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青藏高原东部分布着世界最高的林线,该区域也是由欧亚北温带物种形成的林线的南界。在大面积野外踏勘的基础上,选择青藏高原东部具有典型高山林线分布的三个地点(滇西北白马雪山、川西北鹧鸪山及岷江源地区)作为研究区,从种群的结构、生存特征、分布格局及分形特征等方面对青藏高原东缘高山林线乔木种群生态学特征进行了研究,并在此基础上探讨了人类活动对林线种群生态特征及林线格局的影响。结果表明,林线区乔木树种多以单种群形式存在,林线区群落结构简单,乔木层多为单一树种组成,其生长型较之郁闭林发生了急剧的变化:树木高度急剧下降,而发展多茎多分枝的生长型。生长型的转变是高山林线乔木对恶劣自然条件的形态适应。 研究发现,在青藏高原东缘,阴坡林线乔木主要是冷杉(Abies spp.),阳坡主要由圆柏(Sabina spp.)组成,少数地方还有云杉(Picea spp.)。阴坡乔木种群结构多表现为增长型,幼苗和幼树在种群中占较大比重,种群潜在自然更新能力较强,但幼龄个体死亡率非常高,存活曲线多接近Deevey-Ⅲ型;阳坡乔木种群幼苗个体数极少,幼树相对增加。野外调查表明,人为活动较频繁的阳坡林线区幼苗数量极少甚至缺失,而受人为活动干扰较小的样地中幼苗和幼树数量明显增多,从一个侧面说明放牧等人类活动可能对林线种群的更新带来较大影响,而对卡卡沟围栏内外的样地分析也进一步证明了这一结果。 所研究林线乔木种群各龄级的空间格局在不同尺度上表现为聚集、随机和均匀分布,以聚集分布为主;各龄级在不同尺度上表现出显著的相关性,幼苗通常与另外两个龄级的关联性较密切。各龄级间显著的相关性表明不同龄级个体在空间交错分布,有利于对各种资源的充分利用,对种群的生存和发展非常有利,反映了高山生态系统恶劣生境中种群的一种适应对策。 林线乔木种群各龄级分布格局的计盒维数有差别,林线种群的计盒维数总是小于郁闭林种群的计盒维数。另外,郁闭林各龄级计盒维数通常也高于林线各龄级,表明不同海拔或者不同群落类型中的乔木树种具有不同的水平空间占据能力。林线区种群分布格局的计盒维数都很低,占据现实水平空间的程度较低,具有相对较高的生态间隙维,其潜在占据空间的能力较高,群落还可提供给种群的最大空间限度较大,但实际上由于受群落中种内、种间的竞争及林线区恶劣的生态环境条件的限制,其潜在空间占据能力可能难以表现出来。 青藏高原东缘高海拔地带以季节性游牧为主要的资源利用和生产方式,阳坡森林郁闭度低于阴坡,灌丛数量和种类较阴坡少,融雪早且积雪时间短,所以阳坡包括高山林线区成为当地牧民游牧路线的必经之地。牲畜的践踏、啃食使得幼龄乔木树种个体数量大大减少,严重阻碍了林线乔木种群的自然更新,同时种群占据空间的能力也明显降低。因此可以认为,在青藏高原东部地区,山地游牧等人为干扰叠加于恶劣的自然条件,阳坡林线的自然更新潜力受到抑制,其生存状态较之阴坡林线显著恶化,并可使阳坡林线高度逐渐降低。高山林线区森林一旦破坏在短时间内很难有效更新和恢复,因此,对于处于恶劣高山生境中的乔木种群应加强保护,同时适度控制人为干扰强度和幅度以减少其直接和间接破坏,防止阳坡林线退化并促进高山生态系统的自然恢复。 Eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau has the highest timberline of the world. On the basis of field surveys and literature reviews, three typical alpine timberlines were chosen for in-depth studies, i.e., Baima Snow Mountain in northwest Yunnan, Zhegu Mountain and the waterhead area of Minjiang River in west Sichuan. Using the methodologis of population ecology, we analyzed the population structure, survival characteristics, spatial point patterns and fractal dimensions of the timberline tree populations and discussed the impacts of grazing on the structure and spatial pattern of alpine timberline. Compared with closed forests, the community structure of timberline is simpler, usually with one or two species constituting the tree layer. Differences also exist in the growth forms: the trees were significantly shorter with more stems and branches, reflecting morphological adaptation of trees to the severe conditions at timberline. In the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau, Abies spp. often formed alpine timberline in the north-facing slope while Sabina spp. and sometimes Picea spp. in the south- facing slope. The population structures of north-facing slope showed an increasing trend, with numerous seedlings and saplings. However, the survival curves tend to follow Deevy-III because of high dead ratio of young individuals. There are only few seedlings in the south-facing slope with heavy grazing, demonstrating that human disturbance may prevent regeneration at alpine timberline, which was confirmed by comparisons between fenced enclosures and control plots in the Kaka Valley. Depending on the spatial scales on consideration, the individuals of different