15 resultados para Detached Utterances
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The controlled equations defined in a physical plane are changed into those in a computational plane with coordinate transformations suitable for different Mach number M(infinity). The computational area is limited in the body surface and in the vicinities of detached shock wave and sonic line. Thus the area can be greatly cut down when the shock wave moves away from the body surface as M(infinity) --> 1. Highly accurate, total variation diminishing (TVD) finite-difference schemes are used to calculate the low supersonic flowfield around a sphere. The stand-off distance, location of sonic line, etc. are well comparable with experimental data. The long pending problem concerning a flow passing a sphere at 1.3 greater-than-or-equal-to M(infinity) > 1 has been settled, and some new results on M(infinity) = 1.05 have been presented.
花粉是种子植物受精过程中雄性生殖细胞的载体,在有性生殖过程中起着非常重要的作用。花粉与柱头、花柱、子房等都有相互作用,起识别作用的是细胞壁蛋白,而花粉粒的壁有明显的两层:内壁和外壁。裸子植物花粉与被子植物相比具有萌发时间长、生长缓慢、授粉-受精时间长等特点。花粉的内壁与外壁在花粉萌发和生长过程中的功能仍然缺乏研究,但是迄今为止现有的分子生物学技术在获得裸子植物花粉壁突变体方面并没有发挥作用。本研究以裸子植物白皮松(Pinus bungeana)和青杄(Picea wilsonii)花粉为材料建立裸子植物花粉脱壁的体系,包 括脱外壁花粉和花粉原生质体的制备,即将花粉的两层壁逐层剥离,并在此基础上进行了细胞学研究。 本文首先建立了裸子植物脱外壁花粉的分离技术。实验表明低浓度的酶组合短暂酶解后,辅以机械研磨,可以释放出大量的脱外壁花粉。其中在这两种裸子植物中的处理稍有不同,白皮松的脱外壁花粉在含12%蔗糖,0.5%纤维素酶和0.3%离析酶的溶液,pH 5.8 ,孵育半小时,辅以一定力度机械研磨的方法获得,而青杄脱外壁花粉的条件是0.8%纤维素酶和0.5%离析酶、12%蔗糖的溶液,其它条件类似。 其次我们成功建立了一种快速、有效、可重复的分离白皮松和青杄花粉原生质体的系统,分离频率可高达70%。对白皮松而言,最好的分离条件是2% 纤维素酶、1.5%离析酶、15%蔗糖、pH 5.8,黑暗、24℃条件下轻微振荡、酶解6 小时。3%纤维素酶和2%离析酶组合比较适宜青杄花粉原生质体的分离,同时需要较低浓度的蔗糖溶液(12%)。青杄花粉原生质体要远大于白皮松花粉原生质体,前者直径为80µm,后者为40µm。强烈的FDA 荧光显示很好的活性。在制备的过程中,酶的浓度、酶的配比、酶解时间、渗透压调节剂、起始材料对分离率都有影响。 运用免疫荧光标记技术显示,脱外壁花粉的表面存在纤维素、果胶质、阿拉伯半乳聚糖蛋白(AGPs)和凝集素结合位点,其中纤维素在整个表面都有分布,但在萌发孔附近的荧光最强;白皮松脱外壁花粉表面有胼胝质的存在,主要位于靠近气囊的部位,而青杄脱外壁花粉表面未能检测到胼胝质;酸性果胶质在白皮松脱外壁花粉靠近萌发孔处的荧光稍弱于其它部位,而在青杄脱外壁花粉的表面近极端的荧光要强于远极端;白皮松脱外壁花粉表面有酯化果胶的沉积,而青杄脱外壁花粉表面缺失酯化果胶;白皮松和青杄两种植物脱外壁花粉表面均有阿拉伯半乳糖的分布,而白皮松脱外壁花粉的荧光要远强于青杄;白皮松和青杄脱外壁花粉表面有伴刀豆凝集素(Conconavalin agglutinin, Con A )和大豆凝集素(soybean agglutinin, SBA )结合位点的分布,而缺失麦胚凝集素(wheat germ agglutinin, WGA)结合位点。另外,傅立叶红外光谱(FTIR) 分析结果也同样支持上述结论。
Heme oxygenase-1 is the rate-limiting enzyme in the degradation of heme into biliverdin, carbon monoxide and free divalent iron. In this study, we cloned heme oxygenase isoform 1 (CaHO-1) from a hypoxia-tolerant teleost fish Carassius auratus. The full-length cDNA of CaHO-1 is 1247 bp and encodes a protein of 272 amino acids. RT-PCR and real-time PCR analysis indicated that CaHO-1 was predominantly transcribed in posterior kidney, head kidney, gill and intestine, and induction of gene transcription was observed predominantly in posterior kidney under hypoxic stress. Moreover, the hypoxia-induced transcription was confirmed in goldfish larvae and in in vitro cultured CAB cells. Fluorescence of the HO-1-GFP fusion protein revealed a cytoplasmic and plasma membrane localization, which was consistent with the putative transmembrane structure. Subsequently, we established a stably transfected CAB/pcDNA3.1-HO-1 cell line and a control CAB/pcDNA3.1 cell line, and found that the number of dead cells was obviously reduced in the pcDNA3.1-HO-1-transfected group following 4 days of hypoxic (1% O-2) treatment in comparison with numerous detached dead cells in the control pcDNA3.1-transfected cells. Furthermore, a significant cell viability difference between the two kinds of transfected cells during hypoxia-reoxygenation was revealed. Therefore, the data suggest that fish HO-1 might play a significant protective role in cells in response to hypoxic stress.
