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The inhibitory effects of high molecular weight phlorotannins (HMP) from Sargassum kjellmanianum on mouse liver lipid peroxidation were investigated by spectrophotometric methods. The content of malondialdehyde (MDA) in liver samples was measured by TBA (thiobarbituric acid) assay. It showed that HMP significantly inhibited the generation of MDA in vivo and in situations induced by CCl4 and Fe2+-Vc ( ascorbic acid), and significantly decreased membrane swelling of mouse liver mitochondria, compared with controls ( p < 0.01). HMP were found to have strong anti-oxidative activity in inhibiting mouse liver lipid peroxidation.


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Following intraperitoneal injection of lanthanum and terbium chloride and their complexes of diethyltriaminopentagacetic acid (DTPA) to adult mice with a dose of 0.28 mmol/kg body weight/day for three days. The activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and the content of lipid end product, malonaldehyde (MDA) in the mice livers have been assayed respectively. The results show that the activity of SOD was increased and the content of MDA was reduced for LaCl3 treated mice and the two targets were not changed for TbCl3, but the activity of GSH-Px was reduced markedly for both LaCl3 and TbCl3 while the above three targets were not changed for La-DTPA and Tb-DTPA complexes.


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The aim of this study was to determine the effect of long-term cryopreservation on physiological characteristics, the antioxidant activities and lipid peroxidation of red seabream sperm which were respectively cryopreserved with 15% dimethylsulfoxide (Me2SO) for 1 month, 13 months, 26 months, 48 months and 73 months. The motility and fertility of post-thaw sperm decreased with the storage time going on. The highest motility (87.67 +/- 2.52%) was obtained in sperm cryopreserved for 1 month and the lowest (50.67 +/- 5.31%) was in sperm for 73 months. There were no significant differences (p < 0.05) in fertilization rates of sperm cryopreserved for 1 month (71.33 +/- 8.84%), 13 months (69.22 +/- 1.02%) and 26 months (60.33 +/- 2.33%); however, the sperm fertility decreased significantly for 48 months (47.22 +/- 3.89%) and 73 months (39.56 +/- 0.69%) storage. In addition, superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities of sperm were at a stable level for less than 26 months storage, then, decreased significantly after 48 months storage. Catalase (CAT) activities of sperm cryopreserved for 13 months, 26 months, 48 months and 73 months were significantly lower than that for 1 month. There were no significant differences in the malondialdehyde (MDA) level of sperm for less than 13 months storage. After 26 months storage, the concentration of MDA increased significantly, and the highest concentration (3.22 +/- 0.05 nmol/mgprot) was obtained in 73 months storage sperm. (C) 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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本文以不同水分胁迫下的四种禾本科牧草(羊草、冰草、洽草、糙隐子草)为对象,比较研究了水分胁迫对植物的生理生态损伤,以及植物的渗透调节、内源保护酶系统与水分胁迫的关系。 结果表明:水分胁迫对植物造成一定的影响/伤害,表现在相对含水量、高度、生物量、总叶绿素、总糖及蛋白质含量均降低。在同一水分胁迫梯度时,植物的保水能力以羊草最高,糙隐子草、冰草次之,洽草最低。参与渗透调节的物质以K+、游离非必须氨基酸为主;以Na+,游离必须氨基酸、糖为辅,不同植物渗透调节物质不同。供试植物的渗透调节能力以羊草最强。 在水分胁迫下,植物细胞膜的脂质过氧化程度降低,说明这几种植物具有较强的内源保护酶系统,表现在SOD、POD活性明显增高;ASA和还原性糖的缓慢变化。说明在水分胁迫下植物通过维持较高的保护酶活性,以减轻膜脂过氧化作用和膜的损伤。保护酶系统中的各组分所起的作用与物种有关。在供试植物中冰草、隐子草的这种保护能力强于羊草、洽草。渗透调节和内源保护酶系统或其一可能是这四种牧草具较强抗旱性的原因之一。


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根据近年有关文献资料 ,从叶水势、渗透调节、光合作用、干旱诱导蛋白、激素调节、膜抗氧化酶等方面 ,对小麦抗旱性研究在生理生化方面所取得的进展作一综述。目前认为 ,作物抗旱性研究的前沿是从分子水平阐明作物由干旱胁迫引起生理生化变化的本质原因 ,并通过基因工程的手段进行抗旱基因的重组 ,从而创造新的抗旱品种 ,将是一个前景诱人的目标。


