57 resultados para Higher Degrees in dance

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When injected electrons in a quantum well first experience an intersubband relaxation process before their escaping by tunneling through a double-barrier structure behind, the magnetic suppression of intersubband LO or LA phonon scattering can give rise to a noticeable nonthermal occupation in higher-lying subbands. That is clearly verified by the relative intensity ratio of the interband photoluminescence spectra for E-2-HH1 and E-1-HH1 transitions. The observed phenomenon may provide an effective method for controlling intersubband scattering rate, a central issue in so-called quantum cascade lasers, and facilitating the population inversion between subbands in quantum wells.


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We verify that the magnetic suppression of intersubband LO or LA phonon scattering can give rise to a noticeable nonthermal occupation in higher-lying subbands. This is clearly determined by the relative intensity ratio of the interband photoluminescence spectra for the E-2 - HH1 and E-1 - HH1 transitions. The observed phenomenon may provide an effective method to control the intersubband scattering rate, which is a key factor of the so-called quantum cascade lasers. This is helpful for the population inversion between both the subbands in quantum wells.


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GaSb and InSb epilayers grown on GaAs (001) vicinal substrates misoriented toward (111) plane were studied using high resolution x-ray diffraction. The results show that GaSb and InSb epilayers take on positive crystallographic tilt, and the asymmetric distribution of 60 degrees misfit dislocations in {111} glide planes have an effect on the tilt. In addition, the vicinal substrate influences the distribution of the threading dislocations in {111} glide planes, and the density of dislocation in the (111) plane is higher than in the ((1) over bar(1) over bar1) plane. A model was proposed to interpret the distribution of full width at half maximum, which can help us understand the formation and glide process of the dislocations. (C) 2009 American Institute of Physics. [DOI 10.1063/1.3115450]


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Circadian growth rhythm of the juvenile sporophyte of the brown alga Undaria pirznatifida was measured with the computer-aided image analysis system in constant florescent white light under constant temperature (10 degrees C). The growth rhythm persisted for 4 d in constant light with a free-running period of 25. 6 h. Egg release from filamentous gametophytes pre-cultured in the light - dark regime was evaluated for six consecutive days at fixed time intervals in constant white light and 12 h light per day. Egg release rhythm persisted for 3 d in both regimes, indicating the endogenous nature. Temporal scale of egg release and gametogenesis in 18, 16, 12 and 8 h light per day were evaluated respectively using vegetatively propagated filamentous gametophytes. Egg release occurred 2 h after the onset of dark phase and peaked at midnight. Evaluation of the rates of oogonium formation, egg release or fertilization revealed no significant differences in four light-dark regimes, indicating; the great plasticity of sexual reproduction. No photoperiodic effect in gametogenesis in terms of oogonium formation and egg release was found, but fertilization in short days was significantly higher than in long days. Results of this investigation further confirmed the general occurrence of circadian rhythms in inter-tidal seaweed species.


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Two deep sea cores (Ph05-5, 16.05 degrees N, 124.34 degrees E, water depth 3382m and WP3: 22.15 degrees N, 122.95 degrees E, water depth 2700m) retrieved from the Kuroshio source region of the western Philippine Sea were selected to carry out the CaCO3 and calcareous nannofossil faunas study. Based on AMS(14)C data and comparing tire oxygen isotope curve with SPECMAP delta O-18 (Martinson et al., 1987) a stratigraphy was established. And, combining the changes of primary productivity and dissolution index of carbonate, the carbonate cycle and its control factors were analyzed in this region during the last 190ka BP. The carbonate contents showed higher values in the glacial periods and lower values during the interglacial and Holocene periods, which characteristics was similar to the tendency of "Pacific Type" carbonate cycle. However, there were high carbonate contents in the warm period and low values during the cold interval, which displayed the same tendency with the "Atlantic Type" carbonate cycle during the last glacial period (MIS4-2) in the east of Phillipines. The variations of primary productivity and carbonate dissolution index indicated that the carbonate dissolution was a major factor controlling the carbonate content in tire cast of Philippines, and the variations in carbonate contents were mainly affected by the productivity of calcareous organism in the Southeast of Taiwan. The "Atlantic Type" carbonate cycle in the cast of Phillipines during the last glacial period (MIS4-2) was an effect of the process of dissolution combined with the change of primary productivity.


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Heat shock proteins (Hsps) are molecular chaperones that help organisms cope with stressful conditions. Here, we report on the growth rates and Hsp70 expressions in inbred and hybrid populations of abalone Haliotis discus hannai Ino. In abalone, inbred populations expressed more Hsp70 than hybrid populations at all temperatures, except at very high temperatures close to the physiological limit. At benign temperatures, there was a clear trend towards higher Hsp70 expression in inbred than hybrid populations, whereas at higher temperatures, a trend in the opposite direction was observed. The temperature of maximal Hsp70 expression (T-peak) varied with the population type. The T-peak of inbred populations (26 degrees C) was lower than that of the hybrid populations (28 degrees C). The maximal inducible Hsp70 of inbred populations was higher than that of hybrid populations. The results showed a trend towards higher expression in inbred population at a lower temperature. These results provide direct experimental evidence that hybrids can cope with the intrinsic stress even at non-stressful temperatures. The constitutive Hsp70 may therefore be used for marker-assisted selection in a breeding programme.


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The linear diffusion-reaction theory with finite interface kinetics is employed to describe the dissolution and the growth processes. The results show that it is imperative to consider the effect of the moving interfaces on the concentration distribution at the growth interface for some cases. For small aspect ratio and small gravity magnitude, the dissolution and the growth interfaces must be treated as the moving boundaries within an angle range of 0 degrees < gamma < 50 degrees in this work. For large aspect ratio or large gravity magnitude, the effect of the moving interfaces on the concentration distribution at the growth interface can be neglected except for gamma < - 50 degrees.