Multi-channel effect is important to understand transport phenomenon in phase change systems with parallel channels. In this paper, visualization studies were performed to study the multi-channel effect in a silicon triple-channel condenser with an aspect ratio of 0.04. Saturated water vapor was pumped into the microcondenser, which was horizontally positioned. The condenser was cooled by the air natural convention heat transfer in the air environment. Flow patterns are either the annular flow at high inlet vapor pressures, or a quasi-stable elongated bubble at the microchannel upstream followed by a detaching or detached miniature bubble at smaller inlet vapor pressures. The downstream miniature bubble was detached from the elongated bubble tip induced by the maximum Weber number there. It is observed that either a single vapor thread or dual vapor threads are at the front of the elongated bubble. A miniature bubble is fully formed by breaking up the vapor thread or threads. The transient vapor thread formation and breakup process is exactly symmetry against the centerline of the center channel. In side channels, the Marangoni effect induced by the small temperature variation over the channel width direction causes the vapor thread formation and breakup process deviating from the side channel centerline and approaching the center channel. The Marangoni effect further forces the detached bubble to rotate and approach the center channel, because the center channel always has higher temperatures, indicating the multi-channel effect.
作物的抗旱性是一个多基因控制的、极为复杂的数量性状,植物对干旱在分子水平上的差异反应通过植物组织生理和细胞生物学水平,最终表现为植物抗旱性的不同。在我国,旱地农业超过耕地面积的50%,但水资源短缺,因此培育和选育抗旱高产作物是发展节水型农业最有效的途径。 青藏高原气候恶劣、年均降雨量少,也是世界大麦初生起源中心,因而蕴藏了十分丰富的与抗逆相关的种质资源材料,从这些特殊的资源材料克隆抗旱基因,不仅对培育抗旱、优质、高产大麦新品种具有重要理论意义和经济价值,而且对整个作物抗旱基础和育种应用研究都具重大促进作用。 为了筛选青稞(裸大麦,Hordeum vulgare ssp. vulgare)抗旱性材料,本研究选用来自青藏高原不同地区的84份青稞为材料,在叶片失水率(water loss rate, WLR)检测分析的基础上,选择失水率值差异显著的12个品种,通过相对含水量(relative water content, RWC)和反复干旱法评价其抗旱性,并通过植株对干旱胁迫下的丙二醛(MDA)含量和游离脯氨酸(free-proline)含量变化,了解不同抗旱性材料的生理反应特性。选择抗旱性强弱不同的品种各两份进行LEA2蛋白基因(Dhn6基因)、LEA3蛋白基因(HVA1基因)的克隆,比较LEA蛋白结构差异与作物抗旱性之间的关系。同时,对抗旱性不同的青稞品种受到干旱时间不同的失水变化率(dynamics water loss rate, DWLR)进行了检测;对抗旱性不同的青稞对照材料进行2 h、4 h、8 h和12 h的快速干旱处理,通过SYBR Green实时荧光定量RT-PCR技术对Dhn6基因、Dhn11基因、Dhn13基因和HVA1基因在不同抗旱性材料受到不同干旱时间处理后的相对表达水平进行了检测。本研究对LEA蛋白基因在抗旱性不同的青稞材料中的干旱胁迫分子水平上的差异反应进行了研究,也对植物的抗旱机理进行了初步探讨。主要研究结果如下: 1. 青稞苗期进行离体叶片失水率测定结果表明,来自青藏高原的84份青稞材料的WLR在0.086~0.205gh-1g-1DW之间。选择WLR低于0.1gh-1g-1DW和WLR高于0.18gh-1g-1DW的品种各6份,并对苗期分别进行未干旱及干旱12小时的处理。相对含水量检测结果表明,低失水率青稞材料干旱后的具有更高的相对含水量,盆栽缺水试验也显示叶片失水率低的材料耐旱能力强于失水率高的材料。通过水合茚三酮法测定离体叶片游离脯氨酸的含量,结果表明,所有品种未干旱处理时,游离脯氨酸含量差异不大(17.10~25.74 µgg-1FW);干旱12小时后,低失水率的品种游离脯氨酸含量明显增高(32.99~53.45µgg-1FW),高失水率品种的游离脯氨酸含量与干旱前变化不明显(P<0.05)。硫代巴比妥酸法测定离体叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量,结果显示,12份所选对照品种中,丙二醛的含量在0.97~2.74nmolg-1FW,干旱12小时后丙二醛的含量显著上升(1.46~4.74nmolg-1FW),高失水率的6个品种的丙二醛含量在未干旱和干旱处理时都明显高于低WLR品种。本研究结果表明青稞的低失水率、低丙二醛含量、高相对含水量和高脯氨酸含量具相关性(P<0.05)。综上研究,我们认为作物失水率的测定可以作为快速检测作物抗旱性的指标之一,因此,强抗旱品种喜玛拉10号(TR1)、品比14号(TR2)和弱抗旱品种冬青8号(TS1)、QB24 (TS2)被选作抗旱基因克隆和表达分析的研究材料。 2. 高等植物胚胎发育晚期丰富蛋白(late embryogenesis abundant proteins, LEA proteins)与植物耐脱水性密切相关,为了探讨青稞LEA蛋白结构差异性与植物抗旱性的关系,本研究以强抗旱品种(喜玛拉10号、品比14号)和弱抗旱品种(冬青8号、QB24)为材料,利用同源克隆法,通过RT-PCR,分别克隆了与抗旱性密切相关的Dhn6基因和HVA1基因。Dhn6基因序列分析结果表明,强抗旱品种品比14号和弱抗旱品种冬青8号Dhn6基因所克隆到的序列为1026bp,它们之间只有5个碱基的差异;喜玛拉10号和QB24克隆到的序列长963bp。在强弱不同的抗旱品种中有22个核苷酸易突变位点,相应的脱水素氨基酸序列推导结果表明,22个核苷酸突变位点中,仅有8个位点导致相应的氨基酸残基的改变,其余的位点系同义突变,另外,21个富含甘氨酸序列的缺失并没有联系作物抗旱性特征。推测这些同义突变位点的氨基酸残基对维持青稞DHN6蛋白的正常结构和功能起着非常重要的作用,也可能DHN6蛋白对青稞长期适应逆境胁迫和遗传进化的结果。对HVA1基因的序列分析结果表明,冬青8号、QB24、品比14号和喜玛拉10号的目的基因核苷酸序列全长分别为661bp、697bp、694bp和691bp,它们都包含1个完整的开放阅读框。相应的LEA3蛋白氨基酸序列结果表明,11个高度保守的氨基酸残基组成基元重复序列的拷贝数与青稞抗旱性之间没有必然关系,在强抗旱品种(喜玛拉10号、品比14号)中三个共同的氨基酸突变位点Gln32、Arg33和Ala195可能对抗旱蛋白的结构和功能有影响;另外,强抗旱青稞品种LEA3蛋白质中11-氨基酸保守基元序列拷贝数和极性氨基酸占蛋白的比例更高,推测LEA3蛋白中基元序列拷贝数和极性氨基酸占蛋白的比例对该蛋白的结构和功能影响更大。 3. LEA蛋白基因的表达水平的上调与植物的耐脱水性密切相关,我们对强抗旱性材料(喜玛拉10号、品比14号)和弱抗旱材料(冬青8号、QB24)进行干旱处理2 h、4 h、6 h、8 h和10 h的失水变化率进行测定,结果表明弱抗旱品种在2~4小时之间失水率变化最明显,而四个对照品种的失水率在8小时后和24小时的失水率值变化不大。进一步提取青稞苗期进行2 h、4 h、8 h和12 h的干旱处理后的总RNA,通过SYBR Green实时荧光定量RT-PCR技术对青稞脱水素基因(Dhn6、Dhn11和Dhn13)和LEA3蛋白基因(HVA1)的相对表达水平受干旱时间和作物抗旱性的影响进行了检测。研究发现,抗旱性不同的青稞品种随干旱处理的时间延长,Dhn6、Dhn11、Dhn13和HVA1基因的相对表达水平不同。 Dhn6基因的相对表达水平在强抗旱青稞品种干旱8小时后快速上升,但在弱抗旱青稞品种干旱处理12小时后检测到更高表达量;Dhn11基因在对照青稞抗旱品种的表达累积水平随干旱时间的延长持续下降;整个干旱过程中,Dhn13基因的相对表达水平在弱抗旱品种持续上升,在强抗旱品种中干旱处理8小时快速上升并达到最高,干旱12小时后降低。