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This study examined the toxic effects of microcystins on mitochondria of liver and heart of rabbit in vivo. Rabbits were injected i.p. with extracted microcystins (mainly MC-RR and -LR) at two doses, 12.5 and 50 MCLReq. mu g/kg bw, and the changes in mitochondria of liver and heart were studied at 1, 3,12, 24 and 48 h after injection. MCs induced damage of mitochondrial morphology and lipid peroxidation in both liver and heart. MCs influenced respiratory activity through inhibiting NADH dehydrogenase and enhancing succinate dehydrogenase (SDH). MCs altered Na+-K+-ATPase and Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase activities of mitochondria and consequently disrupted ionic homeostasis, which might be partly responsible for the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (MMP). MCs were highly toxic to mitochondria with more serious damage in liver than in heart. Damage of mitochondria showed reduction at 48 h in the low dose group, suggesting that the low dose of MCs might have stimulated a compensatory response in the rabbits. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Phosphatidylcholine (PC) and six other PC-similar lipids are coated on interdigital electrodes, IEs, as sensitive membranes. Eight alcohols (C-1-C-4) are tested in a flow system at room temperature. It is found that all responses are log(response)-log(concentration) linear relations. These results agree with Steven's law in psychophysics. Moreover, the thresholds of the sensors are coincident with human olfactory thresholds. The authors have analysed the data of the lipid hypothesis suggested by Kurihara et al. We have found that this hypothesis is also in agreement with Steven's law. Lipid microresistors are real mimicking olfactory sensors. A definition of an olfactory sensor is suggested.


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Background Polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) modulate immune responses particularly by affecting T cell function and are applied clinically as adjuvant immunosuppressants in the treatment of various inflammatory diseases. However, the molecular mechanisms of PUFA-induced immunosuppressive effects are not yet elucidated. Membrane lipid rafts are functional plasma membrane microdomains characterized by a unique lipid environment. Since lipid interactions are crucial for the formation of lipid rafts, the immunomodulatory effects of PUFAs may be due to changes of fatty acid composition in lipid rafts.


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高等植物光系统II的捕光天线蛋白(LHC II)在光能的吸收、传递和调节激发能在两个光系统之间的分配以及维持类囊体膜的垛叠等方面都起着重要的作用,因而得到了广泛的研究。目前普遍认为LHC II在植物体内是以三聚体的形式存在并行使功能的,但也有研究者发现了单体和寡聚体等多种形式的LHC II。本论文以菠菜为研究对象,采用改进的方法从类囊体膜中提取纯化了LHC II三聚体,对膜脂和色素在三聚体形成和蛋白空间结构中的影响,以及不同聚集态LHC II组成、结构和功能的差异进行了较系统的研究。此外,还将Lhcb2基因反向插入到烟草中,利用转基因植物来研究其生理功能。获得了如下结果: 1,采用改进的方法从菠菜类囊体膜中分离纯化了LHC II。与改进前比,其流程可以缩短2小时且产率也有明显的提高。SDS变性电泳和Triton X-100非变性电泳的检测结果表明,此样品纯度较高,是由三条分子量分别为29KD、28KD和26KD的多肽组成的异质三聚体。同时样品的吸收光谱和荧光光谱分析结果也与前人的报道一致。 2,分析了LHC II三聚体中的膜脂和脂肪酸组成及含量。与PSII相比,LHC II含有相同的四种膜脂:MGDG、DGDG、PG和SQDG。但LHC II中PG的含量是PSII的两倍,说明PSII中的PG主要富集在外周天线区域。同时PG中含有特异的反式十六碳一烯酸,且含量很高。用专一消化PG上Sn-2位脂肪酸链的磷脂酶A2(PLA2)处理LHC II三聚体,然后再加入PG重组的方法证明了含十六碳一烯酸的PG在三聚体结构的维持中起着至关重要的作用。去掉PG后, LHC II三聚体的结构受到了影响,部分解聚成了单体,同时其光谱特性也发生了变化,表现为叶绿素b分子的吸收峰及其激发的荧光发射峰都明显下降。回加PG则可使解聚的单体又重新聚集成三聚体。 3,分别用电洗脱和蔗糖密度梯度离心两种方法分离了LHC II三聚体、二聚体和单体。两者比较,电洗脱对样品的破坏较大,而蔗糖密度梯度离心更加温和,对蛋白上结合的色素影响不大。系统研究了不同聚集态LHC II的组成和光谱特性后发现,三种聚集态的LHC II有相同的多肽组成,并且都结合着5种色素,但是色素的含量差异较大。二聚体和单体中,叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素分子的含量比三聚体的低很多,此外,单体叶绿素a分子的含量也明显减少。对三种聚集态LHC II的各种光谱特性进行分析的结果表明,由于叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素分子含量较少,二聚体和单体中叶绿素b和类胡萝卜素的吸收均有所下降,而且从类胡萝卜素到叶绿素b以及从叶绿素b到叶绿素a的能量传递效率都低于LHC II三聚体,总体表现为三聚体 > 二聚体 > 单体。此外,不同单体之间叶绿素a到叶绿素a的能量传递也被破坏。推测三种聚集态LHC II在吸能、传能和结构上的差异,可能是植物适应不同外界环境的一种调控机制。 4,模拟体内过程,在体外将大肠杆菌中表达的Lhcb2蛋白和色素进行重组,以此来研究色素与蛋白组装过程中蛋白二级结构和色素结合状态的变化。结果表明色素在脱辅基蛋白的体外重折叠中至关重要。在与色素重组的过程中,蛋白二级结构中-螺旋含量逐渐上升并最终接近天然水平,而无规卷曲逐渐减少。从光谱的变化可以看出,色素分子与蛋白的结合经历了一个由无序到有序的过程,色素蛋白复合物的光谱信号由弱变强,重组得到的样品与天然LHC II十分相似。 5,为了更好地研究LHC II异质三聚体中单体可能具有的独特生理功能,建立了Lhcb2基因的反义抑制植物表达载体pBI-antiLhcb2,用根癌农杆菌介导法转化烟草,获得了转基因植株。酶切和PCR鉴定证明,Lhcb2基因已经成功地插入到烟草里。进一步的分子鉴定和生理生化功能分析还在进行中。


