34 resultados para Forage legume
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以22年定位试验为基础,研究了长期施用氮、磷和有机肥(NPM)对不同种植体系土壤有效硫在剖面上分布与累积状况。结果表明,在60—80 cm土层各处理出现第一个累积峰,累积峰值为粮饲轮作31.3,玉米连作29.2,小麦连作27.9,粮豆轮作25.6,苜蓿连作24.0 mg/kg;在140—180 cm土层各处理又出现有效硫的第二个累积峰,累积峰值为粮饲轮作44.7,粮豆轮作43.1,小麦连作41.0,玉米连作39.7,苜蓿连作36.5 mg/kg。第二累积峰值均大于第一累积峰值。0—200 cm土层有效硫总累积量粮饲轮作高达746.3 kg/hm~2,其次为玉米连作640.6,粮豆轮作为638.3,小麦连作为622.4,苜蓿连作最小为557.3 kg/hm~2。长期施用磷肥和有机肥是有效硫在土壤中累积的主要因素,有效硫在土壤剖面上有向深层迁移的趋势。不同作物对硫的吸收利用差异和不同种植方式对有效硫的累积与分布产生影响。
Experimental studies of how global changes and human activities affect plant diversity often focus on broad measures of diversity and discuss the implications of these changes for ecosystem function. We examined how experimental warming and grazing affected species within plant groups of direct importance to Tibetan pastoralists: medicinal plants used by humans and palatable plants consumed by livestock. Warming resulted in species losses from both the medicinal and palatable plant groups; however, differential relative vulnerability to warming occurred. With respect to the percent of warming-induced species losses, the overall plant community lost 27%, medicinal plants lost 21%, and non-medicinal plants lost 40% of species. Losses of palatable and non-palatable species were similar to losses in the overall plant community. The deep-rootedness of medicinal plants resulted in lowered sensitivity to warming, whereas the shallow-rootedness of non-medicinal plants resulted in greater sensitivity to warming; the variable rooting depth of palatable and non-palatable plants resulted in an intermediate response to warming. Predicting the vulnerability of plant groups to human activities can be enhanced by knowledge of plant traits, their response to specific drivers, and their distribution within plant groups. Knowledge of the mechanisms through which a driver operates, and the evolutionary interaction of plants with that driver, will aid predictions. Future steps to protect ecosystem services furnished by medicinal and palatable plants will be required under the novel stress of a warmer climate. Grazing may be an important tool in maintaining some of these services under future warming.
Understanding the effects of dietary composition on methane (CH4) production of sheep can help us to understand grassland degradation resulting in an increase of CH4 emission from ruminant livestock and its resulting significance affecting CH4 source/sink in the grazing ecosystem. The objective of this study was to investigate the effect of forage composition in the diet of sheep in July and August on CH4 production by sheep in the Inner Mongolia steppe. The four diet treatments were: (1) Leymus chinensis and Cleistogenes squarrosa (LC), (2) Leymus chinensis, Cleistogenes squarrosa and concentrate supplementation (LCC), (3) Artemisia frigida and Cleistogenes squarrosa (AC), and (4) Artemisia frigida, Cleistogenes squarrosa and concentrate supplementation (ACC). CH4 production was significantly lower in July than in August (31.4 and 36.2 g per sheep-unit per day, respectively). The daily average CH4 production per unit of digestive dry matter (DM), organic matter (OM) and neutral detergent fiber (NDF) increased by 10.9, 11.2 and 42.1% for the AC diet compared with the LC diet, respectively. Although concentrate supplementation in both the AC and LC diets increased total CH4 production per sheep per day, it improved sheep productivity and decreased CH4 production by 14.8, 12.5 and 14.8% per unit of DM, OM and NDF digested by the sheep, respectively. Our results suggested that in degraded grassland CH4 emission from sheep was increased and concentrate supplementation increased diet use efficiency. Sheep-grazing ecosystem seems to be a source of CH4 when the stocking rate is over 0.5 sheep-units ha(-1) during the growing season in the Inner Mongolia steppe.
Forage selection plays a prominent role in the process of returning cultivated lands back into grasslands. The conventional method of selecting forage species can only provide attempts for problem-solving without considering the relationships among the decision factors globally. Therefore, this study is dedicated to developing a decision support system to help farmers correctly select suitable forage species for the target sites. After collecting data through a field study, we developed this decision support system. It consists of three steps: (1) the analytic hierarchy process (AHP), (2) weights determination, and (3) decision making. In the first step, six factors influencing forage growth were selected by reviewing the related references and by interviewing experts. Then a fuzzy matrix was devised to determine the weight of each factor in the second step. Finally, a gradual alternative decision support system was created to help farmers choose suitable forage species for their lands in the third step. The results showed that the AHP and fuzzy logic are useful for forage selection decision making, and the proposed system can provide accurate results in a certain area (Gansu Province) of China.