与脱水素基因相比较,强抗旱青稞品种在干旱2小时后HVA1基因的相对表达水平显著升高,相对表达量随干旱处理的时间持续上升,在干旱12小时后达到最高;与之相比较,在整个干旱过程中,弱抗旱品种的相对表达水平显著低于强抗旱品种,在干旱8小时之前弱抗旱品种的相对表达水平变化不明显;在干旱8~12小时后却显著上升。上述结果表明,不同的LEA蛋白在植物耐脱水过程中的干旱表达累积水平不同;干旱不是诱导高等植物Dhn11基因表达的主要因素;植物的抗旱性不同,不同LEA蛋白基因对干旱的反应有差异。推测某些LEA蛋白基因的干旱胁迫早期表达累积程度与植物的抗旱性直接相关;其中,Dhn11基因和Dhn12基因不同的表达模式可能与干旱调控表达顺式作用成分(dehydration responsive element, DRE)的有无或结构上的差异有关。 本研究结果认为,(1)失水率和相对含水量可作为植物抗旱性检测的指标之一;(2) DHN6同义突变位点的氨基酸残基对维持该蛋白的正常结构和功能起着重要作用;(3) 11-氨基酸保守基元序列拷贝数和极性氨基酸的比例对LEA3蛋白结构和功能有重要影响;(4)LEA蛋白表达随着干旱胁迫程度而增加,但Dhn11基因并不受干旱诱导表达;(5)作物的抗旱性不同,LEA蛋白对干旱的累积反应并不相同,干旱早期LEA蛋白的累积程度可能会影响植物的抗旱性。 Drought resistance was a complex trait which involved multiple physiological and biochemical mechanisms and regulation of numerous genes. Because its complex traits, it is difficult to understand the mechanisms of drought resistance in plants. Plants respond to water stress through multiple physiological mechanisms at the cellular, tissue, and whole-plant levels. Tibetan hulless barley, a pure line, is a selfing annual plant that has predominantly penetrated into the Qinghai-Tibetan Plateau and remains stable populations there. The wide ecological range of Tibetan hulless barley differs in water availability, temperature, soil type and vegetation, which makes it possess a high potential of adaptive diversity to abiotic stresses. This adaptive genetic diversity indicates that the potential of Tibetan hulless barley serves as a good source for drought resistance alleles for breeding purposes. 12 contrasting drought-tolerant genotypes were selected to measure relative water content (RWC), maldondialdehyde (MDA) and proline content, based on values of water loss rate (WLR) and repeated drought methods from Tibetan populations of cultivated hulless barley. As a result of the screening, sensitive and tolerant genotypes were identified to clarify relationships between characteristics of LEA2/LEA3 genes sequences and expression and drought-tolerant genotypes, associated with resistance to water deficit. In addition, dynamics water loss rate (DWLR) was measured to observe the changes on diffrential drought-tolerant genotypes. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR was applied to detect relative expression levels of Dhn6, Dhn11, Dhn13 and HVA1 genes in sensitive and tolerant genotypes with 2 h, 4 h, 8h and 12 h of dehydration. In the present study, differential sequences and expression of LEA2/LEA3 genes were explored in Tibetan hulless barley, associated with phenotypically diverse drought-tolerant genotypes. 1. The assessments of WLR and RWC were considered as an alternative measure of plant water statues reflecting the metabolic activity in plants, and the parameters of MDA and proline contents were usually consistent with the resistance to water stress. The values of detached leaf WLR of the tested genotypes were highly variable among 84 genotypes, ranging from 0.086 to 0.205 g/h.g DW. The 12 most contrasting genotypes (6 genotypes with the lowest values of WLR and 6 genotypes with the highest values of WLR) were further validated by measuring RWC, MDA and free-proline contents, which were well watered and dehydrated for 12 h. Results of RWC indicated that the values of 12 contrasting genotypes RWC ranged from 89.94% to 93.38% under condition of well water, without significant differences, but 6 genotypes with lower WLR had higher RWC suffered from 12 h dehydration. The results indicated that lower MDA contents, lower scores of WLR and higher proline contents were associated with drought-tolerant genotypes in hulless barley. Remarkably, proline amounts were increased more notable in 6 tolerant genotypes than 6 sensitive genotypes after excised leaves were dehydrated for 12 h, with control to slight changes under condition of well water. Results of MDA contents showed that six 6 tolerant genotypes had lower MDA contents than the 6 sensitive genotypes under both stressed and non-stressed conditions. As a result of that screening, drought- resistant genotypes (Ximala 10 and Pinbi 14) and drought-sensitive genotypes (Dongqing 8 and QB 24) were chosen for comparing the differential characteristics of LEA2/LEA3 genes and their expression analysis. It was conclusion that measurements of WLR could be considered an alternative index as screening of drought-tolerant genotypes in crops. 