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The behaviors of a crack in body-centered-cubic metal Mo under different loading modes were studied using the molecular dynamics method. Dislocation emission was observed near the crack tip in response to mode II loading with theta = 0 degrees in which theta is the inclination angle of the slip plane with respect to the crack plane, and two full dislocations were observed at the stress level of K-II = 1.17 MPa m(1/2) without any evidence of crack extension. Within the range of 0 degrees less than or equal to theta less than or equal to 45 degrees, crack extension was observed in response to mode I loading, and the effect of crystal orientation on the crack propagation was studied, The crack propagated along the [111] slip direction without any evidence of dislocations emission.


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Background: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disease with a higher prevalence in women. Expression of estrogen receptor 1 (ESR1) gene has been identified throughout the brain. Owing to the putative neuroprotective effects of estrogen, estro


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The southeastern region of Yunnan province is a key site for drug trafficking and HIV-1 infection spread from the west of Yunnan and Laos to southeastern China. To investigate the prevalence of HIV-1 infection and hepatitis C virus (HCV) coinfection among injection drug users (IDUs) in southeastern Yunnan, three cohorts of 285 addicts, including 242 IDUs and 43 oral drug users, living in the cities of Gejiu and Kaiyuan and the county of Yanshan were studied. HIV-1 and HCV infections were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and/or polymerase chain reaction. Data on the age, sex, risk behavior, drug use history, employment, ethnic background, and marriage status were obtained by interview. The overall prevalence of HIV-1 infection was 71.9%. The rate of HCV coinfection among 138 HIV-1-infected IDUs was 99.3%. Most HIV-infected IDUs were 20 to 35 years old (86.7%) and were ethnic Han (75.9%), suggesting that the epidemic in Yunnan is no longer confined to non-Han ethnic minorities, HIV prevalence in female IDUs (81.2%) was significantly higher than in male IDUs (68.2%) (p <.05). The prevalence of HIV infection reached 68.4% after 1 year of injection drug use. Needle/syringe sharing is the major high risk factor for the spread of HIV-1 and HCV infections. Large-scale educational campaigns are urgently needed to reduce the spread of HIV and HCV infection in these regions.


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Histone variants and their modification have significant roles in many cellular processes. In this study, we identified and characterized the histone H2A variant h2af1o in fish and revealed its oocyte-specific expression pattern during oogenesis and embryogenesis. Moreover, posttranslational modification of H2af1o was observed that results from phosphorylation during oocyte maturation. To understand the binding dynamics of the novel core histone variant H2af1o in nucleosomes, we cloned ubiquitous gibel carp h2afx as a conventional histone control and investigated the dynamic exchange difference in chromatin by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. H2af1o has significantly higher mobility in nucleosomes than ubiquitous H2afx. Compared with ubiquitous H2afx, H2af1o has a tightly binding C-terminal and a weakly binding N-terminal. These data indicate that fish oocytes have a novel H2A variant that destabilizes nucleosomes by protruding its N-terminal tail and stabilizes core particles by contracting its C-terminal tail. Our findings suggest that H2af1o may have intrinsic ability to modify chromatin properties during fish oogenesis, oocyte maturation, and early cleavage.


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Habitat fragmentation may have some significant effects on population genetic structure because geographic distance and physical barriers may impede gene flow between populations. In this study, we investigated whether recent habitat fragmentation affected genetic structure and diversity of populations of the nematode Procamallanus fulvidraconis in the yellowhead catfish, Pelteobagrus fin't4draco. The nematode was collected from 12 localities in 7 floodplain lakes of the Yangtze River. Using I I intersirnple sequence repeat markers, analysis of molecular variance showed that genetic diversity occurred mainly within populations (70.26%). Expected heterozygosity (He) of P. fulvidraconis was barely different between connected (0.2105) and unconnected lakes (0.2083). Population subdivision (Fst) between connected lakes (0.2177) was higher than in unconnected lakes (0. 1676). However, the connected and unconnected lakes did not Cluster into 2 clades. A Mantel test revealed significant positive correlation between genetic and geographic distances (R = 0.5335, P < 0.01). These results suggest that habitat fragmentation did not cause genetic differentiation among populations or a reduction of diversity in isolated populations of P. fulvidraconis. At least 2 factors may increase the dispersal range of the nematode, i.e., flash flooding in summer and other species of fish that may serve as the definitive hosts. Moreover, lake fragmentation is probably a recent process; population size of the nematode in these lakes is large enough to maintain Population structure.


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An incubation experiment was performed on Potamogeton crispus (P. crispus) using sediment collected from Lake Tangxunhu in the center of China, in order to determine the effects of plant growth on Fe, Si, Cu, Zn, Mn, Mg, P, and Ca concentrations in the sediments and overlying waters. After 3 months of incubation, Ca, Mg, and Si concentrations in the water column were significantly lower, and P and Cu concentrations were significantly higher than in unplanted controls. The effect of P. crispus growth on sediment pore waters and water-extractable elements varied. Concentrations of Ca, Mg, Si, Fe, Cu, and Zn were significantly higher, and P was significantly lower, than in pore waters of the control. Water-extracted concentrations of Fe, Mg, and Si in the sediments were lower, and P was higher, than in the control. Presence of P. crispus generally enhanced concentration gradients of elements between pore waters and overlying waters but not for P. The growth of P. crispus was associated with an increase in water pH and formation of root plaques, resulting in complex effects on the sediment nutritional status.