method for patterning thin films of polymers, i.e. a prepatterned mask is used to induce self-assembly of polymers and the resulting pattern is the same as the lateral structures in the mask on a submicrometre length scale, The patterns can be formed at above T-g + 30 degreesC in a short time and the external electric field is not crucial. Electrostatic force is assumed to be the driving force for the pattern transfer. Viscous fingering and novel stress-relief lateral morphology induced under the featureless mask are also observed and the formation mechanisms are discussed.


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Regular micrometer-size porous polystyrene film is prepared by water droplet templating, i.e. breath figures are stabilized by the polymer in solution and thermocapillary flow arranges them into ordered packing. The influences of polystyrene molecular weight, solvent properties, and the relative humidity of atmosphere on the pattern formation and hole sizes are investigated. Two different kinds of hole packing fashion are also observed and their formation mechanisms are discussed.


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The substrates with regular patterns of self-assembly monolayers (SAMs) produced by microcontact printing with octadecyltrichlorosilane (OTS) was employed to direct thin polystyrene dewetting to fabricate ordered micrometer scale pattern. The pattern sizes and pattern fashion can be manipulated by controlling the experimental parameters. The pattern formation mechanisms have been discussed. The dewetting pattern can be transferred to form PDMS stamp for future microfabrication process.


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Some properties of hyperchaos are exploited by studying both uncoupled and coupled CML. In addition to usual properties of chaotic strange attractors, there are other interesting properties, such as: the number of unstable periodic points embedded in the strange attractor increases dramatically increasing and a large number of low-dimensional chaotic invariant sets are contained in the strange attractor. These properties may be useful for regarding the edge of chaos as. the origin of complexity of dynamical systems.


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Low-energy laser-heating techniques are widely used in engineering applications such as, thinfilm deposition, surface treatment, metal forming and micro-structural pattern formation. In this paper,under the conditions of ignoring the thermo-mechanical coupling, a numerical simulation on the spatialand temporal temperature distribution in a sheet metal produced by the laser beam scanning in virtue of thefinite element method is presented. Both the three-dimensional transient temperature field and thetemperature evolution as a function of heat penetrating depth in the metal sheet are calculated. Thetemperature dependence of material properties was taken into account. It was shown that, after taking thetemperature dependence of the material absorbance effect into consideration, the temperature change ratealong the scanning direction and the temperature maximum were both increased.