2. Late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins were thought to protect against water stress in plants. To explore the relationships between configuration of LEA proteins and phenotypically diverse drought-tolerant genotypes, sequences of LEA genes and their deduced proteins were compared in Tibetan hulless barley. Results of comparing Dhn6 gene in Ximala 10 and QB24 indicated that absence of 63bp was found, except that only 5 mutant nucleotides were found. While 22 mutant sites were taken place in Dhn6 gene between sensitive and tolerant lines, 14 synonymous mutation sites appeared in the contrasting genotypes. The additional/absent polypeptide of 21 polar amino acid residues was not consistent with phenotypically drought-tolerant genotypes in hulless barley. It was deduced that synonymous mutation sites would play important roles in holding out right configurations and functions on DHN6 protein. The sequencing analysis results indicated that each cloned HVA1 gene from four selected genotypes contained an entire open reading frame. The whole sequence of HVA1 gene from Dongqing 8, QB24, Pinbi 14 and Ximala 10 was respectively 661bp, 697bp, 694bp and 691bp. Results of DNA sequence analyses showed that the differences in nucleotides of HVA1 gene in sensitive genotypes were not consistent with that of tolerant genotypes, except for absence of 33 nucleotides from +154 to +186 (numbering from ATG) in QB24. Database searches using deduced amino acid sequences showed a high homology in LEA3 proteins in the selected genotypes. Multiple sequence alignments revealed that LEA3 protein from Dongqing 8 was composed of 8 repeats of an 11 amino acid motif, less the fourth motif than Pinbi 14, Ximala 10 and QB24. Consistent mutant amino acid residues appeared in contrasting genotypes by aligning and comparing the coding sequence region, including Gln32, Arg33 and Ala195 in tolerant genotypes as compared to Asp32, Glu33 and Thr195 (Thr184 in Dongqing 8) in sensitive lines. It was concluded that consistent appearance of Gln32, Arg33 and Ala195 would contributed to functions of LEA3 protein in crops, as well as higher proportion of 11-amino-repeating motifs and polar amino acid residues. 3. Most of the LEA genes are up-regulated by dehydration, salinity, or low temperature, are also induced by application of exogenous ABA, which increases in concentration in plants under various stress conditions and acts as a mobile stress signal. Higher levels of proteins of LEA group 3 accumulated was correlated well with high level of desiccation tolerance in severely dehydrated plant seedlings. Dehydrins (DHNs), members of LEA2 protein, are an immunologically distinct protein family, and Dhn genes expression is associated with plant response to dehydration. Dynamic water loss rate was measured between sensitive genotypes and tolerant genotypes after they were dehydrated for 2 h, 4 h, 6h and 8 h. Detailed measurements of WLR at the early stage of dehydration (2, 4, 6, and 8 h) showed that WLR was stabilizing after 8 h, and there were no significant changes between these values and WLR after 24 h. Drought stress was applied to 10-day-old seedlings by draining the solution from the container for defined dehydration periods. Leaf tissues of the selected genotypes were harvested from control plants (time 0); and after 2, 4, 8, and 12 h of dehydration. Differential expression trends of Dhn6, Dhn11, Dhn13 and HVA1 genes were detected in phenotypically diverse drought-tolerant hulless barleys, related to different time of dehydration. Results of quantitative real-time PCR indicated that relative level of HVA1 expression was always higher in tolerant genotypes, rapidly increasing at the earlier stages (after 2-4 h of dehydration). However, HVA1 expressions of sensitive genotypes had a fast increase from 8 h to 12 h of stress. Significant differences in expression trends of dehydrin genes between tolerant genotypes and sensitive lines were detected, mainly in Dhn6 and Dhn13 gene, depending on the duration of the dehydration stress. The relative expression levels of Dhn6 gene were significantly higher in tolerant genotypes after 8 h dehydration, by control with notable higher expression levels after 12 h water stress in sensitive ones. The relative expression levels