41 resultados para Doubled haploid lines
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植物远缘杂交是作物育种实践及其相关的基础遗传中应用最广泛的技术之一,几乎涉及到所有与栽培作物有关的科属内相对近缘的植物种类。除核型稳定的种间杂交可得到杂种外,还可以利用核型不稳定的种间杂交过程中父本染色体全部被消除的现象,通过胚培养和加倍处理获得大量的双单倍体(DH)杂交后代。然而,这种从小麦与玉米杂交获得的小麦DH后代与其理论上应完全同质的遗传表现却不相符,总有2-5%的DH植株发生了形态学变异,虽然没有明显的来自玉米的性状特征,而且一些研究者也认为它们是配子无性系变异,但是,不论是理论上还是一些间接的细胞学和生化证据都表明,有玉米的染色体DNA通过受精过程转移到小麦DH后代的基因组中,然而到目前为止,仍缺乏DNA水平上的直接证据。 本文在对来自小麦 * 玉米的谱通小麦DH系进行生化分析取得初步证据的基础上,构建玉米的随机基因组文库,从中筛选玉米的重复DNA序列作探针分别对普通小麦和波斯小麦的DH群体进行了系统的RFLP分析,并用有关的玉米重复列克隆对一些禾本科种和不同的玉米生物型基因组进行了比较研究,主要结果如下: 1、八种同工酶电泳分析表明,MDH、ADH、GDH、SKDH4种脱氢酶和GOT在后代中没有检测到任何变异,但21株普通小麦的DH后代群体中有7株在PER同工酶的慢区出现了增加一条酶带的变异,这条带在亲本小麦和玉米中均没有,它们与通常报道的无性系变异十分类似。其中有一株(第4号株)在迁移率为0.22的位置上出现了一条小麦所不具有的酶活性较强的EST带,在玉米同迁移率的位置上也有一条带,但活性十分微弱。此外,大部分小麦DH后代的AMY同工酶恬性有十分明显的增强。 2、可溶性蛋白质的SDS-PAGE分析,在小麦的DH后代中,有几株的变异很明显,其中第4、7、19号株(图2)在分子量为43000道尔顿的位置上出现了和玉米同迁移率而小麦不具有的蛋白质带,这强烈地暗示了玉米DNA的确通过受精作用导入小麦。 3、构建了玉米的随机基因组文库,依据菌落原位杂交结果,从中挑出了500个重组克隆。用其中的100个强信号的重复DNA克隆为探针对亲本小麦和玉米进行了RFLP筛选,其中80多个为玉米基因组特异的,9个与小麦有部分同源性,随后用它们探针分别对两个小麦DH群体进行RFLP分析。 4、用上文筛选的玉米特异的重复DNA克隆作探针进行RFLP分析,只有玉米的MR64克隆同时导入到两个小麦群体的各一株后代中,即普通小麦DH系的18号株和波斯小麦DH系的15号株检测到强杂交信号;另外一个克隆MR72只在4株波斯小麦DH后代中有杂交信号,这个结果首次从DNA水平上证明,的确有某些玉米特异的DNA序列通过受精作用以很低的频率转移到小麦DH后代的基因组中。 5、与小麦有部分同源性的玉米克隆MR13和MR50在一些普通小麦DH后代中检测到了缺失变异。特别是用MR13在普通小麦DH系的18号株(即导入了玉米特异的MR64的DNA的那一株小麦DH后代)的基因组中检测到了大幅度的限制性片段长度的变化,即原来的4.3kb的强信号带消失了,取而代之的是增加40kb、15kb、2.5kb和2.0kb四条杂交带,这要么与小麦基因组DNA较大的重俳事件有关,要么是由外源的玉米DNA插入造成的,但从增加的片段长度如此之大以及杂交信号变弱来看,它很可能就是玉米DNA插入到这个较强信号的小麦单拷贝序列中的结果。用小麦的DNA克隆pTa71也检测到了明显的变异。 6、测序分析发现,克隆MP64的插入片段长度为695bp,A+T含量为58%,经在GENEBANK中检索证实它是一个新克隆的DNA序列。序列中分别含有两对正向和反向重 序列及三个回文序列,对多种酶切的玉米基因组的RFLP分析表明它是一个带1-3个主串联重复单位的散布重复序列,在序列中的CCGG的第二个C高度甲基化,拷贝数约为5600左右。染色体原位杂交表明,MR64在玉米的每条染色体上均有分布,但拷贝数不同,这暗示它可能与玉米基因组的演化历程有密切的关系。 7、比较分析发现,MR64是玉米基因组特异的;而MR72在高粱、珍株粟、糜子和狼尾草等四个和玉米较近缘的种的基因组中有部分同源序列,这个比较结果更加肯定了小麦DH系所新增的DNA序列的确是异源的玉米DNA通过受精过程导入的。 8、初步分析发现,玉米的卫星DNA克隆MR4和其它卫星DNA一样也有严谨的重复等级结构,而且在主要禾本科种基因组中有较低的同源性。经在GENEBANK检索,串联重复DNA克隆MR68是一个新克隆的DNA序列,它在不同的玉米生物型基因组中表现出明显的分化特征,可用它作进一步的基因组的比较分析。 9、本文对染色体消除过程度中异源小片段DNA导入的可能机制和散布重复序列在远缘杂交的异源DNA鉴定中的应用进行了讨论,并分析了染色体消除型远缘杂交所获得的DH后代的变异来源。
This paper carries out the analysis of mechanics of a grip system of three-key-board hydraulic tongs developed for offshore oil pipe lines which has been successfully used in oil fields in China. The main improvement of this system is that a lever frame structure is used in the structural design, which reduces greatly the stresses of the major components of the oil pipe tongs. Theoretical analysis and numerical calculation based on thirteen basic equations developed Show that the teeth board of the tongs is not easy to slip as frequently happens to other systems and is of higher reliability.
