43 resultados para Endogenous hormone

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牡丹(Paeonia suffruticosa Andr.),芍药科芍药属植物,是我国的传统名花,因花朵硕大、花色丰富、花型齐全而显雍容华贵、富丽端庄,“惟有牡丹真国色,花开时节动京城”,深受人民的喜爱。人们在欣赏牡丹的过程中,一方面为其艳丽多姿而赞叹,同时又为其自然花期较短且集中而遗憾,“弄花一年,看花十日”,因此,如何通过栽培等技术措施使牡丹连续开花,一直是牡丹研究者探索的重要课题。近年,在对牡丹栽培的系统研究中,发现不同牡丹品种的花芽分化类型(数量、梯度)直接影响其开花数量和开花次数。为了有效地利用不同类型的牡丹,选育出更多的丰花、同株可连续开花的品种,服务于牡丹的产业化生产,本试验对4个牡丹品种群的135个品种进行了同枝条芽数的统计分析及花芽分化梯度的划分,阐明了花芽分化类型与促成连续二次开花的关系。初步测定了具有促成连续二次开花习性的牡丹品种‘High Noon’不同芽位腋芽内源激素的含量,揭示了牡丹同株连续二次开花过程中不同芽位腋芽内源激素的生理变化规律,为解决牡丹同株花期短、不能同株连续开花的难题奠定了理论基础。本研究主要结果如下: 1、牡丹花芽分化类型与自然开花的关系 通过对135个牡丹品种花芽分化数量和梯度类型的调查,将同枝条的芽数聚类为少(3-4)、中等(5-7)、多(8-10)三类;将花芽分化梯度划分为小、中、大三种类型。芽数类型和花芽分化梯度类型均与品种群有一定的关系。中原品种群中90%的品种属于芽数少的类型,47%的品种属于分化梯度大的类型;日本品种群中73%的品种属于芽数中等的类型,52%的品种属于分化梯度中的类型;法国品种群和美国品种群品种调查数量较少,但大多数品种属于芽数中等的类型,分别占80%和44%,分化梯度小的品种分别占调查总数的40%和67%。绝大部分品种的腋花芽因在枝条上着生的位置不同而有明显的异质性,上部芽顶端优势强,萌动率和开花率均高,芽数多的品种中、下部芽在春天自然开花季节常处于休眠状态。 2、牡丹花芽分化类型与促成连续二次开花的关系 花芽分化数量的多少与梯度的大小直接影响着开花次数。花芽分化数量少、梯度大的品种不建议直接用于同株促成连续二次开花栽培;花芽分化数量中等或多、梯度小的品种可以实现同株促成连续二次开花,10个试验牡丹品种中的中原牡丹品种‘如花似玉(Ru Hua Si Yu)’和美国牡丹品种‘High Noon’具有同株连续二次开花能力,且二次开花率达75%以上,两次开花品质均优良。 3、‘High Noon’不同芽位腋芽内源激素与促成连续开花的关系 通过测定美国牡丹品种‘High Noon’同枝条不同芽位腋芽萌动前期、后期内源激素含量,结果表明:萌动后期不同芽位腋芽的GA3、IAA、ZRs含量增加,尤其1位芽、2位芽含量增加显著;萌动后期ABA含量则随着芽位自上而下增加显著,可能是导致下部芽继续保持休眠状态的主要原因;萌动后期下部芽的ABA/ZRs配比增幅较高,说明ABA/ZRs配比与芽的生长与休眠关系密切。