of Dhn13 gene tended to ascend during exposure to dehydration in drought-sensitive genotypes. However, fluctuate trends of Dhn13 expression level were detected in drought-resistant lines, including in lower expression levels of 12 h dehydration as compared to 8 h water stress. It was conclusion that (1) diverse LEA proteins would play variable roles in resisting water stress in plants; (2) expression of Dhn11 gene was not induced by dehydrated signals because of the trends of expression descended in contrasting genotypes suffered from water deficit and (3) variable accumulations on LEA proteins would be appear in diverse drought-tolerant genotypes during dehydrations. It is deduced that higher accumulations of Dhn6 and Dhn13 expression in 8 h dehydration are related to diverse drought-tolerant lines in crops. The present results indicated that different dehydrin genes would play variable functional roles in resisting water stress when plants were suffered from water deficit. The authors suggest physiologically different reactions between resistant and sensitive genotypes may be the results of differential expression of drought-resistant genes and related signal genes in plants. In addition, contrarily induced expression of Dhn11 and Dhn12 was related to dehydration responsive element (DRE) in barleys. The present study indicated that (1) measurements of WLR and RWC could be considered as one index of drought-tolerant screenings; (2) synonymous mutation sites would play important roles in holding out right configurations and functions on DHN6 protein, (3) higher proportion of 11-amino-repeating motifs and polar amino acid residues would contribute to functions on LEA3 protein, (4) the longer drought, the more accumulation on LEA proteins, except for Dhn11 gene in crops and (5) differential responses on expression of LEA protein genes would result in physiological traits of drought tolerance in plants.
动态土壤侵蚀包括依赖于空间与时间的土壤剥离、细沟的形成、水流中过量泥沙的沉积、沉积泥沙中细沟的再生等物理过程。与泥沙从沉积区域再剥离相关联的细沟再生是细沟变窄加深过程中的一个重要的现象。该文介绍一种实验装置 ,用于测量类似于沉积土壤的疏松土壤材料细沟再生的力学参数。用一种沙壤土进行实验 ,测定了不同团聚体大小和坡度下细沟再生开始和停止所对应的临界水流量。计算出了与沟坡相关的临界剪切应力。这些结果有助于理解细沟的再生及其数量关系 ,以及临界剪切应力与坡度间的定量关系 ;对于发展由沉积土壤再生的细沟演化过程模型特别有用。
An electrochemically stable monolayer of tris(2,2'-bipyridyl)ruthenium(II) was obtained for the first time. It was based on the electrostatic attachment of Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) to the benzene sulfonic acid monolayer film, which was covalently bound onto glassy carbon electrode by the electrochemical reduction of diazobenzene sulfonic acid. The surface-confined Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) underwent reversible surface process, and reacted with the coreactant, tripropylamine, to produce electrochemiluminescence. In view of the stability of the electrode, the results strongly suggested that light was emitted from the surface-confined Ru(bpy)(3)(2+), not from the detached Ru(bpy)(3)(2+). The Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) modified electrode was used to the determination of tripropylamine. It showed good linearity in the concentration range from 5 muM to 1 muM with a detection limit of 1 muM (S/N = 4). The good stability of the Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) modified electrode also showed that the benzene sulfonic acid monolayer film prepared can be served as an excellent support to construct multilayers. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
In order to understand the role of active oxygen species in mediating plant injuries induced by far-UV radiation, seedlings of Taxus cuspidata Sieb. et Zucc. were irradiated by far-UV rays in laboratory for 4 weeks. The production of organic free-radicals in detached needles, and the production of O-2(radical anion) and O-1(2) in isolated chloroplasts were detected weekly by electron spin resonance (ESR) to evaluate their relative importance. The results show that the cumulative effect of far-UV irradiation, is best indicated by the production of organic free radicals in the needles, O-2(radical anion) production in chloroplasts is the next. The enhancement of O-1(2) production in chloroplasts by the cumulative far-UV irradiation seems to be not so important as O-2(radical anion) in mediating injuries induced by, far-UV radiation because of its high background value.