Based on the sub-region generalized variational principle, a sub-region mixed version of the newly-developed semi-analytical 'finite element method of lines' (FEMOL) is proposed in this paper for accurate and efficient computation of stress intensity factors (SIFs) of two-dimensional notches/cracks. The circular regions surrounding notch/crack tips are taken as the complementary energy region in which a number of leading terms of singular solutions for stresses are used, with the sought SIFs being among the unknown coefficients. The rest of the arbitrary domain is taken as the potential energy region in which FEMOL is applied to obtain approximate displacements. A mixed system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs) and algebraic equations is derived via the sub-region generalized variational principle. A singularity removal technique that eliminates the stress parameters from the mixed equation system eventually yields a standard FEMOL ODE system, the solution of which is no longer singular and is simply and efficiently obtained using a standard general-purpose ODE solver. A number of numerical examples, including bi-material notches/cracks in anti-plane and plane elasticity, are given to show the generally excellent performance of the proposed method.
The elastic plane problem of collinear rigid lines under arbitrary loads is dealt with. Applying the Riemann-Schwarz symmetry principle integrated with the analysis of the singularity of complex stress functions, the general formulation is presented, and the closed-form solutions to several problems of practical importance are given, which include some published results as the special cases. Lastly the stress distribution in the immediate vicinity of the rigid line end is examined.
We investigate the fluorescence spectrum in a nearly degenerate atomic system of a F-e = 0 -> F-g = 1 transition by analytically solving Schrodinger equations. An ultranarrow fluorescence spectral line in between the two coherent population trapping windows has been found. Our analytic solutions clearly show the origin of the ultranarrow spectral line. Due to quantum interference effects between two coherent population trapping states, the width and intensity of the central spectral line can be controlled by an external magnetic field. Such an effect may be used to detect a magnetic field.
We measure the signal amplitude and linewidth of a dark line in coherent population trapping in the Rb vapour cell filled with mixed buffer gas N-2 and Ar as a function of cell temperature. We find that the dark line signal amplitude increases with temperature up to a maximum at 49 degrees C and then drops at higher temperatures due to quenching effects of N-2. The linewidth of the dark line remains basically constant, at 1080 Hz. We also measure the linewidth of the dark line as a function of laser intensity. The linewidth increases linearly with laser intensity. An intrinsic linewidth (FWHM=896 Hz at 3.4 GHz) of the Rb cell is obtained.
我们以前的研究建立了五株猕猴饲养层细胞系来支持猕猴胚胎干细胞(rESCs)的生长:一岁猴耳皮肤成纤维细胞(MESFs)、两岁猴输卵管成纤维细胞(MOFs)、成年猴卵泡颗粒成纤维样细胞(MFGs)、成年猴卵泡颗粒上皮样细胞(MFGEs),以及MESFs的克隆成纤维细胞(CMESFs).我们发现MESFs、CMESFs、MOFs和MFGs,而不足MFGEs支持猕猴胚胎干细胞(rESCs,rhesus embryonic stem cells)的生长.通过半定量PCR的方法,我们在支持性的饲养层细胞中检测到了一些基因的高表达.在本研究中,我们运用Affymetrix公司的GeneChip Rhesus Macaque Genome Array芯片来研究这五株同源饲养层的表达谱,希望发现哪些细胞因子和信号通路在维持rESCs中起到重要作用.结果表明,除MFGE外,包括GREM2、bFGF,、KITLG,、DKK3、GREM1、AREG、SERPINF1和LTBF1等八个基因的mRNA在支持性的饲养层细胞中高表达.本研究结果提示,很多信号通路在支持rESCs的未分化生长和多潜能性方面可能起到了冗余的作用.