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本文以中国极危种大花黄牡丹种子为研究材料,对其种子生物学、休眠与萌发特性进行研究,采用变温层积和激素处理解除种子休眠,并通过生物抑制物测试、胚培养、激素含量动态变化的测定,研究种子休眠的原因,从根本上解决了大花黄牡丹迁地保护过程中种子繁殖的技术难题,并初步探讨了大花黄牡丹致濒因素与种子休眠及萌发特性的关系,结果表明: 1.大花黄牡丹种子饱实度高,活力强,种皮较坚硬,但不存在吸水障碍,干燥条件下易因失水而丧失活力。迁地保护冷室中盆播18个月方可出苗,出苗率约4%;变温层积实验表明该种具有典型的下胚轴休眠和上胚轴生长抑制。 2.胚组织培养表明:带胚乳和种皮的胚不能萌发,剥除种皮和胚乳后,胚根可萌发,胚芽不生长,GA3处理上胚轴可促进生长,说明种皮和胚乳是导致大花黄牡丹种子下胚轴休眠的关键因素,而上胚轴生长抑制与胚本身关系更密切。 3.抑制物质提取实验表明:大花黄牡丹种子胚乳、种皮、胚等各部位的浸提液均存在抑制小白菜种子萌发的物质,且抑制作用依次增强,说明胚乳和胚是其下胚轴休眠的主要原因。经过暖层积(15 ℃/90 d)种子(未解除上胚轴生长抑制)的胚根、子叶、胚轴浸提液对小白菜和已解除休眠的大花黄牡丹种子的萌发均有不同程度的抑制作用,并依次减弱,说明种胚本身的抑制物质是导致生理休眠的主要原因。 4.变温层积处理和外源激素实验表明:新鲜种子采收后15 ℃暖层积3个月生根率可达85%,下胚轴休眠解除对温度要求严格,高于或低于15 ℃及变温条件均不利于下胚轴萌发;暖层积90d、根长大于6 cm种子再经过60~80 d/ 5 ℃冷层积,即可有效解除大花黄牡丹种子上胚轴的生长抑制,出芽率达80%,最终出苗率68%。不同浓度GA3及不同处理时间促进上胚轴伸长实验结果显示,GA3 400 mg/L浸种根长大于1.5 cm的种子2 h,出芽率可达100%,可以完全解除上胚轴的生长抑制作用。 5.休眠萌发过程中种子各部位内源激素含量动态变化分析结果说明,初始状态脱落酸含量高是导致大花黄牡丹种子下胚轴休眠、上胚轴生长抑制的主要原因之一,且上胚轴抑制与子叶、下胚轴和根的脱落酸含量密切相关;同时认为种子各部位初始生长素含量水平低是导致其休眠的另一个主要原因;变温层积过程中胚各部位脱落酸含量的急剧下降和生长素的迅速升高是解除休眠的关键;同时发现赤霉素在解除休眠和促进萌发过程中起着重要的促进作用,外源GA3能够有效地打破上胚轴的深度休眠。玉米素核苷在休眠与萌发进程中变化趋势与生长素和赤霉素相似,说明其对种子胚根和上胚轴的萌发和生长具有一定的促进作用。


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研究了2年生中国沙棘(Hippophae rhamnoids)在土壤干旱胁迫下苗木含水量、内源激素水平与萌芽率关系以及萌芽关键期喷施外源GA3的作用。结果表明:土壤干旱胁迫使冬季休眠与春季萌芽期苗木含水量、内源GA1/3降低,内源ABA明显提高,GA1/3ABA下降,达到萌动所需的调控阈值的时间延迟,重度干旱下苗木萌芽延迟约25d,且萌芽后的枝生长十分缓慢;中度干旱下苗木萌芽延迟10d,萌芽后生长亦有所抑制。喷施80mg/L外源GA3溶液可有效提高重度干旱下苗木内源GA1/3,降低ABA含量,使GA1/3/ABA提高,促进苗木提早萌芽及萌芽后生长;在适宜水分及中度干旱下,沙棘苗木外施GA3对萌芽及其生长作用不明显。


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以 2a生中国沙棘为试验材料 ,研究了土壤干旱胁迫下沙棘苗木水分生理状况 ,内源GA1 3 及ABA水平与萌芽率的关系 ,结果表明 :土壤干旱胁迫导致苗体含水量、水势、自由水含量下降 ,显著提高冬季休眠与春季萌动期的内源ABA水平而降低内源GA1 3 含量 ,GA1 3 ABA降低 ,较晚达到萌动所需的调控阈值 ,萌芽延迟。重度胁迫下苗木延迟达 2 5d且萌芽后生长缓慢。长期土壤中度干旱条件下沙棘苗萌芽期亦略有延迟 ,萌芽后生长略有抑制