Late Mesozoic-Cenozoic volcanic rocks are well exposed in Lhasa Terrane, southern Tibet. This research attempts to apply 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, major, trace element and Sr-Nd-O isotopic geochemistry data to constrain the spatio-temporal variations, the composition of source, geodynamic setting. The results indicate that Lhasa Terrane mainly went through three tectonic-magmatic cycle: (1) Phase of Oceanic subduction (140-80Ma). Along with the subducting beneath the Eurasian Plate of Neo-Tethys slab, the oceanic sediment and/or the subducting slab released fluids/melts to metasomatize the subcontinental lithospheric mantle, and induced the mantle wedge partially melt and produced the calc-alkaline continental arc volcanic rocks; (2) Phase of continental-continental collision. Following the subducting of the Neo-Tethys slab, the Indian Plate collided with the Eurasian Plate dragged by the dense Neo-Tethys oceanic lithosphere. The oceanic lithosphere detached from continental lithosphere during roll-back and break-off and the asthenosphere upwelled. The resulting conducted thermal perturbation leads to the melting of the overriding mantle lithosphere and produced the syn-collisional magmatism: the Linzizong Formation and dykes; (3) Following by the detachment of the Tethys oceanic lithosphere, the Indian Lithosphere subducted northward by the drive from the expanding of Indian Ocean. The dense Indian continental lithospheric mantle (±the thickened lower crust) break off, disturb the asthenosphere, and lead to the melting of the overriding mantle lithosphere, which has been metasomatized by the melts/fluids from the subducting oceanic/continental lithosphere and the asthenosphere, and produced the rift-related ultrapotassic rocks.
Slide-debris flow is debris flow which is transformed from landslide consecutively in a short time, it comprises of two phases: First, Landslide starts to slide; Second, landslide changes to debris flow. Slide-debris flow which brings great property and life loss happens frequently at home and abroad. In order to forecast the happening possibility and scope of slide-debris flow, transfromation mechanism of Slide-debris flow must be studied. Research on transformation mechanism of slide-debris flow is intersectant science of landslide kinetics and debris flow starting theory, It is a fringe problem as well as front problem of geological hazard. This paper takes Qingning slide-debris flow in Da County, Sichuan Province for example and has studied the mechanism of its instability and transfromation into debris flow through indoor test (including usual soil test and ring shear test) and digital modeling method.The research gets the following conclusions. Qingning Landslide took place mainly because of confined water head arising from rainfall infiltration. Before Landslide occurring, it rained continuously for 22 days, accumulated precipitation arrived at 521.6mm.Investigation shows that strata of Qingning Landslide contains quaternary loose accumulation, slip soil and highly weathered bedrock, which is a good condition for formation of confined water in the slope. Further more, groundwater seepage in the slope body and corresponding slope safety factor before landslide occurring have been computed through finite element method. The result shows that because of infiltration of rainfall, confined water head in the slope arose sharply, accordingly, the safety factor of the slope declined quickly. The result also shows that force put on the slide body by the rock mass detached from Dazhaiyan mountain was the direct factor for landslide occurring. Qingning slide-debris transformation mode has been summarized, the process the landslide changed into debris flow is divided into three phases in the prospective of macroscopic geological condition: landslide occurring, transformation and debris flow. Landslide occurring phase is from slope’ local creeping slide to Landslide occurring; transformation phase contains slide body sliding on the slide bed after slide occurring and sliding on the slope after shearing opening; debris flow phase is that slide body breaks up completely and flows downward into the ditches. The transformation mechanism of Qingning slide-debris flow has been studied through indoor ring shear test of slip soil. The result shows that transformation mechanism contains two points: first, during slide body sliding on the slide bed and slope after shearing opening, shearing shrinkage, grain crushing and grain layering brought about declining of its volume and produced excess pore water pressure, and because producing velocity of excess pore water pressure is much greater than its dissipating velocity, shear strength of slide body decreased sharply because of accumulated pore water pressure. Second, grains crushing and grains layering during slide body sliding brought about thick liquefied layer at the bottom of the slidebody, liquefied layer contained high water content and its shear strength was very low, its thickness increased as the sliding displacement increasing. Liquefied layer makes slide body sliding fast and easily break down to debris flow. Excess pore water pressure and liquefied layer made shear strength of slidebody became very low, furthermore, water in the pit of slope joining in the slidebody was also a facter that made slidebody accelerate the transformation. Influence of slide body thickness and fine grains content to transformation of slide-debris flow has been studied through ring shear test. The result reaches two conclusions. First, thickness of slide body affects transformation of slide-debris flow by two ways, porewater pressure and effect of “soft base” increases as thickness of slide body increasing.so the thicker slide body is ,the easier transformation is. Second, actual dissipating velocity of porewater pressure should be considered when studying the influence of fine grains content to tranformation of slide-debris flow. There should be a critical content of fine grains which makes the difference of producing and dissipating velocity of water pore pressre greatest, this value is the best for slide-debris transformation. The whole process of slide-debris flow transformation is reproduced through discrete element method. Transformation mechanism of slide-debris flow is studied through monitoring various parameters including pore water pressure, grain crushing and grain layering in the slide body during the transformation. The result confirms and supplements the transformation mechanism of slide-debris flow got from ring shear test well.