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 磷脂酰甘油(PG)是类囊体膜中唯一的磷脂, 并具有独特的结构。其甘油的sn-2位上总是连接着一个棕榈酸 (16:0) 或反式十六碳烯酸 (16:1tans)。很多研究表明, PG在维持类囊体膜的结构与功能方面具有重要的作用。然而,一些研究表明,在缺磷培养条件下,蓝藻、衣藻和拟南芥中PG含量下降,同时双半乳糖甘油二酯(DGDG)和硫代异鼠李糖甘油二酯(SQDG)含量上升,这一现象似乎表明在缺磷条件下,DGDG和SQDG可以取代PG。在本工作中,我们在叶片、类囊体膜和光系统II水平上研究了缺磷对小麦和黄瓜膜脂组成和含量的影响,特别是缺磷对PG含量影响的机理,以阐明PG与其它甘油脂的关系和其在类囊体膜中的功能。   通过对生长在不同磷营养水平条件下9天龄和16天龄小麦叶片中光合膜脂含量的分析,发现在磷缺失培养条件下,小麦光合膜脂的相对含量发生了很大变化,这种变化与小麦叶龄密切相关。在16天龄小麦植株中,第一片叶为老叶,第二片叶为较老叶,而第三片叶为新叶,PG和单半乳糖甘油二酯(MGDG)在叶片中的相对含量从新叶到老叶逐渐下降,而DGDG和SQDG含量逐渐上升;在磷缺失条件下,16天龄小麦第一叶片中PG的含量(2.5%)远远低于其在9天龄小麦第一叶片中的含量(5.5%)。这些结果说明,磷缺失引起小麦叶片中脂含量的变化不仅与脂合成有关,而且与PG的降解有关:新生叶片中PG含量减少的主要原因是由于磷供应不足, 从而影响了PG的合成;而PG的降解则是老叶中PG含量下降的主要原因。   由于植物叶片中有部分PG并不分布于类囊体膜中,并且PG是类囊体膜中唯一的磷脂,为了阐明缺磷对类囊体膜脂含量的影响,利用黄瓜作为实验材料, 提取了缺磷和对照条件下黄瓜叶片中的类囊体膜和PSII颗粒,并对其中的脂进行了分析,以期在叶片、类囊体膜和PSII颗粒三个不同层次上来分析缺磷对黄瓜膜脂的影响。结果表明: 1. 黄瓜幼苗的缺磷培养可显著改变叶片中膜脂的组成, 表现为所有磷脂含量的下降和DGDG、SQDG含量上升。 2. 对不同叶位中脂含量的分析表明,在缺磷条件下,随着叶片年龄的增加,叶片中磷脂的含量是逐渐下降的并且低磷处理使新生叶中PC和PE的下降幅度明显高于PG,而PG含量的下降只有在老叶中才明显表现出来。由于PC和PE是质膜、内质网膜和线粒体膜等膜系统的主要组成成分,而叶片中PG主要存在于类囊体膜中。这说明,在新生叶中,缺磷对于其类囊体膜外其他膜系统中磷脂的影响要大于类囊体膜;并且在磷缺失条件下,老叶磷脂中的磷可以运送到新叶中被重新利用。 3. 缺磷引起叶片类囊体膜脂含量的变化与叶片类似, 即PG含量的降低伴随着DGDG和SQDG含量的升高。然而,与叶片中不同的是,缺磷使类囊体膜中MGDG含量轻微下降。在植株生长过程中,缺磷导致老叶类囊体膜中PG含量的下降幅度远远大于新生叶中的下降幅度,而伴随着PG含量的下降,老叶类囊体膜中SQDG和DGDG的含量要远远高于新叶中两种脂的含量。这说明,在叶片生长过程中,缺磷条件下类囊体膜脂中DGDG和SQDG含量的上升可以弥补PG含量的下降。 4. 尽管缺磷使类囊体膜中的PG含量有较大幅度的下降, 但是叶绿素荧光动力学和PSII光合放氧活性都没有受到显著的影响。这些结果说明缺磷胁迫并没有对PSII的功能产生显著的影响。进一步研究发现, 在缺磷黄瓜植株中, PSII中PG的含量仍然维持在一个较高的水平。这些结果表明, 缺磷可以导致类囊体膜中某些区域中的PG大幅度降低, 但是对分布在PSII中的PG含量则影响较小。缺磷对类囊体膜脂组成及分布在不同区域PG的影响说明了类囊体膜中的PG可能存在着两种类型: 一些PG分子在类囊体膜中仅仅起结构作用, 当这些PG分子缺少时, 其它脂特别是SQDG可以替代PG; 而另一些PG分子在PSII的结构和功能中起重要的作用, 具有其它脂类分子不可取代的功能。