Background: Short and long interspersed elements (SINEs and LINEs, respectively), two types of retroposons, are active in shaping the architecture of genomes and powerful tools for studies of phylogeny and population biology. Here we developed special protocol to apply biotin-streptavidin bead system into isolation of interspersed repeated sequences rapidly and efficiently, in which SINEs and LINEs were captured directly from digested genomic DNA by hybridization to bead-probe complex in solution instead of traditional strategy including genomic library construction and screening. Results: A new couple of SINEs and LINEs that shared an almost identical 3'tail was isolated and characterized in silver carp and bighead carp of two closely related species. These SINEs (34 members), designated HAmo SINE family, were little divergent in sequence and flanked by obvious TSD indicated that HAmo SINE was very young family. The copy numbers of this family was estimated to 2 x 10(5) and 1.7 x 10(5) per haploid genome by Real-Time qPCR, respectively. The LINEs, identified as the homologs of LINE2 in other fishes, had a conserved primary sequence and secondary structures of the 3'tail region that was almost identical to that of HAmo SINE. These evidences suggest that HAmo SINEs are active and amplified recently utilizing the enzymatic machinery for retroposition of HAmoL2 through the recognition of higher-order structures of the conserved 42-tail region. We analyzed the possible structures of HAmo SINE that lead to successful amplification in genome and then deduced that HAmo SINE, SmaI SINE and FokI SINE that were similar in sequence each other, were probably generated independently and created by LINE family within the same lineage of a LINE phylogeny in the genomes of different hosts. Conclusion: The presented results show the advantage of the novel method for retroposons isolation and a pair of young SINE family and its partner LINE family in two carp fishes, which strengthened the hypotheses containing the slippage model for initiation of reverse transcription, retropositional parasitism of SINEs on LINEs, the formation of the stem loop structure in 3'tail region of some SINEs and LINEs and the mechanism of template switching in generating new SINE family.
As the active metabolites of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCBs), hydroxylated polychlorinated biphenyls (OH-PCBs) are found in wildlife and human tissues. They have been proposed as main contributors for endocrine disruption of PCBs in living organisms. In this study, mono-ortho PCB 156 and its hydroxylated metabolites 4'-OH-PCB 159, 4'-OH-PCB 121, and 4'-OH-PCB 72 were selected to investigate the toxic effects on rat hepatoma H4IIE cell line and rat thyroid follicle FRTL-5 cell line at concentrations of 1, 10(2), 10(4) nM. 7-Ethoxyresorufin-O-deethylase (EROD) and 7-pentoxyresorufin-O-dealkylase (PROD) activities were determined with micro-EROD/PROD to indicate cytochrome P4501 A1 (CYP1A1) and cytochrome P4502B (CYP2B) induction in the H4IIE cell after exposure for 72 h. To assess thyroid disruption of these compounds, thyroglobulin concentrations also were detected inside FRTL-5 cell with immunocellularchemistry and in its medium with radioimmunoassay after exposure for 24 It. Significant inductions of EROD activity by PCB 156 at 102 and 104 nM (p < 0.05) were observed, but no effects by the three OH-PCBs in H4IIE cell line. 7-Pentoxyresorufin-O-dealkylase activities were induced only by 10(4) nM of PCB156 and the three OH-PCBs (p < 0.05). Meanwhile, significant increases of thyroglobulin concentrations were observed in the medium of FRTL-5 cell exposed to 4'-OH-PCB 121 and 4'-OH-PCB 72 at all of the test concentrations (p < 0.05), but not to the other compounds. The results demonstrated that mono-ortho PCBs mainly could be metabolized to hydroxylated metabolites through CYP1A1 instead of CYP2B. Moreover, after being metabolized, OH-PCBs still sustained the ability to induce PROD activity and did exhibit the disruption on thyroglobulin synthesis/excretion in rat cells.
The causative agent of lymphocystis disease that frequently occurs in cultured flounder Paralichthys olivaceus in China is lymphocystis virus (LV). In this study, 13 fish cell lines were tested for their susceptibility to LV. Of these, 2 cell lines derived from the freshwater grass carp Ctenopharyngodon idellus proved susceptible to the LV, and 1 cell line, GCO (grass carp ovary), was therefore used to replicate and propagate the virus. An obvious cytopathic effect (CPE) was first observed in cell monolayers at 1 d post-inoculation, and at 3 d this had extended to about 75% of the cell monolayer. However, no further CPE extension was observed after 4 d. Cytopathic characteristics induced by the LV were detected by Giemsa staining and fluorescence microscopic observation with Hoechst 33258 staining. The propagated virus particles were also observed by electron microscopy. Ultrastructure analysis revealed several distinct cellular changes, such as chromatin compaction and margination, vesicle formation, cell-surface convolution, nuclear fragmentation and the occurrence of characteristic 'blebs' and cell fusion. This study provides a detailed report of LV infection and propagation in a freshwater fish cell line, and presents direct electron microscopy evidence for propagation of the virus in infected cells. A possible process by which the CPEs are controlled is suggested.
The diversity of gynogenetic, artificial sex reversal and natural silver carp and bighead carp is examined using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) method. All of the 187 bands are obtained and 19 (10.16%) of them are polymorphic in gynogenetic silver carp. Meanwhile 32 (15.61%) out of 205 bands are polymorphic in control group. In gynogenetic bighead carp a total of 232 bands are identified and 11 (4.74%) out of them are polymorphic, while 25 (10.37%) out of 241 bands are polymorphic in control group. The genetic distance of four populations is calculated and it is 0.102 and 0.023 for gynogenetic silver carp and gynogenetic bighead carp respectively. The values of natural silver carp and bighead carp are 0.161 and 0.104. From the UPGMA trees constructed based on genetic distance, the sex reversal individuals that match with the gynogenetic female individuals are picked out. A new breeding process of establishing a pure line is developed.