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本文所用标本为采自中国东北晚白垩世或古新世黑龙江省嘉荫县乌云组和早始新世辽宁省抚顺市西露天矿古城子组和计军屯组的水杉植物化石。标本包括营养结构如两种小枝,生殖结构如雄花枝和雌球果。本论文对水杉的形态结构包括叶表皮及在雄球花苞叶的上下表皮结构及花粉结构作了详细的研究。 水杉属目前已建立21个种,由于保存的原因,多数种建立在保存下来的都分器的特征上。通过对中国东北材料与曾建立的14个种M. milleri,M. glyptostroboides, M. disticha, M. japonica, M. chinensis, M. cuneata, M. papillapollenites, M. miocenica, M. kimurae, M. onukii, M. europaea, M. asiatica, M. nathorstii, M. occidentalis 之间进行的详细对比,发现这些种之间存在着极大的相似性。现代水杉M. glyptostroboides的研究非常详细,且化石种缺乏足够的特征与其相对比,因此现代水杉可作为一个生活种而存在。M. milleri和M. glyptostroboides相比较表明:二者的雄球花及木材的解剖结构特征不同,以上其他的化石种由于保存的局限性,不具有可与M. milleri对此的相应的解剖特征,认为化石种M. milleri成立。M. disticha, M. japonica, M. chinensis, M. cuneata, M. papillapolenites, M. miocenica, M. kimurae, M. onukii, M. europaea, M. asiatica, M. nathorstii 11个化石种均归于M. occidentalis。由于M. wigginsii, M. neosibirica, M. krysthofovichi, M. spitzbergensis, M. paradoxa 5个种仅建立在具有互生叶的小枝或叶表皮的基础上,M. sibirica和M. klerkiana两个种仅建立在木材解剖的结构特征上,故此7个种有待于进一步研究.因此,水杉属下确定存的有3个种:1个现代种:M. glyptostroboides;2个化石种:M. occidentalis和M. Milleri. 本文还通过收集水杉栽培状况的资料,对水杉生长的环境和生长状况统计分析,得出水杉生存繁衍的气候条件要求范围:年降水量为1000.0 - 1865.5 mm,年均温为13-16 ℃, 一月均温为-3.1至4.2 ℃,极端低温为-12 ℃, 七月均温为17.7 - 27.9 ℃。这一条件也是水杉在地质克史时期分布区应该具备的气候限制因素。本文通过收集大量的文献资料得到水杉从晚白垩世至今在全球范围内的分布状况,发现:由于自晚白垩世以来气候逐渐转冷的变化,水杉的分布范围也在逐渐变小,最后仅自然分布于中国中部湘鄂川三省的交界。以时间为横轴,水杉分布的纬度为纵轴得到水杉分布的纬度变化曲线,从各个时期最北界为点建立的曲线的起伏变化表明,除从古新世至始新世曲线稍微升高外,晚白垩世以来曲线大都在下降,反映了气温在古新世晚期略微升高,其它时期都在下降之中,这一结论与氧同位素的结论基本一致。
The numbers of spawning sites for Chinese sturgeon have been drastically reduced since the construction of the Gezhouba Dam across the Yangtze River. This dam has blocked migration of Chinese sturgeon to their historic spawning ground causing a significant decline of the Chinese sturgeon population. We conducted a VORTEX population viability analysis to estimate the sustainability of the population and to quantify the efficiency of current and alternative conservation procedures. The model predicted the observed decline of Chinese sturgeon, resulting from the effect of the Gezhouba Dam. These simulations demonstrated the potential interest of two conservation measures: increasing spawning area and reducing predation on sturgeon eggs. The simulations also demonstrated that the actual restocking program is not sufficient to sustain sturgeon population as the artificial reproduction program induce the loss of more wild mature adults that the recruitment expected by the artificial reproduction.
Rainbow trout historic H3 (RH3) promoter was cloned via high fidelity PCR. The cloned RH3 promoter was inserted into a promoter-lacked vector pEGFP-1, resulting in an expression vector pRH3FGFP-1. The linearized pRH3EGFP-1 was microinjected into fertilized eggs of rare minnows and the sequential embryogenetic processes were monitored under a fluorescent microscope. Strong green fluorescence was ubiquitously observed at as early as the gastrula stage and then in various tissues at the fry stage. The results indicate that RH3 promoter, as a piscine promoter, could serve in producing transgenic Cyprinoid such as rare minnow. Promoter activity of RH3, CMV and common carp beta-actin (CA) were compared in rare minnow by the expression of respective recombinant EGFP vectors. The expression of pCMVEGFP occurred earlier than the following one, pRH3EGFP-1, and then pCAEGFP during the embryogenesis of the transgenics. Their expression activities demonstrated that the CMV promoter is the strongest one, followed by the CA and then the RH3.