多效唑(MET)是一种新型的植物生长调节剂.本文以多杆多穗青饲玉米为材料详细地研究了它征组织培养中的作用和生物学效应,并对它的作用机理也进行了初步的探讨。 研究结果表明:(1)适宜浓度的MET能够提高不同外植体愈伤组织的诱导率;(2)2~4 mg/lMET能改善愈伤组织的质量,提高愈伤组织的分化率、绿苗形成率、根的形成率和正常苗/异常苗的比值;(3)壮苗培养,MEP能使再生苗形态结构和生理等方面均发生较大的变化,并使其生长健壮,根系发达,移裁入土后成活率提高,达80%以上;(4)在再生苗的长期保存中,MET也具有良好的作用效应;(5)在继代培养中,MET处理后,愈伤组织的生长值下降;过氧化物酶活性和IAA氧化酶活性增加, 内源乙烯的释放量上升;外源GA3可逆转MET的作用效应,IAA、kt、ABA没有逆转效应,相反,ABA与MET对抑制愈防组织的生长具有加成效应.MET的作用机班可能是:通过改变细胞内酶的活性和内源激素的含量水平来控制愈伤组织细胞的生长、分化以及再生植株的生长和发育。 MET在玉米组培中所表现出的良好的作用效应表明:对于解决植物组织培养中所普遍存在的一些问题,用MET处理可能会变成一种有效的方法。展示出MET在植物生物技术领域也具有广泛的应用前景。
本工作用BT基因、PinⅡ基因和bar基因对青饲玉米、谷子进行了基因转化的研究,并且对转基因的受体、转基因的方法、转化后的筛选、检测及植株再生等问题进行了探讨。 玉米胚性细胞系,包括胚性愈伤组织和胚性细胞悬浮系,可作为基因转化的受体,它亦是原生质体培养的关键。玉米的基因型对胚性细胞系的获得有很大的影响。在相同的培养条件下,九个青饲玉米品系都得到了I型愈伤组织,但仅有两个品系(232和235)得到了胚性细胞系(L32和L35)。幼胚的长度及年龄也是影响诱导形成胚性愈伤组织的一个重要因素,最佳胚长是1-1.5mm,最佳胚龄是授粉后10-12天的幼胚。另外,适当提高蔗糖浓度对胚性细胞悬浮系的建立及保持均有好处。 从玉米原生质体培养获得了再生植株.在此基础上用电激法和PEG法将BT基因导入玉米原生体,发现在原生质体培养过程中,同对照相比,第一次细胞分裂及形成愈伤组织的时间往后推移. 诱导玉米I型愈伤组织没有基因型的限制,可以从大多数玉米品系中得到。并且玉米I型愈伤组织具有极强的分化能力.我们将玉米I型愈伤组织作为基因枪法转化的受体,获得了转基因工程植株。目前,尚未见这方面的报道. 基因枪法转化玉米胚性细胞系,得到抗性愈伤组织的效率约为1/40。用直径约3mm的玉米I型愈伤组织块作基因枪法转化受体,转化后经筛选平均每块可得到1-4个抗性愈伤组织系。用PEG和电激法转化玉米原生质体,转化后原生质体再生愈伤组织中,抗性愈伤组织的得率为9.3%和8.9%, 基因枪法适应完整的细胞和组织的转化,可较快得到抗性植株,在玉米基因转化研究中, 为了较快地得到转化植株,用基因枪法较电激法和PEG法更好,在玉米三种基因转化的受体中(原生质体、胚性细胞系和I型愈伤组织),以I型愈伤组织作受体最好,用它作受体可以避免原生质体培养的困难,克服获得胚性细胞系的基因型的限制。 胚性细胞系对抗菌素的耐受性随继代时间增长而增加.I型愈伤组织对抗菌素的耐受性 同愈伤组织块的大小呈正相关。 由于玉米愈伤组织对卡那霉素的本底抗性较高,所以需要用高浓度(800mg/L)的卡那霉 素进行筛选,过高的选择压力对芽的分化有抑制作用.用电激和PEG处理后的原生质体再生的愈伤组织,经卡那霉素筛选出的抗性愈伤组织未能得到再生植株。而对照则得到了再生植株。用PPT和Hyg筛选出的抗性愈伤组织得到了再生植株. 用PCR和Southern杂交对抗性愈伤组织和再生植株进行检测,证明外源基因已整合到 玉米基因组中。得到了携有BT基因、bar基因或PinⅡ基因的愈伤组织或工程植株。 用豫谷一号的幼穗诱导获得了胚性愈伤组织,基因枪转化后,经PPT筛选得到抗性愈伤组织。每个5cm的培养皿内装有谷子胚性愈伤组织约0.5g,经筛选后可得到5-10块抗性愈伤组织,此PPT抗性的愈伤组织用PCR和Southern杂交检测,证明bar基因已整合到了谷子的基因组中。从转化愈伤组织中已分化出了再生植株。