6 resultados para Music therapeutic caregiving

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目的 研究古琴(一种古老的中国乐器)和钢琴音乐对认知的影响.方法 记录和分析了中国被试在两种音乐背景(古琴音乐,钢琴音乐)下完成听觉oddball任务的行为和事件相关电位(event-related potential,ERP)数据.结果 中国被试在本土文化的音乐环境(古琴音乐)下,前额区诱导出更大的P300,这一结果和已有的相关研究是相符的.同时,不同音乐背景对ERP产生的影响在N1和LPC(包括P300和P500)上也表现出差别:中国被试在古琴音乐背景下比钢琴音乐背景下表现出更多的右前侧颞叶的参与.结论 因为古琴音乐的五声调式和汉语发音的音调具有对应关系,因此我们推断在古琴音乐下所表现出的这种特性与被试的汉语环境有关.


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To compare the effects of music from different cultural environments (Guqin: Chinese music; piano: Western music) on crossmodal selective attention, behavioral and event-related potential (ERP) data in a standard two-stimulus visual oddball task were reco


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Special thanks to Christopher Blair and Mumtaz Baig for their suggestions. This work was supported by National Basic Research Program of China (973 Program, 2007CB411600), National Natural Science Foundation of China (30621092), and Bureau of Science and Technology of Yunnan Province.


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Up to now, clinical trials of heavy-ion radiotherapy for superficially placed tumors have been carried out for six times and over 60 selected patients have been treated with 80—100 MeV/u carbon ions supplied by the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL) at the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences since November, 2006. A passive irradiation system and a dose optimization method for radiotherapy with carbon-ion beams have been developed. Experimental verification of longitudinally ...


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For the first time the physical properties of therapeutic carbon-ion beam supplied by, the shallow-seated tumor therapy terminal at the Heavy Ion Research Facility in Lanzhou (HIRFL) are measured. For a 80.55MeV/u C-12 ion beam delivered to the therapy terminal, the homogeneity of irradiation fields is 73.48%, when the beam intensity varied in the range of 0.001-0.1nA (i.e. 1 X 10(6) - 1 X 10(8) particles per second). The stability of the beam intensity within a few minutes is estimated to be 80.87%. The depth-dose distribution of the beam at the isocenter of the therapy facility is measured, and the position of the high-dose Bragg peak is found to be located at the water-equivalent depth of 13.866mm. Based on the relationship between beam energy and Bragg peak position, the corresponding beam energy at the isocenter of the therapy terminal is evaluated to be 71.71MeV/u for the original 80.55MeV/u C-12 ion beam, which consisted basically with calculation. The readout of the previously-used air-free ionization chamber regarding absorbed dose is calibrated as well in this experiment. The results indicate that the performance of the therapy facility should be optimized further to meet the requirements of clinical trial.