age-classes showed clumping, random or even distribution, but mostly with clumping distribution. At all scales, individuals in different age-classes were all significantly correlated with each other while the seedlings were usually more correlated to two other age classes. This high degree of correlation among different age classes indicates that individuals of different age classes are spatially interlocked with each other, which helps sufficient utilization of various resources and is conducive to the survival and development of population. It is another adaptation strategy for trees at the severe environment. The spatial patterns of different age classes had different box dimension. In general, the box dimensions of total individuals and each age class at timberline are always smaller than that of closed forests, suggesting that space occupation capacity is not the same for populations at different altitude or in different communities. Populations on both the south- and the north-facing slopes had a very low box dimensions (far away from the max., 2), however, the lower the box dimension, the bigger the potential space provided by community. In fact, because of inner- and inter- competition as well as the severe conditions at timberline, this kind of potential ability can hardly be realized. Mountain pastoralism is the major type of as well as the only most effective way of resource uses in the high elevation regions of the eastern Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau. Due to lower canopy cover, less bushes and short snow-cover time, south-facing slopes became the favorite pastures. Damages from livestock through tramping, browsing and others have greatly reduced the number of young individuals. As a result, the potential of timberline trees to regenerate and their ability to occupy more space are greatly inhitibted. We conclude that human disturbances (mountain pastoralism) as well as harsh environmental conditions co-worked to inhibit the regeneration of tree populations in the south-facing slope and made south slopes more difficult than the north-facing slopes for trees to survive and develop, resulting a gradual retreat of timberline in the north-facing slopes. Forests at alpine timberline are susceptible to disturbance and difficult to regenerate and restore once damaged and controlling human disturbances is important for protecting the forest ecosystems at the timberline area.


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把1870-2001年来自美国"现代灵长类文献题录数据库"、"维普中文数据库"及"中国灵长类研究文献题录"的资料按4个时期(I:1870-1949;Ⅱ:1950-1965;Ⅲ:1966-1977;Ⅳ:1978-2001)分类整理.此外,使用了"科学引文数据库(扩展版)".结果如下:(1)1870-2001年共有20 52篇文献,2个文献数量高峰分别出现于1950-1965和1978-2001年;科研部门所发表的论文占54.2%,并随时间而增加;而国外部门则随之减少.(2)2 052篇文献中,超过9%的文献为SCI所收录,其中1966-1977年被SCI收录的文献百分比最高;在全部被SCI收录的文献中又以科研部门的占优势(59.1%);但国外部门则以其30.1%的文献被SCI收录而领先.(3)统计了灵长类研究9个领域文献百分比及其变化,其中1978-2001间生态学和行为、神经生物学、繁殖和饲养快速发展;化石灵长类、形态学和解剖学减少;分类及分布、细胞及分子进化显得不甚突出;在第Ⅱ时期和第Ⅳ时期疾病防治研究相当多;保护生物学得到越来越多的关注.第Ⅳ时期作者数量最多,但每个作者的文献平均数却不如第Ⅰ时期.一般地说,在SCI收录的作者中以中国作者居多,但在第I时期唯一被SCI收录的作者则是一名外国学者;在第Ⅲ时期外国作者占被收录作者数的60%.