现代人起源和史前迁移问题的遗传学研究是一个受到广泛关注的研究领 域。首先,它可以解答人类所关心的关于自身的起源以及我们祖先的史前活动问 题;其次,现代人祖先分开并扩散到世界各地,由于受到不同的外界环境和不同 的历史事件的影响,遗传上发生相应的变化,形成现有人群之间不仅在外表上存 在差异,同时在对疾病的易感性方面也存在差异。近年来的研究还发现,不同人 群之间在对药物的反应上也存在差异。 因此,人群起源与史前迁移研究对生物 医学研究也至关重要。目前,世界各地人群的起源和史前迁移问题的研究已经取 得很多进展,东亚之外的其它各个地区现有人群的起源和迁移已经相当清楚,东 亚现代人的起源对完整回答现代人的起源问题至关重要。 东亚现代人史前早期迁移的问题还存在很大争议,对现有研究结果的解释 甚至存在冲突。通过对东亚地区现有人群展开系统采样,并对东亚特有的Y 单 倍型遗传标记进行扫描,以东亚现代人特有的单倍型组O3-M122 下的各个特征 位点为遗传标记,我们对来自东亚地区的2332 份男性样本进行了研究。结果发 现,O3-M122 单倍型组为东亚现代人群的主导单倍型,其平均频率是44.3%。 以SNPs 突变特征为背景,展开SNPs-STRs 相结合的研究,通过大量的分析和统 计检验,从STRs 数据上可以看出东亚现代人南部人群的O3-M122 单倍型组的 多样性比北方人群高。这一证据揭示出东亚现代人特有单倍型O3-M122 突变为 东亚南部起源,然后随着东亚现代人早期的由南向北迁移活动而扩散到北方。利 用SNPs-STRs 相结合的遗传学分析手段,推导出东亚特有单倍型组O3-M122 伴 随人群由南向北的早期迁移事件发生于距今约25000~30000 年以前,这一结论 与东亚现代人的化石证据推断的结论相一致。O3-M122 单倍型组的史前早期迁 移事件有助于从遗传学角度透视东亚现代人早期迁移的路线和起源问题。 东亚地区现代人史前迁移活动遗留下神秘的悬棺文化一直令人费解,考古学的推论存在很大争议。我们利用遗传学手段对现存悬棺文化的保留人群展开研 究,采用父系和母系遗传标记相结合的方法探讨悬棺文化的传播人群的族源。从 遗传上看,悬棺葬俗的拥有人群不论从母系还是父系遗传学证据都为典型的东亚 南方人群。 为最终解决东亚现代人起源和史前迁移问题,我们对考古发掘出来的东亚 地区现代人化石展开古DNA(ancient DNA, aDNA)研究。目前,aDNA 分析的 技术和手段已经建立并逐步成熟,并且积累了一定量的东亚现代人的aDNA 数 据,这一研究还在继续。aDNA 最终会为解答东亚现代人起源和史前迁移问题提 供强有力的遗传学证据。
On the basis of Argo data and historic temperature/salinity data from the World Ocean Database 2001 (WOD01 origins and spreading pathways of the subsurface and intermediate water masses in the Indonesian Throughflow (ITF) region were discussed by analyzing distributions of salinity on representative isopycnal layers. Results were shown that, Subsurface water mostly comes from the North Pacific Ocean while the intermediate water originates from both the North and South Pacific Ocean, even possibly from the Indian Ocean. Spreading through tire Sulawesi Sea, the Makassar Strait, and the Flores Sea, the North Pacific subsurface water and the North Pacific Intermediate water dominate the western part of the Indonesian Archipelago. Furthermore its the depth increases, the features of the North Pacific sourced water masses become more obvious. In the eastern part of the waters, high salinity South Pacific subsurface water is blocked by a strong salinity front between Halmahera and New Guinea. Intermediate water in the eastern interior region owns salinity higher than the North Pacific intermediate water and the antarctic intermediate water (AAIW), possibly coming from the vertical mixing between subsurface water and the AAIW from the Pacific Ocean, and possibly coming front the northward extending of the AAIW front the Indian Ocean as well.