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Ghrelin, a multifunctional hormone, including potent GH stimulation activity, has been suggested to be important during embryonic development. Expression of ghrelin has been confirmed in the zebrafish pancreas during embryonic stages. Interfering with ghrelin function using two specific antisense morpholino oligonucleotides causes defects during zebrafish embryonic development. In ghrelin morphants the expression of GH was abolished in zebrafish somatotropes, whereas the expression patterns of the other key molecules involved in hypothalamic-pituitary development and distinct pituitary hormones genes remain largely intact at the appropriate time during zebrafish adenohypophysis development. Effective rescue of the ghrelin morphants with exogenous ghrelin mRNA showed that the correct gene had been targeted. Moreover, by analyzing the efficiencies of the ghrelin morphants rescue experiments with various forms of exogenous mutant ghrelin mRNAs, we also demonstrated the essentiality of the form acyl-ghrelin on GH stimulation during zebrafish adenohypophysis development. Our in vivo experiments, for the first time, also provided evidence of the existence of functional obestatin in the C-terminal part of zebrafish proghrelin peptides. Our research here has demonstrated that zebrafish is a unique model for functional studies of endogenous ghrelin, especially during embryonic development. (Endocrinology 150: 2767-2774, 2009)


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Effects of age and season on the developmental capacity of oocytes from unstimulated and FSH-stimulated rhesus monkeys were examined, Immature cumulus-oocyte complexes were matured in vitro in modified CMRL-1066 medium containing 20% bovine calf serum and


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The growth hormone (GH) gene family represents an erratic and complex evolutionary pattern, involving many evolutionary events, such as multiple gene duplications, positive selection, the birth-and-death process and gene conversions. In the present study, we cloned and sequenced GH-like genes from three species of New World monkeys (NWM). Phylogenetic analysis strongly suggest monophyly for NWM GH-like genes with respect to those of Old World monkeys (OWM) and hominoids, indicating that independent gene duplications have occurred in NWM GH-like genes. There are three main clusters of genes in putatively functional NWM GH-like genes, according to our gene tree. Comparison of the ratios of nonsynonymous and synonymous substitutions revealed that these three clusters of genes evolved under different kinds of selective pressures. Detailed analysis of the evolution of pseudogenes showed that the evolutionary pattern of this gene family in platyrrhines is in agreement with the so-called birth-and-death process.


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Pituitary growth hormone (GH) evolves very slowly in most of mammals, but the evolutionary rates appear to have increased markedly on two occasions during the evolution of primates and ruminants. To investigate the evolutionary pattern of growth hormone receptor (GHR), we sequenced the extracellular domain of GHR genes from four primate species. Our results suggested that GHR in mammal also shows an episodic evolutionary pattern, which is consistent with that observed in pituitary growth hormone. Further analysis suggested that this pattern of rapid evolution observed in primates and ruminants is likely the result of coevolution between pituitary growth hormone and its receptor.


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Growth hormone is a classic molecule in the study of the molecular clock hypothesis as it exhibits a relatively constant rate of evolution in most mammalian orders except primates and artiodactyls, where dramatically enhanced rate of evolution (25-50-fold) has been reported. The rapid evolution of primate growth hormone occurred after the divergence of tarsiers and simians, but before the separation of old world monkeys (OWM) from new world monkeys (NWM). Interestingly, this event of rapid sequence evolution coincided with multiple duplications of the growth hormone gene, suggesting gene duplication as a possible cause of the accelerated sequence evolution. Here we determined 21 different GH-like sequences from four species of OWM and hominoids. Combining with published sequences from OWM and hominoids, our analysis demonstrates that multiple gene duplications and several gene conversion events both occurred in the evolutionary history of this gene family in OWM/hominoids. The episode of recent duplications of CSH-like genes in gibbon is accompanied with rapid sequence evolution likely resulting from relaxation of purifying selection. GHN genes in both hominoids and OWM are under strong purifying selection. In contrast, CSH genes in both lineages are probably not. GHV genes in OWM and hominoids evolved at different evolutionary rates and underwent different selective constraints. Our results disclosed the complex history of the primate growth hormone gene family and raised intriguing questions on the consequences of these evolutionary events. © 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Endogenous retroviruses ( ERVs) are remnants of ancient retroviral infections of the host germline transmitted vertically from generation to generation. It is hypothesized that some ERVs are used by the host as restriction factors to block the infection o