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Goal, Scope and Background. In some cases, soil, water and food are heavily polluted by heavy metals in China. To use plants to remediate heavy metal pollution would be an effective technique in pollution control. The accumulation of heavy metals in plants and the role of plants in removing pollutants should be understood in order to implement phytoremediation, which makes use of plants to extract, transfer and stabilize heavy metals from soil and water. Methods. The information has been compiled from Chinese publications stemming mostly from the last decade, to show the research results on heavy metals in plants and the role of plants in controlling heavy metal pollution, and to provide a general outlook of phytoremediation in China. Related references from scientific journals and university journals are searched and summarized in sections concerning the accumulation of heavy metals in plants, plants for heavy metal purification and phytoremediation techniques. Results and Discussion. Plants can take up heavy metals by their roots, or even via their stems and leaves, and accumulate them in their organs. Plants take up elements selectively. Accumulation and distribution of heavy metals in the plant depends on the plant species, element species, chemical and bioavailiability, redox, pH, cation exchange capacity, dissolved oxygen, temperature and secretion of roots. Plants are employed in the decontamination of heavy metals from polluted water and have demonstrated high performances in treating mineral tailing water and industrial effluents. The purification capacity of heavy metals by plants are affected by several factors, such as the concentration of the heavy metals, species of elements, plant species, exposure duration, temperature and pH. Conclusions. Phytoremediation, which makes use of vegetation to remove, detoxify, or stabilize persistent pollutants, is a green and environmentally-friendly tool for cleaning polluted soil and water. The advantage of high biomass productive and easy disposal makes plants most useful to remediate heavy metals on site. Recommendations and Outlook. Based on knowledge of the heavy metal accumulation in plants, it is possible to select those species of crops and pasturage herbs, which accumulate fewer heavy metals, for food cultivation and fodder for animals; and to select those hyperaccumulation species for extracting heavy metals from soil and water. Studies on the mechanisms and application of hyperaccumulation are necessary in China for developing phytoremediation.


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This is a selected review, highlighting our results obtained in an extended screening program ("The German-Chinese Drug Screening Program"), with a focus on a set of original data obtained with heptakis(2,3,6-tri-O-methyl)-beta-cyclodextrin(TM-beta-CD) as the chiral solvating agent (CSA). The enantioseparation of 86 drugs by capillary zone electrophoresis in the presence of this CSA was successful for 47 drugs. The migration separation factors (alpha(m)) and the migration retardation factors (R-m) were compared with those found for native beta-cyclodextrin (beta-CD). The patterns thus obtained were also compared with those observed for hexakis(2,3,6-tri-O-methyl)-alpha-CD (TM-alpha-CD) and octakis(2,3,6-tri-O-methyl)-gamma-CD (TM-gamma-CD), respectively. From the statistical data, it can be concluded that there is a remarkable influence of the analyte structure on the electrophoretic data. A substructure 4H was found in the analyte structure that has a significant influence on the analytes' behaviour. Thus, analytes bearing the substructure 4H do not only have a strong affinity to the CDs but also a high rate of success of chiral separation in all systems reviewed. In light of this, the different ring sizes of native cyclodextrins (alpha-, beta- and gamma-CD) readily explain their behaviour towards a limited test set of chiral drugs. Sterical considerations point to the significance of side-on-binding versus inclusion in the cavity of the host. In addition to the findings from the screening program, numerous references to the Literature are given. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Tetraspanins belongs to the transmembrane 4 superfamily(TM4SF). They can be as a bridge to connect the proteins outside or inside the cell membrane. A tetraspanins web is formed by the tetraspnins-proteins complex, and the web is believed to involve in fundamental functions of immunity system, and consequnently, signaling between cells and inside cells, regulating cell activation and adhesion, participating in the identification and infection of some virus. As a family of conservative transmembrane proteins, tetraspanins play multiplex roles in invertebrate. It was described how tetraspanin microdomains might have functions in the immune system, and how they contact with virus. In addition, the important role of tetraspanins in the innate immune system of invertebrate were discussed.