Dabie shan lies between Northchina crust and Yangzi crust, which is the result of the collisional orogenen in Triassic period. The biggest area of UHP metamorphic zone have been found in Dabie Shan, which have been verified formed during the course of collision and extrusion after orogenic activity. The Dabie shan is divisioned into four parts, which are North Huaiyang metamorphic zone, North Dabie complex zone, South Dabie ultra-high pressure metamorphic zone and Susong metamorphic zone. Extension structure of late Mesozoic is the key to explain the intrusion and outcrop of UHP metamorphic rocks in Dabie Shan. During the course of structure evolution of the Dabie shan in late Mesozoic period, Luotian dome was formed with the old gneiss lifting from the core of the Dabie shan. There are four enormous ductile zone circled Luotian dorm. Xiaotian-mozitan shear zone is the limit of North Huaiyang metamorphic zone and North Dabie complex zone; Shuihou-wuhe shear zone is the limit of North Dabie complex zone and South Dabie ultra-high pressure metamorphic zone; Taihu-mamiao shears zone is the limit of South Dabie ultra-high pressure metamorphic zone and Susong metamorphic zone and Susong-Qingshuihe shear zone is the south limit of Susong metamorphic zone; the old stress at Dabie shan in late Mesozoic was about 90MPa through the experiment of transmission electricity microscope. The main four ductile shear zone of Dabie shan all have the characteristic of detachment, Xiaotian-mozitan shear zone detached to NNE, the detachment direction of Shuihou-wuhe shear zone and Taihu-mamiao shears zone is SSE, and Susong-Qingshuihe shear zone is SW. The finite strain measurement show that Xiaotian-mozitan shear zone have experienced detachment which was more than 50km, and the detachment of Susong-Qingshuihe shear zone was more than 12km in late Mesozoic; the Flin parameter of Shuihou-wuhe shear zone is much smaller than 1(0.01-0.1), which show that this shear zone was squeezed when it was formed and the initiative function of Luotian granite intrusion during the course of detachment. The Flin parameter of Taihu-mamiao shears zone is above 1(1.1) and Susong-Qingshuihe shear zone is much more than 1(7.6), which show that they are formed in the state of extension at the beginning. These all Flin parameter imply a transition from pure shear to simple shear of the south three shear zone circling Luotian dome from north to south. The rock group analysis show that the rocks inside shear zone encountered middle or high temperature metamorphic activity. The single mineral ~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar age of the main shear zone at Dabie shan show that the three shear zone north to Luotian dome were formed about 190Ma.Taihu-mamiao shear zone was the earliest, Susong shear zone was later than former, and Shuihou-wuhe sheanaone was the latest. They were all the chanel of returning of UHP metamorphic rocks, so they all representative the returning age of UHP metamorphic rocks. The final outcrop of these UHP metamorphic rocks was due to the detachment aroused by the enormous magma intrusion. The biotite age of deformed rocks in Susong-Qingshuihe shear zone is in average 126Ma, and the age of Xiaotian-mozitan is about 125Ma, which is in the same time or a little later than magma intrusion of Luotian dome, and imply that granite intrusion of late Mesozoic in Dabie orogenen is the reason of the detachment.
An Approach to the Rehabilitation of Prelingually Deaf Children After Cochlear Implantation Zheng Xiujin(Medical Psychology) Directed by Professor Yin WenGang Abstract Objective: To sum up the acquirement rule of speech and language capability which is for the prelingually deaf children after cochlear implantation by listening and language rehabilitation training and to investigate the factors that affect rehabilitation speed. Method: Sixty-four children received a cochlear implant at the age of 2 to 5 years from 2001 to 2005. They begin to be trained under group pattern after switch on 1 month. The whole training program lasted more than 7 months; after that, according to the teacher’s plan the training program was to be continued at home. Result: The period is 108±7.7 days that they can pronounce correctly 50 percent of all of simple-finals and compound-finals, the period is 115.0±7.8 days that they begin auditory repeating, the period is 135.3±10.9 days that they can speech the first specific word independently and the period is 200.3±13.9 days that they can speak 70 words and come into tri-gamut-word and two-word sentence period. The patient that is the group at the age of 2-3 years can take part in normal kindergarten after switch on about 10 months. There are no significant differences in various grades of speech-language development with different age groups and so do with different sex groups. There are significant differences in various grade of speech-language development with various IQ group (P<0.01) and so do with using and not using hearing aids before implantation. Conclusion: From the research we find that the speech and language development sequence is the same level between the prelingually deaf children of 2 to 5 years who received cochlear implant after speech training and normal children and which are stages of uncomplicated sound production, continuous syllabic (babbling), speech sprout, single-word utterances and two-word utterances in proper order. The time is short significantly and the reason is that cognition capability is enhanced along with the increase of age. The intelligence is main factor that affect rehabilitation speed and the speed in the group of high IQ is faster than common IQ. It is not because of the dominance cognition of the senior group that makes the increasing of the rehabilitation, it even makes slowly. The reason of which is that the senior group are exposed the language environment too late to achieve speech and language development. So we should perform an operation and training early. The effectiveness of rehabilitation after cochlear implantation is improved by using hearing aids before implantation. The reason is auditory stimulate can be benefit of to deaf children. The rehabilitation speeds in the children at the age of 2 to 5 years have nothing to do with sex. Key words: cochlear implant; speech therapy; paediatric rehabilitation
It is easy to find that, in each language, the terms and phrases for the representation of spatial locating and orientation, and the ways for sharing spatial knowledge are very rich. The basic way of sharing spatial information is mapping our experience and actions with the environment by using terms and utterances that represent spatial relations. How to build the mapping relation among them and what factors affect the process of mapping are the questions need to be answered in this study. The whole course of expressing projective spatial relation includes the verbal expression and perception to the projective spatial relation. In experiment 1, the perceptual characteristics of perceiving the projective spatial relation was studied by analyzing the production latencies from the presentation of the stimulators in different directions (at 5 levels: 00, 22.50, 450, 67.50, and 900) to the onset of the corresponding buttons triggering on the keyboard, the study verifies the results of prior researches and revealed the foundation of expressing the projective spatial relation. In the experiment 2, and 3, the way and the role of the verbal expression were investigated. Subjects were asked to speak out the spatial relation between intended object and reference object by using verbal locative expressions. In experiment 2, Chinese was used as the verbal expression way, and in Experiment 3, English instead. Experiment 4 was similar as experiment 3, but time of voice key triggering was controlled and balanced among trials to verify the results of Experiment 3 further. Experiment 5 investigated the effect of pre-cue on the courses of expressing projective spatial relation. There were two kinds of clues, one was the spatial locative utterances, and the other was the perceptual coordinates framework, such as drawing a cross ”+” in a circle to imply four quadrants. The main conclusions of this research were as follows: 1. When speaking out a spatial relation, different sets of spatial terms, such as “left and right”, or “north and south”, affected the speed of verbal expression. Verbal coding process was affected by how well the perceptual salient direction matched with spatial terms, which made the speed of verbal expression different. 2. When using composite spatial terms to express diagonal directions, people tend to use direct mapping from spatial conceptual representation to composite spatial terms, rather than combining the two axes, which implied there existed direct one-on-one mapping between spatial conceptual representation and spatial terms. But during specific developing period, the way of combining two axes was employed as well for spatial expression, which meant perceptual salient directions played critical role in the process of perceiving and expressing projective spatial relations. 3. The process of verbal expression of the projective spatial relation was improved by the familiarity of spatial utterances, but this improvement was not the results of enhancement of the effect of prototypical diagonal direction.
As Levelt and Meyer (2000) noted, because studies of lexical access during multiword utterances production such as phrases and sentences, they raise two novel questions which studies of single word production do not. Firstly, does the access of different words in a sentence occur in a parallel or a serial fashion? Secondly, does the access of the different words in a sentence occur in an interactive or a discrete fashion? The latter question concerns the horizontal information flow (Smith & Wheeldon, 2004), which is a very important aspect of continuous speech production. A variant of the picture–word interference paradigm combining with eye-tracking technique and a dual task paradigm was used in 7 experiments to investigate the horizontal information flow of semantic and phonological information between nouns in spoken Mandarin Chinese sentences. The results suggested that: 1. Before speech onset, semantic information of different words accross the whole sentence has been activated, while phonological activation has been limited within the first phrase of the sentence. 2. Before speech onset, speaker will look ahead and check the semantic information of latter words as the first noun is beening processed, such looking ahead for phonological information can just occur within the first phrase of the sentence. 3. After speech onset, speaker will concentrate on the content words beyond the first one and will check the semantic information of other words with the same sentence. 4. The result suggested that the lexical accesses of multiple words during spoken sentence production are processed in a partly serial and partly parallel manner and stands for the Unit-by-Unit and Incremental view proposed by Levelt (2000). 5. The horizontal information flow during spoken sentence production is not an automatic process and is constrained by cognitive resource.
Whether Mandarin is a verb-friendly language for young word learners or not is a hotly debated issue. Researches on children's word learning were either naturalistic study or experimental study, and they were from cross-cultural perspective. This study tries to examine the noun/verb proportion in Mandarin infants, from a longitudinal perspective; it also examines how Mandarin infants understand their first nouns and verbs using both naturalistic study and experimental study. The results of this research are: 1) According to the results of CDI test, Mandarin infants of 18 month old could say more verbs than nouns significantly; while 24 month-olds could say more nouns than verbs significantly. 2) According to the results of CDI test, Mandarin infants’ verb/noun proportion was higher in 18 month old than in 24 month old. This means that the relative advantage of verb learning may be easier to show up in infants younger than 2 years old. 3) The total vocabulary of 18 month-olds was positively correlated with the Mean Length of Utterances(MLU) of 24 month-olds. The MLU of 24 month olds was positively correlated with the verbs of 18 month-olds. 4) Only 24 month-old could succeed in our IPLP study and showed “true” understanding to their familiar words. 14- and 18- month-olds watch the target side and non-target side randomly. 5) According to the results of IPLP study, the infants could understand nouns better than verbs. Both female and male infants understood nouns better than verbs, but females seemed to have stronger tendency to watch the object-same side in both noun and verb condition. 6) According to the results of parents’ reports, all the infants in 3 age groups could understand verbs as well as nouns, and they are quite familiar with those words. However, IPLP study results showed that these infants understood nouns better than verbs. 7) In IPLP study, less than 50% of the Mandarin infants watch the target side of verbs longer than the non-target side (action-same response). However, the AS responses appear more frequently in verb condition than in noun condition among 24-month-olds.